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December 05, 1941 • Page Image 1

…A merica Awisk Peru{iailCotte 9 41 CLIFTON AMUR - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Detroit Jewish Chronicle a tment tal di- )Y Dr. Univer. School, Wil- Oscar y Slate Science and The Legal Chronicle SECTION ONE DETROIT, MICHIGAN FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1941 VOL. 43, NO. 46 THIS PAPER PRINTED IN TWO SECTIONS • 10c Single Copy; $3.00 Per Year Out of Besieged Roosevelt Is Troops Led Tobruk by y Jewish Soldiers D stance Program Announced by Mich. Jr. Ch...…

December 05, 1941 • Page Image 2

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle 2 Bnai David Auxiliary Donor Event Dec. 17 3% °etreit Milk 6a1` Cal. 17 c standard Jersey Milk Qt. 13c 20% Cream PL 17c On Dec. 17, at 1 p. m., the an- nual donor event of the Ladies Auxiliary of Congregation Bnai Dr. Henry Hitt Crane of Cen- David will take place at the Syna- tral Methodist Church and one gogue Social Hall, Elmhurst and of Detroit's outstanding clergy- men, will be guest sp...…

December 05, 1941 • Page Image 3

…America ffewfrk Periodical eater December 5, 1941 for Sale—Apartment Property Don't Sleep On This CLIFTON Annul - 3 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle Young Israel Spurs Its Activities at Detroit Conclave The 11th mid-western confer- ence of Young Israel closed with an impressive banquet at the De- troit Leland Hotel on 'Nov. 23. Delegates from Detroit, Cleveland, Chicago,fi St. Louis and Kansas Get the jump on prosperi...…

December 05, 1941 • Page Image 4

…December 5, 1 0 4 I DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle 4 Detroit Jewish Chronicle and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Published Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc. JACOB H. SCHAKNE • President Entered as Second-class matter March 3, 1916, at the Post- office et Detroit, Mich., under the Act of March 3, 1879 General Offices and Publication Bldg., 525 Woodward Ave. Telephone: CAdillac 1040 Subscription in Advance Ca...…

December 05, 1941 • Page Image 5

…A merica 9a6sk December 5, 1941 eeNter CLIFTON ATINU1 - CINCINNATI 10, OHIO 5 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle Rebecca Katzman Frohman, a member of the faculty of the Netzorg School and former regu- lar accompanist of the Halevy. The musicale will begin prompt- The Halevy Chanukah musicale ly at 8:45 p. m. Admission is next Sunday evening, Dec. 7, in free; the public is invited. What . Did Balfour Mean? The Art of Knowing...…

December 05, 1941 • Page Image 6

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle 6 Pre-Holiday Dance of Shaarey Zedek Y. P. S. Sunday Night Annual Chanukah Ball of Bnai Moshe on Sunday Beth El High School Student Council Dance Dec. 20 U. H. S. Auxiliary 10th Annual Donor Luncheon Jan. 28 December 5, Collect $965.36 for Yeshi- voth in Palestine and Shanghai Appeal Three women who made eel. lections with boxes over the High Marvin Frederic and his or- chestra, who have...…

December 05, 1941 • Page Image 7

…A xed= ,9eivisk Periodiad Cotter T CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 7 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle December 5, 1941 FLORIDA HOTELS Mrs. Bezalel Cohen In the Realm of 30th Anniversary To Address Young Local Society Mizrachi Banquet Mizrachi Dec. 9 On Sunday Evening Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bauman LONDON. (JPS) — Calling upon the people of Nazi-occupied Holland to give "passive resist- ance" to the invaders, Queen Wilhe...…

December 05, 1941 • Page Image 8

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle 8 Habonim to Have Dance on Dec. 20 On Saturday evening,• Dec. 20, Habonim, labor Zionist youth group, will have a dance and Monte Carlo party at the Far- band Folk Shule, Taylor and 12th. Aleema, the oldest group in the Habonim, is undertaking the For Economy Comfort Convenience THE WILSHIRE Apartment Hotel Collingwood at Third I to 4 room suittia, furnished or unfurnished, Hotel service...…

