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November 11, 1927 • Page Image 1

…America 'elvish periodical Cotter CLIFTON aviNttl - aNcustwart 10, OHIO 7 RE DETROIT LWISII RRONICL All Jewish Views All Jewish News WITHOUT BIAS OLDEST AND MOST INFLUENTIAL JEWISH NEWSPAPER IN MICHIGAN DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1927 VOL. XXXII. NO. 24 NOTED SPEAKERS Detroit Zionists Celebrate Tenth , iversary of Balfour Deciaration Ann Anniversary ON PROGRAM OF GOOD WILL MEET Rabbi A. 'Al. Hershman Delivers Principle Add...…

November 11, 1927 • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THEDETICOITAIVISRIIRONIGIA II gratgrual and Club Notts Alpha Tau Fraternity. The Alpha Tau Fraternity held its last regular meeting on Sun- day, Nov. 6, at the Y. W. II. A. The first event of the season to be given by the fraternity will be a "Winter Frolic" to be held at the Graystone ballroom on Dec. 8, featuring McKinney's Cotton Pickers, a nationally famed or- chestra; three vaudeville acts and moving pictures. Dancing will st...…

November 11, 1927 • Page Image 3

…614Arafavi faith perked ewer .LSITIVI MIMI • 011103KPIATI 30, 011110 PAGE THREE THEDewnjEriudimoriaz .7, tar weekly meeting. at the "Y"1 Apple Club and selections by IN- the home of Miss Rose Kauffman Center, Nov. S. Several new mem-Ilia Freidman, the harmonica radio at 1613 Virginia park. Plans burs were admitted. Plans are be- ,iwrfornier. We invite our friends were completed for the raffle . ing carried through fur several who visited u...…

November 11, 1927 • Page Image 4

…7=='1LIT:07)07101,741 tve 1 , ritE ETR()11:fr,w7 , " (-71 RON ICLE ASF.PH J r.:1ANIVINS t'&L!e\ett ~~~h~ R\tts\s4s\ ~~ ti JACAR H iCHAKNE a..a •neI•Aft - •••aasr••• Offirea 411.1 ?Italie-16ms 34311.1ine 125 AinnetwArrt artaie•as• 7•1•nho.•• .7,4111.• ran :4 f•• ■ •4 Kee V I Enfelew4 intArrnt..” !Icareher I 927 Me Coeatext 7.'arestlyan 7 SARA Triumph. Ircti•ationa are . hat 4'.:h - h. .;..•..e!ar. , ; '.-, nfereneo last -.y...…

November 11, 1927 • Page Image 5

…A xericam (fewisk Periodical Coder CLIFTON AVENCI • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO RONICLIS PIEVLTKOrT EMS!. DETROITERS LEAD Zentplr Nell El ASK THE RABBI IN REFORM DRIVE Notes A Sheaf of Sheilas Brown, Alexander, Franklin, Fram and Stern Active In Campaign. By RABBI LEON FRAM, Director of Religious Education, Temple Beth El. 11. Who is the greatest living 1. After what great German Jew is the character of Nathan the Jewish lawyer? Wise modeled? ...…

November 11, 1927 • Page Image 6

….se)ernorriEwutiffiRoxicul UF, - gigWAttazthig ' s.r s THE DETROIT ii;W IS/1 - at RON ICLE Published Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publish•ne Co., Inc. JOSEPH J. CUMMINS JACOB H. SCHAKNE President Secretary and T Entered as Second-el.. matter March 3. VOL •t the Postolfice at Detroit. Mich.. under the At of March 3. Isis General Offices and Publication Building 525 Woodward Avenue Telephone: Cadillac 1040 London Office: Cable A...…

