THE U. OF M. DAILY M f& +A t* is workling oevere injury to the sclloi4. Obey Caspar Whitney. CALENDAR. -1''cnehee( M liii' (0ev~e11 on., Jan. 13, at 4:30, Room ~f'~t+ ~ (iiJ.. of(sotudrient ame herelwo1fr1aw h-ed s01110anxiety oil tile Pacitic Coast. 24-Meeting of Freshman Banjo Club. Pubhshe Dal Sna rcpe)doig(g bneptiicecolleges idarinig the if the tollow in ig holalch frmoSail Fri., tan. 17, S p. in., Unhversily 0'acltioll with a viewv to etrigtlisIac Hall.-Choral Union in oratorio of the ollee yer, a ellerin Fralcico-, 0(111to vcsterihiy'o patiers, THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. s ,ia. 'tn iciiglo, " e. an 2-eensiet OFFICE: Times buildiing N. Bale at., opposite lelirill lthat ililitels -werestil un l- Wieecdi mturAhei As. To., lan. 22-96 nscialet.Ca past office.ThPaicAmtu tllteAs-Tu.'a.3-9SoiltGrn ____________________________________setthliiiiididecllditto remalinin ll('li- cia loll has sulspenlded SlailfordIni- grsAaey u~geluroiAcadegy. C. 1. Ror, C. L. 3. F loos, ersiliy Athletic Assaciaitliil and thie Iri., J1a11. 24-tRea'. T. DeWitt Tab- S. E. KcAnsi'r, '9. G. tR. Si1i,. 'the attention of theisup~erinten'ldent Acme Atletic club of tOaklanid for (r- We. . . FAciozs, '55 51. Weid., Jan. 2l), Cranger's Acadeimy, - lf it riiiiiiIis callilt to the tact tht lillilli 1(0111iiies. It has alisii 551- -97 social. 14, WAGINGSIOR th111'sma(11 toy iseiel'iy too 1muclhirpnildeicvery auileur at(lecee who Fri.. Feti. 14--le'st Seimeater closes,. C. B.IIlAiiiIsai1v, X93 L. eihnc iitieci1iil 11ca is takin lpiit in lly1(a(thlicc -cte, t Oton., Feb. if-Secinnt Semester tie. e1111 1,11 1ioililthhercorimioisdoni'days~ BUSINES S 3ANAGEII -whicll affordi iopportuitiy for snlowbal-sneJ,1utl h4rcodcne egi'i' F L.C9w 1i,'t..tiioioi h i 110es iiniti'd (an111 hliii' ., Fb. 14, S p. in., IUiversity L.111rl~x 'f. ig. Knoclkin~giioff'lie hats of tlaI Hatltl.-Hton. Henry Watterson in S. L. ASSOCIATE EDITORIS and inarilcal stuidenits is perhaips li-eso rfosoeas uieb A. course. L. A. Pratt, '06. C. 0. Beath, 'I6IP. laudabl'e enterprie for 1111111boys, bt Caspar.1Winey dispirov(ed. 'fhe tPa- Fri., Feb. 14, Wateriman Cymnas- C. A. iloutghton, '51 D. Susan nah tll(11d501,9 c1111Aiiiteiurl Athletic Associathioin- um-Twsentieth Animal Ball of th' W. WI. (Inches, 'li. E. L. Gtisre,'9A L. tin 'psort is carrieil rather lois farcduide ~ 1( ii lli l vrliPallaiumiifrateritiies. R. C. Bnod, '57ii. II. It. Camnon, '5001. whun it is directedl aa,dst the womenI sSot Feb. 2(1-Icosion Templee(hear F. A. Minere 'i6H. R. B. tReily, '99. P1ciic C' 1s151and1i(, ltself