December 05, 1941 • Page Image 9

…- It lavish Periodical Carter A mmo CLIFTON AVENUI - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle December 5, 1941 .41.•=1.■ CONGRESS (Continued from Page 1) HEBREW SCHOOLS' PTA Drive for Funds OPENS ACTIVE SEASON Is Planned by The first general PTA meeting Mt. Sinai Ass'n of of the United Hebrew Schools, Music Study Club To Have 2 Artists At Annual Concert Chajes, David Cooper, Harry Kopel, E. Lastar, Evry Low...…

December 05, 1941 • Page Image 10

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle 10 !hi THE REALM OF LOCAL SOCIETY De 1 5 I 4. cember 0 • The Detroit Round Table of Mrs. Hoke Levin and daugh- ter, Frances, returned from a Catholics, Jews and Protestants sojourn in Hollywood, Fla., to has been-invited to send a good- will team to Albion College on their home on Parkside Ave. Wednesday, Dec. 10, for the col- Miss Lorraine Joan Denenberg lege assembly at 10 a. m. Those ent...…

December 05, 1941 • Page Image 11

…A ltai= ffewisk Nriodical Carter December 5, 1941 II DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle arships given by the members of the board of directors of the Woman's Auxiliary of the United Hebrew Schools in memory of Ralph Davidson and Morse R. The United Hebrew Schools the engagement of their daughter, Rosalind, to Albert Kahn, son acknowledge receipt of two schol- Saulson. of Mrs. Freida Kahn of Wyandotte. Announcement is made of ...…

December 05, 1941 • Page Image 12

…11 December 5, 1911 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle st Warfield Is 75 NEW YORK. (JPS) — David Warfield, one of the most be- loved figures in the American theater, whose performance in "The Music Master" is still re- garded as one of the highlights of American staging, celebrated his 75th birthday on Nov. 28. Having retired in 1924 after a tour in "The Merchant of Ven- ice," in which he endeavored to portray Shylock in a s...…

December 05, 1941 • Page Image 13

…A mami 'apish Periodical Cotter December 5, 1941 Altman Completes 12 Years of Radio Broadcasting Here CLIFTON AVZNUL - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle Horvitz, Steelman Jewish Tenor's Avert Strike of Successful Debut Distance Phones NEW YORK (JPS) — The Attractive Bride Metropolitan Opera now has a new great tenor in Kurt Baum, a Jew from Czechoslovakia and the second Jewish tenor to make his debut i...…

December 05, 1941 • Page Image 14

…December DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle 14 A Group at U. of M. Hillel Jamboree Supper of Beth El Sister- PRIMROSE BENEVOLENT hood Attended by 500 The Pr imrose Benevolent Club's annual donor luncheon will be held on Jan. 20, at Web- ster Hall. The affair is planned by a committee under the lead- ership of Mrs. G. Pearl. Out- siders will be aided in every way to raise their money. All, inter- ested, please contact Mrs. Pe...…

December 05, 1941 • Page Image 15

…A xerbut fewisk PaWax! eater December 5, 1941 mirrors C. HADLEY, INC. 2229 Clalrmount 1'1111, ALBERT, "AGENT" TYler 6-8652 5-5 RM. BRICK 2 FLAT I'HICE $7250.00 Good location. Close to Jewish shop- ping center. Near Lawton. Reason- able. Terms. 6-6 RM. 2 FLAT BRICE'. $950.00 Dexter - Linwood Section; Down, 16% year financing; short distance to NItteCulloch School; Tile baths. INCOME 6-4-3 well $1000 DOWN built 3-Flat brick-Lower...…

December 05, 1941 • Page Image 16

…16 December 5, 194 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Clatoakta tion of Jews in pre-war France. supply this Jewish army con! I in baseball history, together with The Evening 'Standard con- be obtained easily." VJimmy Foxx and Rogers Horns- demned the Vichy government by. The immortal Babe Ruth (Continued from Page 1) measures (Continued from Fag. Ono) its restrictive for won undying fame because he nment Backs Ind,. U. S. Government thi...…

