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September 05, 1941 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle, 1941-09-05

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DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle


Recognized as the foremost
cantor of our time, and known
for his successes on the Yiddish
talking screen, Moishe Oisher
has won a large following during
the past few years.
This Sunday evening, Sept. 7,
Moishe Oisher will make his only
appearance in Detroit, in person.
He will sing a group of classical,
Yiddish and synagogue songs, at
the recital at which he is to be
presented at the Wilson Theater,
Madison and Brush.
Tickets for this concert may
now be purchased at the Wilson
Theater, and reservations may
be made by calling CHerry 2110.
The three films in which Moi-
she Oisher gained fame are "The
Cantor's Son," "The Singing
Blacksmith" and "Overture to
Abraham Littman, manager of
Littman's Yiddish People's Thea- MOISHE OISHER AS "YANKEL
ter, is managing Moishe Oisheez

Statue Honors Gompers

Zedakah to Meet
Monday, Sept. 8

The contribution of Samuel Com-
pers, English-born Jew who built
the American Federation of La-
bor, to the development of the
labor movement in the United
States was hailed here at the
unveiling of a statue to the late
labor leader. The speeches were
broadcast nationally by the Co-
lumbia Broadcasting System.

The opening meeting of the
season of Zedakah Club will take
place on Monday, Sept. 8, at
the home of Mrs. .George Robin-
owitz, 18651 Warrington Drive,
at 1:30 p. m. Members and
friends are urged to attend this
meeting. After the summer va-
cation this meeting will serve as
a reunion.
Reports of activities of various
committees during the summer
will be given. Important plans
have been outlined for Zedakah'
10th annual donor luncheon to
be held Dec. 10 at the Masonic
Mrs. Morris Davis, chairman
of this money-raising project, in-
vites suggestions and co-opera-
Zedakah Club thanks its many
members and friends who at-
tended the spring garden party
for the tremendous success of
this affair. It thanks Mrs. Litt-
man Gould and Mrs. Irving Gould
and their committees for making
the party a success.





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Dance Arrangements to Be
Made by J.W.E.W.O.
on Sept. 8

A special meeting of the Jew-
ish Women's European Welfare
Otganization will be held Mon-
day, Sept. 8, at Congregation
Bnai Moshe, Dexter and Law-
rence, at 12 noon. Reports will
be heard in behalf of a few ap-
plications of refugee orphans
asking for help to come to the
United States. There will be
reports on the success of the
picnic held last month.
Arrangements will be made
for a dance to be given in No-
A luncheon will be served be-
fore the meeting.

Beth El Young People's
Society to Meet Sept. 16

The Young Peoples' Club of
Temple Beth El will hold its first
meeting of the year Tuesday,
Sept. 16, at 8 p. m., in the social
hall of the Temple.
In addition to important busi-
ness, there will be entertainment
and refreshments.
All young people connected
with the Temple and others who
are interested are invited to



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'Continued from Page 1)

beyond any other country the
great sanctuary within which
race hatred has been unable to
Other speakers at the conclud-
ing sessions also began to touch
on the theMe which might have
seemed the essence of the Insti-
tute: the existence of inter-re-
ligious friction and th methods
for dealing with it.
Sister Mary de Lourdes of St.
Joseph's College at West Hart-
ford, Conn. described intolerance
as a health and medical problem,
saying that combating of preju-
dice is a task for the home and
if the parents fail there, it is
difficult for the community to do
better. The same attitude was
taken by Dr. David M. Levy, New
York phychiatrist, who viewed
intolerance from the psychiatric
point of view, saying that those
who harbor prejudice have their
personalities "wrecked".

Tolerance in Schools

At a previous session, the
part that schools play in develop-
ing an understanding of Ameri-
can principles was touched upon
by Robert F. Gordon of the Na-
tional Urban League, Helen Kelly
of the Newman Federation and
Henry Rabin of the Hillel Found-
ation. Mr. Gordon deplored dis-
crimination against the Negro in
education and employment. Miss
Kelly, asking for more religious
content in the schools, was sec-
onded by Mr. Rabin, who said:
"We should be taught in the
schools of the contributions of
each racial and religious group
to the upbuilding of America."
That particular session was
presided over by Nelson Rocke-
feller, co-ordinator of inter-
American relations, who led in
a symposium on economic and
cultural relations between North
and South America. He led off
by saying that if America is to
give the world leadership, "first
we must overcome those misun-
derstandings among ourselves
due to our mutual ignorance."
Other notable participants in
the Institute who dealt more or
less with issues directly related
to the purpose of the National
Conference included Catholic Co-
Chairman Carlton J. H. Hayes,
Columbia University history pro-
fessor, who indicated that Amer-
ica might have to go to war to
protect the values of American
life as they are threatened by
the forces abroad ; Dr. Paul Klap-
pit., president of Queens College,
New York, who admitted that
there is a "discouraging gap"
between the ultimate aim of
democracy to refine human rela-
tions and the actual achievement
in that direction.

