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June 01, 1917 • Page Image 1

…NY4 ISII T C H-! 112 RONICLE e tA I rr The only Jewish Publication in the State of Michi g an Devoted to the Interests of the Jewish Peofile Vol. II. No. 14 DETROIT, MICH.. JUNE 1, 1917 THE FINAL APPEAL .•• - 0; 3 LI) 41 rr rr • —Drawn by Cozzy Gottsdanker "Give MORE than your Share" …

June 01, 1917 • Page Image 2

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 2 "Give 4- ir • MORE s' Pr emiers Are Bought Thirisi—kA it theMp of h Your Share" Compliments of LL cars are p of the hill. Magnetic Gear Shift With The Aluminum Six $1985 „ c a 1 ike—at the bottom Sometimes you will change your opinion of a car in a few feet. Premier's peculiar power reveals itself when you climb up to that tell-tale moment where other cars drop back into second. Take any demonstrator on ...…

June 01, 1917 • Page Image 3

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE The only Jewish publication in the State of Michigan Devoted to the interests of the Jewish people Vol. II. No. 14 $1.50 per Year DETROIT, MICH., JUNE 1, 1917 Single Copies10 Cents War Relief Campaign Terminates With Mass Meeting Hon. Henry Morgenthau Will Speak to Thousands of Detroit Jews at Arcadia Auditorium Sunday Evening, June 3—Rabbi Nathan Krass of Brooklyn to Deliver Address— Rabbi Leo M. Franklin and Rabbi...…

June 01, 1917 • Page Image 4

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 4 $200,000 Already Subscribed for War Relief Committee Expects Wind-up of Campaign on Sunday, June 3, to Surpass All Expectations—Success of "Big Drive" Due to Spirit of Many Workers—They Did "More Than Their Share"—Gentiles Donate to Fund. At the close of the noon-day luncheon at the Board of Commerce on Thurs- day, Mr. David A. Brown, General Di- rector of the campaign stated that fund already subscribed to totalled ...…

June 01, 1917 • Page Image 5

…5 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Albert Kahn Becomes Architect For United States Is Only Man Outside of War Department to Draw Plans for Government Work—Has Charge of Gigantic Projects— Picked Because of Prcminence in Erecting Largest Industrial Plants in World For the first time in its history the War Department of the United States has employed an architect who is not connected with it in i an official capacity. This unusual and unprecedented hono...…

June 01, 1917 • Page Image 6

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE • Mass Meeting Arcadia Hall, Woodward Ave. and Stimson Place Sunday, June 3rd, 8 p. m. H ON. Henry Morgenthau, formerly Minister to Turkey, has come to address us briefly on the conditions in the war zone. Mr. Morgenthau, because of his official position, has been closely in touch with the situation, and can therefore give us first hand knowledge of the horrible condition our people find themselves in. Rabbi Nathan...…

June 01, 1917 • Page Image 7

…7 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Why Give More than your Share? Little Children Are Starving—Young Girls Are Selling Their Bodies. Mothers Are Becoming Insane. The Jewish People Are Dying Out es SAFES, VAULT DOORS Peter Olfs Safe Co. Storing By RABBI JUDAH P. MAGNES go to the soup kitchen?" "Ali, better to embrace within our arms all the starve." Then I went to another Jews, wherever they may be, wher - room where there was a woman and a child ...…

June 01, 1917 • Page Image 8

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Issued Every Friday by the Jewish Chronicle Publishing Company. General Manager ANTON KAUFMAN Michigan's Only Jewish Publication. - Subscription in Advance Offices 314 Peter Smith Bldg. $1.50 per year Phones: Cherry 3381 and 1526 Editorial Contributor - - RABBI LEO M. FRANKLIN, The Jewish Chronicle invites correspondence on subjects of inter- est to the Jewish people, but disclaims responsibili...…

June 01, 1917 • Page Image 9

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Congregational News TEMPLE BETH EL NOTES. SHAAREY ZEDEK NOTES Sabbath Services. Saturday morning services begin at 9 o'clock. Rabbi A. M. Hershman will deliver his weekly sermon, beginning at 10 o'clock. Sabbath services will continue unin- terruptedly until further notice, be- ginning at 10:30. Closing Exercises of Sabbath School. The closing exercises of the Re- ligious School will be held on Sunday morning, June...…

