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August 11, 1916 • Page Image 1

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE The only Jewish publication in the State of Michigan Devoted to the interests of the Jewish people Vol. I. No. 24 DETROIT, MICH., AUGUST 11, 1916 $1.50 per Year Singe Copies 5 Cents At the Jewish Fr Air Gamfi SCENES OT THE CAMP There are many popular people in Detroit. Gov . Charles E. Hughes was a very popular per- son in the city last Alonday, and President Wilson has his quota of local admirers. But ask any one...…

August 11, 1916 • Page Image 2

…2 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE THE FATE OF PALESTINE AFTER THE WAR. That millions are concerned about what is to become of Palestine and Jerusalem, the "holy land" of the three greatest monotheistic re- ligions of the world, Judaism, Mo- hammedanism and Christianity, is more than evident from the many discussions of this theme found in leading periodicals. It is doubtful if any other writer is in a better position to give the facts and proba- bilit...…

August 11, 1916 • Page Image 3

…3 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Highland Park Police Head is Accused of Brutal Conduct Towards Jewish Residents of Village Lazarus Shapiro, Sixty-Year-Old Jewish Citizen, Beaten and In- sulted by Police Officers—Attorney Who Intercedes for Him Accorded Similar Treatment. A flagrant case of police cruelty, landed his list on my right ear barbarism and anti-Semitism is with consequences to my hearing revealed in a charge of miscon- which I cannot now ...…

August 11, 1916 • Page Image 4

…4 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Justice Brandeis Given New Post of Honor By President Wilson Selected by President as Member of Mediation Commission to Consider Controversy Between United States and Mexico Washington, Aug. 9. Women's Pretty Summer Shoes 10% to Garments—like Persons Look Better, Live Longer, Admired More— K when in GOOD CONDITION 25% MARKET 6106 Less Than Regular Price HACK'S Shoe r Store 1067 Hastings St., Near Freder...…

August 11, 1916 • Page Image 5

…5 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Well-known Jewish Business Man Among Local Candidates for Office Send money to your friends and relatives, wherever they are, through Sol. Berman, Prominent Woodward Avenue Merchant, Seeking Aldermanic Seat in Third Ward. He rman Eichners' Foreign Exchange and Steamship Ticke' Agency 435 HASTINGS STREET Cor. Winder DETROIT, MICH. Correspondence in all Languages. Steamship tickets on all lines. Real estate, farms a...…

August 11, 1916 • Page Image 6

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Issued Every Friday by the Jewish Chronicle Publishing Company. General Manager ANTON KAUFMAN Michigan's Only Jewish Publication. SAMUEL J. RHODES, •dit° $1.50 per year Subscription in Advance Offices 314 Peter Smith Bldg. Phone Cherry 3381 The Jewish Chronicle invites correspondence on subjects of inter- est to the Jewish people, but disclaims responsibility for an indorse- ment of views exp...…

August 11, 1916 • Page Image 7

…7 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE WHAT DOES THE WORLD OWE THE JEW BY E. B. BENJAMIN Obviously, the very most impor- shortly, his teachings were the greater part of the lay moral didac- \ny plea in behalf of our people : is almost invariably made on the taut thing derived from us is the teachings of his predecessors, the tics of Christian life. From this it must not be sup- ground of what the world owes the idea of the Deity. Sooner than prophets. . I...…

August 11, 1916 • Page Image 8

…8 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE DETROIT BUILDING and LET DETROITEHS BUILD DETROIT They say facts are stubborn things and never more so than when applied to the merits of Stevens Vitrified Brick, for beautiful homes. They are without doubt the best on the market and a showing by us will convince you. We have the bald facts as to brick efficiency at our fingers' tips and are prepared to make good. 1656 Penobscot Bldg. and Corner of Larned and Third...…

August 11, 1916 • Page Image 9

…9 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE CONSTRUCTION REVIEW DETROIT S JOHN PRUTOW, Jr. that aims to meet adequately and in an intelligent 111;11111(.1 - , the de- mands of growth and progress. To illustrate, let me begin by stating that I rode today along the four sides of an immense square-- a square that embraces, in one part, the main business district of the city. It embraces, likewise, beauti- ful residence sections. It includes, also, ,enormous indus...…

August 11, 1916 • Page Image 10

…10 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Every Packing House in the World, Every Druggist, Every Tire Manufacturer, USES FULLER'S EARTH An Opportunity for Investment Many investment opportunities are erroneously described as "sure things" by promoters who forget that the only sure things in life are death and taxes, but occa- sionally there does come into view a proposition which merits all the encomiums which the most enthusiastic promoter can lavish o...…

August 11, 1916 • Page Image 11

…11 THE JEWISH SiHRONICLE THE KING AND A JEWISH MARINE. W1 1 0 London — \Volfc served on a man-of-war (luring the recent North Sea naval battle, writ- ing from a hospital in Scotland, narrates how he was visited by the king, who enjoyed the Jewish hu- mor of the wounded marine. Pri- va te !Lindell writes: "I was hurled several yard across the floor, my clothes, hands,-arms, face and scalp were burnt ; in fact, 1 was still smouldering when, g...…

August 11, 1916 • Page Image 12

…12 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE BACHELORS The Mending Emporium is here to Care for ALL .Jour clothes in EVERY welt]. Boti calls and delivers. JUST call Cherry 2706 You will find the most complete line in the city of Dry Coeds, Notions ar.d Furnishings AT M. ROSINSKEY'S 351-355 Hastings St. "Quality Which is Unexcelled at Wholesale Price?. For County Treasurer William H. Green, Jr. The office of county treasurer has brought out a field of c...…

August 11, 1916 • Page Image 13

…13 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE "Truth" is Motto of New Committee of Young People's Society of Temple Beth El. Will Serve on New "Truth" Committee Will Wage an Aggressive Campaign Against the Caricaturing and Defamation of the Jew in Local Theatres and News- papers--Rabbi Leo M. Franklin to Act as Advisor to Committee. \ step which is bound to prove fruitful in its results was taken by the lloard of Directors of die Voung reHdys 'ociely of Tc 111...…

August 11, 1916 • Page Image 14

…14 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE SOCIETY To insure publication, all items of social interest should be sent to the office of the Jewish Chronicle, 314 Peter Smith Bldg., telephone Cherry 3381, not later than Tuesday evening. \Ir. and 'Airs.' Charles Weiner Mrs. Samuel A. Berman, who and \Ir. and \lrs. Oscar Frank of was in the city on a two days' Cleveland are the guests of Mr. visit during the week, has re- and \Irs. Allen Weiner of Tuxedo turned ...…

August 11, 1916 • Page Image 15

…15 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Zelig threw Joseph a contemptu- ous glance, muttered "Greener," and said to his mother angrily in Vnglish : Aug. , On Wednesday evening "Zelig again! 1 Iaven't I told you 2, Miss Anna E. Muscovitz gave 1 won't be called anything else but a linen shower in honor of Miss Sydney ?" Lillian Goodman. The house w as "In your own house, amongst very prettily decorated and every- your own family its all right. I le's one pres...…

August 11, 1916 • Page Image 16

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 16 What Does the World Owe the Jew? (Continued from Page 7) literature, either in fullness, variety or beauty. This, rather than the line arts, has been our natural mode of expression. \\'e see, then, that we have con- tributed to the Christian world one anthropomorphic God, Jesus Christ, a moral didactic, and ;i noble liter- ature. Is there anything else? Oc- casionally it is said that the Jewish ideal of family life ...…

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