A League with "Teeth"

September 5,

Sholem Aleichem
Schools Re-Open -
The Sholem Aleichen Schools


(Continued from Pale One)

in the newly-established avia•
opened this week and classroom tion projects in the Jewi s h
National Home.
work is already in full swing.
The Michigan Linen Supply
In addition to being taught to
speak, read and write Yiddish, Board of Trade is honorina.
the pupils of the Sholem Alei- Mr. Schumer, who is a leader
chem Schools learn Jewish litera- in Labor Zionist circles in DC-
ture, the Bible, Jewish folklore, troit, in recognition of Ilk
Jewish history. The children are services to the association
also acquainted with the ways during the past 20 yea•.,
of Jewish life the world over. during which he helped
They celebrate all Jewish na- strengthen the association, a.
tional and folk holidays and are president and as holder of
o t be
taught Jewish customs. otThbeer offices.
The addresses of the Sholem
Aleichem Schools are: Branch Sunday. will have Mr. Schumer'.
one, 3754 Monterey; branch two,
i i eo nw
will ebe of tic
Brady Public School, 2920 Joy Z. n i i g es. l' n f. s heil : Ibpel(
Detroit by two trained
Ro ; branch three, to.
ad Jewis
Public School, 13120 Wildemere. pilots who have completed thtn•
Beginners' classes are now be- course of study at the Ilechalw z
ing organized in all three schools. Training School in Cream Ridg,.,
Parents who wish to send their N. J.
children to a Sholem Aleichem
Ceremonies will take place at
School. should come to register 12 noon on Sunday, sSetihite. 1711 :
them immediately,
as the classes Ilartung Aviation Field. A
are already in progress.
the Detroit ceremonies,
w ill
III be flown to Cincinnati f , e.
Women's Clubs Renew Activities (.1isplity
Activity in the Sholem Alei- the th before delegates :em:-
ze. annual convention (d .
chem Women's Clubs has already
begun. In addition to the reading America.
— • Zionist
of Jewish literature and the gen-
It is the hope of the Hechalutz
eral discussion of current prob-
lems, the clubs will this year Organization that a sum of
may be raised for Pal-
a systematic study of
. ation purposes, and the
the history of Jewish literature. estme
The Sholem Aleichem Women's m movement may be launched at
Clubs' members also visit the the Zionist convention.
homes of pupils in order to be-
A truck with a platform and
conic' acquainted with the par- loud speaker will be set up on
ents, and participate in all school the field for the ceremonies.
activities. They also conduct an
This Saturday night, a recep-
annual luncheon which helps the tion will be held at the home of
Sholem Aleichem Institute finan- Mr. Schumer for the visiting
aviators and for leaders in the
The first rally will take place movement to purchase this plan(.
Tuesday, Sept. 9, 12:30 p. m., at
Baruch Zuckerman, world
Kern's Auditorium. Bridge prizes famous Zionist labor leader,
will be awarded.
and Nathaniel Cohen, nation.
Annual Banquet Will Be Held al executive secretary

Oct. 19

The 16th annual banquet of
the Sholem Aleichem Folk Insti-
tute will be held Oct. 19.


(Continued from Page 1)

tional Fund Council of Detroit,
in care of the office of the Zion-
ist Organization of Detroit, 1044
Penobscot Bldg., or to William
Hordes, president of the Jewish
National Fund Council of De-
troit; Rabbi Adler, president of
the Zionist Organization of De-
troit, or Rabbi Joshua S. Sperka,
chairman of the synagogue com-
mittee of the Jewish National
Fund Council of Detroit.
Rabbi Sperka and Mr. Hordes
were among those who addressed
the Thursday evening conference.