November 11, 1927 • Page Image 7

…America lavish Periodical Ceder CLIPTON AV1NUI • CINCINNATI 10, OHIO IIEVETROIT Erroll DETROITERS LEAD Xrinplr N itro IN REFORM DRIVE ASK THE RABBI A Sheaf of Sheilas II. Who is the greatest living Jewish lawyer? 12. Who is the greatest living Jewish composer? 13. Who is the greatest living Jewish orchestral conductor? 14. Who is the greatest living Jewish impressario? 15. Who is the greatest living Jewish theatrical producer? 16. Who ...…

November 11, 1927 • Page Image 8

…• PAGE SIX iE entorrlEmsn " TAKES ACTIVE PART IN HADASSAH TEA L E N O X Aristocrat of Chinas The "Fountain" pattern in its originality of motif, furnishes but another proof of the superior artistry, apparent in all Lenox products. The predominant color is the blue of tum- bling water; fruits and flowers are bright in hand-raised enamels. The dinner plates are $55 a dozen. Lenox is carried in Detroit exclusively by King's. KING'S SAL...…

November 11, 1927 • Page Image 9

…A wriavy yewish periodical Curter CLIFTON AVENUE • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO ThE herRog ITUT 1.111ILLER T ° N ni HAS LEADING PART IN CLUB LUNCHEON Samuel H. Goldfine Heads Faculty of Pisgah Committee. (V6 LV6T $13.50 and $10.00 MRS. JACOB HARWITH A bridge-luncheon will be given by the Zedahka Club Nov. 16, at 12:30 p. m., at the Knights of Pythias hall, 3153 Cass, at Peter- born. Proceeds will go for mak- ing layettes for poor maternity ...…

November 11, 1927 • Page Image 10

…PAGE EIGHT MEDgertorrinusnentoructe Meet to Discuss Education Needs “America's 'Best" "BANJO BUDDY" IS] WELL KNOWN HERE East Side Women Organize To Aid Movement For School. Never before in the history of this store has our collection of Dining Room, Bedroom and Living Room Suites been as complete as they are new. elties of all sorts. SCHOR of every member. says Mrs. Morris Abraham, president of the club, to see this the model Hebrew s...…

November 11, 1927 • Page Image 11

…A merican ,fewish Periodical Cotter CLIFTON OUIJA • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE NINE Ttf} y)el'taom,/Ew'tsn &Komar 'Ives "re in. try ;n• tr. one most of this fray- nded head coal. .,ven. -half due f the Al& Y • f.' , .1 of maxi- r ever find a Will Give You No Worry If It's Insured With ZUCKERMAN & SLOBIN INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. Our Policy: Conscientious Service. Randolph 5449 2127 First National Bank Bldg. CHARLES LESSER Announce...…

November 11, 1927 • Page Image 12

…PIED Pianist — Teacher Instruction given in the fine art of piano playing. Has studied with some of the best American and European teachers. A few beginners will be accept. ed. Moderate rates. 2927 STURTEVANT AVENUE Longfellow 6939. otiocm00000000000000cio-cn>o WARSAW.—(J, T. A./—Six hundred thousand Jewish sol- diere were crippled in the World War in the various armies, ac- cording to statistical data colt lected by the Jewish War In....…

March 11, 1927 • Page Image 1

…111 Awish periodical Carter All Jewish News All Jewish Views WITHOUT BIAS CLIFTON AVINU1 • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 1-1- EbETROITJEWISII f TELEPHONE ‘' CADILLAC 1-0-4-0 [ _ THE ONLY JEWISH NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN MICHIGAN DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 1927 VOL. XXXI, NO. 15 Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cents Speak for Temple 1 SCHOOL REBUKED To Be U. S. GOVERNMENT (Will Sisterhood DIRECTORS OF OLDliHis Anniversary on March 14 Ce...…