September 05, 1941 • Page Image 1

…Detioit Jewish chroticle SECTION ONE VOL. 43, NO. 35 and The Legal Chronicle DETROIT, MICHIGAN. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1941 Presentation Executions of Plane In Detroit Sunday Jews in Paris Is Called Off A distinct honor will be ac- corded Harry Schumer, honor- ary president of the Michigan Linen Supply Board of Trade, when a plane is presented this Sunday noon, at Hartung. Field, Gratiot and Reveal Nazis Were to Aviation 10% -Mile Road, in...…

September 05, 1941 • Page Image 2

…4 16 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle Committee represents all four major Zionist organizations in America and deals with emer- (Continued from Page 1) gency problems that have arisen be impugned and Mr. Kaufmann's in the last two years. But the personal efforts would be under- Zionist Organization has demanded appreciated unless he were of- the dissolution of the Emergency fered a second year as President. Committee, to be ...…

September 05, 1941 • Page Image 3

…America lavish Periodical &ter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 1941 of tines Detroit Jewish Chronicle f J. met ' the . heon 1 , at Law. Inge. 'men, °" ',°' "< " VOL. 43, NO. 35 Executions of Jews in Paris Is Called Off 'loss. Mrs. Mrs. Reveal Nazis Were to Have Wholesale Massacre and The Legal Chronicle DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1941 Plane Presentation In Detroit Sunday A distinct honor will be ac- corded Harr...…

September 05, 1941 • Page Image 4

…2 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle Information Bureau to Issue Directory of Eminent Emigres sought by societies and individ- uals who would like to establish contact with them, but there is not anywhere a centralized di- rectory of all such persons. The Jewish Information Bu- reau, which has already assem- bled a considerable number of such names and addresses, has therefore undertaken to build up a complete list in the shap...…

September 05, 1941 • Page Image 5

…September 5, 1941 Jews Must Choose a y n 1 is 1 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle large numbers since 1907, feels that after the war immigration into France will probably be By HENRY MONTOR rigorously forbidden for decades There are Jews who still think "and we may even see the mass theirs is a choice between parti- expulsion of several national cipation in and observation of groups which, so the French be- On Wednesday ...…

September 05, 1941 • Page Image 6

…4 September 5, f ,41 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle Detroit Jewish Chronicle and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE iblished Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc. JACOB H. SC.! :Ai:NZ President ;ntered as Second-class matter March 3, 1916, at the Post- Rce at Detroit, Mich.. under the Act of March 3, 1879 general Offices and Publication Bldg., 525 Woodward Ave. Telephone: Cadillac 1040 Cable Address: Chronicle subscri...…

September 05, 1941 • Page Image 7

…September 5, 1941 • P urely C ommentary • Stock-Taking Communities Jr it 1 1 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle Communities are taking stock. They are mak- ing studies of their populations, are comparing the native with the foreign-born groups, are evaluating their social and economic standards. Compare their studies and you will find that they do not vary or differ greatly. Detroit and Chicago are not much different from...…

September 05, 1941 • Page Image 8

…6 Washington Letter September 5, I 94 I DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle MARRIAGES Notable Days Jewish Calendar The latter procedure has been on used so often as to set a prece- dent. But it is not likely that By MILTON PERSITZ STELMAN - BANK 5702 - 1941 Hollywood will stand still and Miss Miriam Bank, Sara take all this pasting in the spirit A NEW LINE FOR Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 22 and _3 of good clean national defen...…

September 05, 1941 • Page Image 9

…September 5, 1941 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal 0...anicle 7 :.HOLY DAY SERVICES IN DETROIT SYNAGOGUES .*. To Conduct Holy Day Services Frohman to Direct In Three Branches of Hebrew Schools Holy Days Choir high Holy Day services will Iligb Holy Days. The folowing At the Bnai David be held in three of the syna- cantors have been engaged: gogues connected with the Unit- Congregation Bnai David, Elm- I. H. Pekarsky for the Phil- e...…

