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June 01, 1917 - Image 25

Resource type:
The Jewish Chronicle, 1917-06-01

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Italian Jewish Congress to be Held Soon

Will Take Up Rights of Jews in Egypt and Balkans—To Demand
Equal Rights in All Countries

NEA POL.—The unfortunate condi-
tion of the stranded Jewish immigrants,
held up here on their way from Egypt
and the Balkans, have not passed off
without a compensating effect on our
local brethren. These travelers, in all
their misery and destitution, seem to
have aroused in local Jews a sense of
consciousness. It is as if they have
come to realize that these few refuge-
seeking individuals symbolize the whole
wandering race, ever homeless, trying
to escape one form of persecution and
running into another. This indeed would
seem to have impressed itself upon the
local community at large, and accord-
ingly, while the Jews founded a com-
mittee which looks to the urgent wants
of these strangers, leading men of all
classes formed a branch of that vast
organization, the "Pro Causa Ebraica."
Call for Congress.
The circular sent out to all leading
citizens of Neapol, irrespective of their
race or religion, contains the following :
"Dear Sir—
"We have the honor to inform you
that, at this historical moment when
great and small nations are battling for
the victory of right over might, and for
the guaranteed existence and develop-
ment of all human groups (?), we
found ourselves called upon by duty to
form ourselves into a provisional com-
mittee to propagate the Jeiwsh cause
among our co-religionists as well as
those many others of Neapol who will

give us their sympathy. We want the
voice of Neapol also to resound in that
movement which aims to demand equal
rights for Jews in all countries, at the
forthcoming peace conference.
"We also hereby wish to inform you
that in a few weeks from now a Con-
gress will be held in Rome, where dif-
ferent Kehillahs will be represented,
and most prominent men will aid in for-
mulating ways and means of how best
to demonstrate that Italy, the nation
which more than any other fought for
the protection of the oppressed, is equal-
ly.as ready to fight for the triumph of
Jewish ideals.
"The undersigned believe that • the
Jews of Neapol should place before the
Congress in Rome the following de-
mands :
"(1) Full civil and political rights for
Jews in those countries where they do
not possess them, or have them in in-
complete measure.
"(2) Complete religious, cultural and
social autonomy, in order that the re-
ligious and social life of Jews where
they have been restricted may hence-
forth flow in harmony with the life of
those surrounding them.
"If you are in agreement with our ex-
pressions above, as we have no doubt
you are, we ask you to inform our com-
mittee to that effect. (Address Dr.
Momigliano, Corso Vittorio Emanuele
166.) At the same time you are cor-
dially invited to be present at our next

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Compliments of

S. D. Rosenzweig


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meeting, which will take place on the
18th of this month at Rothschild's build-
ing." The circular was signed by Prof.
A. Graziani, Prof. Bemporau, Dr. Mo-
migliano, Dr. Cahanovitvh, and Shrei-
Demands That Persecution Cease.
The meeting referred to was well at-
tended, and Professor Graziani in his
opening address in part said :
"We have recently heard a great deal
of Jewish sufferings in the war zones,
and the methods adopted to case their
condition. Similar talk has been heard
for hundreds of years, but that is as far
as we have got. Europe, the free and
progressive Europe, always answered
the call of the oppressed nationalities.
Europe restored Greece ; it gave back
the thrones to Sofia, Belgrade and Bu-
charest. Europe is still very much con-
cerned about Armenia, is overflowing
with sympathy for Belgium, and is giv-
ing consideration to the future of
Poland. Only the Jewish people have
been overlooked by Europe. The cry of
Israel has not reached her ear, his great
sufferings have not touched her nerves.
In spite of the many centuries we have
been dwelling among neighbors who
stretch out a brotherly hand to every-
one, we stand alone. Let us see to it
that there shall be no further talk of a
Jewish question. Let us make it pos-
sible for future generations to talk of
Jewish art, literature, religion, com-
merce and history, but let there be no
such thing as Jewish persecution. Upon
us devolves the bounden duty of sever-
ing the chains of bondage, and erase all
signs of shame. We must come before
the next peace conference and tell them
and show them that we have done our
duty and more, that we have contributed
our share and more; we fought on all
fronts under every flag; give us free-
dom and equality."
Among many others who actively par-
ticipated at this enthusiastic gathering
were Dr. Momigliano, Dr. Alhaique, and
Dr. Dario Ascarelli, a leading spirit in
the local Jewish community.
The forthcoming conference at Rome
will be representative of every Kehillah
in Italy, and will be participated in by
every class and shade of Italian Jewry
In addition to the prominent Jews who\
will take a leading part in the proceed-
ings, a number of Ministers, Senators
and Deputies have been invited, and
have signified their intention of being
present. Italian Jewry will for once
sneak in a united voice and make its
declaration on Jewish national ques-


BUENOS AIRES. — News comes
from Paisendu, a small city in the Uru-
guay Republic, that the local Jewish
community is getting over a substantial
Jewish library. The Jews are but few
in number and have been there only a
couple of years, having settled there
when they were compelled to leave the
ICA farms in Brazil. The fact that
these colonists, who came there penni-
less, have within a couple of years
reached a. stage where they.already feel
the necessity of satisfying their cul-
tural needs, and are in position to supply
the necessity, is most significant, be-
speaking as it does what great things
can he accomplished by our Jewish col-
onists when given the right conditions.



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