June 01, 1917 • Page Image 10

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 10 YOURS. IN HASTE CADILLAC 3 0 1 ott Aartru GER-s 010 04, 3 0 1 LIMOUSINES TOURING CARS TAXICABS CADILLAC Private Appearing Cars For All Occasions Broadway Taxicab & Messenger Co. 262 RANDOLPH STREET ABE T. HERTZBERG General Manager Give MORE than your Share Phone Cherry 3132 J. Caplan, Pres. MONROE SHEET METAL AND ROOFING COMPANY 220 Monroe Avenue Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron and Copper Cornices...…

June 01, 1917 • Page Image 11

…11 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Ten Most Important Truths 1. Ten million dollars must be local committee in your commun- raised immediately if 3,000,000 Jews ity at once. 7. The chairman of the Ameri- in the eastern war zone are to be can Jewish Relief Committee is saved from starvation. Louis Marshall. The chairman of 2. The fathers, mothers and the $10,000,000 Campaign Fund is children of our faith arc dying I henry Morgenthau. The treasurer dail...…

June 01, 1917 • Page Image 12

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 12 A Jewish Revolutionary Patriot of 1776 A financial patriot of that fateful period of the American Revolution of 1776, who was closely associated with Robert Morris in all his various schemes for raising money, and who gave liber- ally of his own means not only to the cause itself, but in personal loans to the often impecunious statesmen who were sponsors for it, was Haym Salo- mon. He might easily have avoided his pa...…

June 01, 1917 • Page Image 13

…vho hin .er- ;ular the M4 13 THE- EWISH CHRONICLE Society Does Splendid Work For Immigrants The year hook of the Hebrew Shel- tering and Immigrant Aid Society of America, which was recently issued, shows that the Employment Bureau of that Society placed 3,360 immigrants to work. Hundreds of these were plac- ed outside of New York city. This is an increase of nearly a thousand over the previous year. The problem of the Society's Em- ploy...…

June 01, 1917 • Page Image 14

…• • - • • • It's Your Patriotic Duty To Buy a Liberty Bond 1 a rl O I N OU H3 We Will Accept Your LIBERTY BOND at Its Full Value in Payment on Anything We Own or Control That You Desire to Buy We will accept LIBERTY BONDS in denominations of $50.00 to $5,000.00 on the pur- chase of any Real Estate owned or controlled by THE J. L. THOMPSON COMPANY. We will build you a home and accept a LIBERTY BOND as payment or w ,‘ will ac- cept yo...…

June 01, 1917 • Page Image 15

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE g111111111:113 1111 1111111111111111 ■ 13111111111111 1111 1111111111111111111111111111111 1111 31111111ininiminii im unglitininimu n nninmuummunlinnumumnummilinumninuimimili11 111 33111i111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111113111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 3p • • :,-, E-. . , . _ .. - 7,- :- --J = ..1-7. sage OCIETY _--,. One of the very enjoyable affairs of the season wa...…

June 01, 1917 • Page Image 16

…17 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE I 1 1 111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111 1 111111111111111111111111 SOCIETY Mr. and Mrs. S. Messinger have returned to their home in Alma, after a short stay in Detroit. The Phoenix Country Club pre- sented a scene of unusual activity on Wednesday a large number of members, taking advantage of the holiday to spend ...…

June 01, 1917 • Page Image 17

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 18 SOCIETY Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Hirsch- field of Hazelwood avenue are spending several days in Chicago. Mr. Nathan Sloss of Cleveland is spending the week-end in the city. Mr. and Mrs. S. Levy are spend- ing several w eeks in New York. Nliss Irma Sloman and Mrs. Nathan Sloss of Cleveland who is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph S. Leman, were at home to their friends on Thurs- day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. T. E...…

June 01, 1917 • Page Image 18

…19 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Dr. and Mrs. N. E. Aronstam will leave for New York Sunday, June 3, to attend the American Medical Convention, where the Doctor is scheduled to discuss a 'paper before that body. Sunday, June 10, is the date set for the ninth annual excursion of the Bicur Cholera, Jr., to Tash- moo .Park. The committee has arranged for baseball, games, races and all field sports. A pleas- ant day is in view for all. Those in charge ar...…