$90,000,000 Income From 592
Community Chests

Prof. Hayes recommended the
reorganization of a League of NEW YORK (JPS) — Drives
Nations which would have "teeth" by community chests in 592 com-
in it. It must be equipped with munities netted $90,426,589 dur-
an international army or police •
force, empowered to prevent ag- ing
to period
Aug. 15,
" capable of doing so Cutler, Boston, president of the
In his detailed program, which Community Chests and Councils,
aroused perhaps the most enthu- of reported.
3.4 per cent
the a pri
siastic response given to any of year. New York City was ev not
the speakers, the Catholic leader included in the total.
"There must be an end to our
own American aloofness and the Williamtown Institute of Hu-
'holier-than-thou' attitude. We man Relations, sponsored by the
were the finally determining fac- National Conference of Chris-
tor in winning the last World tians and Jews, approved of the
War, but more than any other numerus clausus as applied to
nation, even more than Nazi Jews on the ground that it helps
Germany, we have been respon- to prevent "the growth of anti-
sible for losing the peace and minority sentiment," it was re-
bringing on the present World ported at the final session of the
War. America, quite as much as Institute by Dr. George N. Shus-
Germany or any other nation, ter, president of hunter College,
must infuse its nationalism with New York.
humanitarianism. It must ac-
Dr. Shuster's report was one
cordingly sacrifice some of its of a series of formulations of the
exclusiveness and fancied super- discussions held in the Institute
iority, even some of its sever- seminars, during which it was
eignty." disclosed that "not a few" col-
Dealing with the meaning of leges and universities discrimi-
the phrase "democratic way of nate against the admission of
life", Prof. Hayes said "the only Jews, that others show prejudice
way to assure personal liberty in the selection of faculties, while
and the democratic way of life actual teaching of sentiments
is to understand and respect dif- offensive to minorities is not 'in-
ferences among us and in tha usual in some American colleges.
realm of common citizenship to
The organization of a youth
cooperate with one another."
department of the National Con-
The complex question of lead- ference was urged by a youth
ing nations to statehood was round table. At a seminar di-
touched upon by Dr. Walter Van rected by Dr. Alfred McClung
Kirk, of the Federal Council of Lee, director of the Institute of
Churches of Christ, who endorsed Propaganda Analysis, there was
Prof. Hayes' demand for a new a discussion of racial and reli-
League of Nations. He suggested gious discrimination in employ-
that it should have "genuine inent. The recommendation of
mandate authority" for the ad- the round table was that "popu-
ministration of subject peoples. lar digests" be prepared as a ba-
Some at Williamstown Approve
sis to present the case against
Numerus Clausus
discrimination to employers, la-
Some of the participants in bor leaders and consumer groups.

Hechalutz, will
be guest
speakers at the presentation
ceremonies on Sunday noon
and a t the home of Mr. Schu-
mer on Saturday night.

A sum of $3,000 has been con-
tributed by the Michigan Linen
Supply Board of Trade for this
purpose. Alex Nichamin, chair-
man of the organization, headed
the committee. Charles A. Chid-
sey of the Banner Laundry,
treasurer of the organization,
was treasurer of the committee
and one of the most active lead-
ers in the movement to honor
Mr. Schumer.

Local Young Israel
Will Be Hosts at
Midwest Convention

At the last executive meeting
of Young Israel of Detroit plans
were formulated for its mid•est-
ern convention to be held Thanks-
giving week-end, Nov. 20-24.
Committees were chosen and the
following members were appoint-
ed to head then: Banquet, Isa-
dore Kaplan; program, Abraham
J. Rosenshine; journal, Harry
Blitz; reservations, Hyman R.
Cohen; editorial board, Rabbi M.
J. Wohlgelernter; reception and
hospitality, Wolf Cohen; publi-
city, Rose Bodzin; menu, Mrs.
Isadore Cohen ; oratorical contest,
Irving Schlussel.
Delegates from the midwestern
cities of Chicago, Cleveland, Cin-
cinnati, Columbus, Indianapolis,
Kansas City and St. Louis, to-
gether with members and promi-
nent leaders of this national
movement, will participate. An
outstanding feature of this con-
vention will be a banquet to
acquaint Detroiters with the work
of Young Israel.

Installation of Hebrew La-
dies' Aid Society Officers
on Wednesday

Installation of officers of the
Hebrew Ladies Aid Society will
be held on Wednesday, Sept. 10.
at the Dexter-Lawrence Hall. A
luncheon at 12 noon will pre-
cede the installation.
Mrs. Jacob Harvith, president
of the Mt. Sinai Hospital Asso-
ciation, wal install the follow-
ing officers: Mrs. Paul R. Free-
man, president; Mrs. Louis Kepes
and Mrs. Manuel Engel, vice-
presidents; Mrs. Manual Kallush.
treasurer; Mrs. Emery Ehren-
wald, financial secretary, with
Mrs. Alex Stein assisting her;
Mrs. Joe Rittman, recording sec-
retary; Mrs. Allan Janawitz, cor-
responding secretary; Mrs. Ethel
Goodman, conductress; Mrs. Joe
Einzig, inner guard.


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