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July 08, 1949 • Page Image 1

…President Truman, State Department and Israel Read Commentator's Column on Page 2 VOLUME 15—No. 17 CIE SW ISH NE S A Weekly Review ~~~ of Jewish Events 2114 Penobscot Bldg.—Phone WO. 5-1155 Detroit 26, Michigan, July 8, 1949 Nomenclature: Study in Names and Other Reviews .Page 4 -<1777 $3.00 Per Year; Single Copy, 10c Israel Gets Jordan Range; British -Asked to Pay Reparations to Jews Direct JTA Teletype Wires to the Jewish Ne...…

July 08, 1949 • Page Image 2

…30,000 Pledges to e. AK Total $5,23 , 664 Solicitation Continues; Berry Urges Further Contributions 2—THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, July 8, 1949 Two Canadian Jews Remain in Parliament With the total number of pledges to date at the 30,000 mark, the number of individuals who have made contributions to the 1949 Allied Jewish Campaign are just a few hundred short of last year's record total of 30,734. The Trade and Professional group is leading in...…

July 08, 1949 • Page Image 3

…Defense Settlements Urged Continued From Page 1 may learn socialism from Mapai rather than the reverse. He urged Mapai youth on to great pioneering effort, to renew the barren areas and to scientific achievements "since the future of Israel must be based on the development of industry." Mr. Sharett urged Map a i youth delegates to build an ex- tensive network of agricultural settlements to "fructify the bar- ren areas and especially to es- t...…

July 08, 1949 • Page Image 4

…THE JEWISH NEWS These Are the Names Member: American Association of English-Jewish News- papers. Michigan Press Association. Services: Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Seven Arts Feature Syndicate, King Features, Central Press Association, Paicor News Agency. - Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co.. 2114 Penobscot Bldg., Detroit 2.6, Mich., WO. 5-1155. Subscription 53 a year; foreign $4. Entered as second class matter Aug. 6, 19...…

July 08, 1949 • Page Image 5

…Speakers at National Assembly THE JEWISH NEWS-5 Friday, July 8, 1949 Radom Gestapo Chief Gets Death Sentence —Direct JTA. Teletype Wire to The Jewish News. IA Principal speakers at the National Assembly for Labor •Jsrael, held in cooperation with the Labor Zionist Organization of America, in New York, were, left to right: BARUCH ZUCK- ERMAN, president of LZOA; ROBERT NATHAN, director of the Jewish Agency's Economic Department, and HAYIM GR...…

July 08, 1949 • Page Image 6

…Mentioned as Senate Candidate Former GOV. and MRS. HERBERT LEHMAN a r e shown upon their return from Israel and Europe. L e h- man, who is being men- tioned as a pos- sible Democra- tic candidate for U. S. Sen- ate, to succed Robert F. Wag- ner, addressed a UJA dinner in New York, upon hi s re- turn, in mem- —International Photo ory of the late Dr. Stephen S. Wise. People Make News PANAMA CANAL ZONE:—The U. S. Army Air Transport Com- m...…

July 08, 1949 • Page Image 7

…Congre ational Activities Rabbi Adler Heads Committee Reviewing Conservative Laws England's Chief Cantor To Lead NW Services Synagogue Services THE JEWISH NEWS-7 NETS 5710 Calendar . Friday, July 8, 1949 World JeN8ry to Fight UN Calendar Reform LONDON, (JTA)—An argani- - zation known as the Central Committee to Defend Jewish Re- ligious Interests Against the Danger of Calendar Reform was established at a joint meeting of the Board of...…

July 08, 1949 • Page Image 8

…8 Activiiico in Society Rona Lee Teicher, daughter of Mrs. A. Teicher of Prairie Ave., will leave July 5 by plane from New York for an extended stay in Israel. She will be accompQmied to New York on July 1 by her mother. Mrs. Julius Ring and daughter, Estelle, of 3303 Clements, are leaving July 11 for a weeks' stay in Los Angeles. Rabbi and Mrs. Albert A. Gordon and small daughter, Judith Michele, of Sioux City, Ia., spent several days with ...…