March 11, 1927 • Page Image 2

…• • THE DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE 1 , 1,1(11,1 Inv 0 1 11 ■ 10 t1 T1 ■ 74! Vull IV $011 011 sale 101111171 I .f.-44. bee Ocerietest..... t'1 ■ 11s .01114 111..111 of flee 1 ‘141, hIm‘St f:0 et :•r ,11 et,.A nel 01 ti 111.c CS,Itlia111.011 t t ••1411. $ 11 • 11,.. 1 M164, 1■ 011•V t1 .11A01111. , 110.,1 T1,1014114 doer ph K5( IMAM. khiehhale last. 11e. li.eff104 411,4 Joes4,11 1‘.r.tairA la, • .:. A : ,•4' the t1r- Pert...Ave...…

March 11, 1927 • Page Image 3

…PAGE THREE THE DETROIT JEWISII CHRONICLE Nratrrual atll Cub Notrr, Jericho Encampment. organized. The fuluwing otliversl' 'MORT" BRENNER J O INS were installed: 'Mins Ann Ashman, OLDSMOBILE F ORCES president ; Miss Bess \Verney, .secre- tary and treasurer. Weekly meet-1 ! ings will be held at the girls homes.' "Nlort" Brattiner, recognized as The next meeting will be held at the ,T of the best automobile salesmen home of Miss Meryl Landsbe...…

March 11, 1927 • Page Image 4

…THE DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE PAGE FOUR principal part of this prayer drew not easy to understand why impor- attention to the failure of the Brit- tont information such as this should Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fink of Lor- CHICAGO CIVIC OPERA , ish government to place more land not have been furnished by the Brit- raine court entertained with a buffet AT MASONIC AUDITORIUM 0 o in- ' at the disposal of Jewish settlers. ish government. Deprived of this...…

March 11, 1927 • Page Image 5

…THE DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE 'BICUR CHOLEM PURIM BALL PLANS COMPLETED The Newer Smarter Coats for Spring t, pearance tvhcih it will give to the wearer. Models, sports, tIrt ,, s and travel. $59.50 to $295 blow .1/issts 0 MO coXii,i7;S'itO's sic stir Save the price of a New Spring Topcoat Spring Topcoats Smartly dressed men and women are always fore- handed. They are refreshing their spring coats NOW by the For. est Process. Partic...…

March 11, 1927 • Page Image 6

…PAGE TEN THE DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE PERMIT EINSTEIN'S AID TO WORK IN RUSSIA and hopes that other great scholars will follow his example. A wise man can learn from a fool. MOSCOW (J. T. A.)—Dr. Grauner, an assistant of Prof. Albert Einstein, has received the permision of the Sov- Ever the great storm comes at iet government to work in the intitu- harvest time. tion of higher learning in Soviet Rus- sia. This permission was granted in A hu...…

March 11, 1927 • Page Image 7

…A merica Ye:risk periodical Carter • CLIFTON AMUR • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE ELEVEN THE DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE WEDDINGS Engagements, Banquets and All Social Functions Catered by DETROIT CATERING COMPANY Detroit's Exclusive Kosher Caterers M. A. PEREIRA, Mgr. 125 RICHTON AVENUE Longfellow 5654. :-: CLASSIFIED ROOM TO RENT-Large room, elei B'NAI MOISHE TO HOLD gantly furnished, in single resi- ■ PURIM BALL MARCH 20 dence. Suitable...…

March 11, 1927 • Page Image 8

…A merica 9CWith Perialleal Carta CLIFTON AMUR - CINCINNATI 10, 01110 PAGE FIVE THE DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE RK 'lose oral A sory lair. also ward h i c h kN le_ ES OLD FOLKS HOME Next Meeting: The next meeting of the North. ,visiern Branch of the Jewish Old st..Siss Home will be held on Monday, 14, at 2 o'clock. at the home of Mrs. H. Solinsky, 9933 McQuade avenue. All members are urged to attend, as matters of vital importance are t...…

March 11, 1927 • Page Image 9

…THE DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Fsfsessive justice is often excessive arong. The•snappish cur always has torn ears. U. S. GOVERNMENT ' INVITES ZIONISTS TO PACIFIC MEET Continued trom Page float No flowery path leads to fame. ei.eutpir --„„;;;;-; Noted Zionist Organization, Secretary Work Sunday Morning Services: said: "The world knows of the plans Dr. Lot M. Franklin will occupy the of the Zionist Organization in the re- pulpit Sunday m...…