September 05, 1941 • Page Image 10

…a DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle CONCERT BY MOISHE OISHER AT WILSON THEATER SUNDAY Recognized as the foremost cantor of our time, and known for his successes on the Yiddish talking screen, Moishe Oisher has won a large following during the past few years. This Sunday evening, Sept. 7, Moishe Oisher will make his only appearance in Detroit, in person. He will sing a group of classical, Yiddish and synagogue songs, at the re...…

September 05, 1941 • Page Image 11

…September 5, 1941 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle LIPSKY (Continued from Page 1) r Rabbi Rosenthal Honor Jewish Youth Mrs. S. Kleinman To Address Local After 11 Operations To Address N. W. Congress Women J.W.E.W.O. Tuesday Receives the Cornwall Badge 9 formation as to ways and means in earning pledges, call Mrs. Anna Goldberg, To. 8-9032. Mrs. Gold- berg will make dates for rum- mage, as a store is available. Old clothi...…

September 05, 1941 • Page Image 12

…September 5, DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle 10 tl IN THE REALM OF LOCAL SOCIETY . Dr. and Mrs. Emil Amberg Mrs. Frank Wetsman and son, will be at home on Sunday, Sept. Billy, are returning this week 7, in honor of their son, Robert, from Los Angeles, where they and his fiance, Miss Marjorie spent the summer months. Dewey, who will be married Oct. 25. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lapides and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Lapides Mrs. Melvi...…

September 05, 1941 • Page Image 13

…1 September 5, 1941 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle • ENGAGEMENTS __It's a Pleasure to Shop at Siegel's ... Completely Air-Conditioned Mrs. Fanny I. Newblatt of Flint, Mich., announces the engage- ment of her daughter, Anita Anne, to Benjamin H. Weinstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Weinstein of South Bend, Ind. The wedding has been scheduled for the latter part of November. Miss Newblatt is a graduate of the University of Mi...…

September 05, 1941 • Page Image 14

…12 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle September 5, I 41 Flag-Pole Given Rabbi M. E. Wintner Community Center Visiting in Detroit By A.Z.A. Chapter Represents Yeshivah and Mesifta Purely Commentary A formal dedication ceremony was conducted last Sunday by Detroit Chapter No. 63 of Aleph Zadik Aleph, junior Bnai Brith, before the flag pole which that organization recently donated to the Jewish Community Center. "This A.Z.A. ch...…

September 05, 1941 • Page Image 15

…A merica's ffewish Periodical Cotter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO September 5, 1941 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chror,;c1, 13 NEWS AT A GLANCE FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD AMERICA: The nation hailed the streamlining of America's defense effort, as President Roosevelt, acting on a survey and plan submitted by Judge Samuel I. Rosenman, announced the crea- tion of a seven-man supreme priorities board . . . Because he expre...…

September 05, 1941 • Page Image 16

…September 5, I y I I DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle 14 Jewish Agency for Palestine Thanks J. D. C. Convention Honors J. W. V. Auxiliary for Aiding Emigration of Many to Holy Land Dr. Jeremiah J. Berman's Interesting Evaluation Is a Sociological Study of Shehitah Splendid Collection of Data on Cultural and Social Life of Jews; Tells of Detroit's First Shohet Detroit Ladies Auxiliary No. 135 of Jewish War Veterans of the ...…

September 05, 1941 • Page Image 17

…I September 5, 1941 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle CLASSIFIED- YOUNG CANTOR with beauti- FOR RENT—Beautiful room for ful rich singing voice would a gentleman in modern home like to chant and conduct High of small, adult family. Good Holy Day services in small transportation. 2751 Webb Jewish community anywhere in Ave. Michigan. Sermons delivered in Yiddish or English. Free demonstration. Write Box 100, WANTED—Experienced ...…

September 05, 1941 • Page Image 18

…16 GOTTLIEB (Continued from Page 1) DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle September 5. 1941 Federation for Polish Jews Will Help Kin Rabbi Blumenfield Halevy Will Start in Russia; Authorized to Begin Resumes Post at 17th Year Tuesday Mass Registration Chicago College The Detroit Halevy Singing ant institutions that will lead towards the creation of a healthy For the first time since the all those Polish Jews who are Jewish peo...…

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