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August 11, 1916 - Image 14

Resource type:
The Jewish Chronicle, 1916-08-11

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To insure publication, all items of social interest should be sent to the office of the Jewish
Chronicle, 314 Peter Smith Bldg., telephone Cherry 3381, not later than Tuesday evening.

\Ir. and 'Airs.' Charles Weiner
Mrs. Samuel A. Berman, who
and \Ir. and \lrs. Oscar Frank of was in the city on a two days'
Cleveland are the guests of Mr. visit during the week, has re-
and \Irs. Allen Weiner of Tuxedo turned to her summer home at
avenue. The party motored to De- Anchorville, Mich.
troit from Cleveland.
Miss Fanny Weiss is visiting
sisters, Mrs. Julia Marcus of
Mr. and Mrs. A. \V. \Veil and
family of 181 Philadelphia avenue Kirbravenue, and Mrs. Levy of
cast are spending August at their Farnsworth avenue,
sununer home, Mountain View
\Ir. and Airs. Joseph Chapman
Park, Waterford, Mich.
are visiting friends. at Sylvan Lake.
\lrs. Mark Fleishman and son
Mrs. \V. L. Brown and Miss Mae
William have returned to their
have returned to Lansing
home in this city after several
several (lays here.
weeks spent at Mackinac and Char-
\Ir. and Mrs. Samuel Fireston

Mrs. Reva Rosenthal of 103
Eliot street, has returned home
from an extended eastern trip.

Miss Margaret Davidson, (laugh-
ter of R. T. Davidson, formerly of
Detroit, has returned to her home
in Chicago following a visit with
her aunt, Mrs. A. J. Benton.

Miss Hehna Froehel returned to
Detroit Tuesday morning after a
visit to her old home in New Jer-
sey and a seven weeks' tour
through the eastern states.

\Irs. Arthur de Sola Mendes and
daughter Cora of Brunswick, (;a.,
are the guests of her father, Sol
Muicer, of Dix avenue.

Leon Ziegler of Garfield .avenue
cast has left for New York City.

Vilton M. Alexander has re-
turned from Duluth, Minn.

Mrs. Sussman of Tacoma,
\Vash., and her sister, Miss Anna
Benson, who were guests of Mrs.
Chas. Marks and Mrs. II. Lowen-
thal, in Toledo, 0., have returned
to Detroit.

Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Friedman
of 625 East One Hundred and
Twenty-fourth street, Cleveland,
0., were visitors in the city.

of McKeesport, Pa., Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Roth, Pittsburgh. Pa., have
been the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Teitelbaum.

\Ir. and Mrs. Simon Brasley of
Pittsburgh, Pa., are the guests of
their daughter and son-in-law, \l r.
and \Irs. Joseph Teitelbaum, of
West Grand Boulevard.

Miss Lillian Jacobs of Brush
boulevard has returned home from
a tour up the state.

Miss Cele Akers of 7002 Wade
Park avenue, Cleveland, 0., is
spending the summer with her
sister, Mrs. L. Goldman, of Hol-
land, Mich.

Mrs. C. Goodman of Detroit,
while visiting Mrs. A. Stone of
Toledo, 0., was the compliment-
ed guest at Mrs. L. 11. Steinberg's
luncheon last Friday at 1 o'clock.
A color scheme of pink and white
was used about the rooms, roses
giving the floral note and center-
ing the luncheon table, where
places were marked for twelve.

Mrs. M. Wise and daughter of
St. Louis, Mo., is spending the
summer with her sister, Mrs. B.
D. Marx at Orchard Lake.

Mr. and Mrs. R. Greenberg en-
tertaine Mr. and Mrs, R. Tuch
and Mr. and Mrs. II. Duchostv
of Pittsburgh.

Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Kahn and
family of 29 . \Vaverlv avenue,
HighlandPark, Mr. J. Michelson
of 110 Waverly avenue , Iligh-
land Park, and Mr. and Mrs. C.
K. Sandorf and daughter Vir-
ginia of 925 St. Antoine, have left
for a motor trip to Northern

Miss Fleonore Feldman has re-
turned from a two months' visit
in Colorado and Wyoming.

Mrs. Jwines Caldwell of Louis-
ville, Ky., is the guest of her cousin,
Mrs. I I. Marx, of 1(.)7 Frederick

aVentie .

The engagement of Myer Drew's
and \I iss Minnie Kolb was an-
nounced Saturday evening hv NIrs•
Jack Simon at her residence, 271
East \lontcalm street, where a
number of the friends of the young
people Were entertained in honor of
the event.

Handsome design; rich,
full tone; depend-
able. Built by
the Aeolian Co.,
largest manu-
facturers of
musical in-
in the


\Ir. and Mrs. Bernard Schwartz
left Detroit . on Friday for New
York City and the Catskill Mts.

\Ir. and \Irs. Simon Lachman
of Farnsworth avenue have left
for a water trip to Duluth.

Mrs. Julia Marcus of Kirby
avenue has left for New York

The Greatest
Value in
the world
at the

Mr. and Mrs. L. Friedman and
child, of Toledo, 0., have left for
a motor trip to Grand Rapids,
Mich., where they will remain
with Mrs. Friedman's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ely.

Miss Theresa Meister and Mrs.
Z. Harris are visitinty friends in
Cleveland. Ohio.

Mr. and Mrs. Israel Brown of
Hazelwood ave., and daughters,
Miss Golda and Florence Brown,
Mr. and \lrs. Charles I lopp, Jack
I loll) Mr. Harry Phillips an
leaving Monday for an extended
motor trip to the east, including
New York, Atlantic City and

Easy Weekly or Monthly Payments

In fact, though you might pay twice as much, you
could not obtain, outside the instruments of the "Plan-
ola" line, a Haver-19;mo with musical possibilities so
great. or bringing you such keen delight in playing.
One reason is that the Themodist and the Metro-.
style can be had only in the " Learn how
necessary these music-control features are.

Two Million Dollars Annually

is paid chiropodists to relieve foot
troubles. This amount could be

Saved by

Dr. A. Reed Cushion Shoes Ae

They were designed by a physician. They support the arch, relieve friction
and thus do away with corns, callouses, etc.

It's all in the cushion.
Save YOUR chiropodists bills.

To avoid imitation
look for the name
of the maker .

Stroud, Whee-
lock, Steck,
in Michigan by
us alone.

john Ebberti Shoe
Co., Maker" of
IVomen'" Shoes.


21 (1

Catalogue mailed
on request.


Woodward Ave.

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