March 11, 1927 • Page Image 10

…Ir THE DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE c l TifEY) EIR011; /LW'S!" OWN ICLE Published Weakly by The Jovial Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc. 4, :.5;4 44; JOSEPH J. CUMMINS Presiaent JACOB MARGOLIS Edit Or JACOB H. SCHAKNE General Manager Entered a IMeond-clue matter March 3, 1916, at the Postnflice at Detroit. Mich.. under the Act of March 3, 1673. General Offices and Publication Building 525 Woodward Avenue Telephone: Cadillac 1040 LondonOff...…

March 11, 1927 • Page Image 11

…THE DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Not even those who under the Ian lthe business which they had carried on for yens. Big business men and small are entitled to retain their licenses— - - alike have been hit. Here in Lemberg, persons over 50 and who have held far instance, one of the lareest tobacco their licenses since before the war-- LETTER_ El 0 X dealers in the city has had to give up are safe. The attack on them is made • his business. ['tido...…

March 11, 1927 • Page Image 12

…PAGE EIGHT • THE DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE ) ---;;;;;;TO Eugt NOW-AT HUDSON'S Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Weinberg of .3021 Carter avenue announce the be- The March Sale of Housewares Following Dr. Dorsey's lecture on A delightful Purim program has "How to Make or Break the Chile been planned for the next regular , 14, the I meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary of on Monday afternoon, March Se:terhood of Temple Beth I.:I will Shaurey Zedek, which wil...…

February 11, 1927 • Page Image 1


February 11, 1927 • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE DLTvJ3rdtl on RMICIL 4 ratenrat anb (Dub Notts Friendship Club. An open meeting of the Friendship Club will be held Sunday, Feb. 13, at 4:30 p. rev, at the Jewish Center, 31 Melbourne avenue. Fred Butzel will be the principal speaker. The pub. lie is invited to attend the meeting. Bicur Chelan, Society. Sidney Alexander addressed the last meeting of the Bicur Cholent So- ciety on Thursday evening, Feb. 2. His topic was "Frie...…

February 11, 1927 • Page Image 3

…n Ek entonjEwisti6ircomiar. A. LITTMAN WILL BE HONORED ON FEB. 16 SomethingNew in Upholstered Furniture Yiddish Players to Present "With the Power of the Dybbuk." r URNITURE HOUSE The Store With a Reputation. fi 1 • jst , r 1 / t 8,; 11 c- 4! ' . , / 0 i A. LITTMAN Majestic Theater in honor of Abra- ham Littman, manag,er of the com- pany and the man who is mainly re- sponsible for the last three consecu- tive Yiddish Th...…

February 11, 1927 • Page Image 4

…PAGE TOUR TimPentotTILwisnewornaz Isaac Gruenbaum, Champion of Jewish Rights Flower Show a Rare Event. The National Flower Show, to be held here March 12 to 20, probably still mark the only opportunity given to present day Detroiters to see such a nation-wide exhibition in Detroit. By Z. TYGEL Under a ruling of the society of American Florists and Ornamental Considerable interest was aroused Her zl, Gruenbaum has become him- Horticulturist...…

February 11, 1927 • Page Image 5

…MEDEntonjElsisitemonicul Uptrr, I ane fighting now, in the most serious fight I have ever been engaged in. There is a proposition country-wide to use the United States army to carry out the purpose of the Knights of Columbus. PAGE FIVE THETA SIGMA TAU DANCE TO BE HELD FEBRUARY 19 OBITUARY DAVID BERKOWITZ Mrs. Nathan Feldman, Mrs. Rose Brass, Sirs. Anna Goldman, Mrs. Min- nie Klavons and Jennie Fridson, and two sons, Nathan and Louis Fri...…