June 01, 1917 • Page Image 19

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 20 The Jewish Woman A Woman Lawyer Who Has Made Good Alfred Grunbcrg, in the May num- ber of the American Magazine, says in part as follows concerning Anna Moscowitz, the eminent woman law- yer, who came to New York at the age of two years with her parents, who immigrated to this country from Russia. At an early age she showed in which way her ambition ran. If any of her schoolmates had arguments they always called her...…

June 01, 1917 • Page Image 20

…21 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Prominent Organizers Will Speak at National Conference of Jewish Social Workers To Be Held in Pittsburg Pa., June 3-6 Pittsburg, Pa.—Among the many prominent workers who will be pre sent at the Conference beginning Sunday, J tine 3rd, are the following : Jacob Billikopf, president National Association of Jewish Social Workers; 3rd Vice President National Conference Jewish Charities; social worker of prominence both ...…

June 01, 1917 • Page Image 21

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 22 ( MIN NS NHS II IIN III IS BR II SHICKS II EINSIII X ININ X MIN X BR Man ■ X El x il II B II X INCREASE FARM PRODUCTION X II X X B X X The first and most necessary business in the world is farming. X am The safest and surest business is farming. X B 1,1 Scientific and intensive farming on a large scale in Western Canada presents X x possibilities of profits without precedent in the world's history. X Agriculture ...…

June 01, 1917 • Page Image 22

…23 THE EWISH CHRONICLE Chicago Jews Pledge $500,000 at Meeting JEW OCCUPIES PROFESSOR- SHIP OF CIVIC ART IN ENG- LISH UNIVERSITY. London, Eng.—The Council of the University of Sheffield have established a Chair in Civic Art. Mr. William Roth- enstein has accepted the invitation to become the first professor. Julius Rosenwald Becomes "the Rosenwald of Chicago" With Mr. Rothenstein was born at Brad- ford in 1872. He was educated at the a Su...…

June 01, 1917 • Page Image 23

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 24 INDUSTRI Edward M. S tradley, C. P. A. (Del.) Charles W. Stewart, C. P. A. (Mich.) STRADLEY & STEWART LARGE ELECTRICAL FIRM MOVES INTO NEW QUARTERS. 111111111111 11111111 11111111111111111111111111 1111111 111111111111111111111111111 1111111 11111111111111111111111111 11111111 11111111111111111111111111 11 11111 111111111111111111111111111 11111111 11 11111 11 1 111111111111111 • CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Di...…

June 01, 1917 • Page Image 24

…25 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE DETROIT Foreign Trade Advances Here Detroit's high rank among export- ing cities of the United States is not (Inc primarily to war trade, although food shipments incidental to the bel- ligerent conditions abroad bulk very large. Before the war the export of eggs and dairy products from this dis- trict had almost stopped; now they comprise a large proportion of the foreign trade. Other food exports have increased pro...…

June 01, 1917 • Page Image 25

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 26 Italian Jewish Congress to be Held Soon Will Take Up Rights of Jews in Egypt and Balkans—To Demand Equal Rights in All Countries NEA POL.—The unfortunate condi- tion of the stranded Jewish immigrants, held up here on their way from Egypt and the Balkans, have not passed off without a compensating effect on our local brethren. These travelers, in all their misery and destitution, seem to have aroused in local Jews a ...…

June 01, 1917 • Page Image 26

…27 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE THE CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY Statement on the Palestine Diplomatic Situation ACCOUNTANTS A. F. THAYER CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT MAIN 1735 AUDITS OFFICIE — SYSTE M — FACTORY Corporate and other books opened or closed 617 DIME BANK BLDG. Trial Balances Rectified AUTOMOBILES Mylon-Galvin Co. ROSS 8 The specially designed Car Grand 372 732 Woodward Ave. Watling, Lerchen & Company Investment Bankers ...…

June 01, 1917 • Page Image 27

…IND a man who has experienced the luxury of a Franklin Sedan for summer use. Ask him what he thinks of the Enclosed Car idea for summer. He will tell you that he has made a dis- covery in motorisig; that he will never use any other type of car. He will tell you that the lightness and resilience of the Franklin Sedan make it practical for any kind of driving, on any sort of road, any time, anywhere. That he gets all the free-blowing air there ...…

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