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May 12, 1916 • Page Image 1

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE The only Jewish publication in the State of Michigan Devoted to the interests of the Jewish people $ 1.5 0 DETROIT, MICH., AIAY 1'2, 1916 Vol. I. No. 11 per Year Sing'e Copies 5 Cents Three, Years of Service The Story of Three Years of Successful Work of the Jewish Woman's Club From t he Address of \Irs. Charles C. Simons, Retiring President When three years ago you honored me tt ith the presidency of the Jewish W...…

May 12, 1916 • Page Image 2

…2 THE JEWISH' CHRONICLE of night by the silhouette of old Old Zelig was eyed askance by Zelig in nightdress, sitting up in his brethren. No one deigned to bed and counting a bundle of bank call him "Reb" Zelig, nor to pre- notes which he always replaced fix to his name the American equiv- under his pillow. She frequently By Benjamin Rosenblatt alent—"Mr." "The old one is a upbraided him for his niggardly na- barrel with a stave missing," kno...…

May 12, 1916 • Page Image 3

…3 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Local Young Man Honored Talks on Life Insurance by Louis Danto Hilliard W. Goldstick is Elected to Comedy Club of U. of M. Those who attended last Sunday evening's performance . of "All Aboard,'' the play presented at the Detroit Opera House by the Young People's Society of Temple Ileth El, will distinctly remember the superb pantomimic work and fine comic acting of Milliard W. Gold- - stick, who took the part of th...…

May 12, 1916 • Page Image 4

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 4 NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF JEWISH CHARITIES HELD SESSION. Many Detroiters Among Dele- gates—Prominent Speakers Address Convention. The National Conference of Jewish Charities held in Indianap- olis, Ind., was well attended, and was especially notable for the large number of directors and officers of charitable organizations present. The opening meeting was de- voted especially to the presidential address of Miss Minnie L...…

May 12, 1916 • Page Image 5

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Others of the cast who aided in the presentation of this most enter- taining performance were Sam G. Weil, Harold B. Lipsitz, Irving Comic Opera by Young People's Society Herman Busch, Leo Alex- ander, Dr. Peter Bernstein and Makes "Hit" Nlax Rafelson, the last two of these taking the leading juvenile parts. Dr. Bernstein made a "just like the "All Aboard," the musical com- man as the kuuupress, and Jack pictures" hero an...…

May 12, 1916 • Page Image 6

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 6 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Issued Every Friday by the Jewish Chronicle Publishing Company. ANTON KAUFMAN - - - - - General Manager Michigan's Only Jewish Publication. Editor SAMUEL J. RHODES Subscription in Advance - $1.50 per year Offices 701 Penobscot Bldg. Telephone Cadillac 2588. The Jewish Chronicle invites correspondence on subjects of inter- est to the Jewish people, but disclaims responsibility for an indors...…

May 12, 1916 • Page Image 7

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 7 Congregational News Temple Beth El Shaarey Zedek Sunday Services. The subject of Rabbi Franklin's sermon on Sunday morning of this 1N . CA will be "Mother and Child." Services begin at 10:45. Sunday services will continue until the end of May, after which they • will be discontinued for the present sea- son. Sabbath services will continue uninterruptedly throughout t h e summer. The Temple has recently ac- quired a n...…

May 12, 1916 • Page Image 8

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 8 Detroit Zionists Arrange For Flower Day Second Hand Cash Registers For Sale On Long Time Payments. Cad. 2253, Cad. 7229•R 61 West Fort Street Will Sell Flowers on May 21--Proceeds to Go to National Fund The annual flower day held all over the United States under the auspices of the National Fund will take place on May 21st. On that day two hundred girls will station themselves on all prominent corners in the Jewi...…

May 12, 1916 • Page Image 9

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 9 Local and State News SAGINAW B'NAI B'RITH HAVE OPEN MEETING. YOUNG JEWISH TEACHER DIES IN PHILIPPINES. ID:late Zionism Before Large Audience. Miss Rae Smit Succumbs to Tropical Fever Far Away From Home. '[he 11' Nai ll'Rith of Saginaw held an open meeting at Foresters' Temple on Sunday, May 7. The feature of the evening's program was a debate on Zionism. Ellis Thal warmly esjioused the cause of Zionism and the vie...…

May 12, 1916 • Page Image 10

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 10 SOCIETY To insure publication, all items of social interest should be sent to Miss Ruth Rosenfield, 80 Palmer Avenue, East, phone, North 4063, not later than Monday evening. Mr. Benjamin Rosenthal of Chi- cago spoke before the Board of Commerce on Tuesday of last week. Mr. Joseph Marquisee of Roch- ester spent a few days in the city (luring the past week. Mrs. Joseph Levin of Riverside Drive, New York, is the gues...…

May 12, 1916 • Page Image 11

…11 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE SOCIETY (Continued from page The following ladies will serve as directors of the Woman's Auxil- iary of Temple Beth El for the en- suing year : Mrs. Leo M. Ft'anklin, Mrs. Louis Welt, .NIrs. Monroe Rosenfield, Mrs. J. Lichtenstein, Irs. Henry \\lineman , Airs. Hugo Freund, Mrs. L. Musliner, Mrs. Samuel Stearns, Mrs. i tarry Gold- smith, 'Airs. A. Eh•man, A(1011)h Sicilian, Mrs. ()scar Rob- inson, :\frs. Walter IIeav...…

May 12, 1916 • Page Image 12

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 12 with a sickly cry which ended in a suffocating cough. The grizzled (Continued from page nr) old man bestirred himself, and with Mrs. Jaffa of Trinidad, Colo., hasty steps he tiptoed to the place who has been the guest of her where the boy lay. For a time he daughter, \lax Nlay, has re- stood gazing on the pinched fea- turned home. tures, the undersized body of the Rabbi Louis Wolsey of Cleve- lad ; then he raised one ...…

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