February 11, 1927 • Page Image 6

…itTigTROtTjEWINI ARON .Y6breett '6 bli6b'6bne6b'6b'611"6-66b'6b'6716b' b'er? iii-EvErRorri AwistiefRON IC LE •■■■••■ ••• CIA V MW11.1 • Published Weekly by Th. IOU law..• Jevrtal Cbremirle Puhlishia: Co. lees JOSEPH J. CUMMINS JACOB MARGOLIS JACOB H. SCHAKNE Preslaent Editor General Manager Entered as liteocd-class matter )(mach I, MC at the Prieto:Ice at Detroit. Mich, under the Act of !larch 3. 1879. General Offices and Publica...…

February 11, 1927 • Page Image 7

…it •;) ThbfierRordansit eiRornaz "This Unbelieving World about religion that they wish to prove If later in life they dislike strangers net of Victor Hugo's books which he RABBI NIEMIROWER'S •onally or by telephone, Glendale —the evidence is so personal and or run away from animals, it is •be- donated, and also wishes to thank the 0086. Do you need a position? Do PROTEST CONFIRMED therefore so pliable. Thus a popes- cause they have been ta...…

February 11, 1927 • Page Image 8

…PAGE EIGHT ritufkrRoitAwisnaiRONICIE • • Ilt1.1"1..r aeial d 00 rsonat_ MISHKUN ISRAEL WILL HOLD WEEKLY DANCES Pointedly Smart are Latest Hats Announcement has been made that regular Saturday night (Maces will be held at the Mishkun Israel Syna- , 07- An event of great interest was the Miss Anne W. Bernstein will pre- meeting called on Monday by the De- sent a number of her pupils in a pi- troit section of the National Council anofor...…

February 11, 1927 • Page Image 9

…7 cwish Periodical Carter CLIFTON AVENUI - CINCINNATI 10, 01110 eraonjEwksa(iiRONICLE HADASSAH MEMBERSHIP DANCE SET FOR FEB. 23 The Detroit unit of Junior Rados. sal' will hold its annual membership dunce on Wednesday evening, Feb. New Coats That Herald the Approach of Spring! Designed with those exclu- sive fashion touches that the smart Miss and Wom- an expects at B. Siegel Co. - tiSesTssiseRef tr . @ J181E0E1. xo (.0101lCiPN o n ...…

February 11, 1927 • Page Image 10

…e r w m et l it ROMILIB -- - - - HASHACHAR AUXILIARY OFFICERS INSTALLED PAGE TEN terest of the minister whom be rare- ly hears. Though Judaism does not CONTEMPTIBLE For contemptibility I vote a crown believe in vicarious sacrifice, there of brass, not hammered but ham- are Jews sufficiently ignorant or in- mered on, for the man, more sneak considerate to accuse the rabbi of than man, who is indifferent to his their congregation, the cong...…

February 11, 1927 • Page Image 11

…PACE ELEVL4 PEP:Twain. asn ARM ICLL „,,A1 HOLM fOF GOLD LANDSMAN ADVISES ON ASSURANCE CONTRACTS The habit is spreading in may Jewish Houses of Worship on ordi- nary occasions to allow people to sit where they please. It is called the unassigned pew system. It is more nearly ideal than the present method still widely to vogue of placing peo- ple according to the seat they buy or rent. Under this plan pews are kept vacant throughout the lar...…

February 11, 1927 • Page Image 12

…FEBRUARY 11, 1927 ....:Gperstorrlivrismeigiornoo - A mishap and a danger never come I singly. Every abridgement of a good book is a stupid abridgement. GIVE LARGE AMOUNT TO U. P. A. AT DINNER ON MONDAY EVENING l When a man is dead, it is no use calling in the doctor. . t LINCOLN LUNCH MRS. R. SAGE, Mgr. Delicious Home Cooked Meals. 17 WEST LARNED ST. Clifford 5513-R. HOW ARE YOUR 41), \\./1 1's 4 o o 11 '.■ , HEN it comes ...…

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