July 08, 1949 • Page Image 9

…THE JEWISH NEWS ActivitieJ in Society . Richard Saffir left last week for Silverspur Dude Ranch in Woodland Pk., Colorado, where he will spend the next six weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Blumenthal and their daughters, Janet and Carol, of Glastonbury Ave., are spending the week in the east. Mrs. Leonard Oppenheim and her daughter, Jane, of Whit- more Rd., left on Sunday for Magnolia, Mass., where they will spend the next three weeks as the gues...…

July 08, 1949 • Page Image 10

…10—THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, July 8, 1949 Williams Gets Moonlight Ticket . Rabbis Ttevive Rertglous Pilgrimages to Jerusalem Directs JWV Drive JWV Reports: On July 15, a delegation of ten rabbis, members of the Rabbini- cal Council of America, together with a group of 25 laymen left by plane for Israel. Sponsored jointly by the Rabbinical Coun- cil of America and Hapoel Ham- izrachi - of America, the religious labor group of Zionism ; this...…

July 08, 1949 • Page Image 11

…lbert Colman Chairs Young Adults' ommunity Service Committee Albert M. Colman was elected hairman of the Community ervice Committee of the Jewish oung Adult Council at a board f directors meeting June 30. • obert M. Feinberg was elected ice chairman and Ruth Magid, ecretary. Colman served as a division hairman in the 1949 Allied ewish Campaign. Last January e was chairman of the Junior ivision's Collection Day drive hapter I Inaugurates oc...…

July 08, 1949 • Page Image 12

…Berger Sees Prospect of Ideal 12—THE JEWISH NEWS Life in Israel Cooperatives Rear Admiral Asquith Heads U.S. Group to Aid Israel's Sea Industry —Photo by Isadore Arnold Berger Children at a cooperative Kibbutz in Israel enjoy their lunch, served by a smiling nurse, a member of the colony. Later, they will spend time with their parents. * * * Bearing a stack of several hundred beautifully descrip- tive photographs of life in Israel, De...…

July 08, 1949 • Page Image 13

…Danny Raskin's P 0 111 111 1111111 11 11 111 111 4.11111111111111 11 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 11 111111111111111111111111111111111111 11 111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II IIIIIIIIII S LISTENING T III JACK MANN, of the comedy team Benson & Mann that closed, last week, • at the Fox heater, resembles movie star Van Johnson ... He was stand- - ng in front of Hotel Detroiter hen a young girl rushed out of he drug store a...…

July 08, 1949 • Page Image 14

…ale 14 — THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, July 8, 1949 Obituaries Reform Rabbis' Dean,' Rabbi David Philipson, Dies in Boston at 87 . IDA GERSTEIN, 80, of 1608 Gladstone, died June 27. Fu- neral services were held at Lewis Bros. Burial, Workmen's Circle Cemetery. She is survived by her children, Rose, Samuel, Mrs. Minnie Siporin and Michael. * * * IDA ENDICTOR FREEDMAN, 74, of 13945 Montrose, died June -30. Burial was in Albany, N.Y. She is sur...…

July 08, 1949 • Page Image 15

…THE JEWISH NEWS-15 Friday, July 8, 1949 American-Israeli Line Acquires Two Ships TEL AVIV-(JTA)--The Zim shipping company will soon add two ships to the American Is- raeli line, with a tonnage of 10,500 each. By agreement with the United States Maritime Commission, through which the ships are be- ing acquired, the new vessels will carry 50 percent United States loan gciods for the next two or three years. The price for carrying loan goods w...…

July 08, 1949 • Page Image 16

…• 16—THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, July 8, 1949 (11) 4 c• ...: z 3 6 %if ,t ..= i = . 4 •I- " •1.1. > 2 LA 5 i Lu 1:0 0 4. _. my, 0! 0 •_ • ...1 • • - 40 x 4 . • • >"' 0 . •SI VI 12) C 1114* ra .... to .- 0 O ' ' 64 a) 0 c• 4, UV a Z C 0 0 C CI a I- ca Tu 44 4* c 4" c 0 :••• _, tu c balaU ao 00 • x c 0 4-, as cs 0 re 41) 41) QC - t ..c 0 .- ..... ..0 0 row 0 bb = M c e. S. 2 - . c ..0 ..t 2 t.7I ...... 4.• to t ...…

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