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March 31, 1922 • Page Image 6

… by the Alpha Epsilon Phi college sorority on Tuesday after- noon, April 11, from 2 to 5 o'clock, at the Federation clubhouse. The af- fair, which is for the benefit of the University of Michigan Woman…

… St. TilMTHEEHMEcEMISUERNEEM Among the University of Michigan students taking part in the Junior Girls' play in Ann Arbor on Thursday evening last is Ruth Arie of Detroit. Miss Kay Brauns, a…

May 05, 1922 • Page Image 6

…. Marckwardt, edi- torial writer on the Detroit News and terhood of Temple Beth El of De- troit, sponsors of the building of the former professor of English at the University of Michigan, was the proposed Hebrew…

… Herman addressed of both stories. Professor Merck- the Jewish Student Congregation of ward laid particular stress upon the the University of Michigan at Ann pronounced fact that the novelist of Arbor on…

December 08, 1922 • Page Image 8

… outstanding figure 50 people, honoring her mother, Mrs. in the education world today, lauded Joseph Wonder of Chicago boulevard. the University of Michigan with its Bebe mums in the prevailnig au- 11…

… D. Hersh and Sylvan S. Groa- of her young friends at the Phoenix ner. Club on Saturday last. Stanley Lewy of Chicago, who is marticulated at the University of Michigan, spent the Thanksgiving holiday…

December 01, 1922 • Page Image 8

… Beth El o n Silk llose, with true blue stripe in the middle of the gay the University of Michigan, who will Saturday evening last, when, to the band. talk on "The Education of the Citi- delightful…

… winter, during to Ann Arbor, where he talked be- Mr. and Mrs. Berger's stay in New fore the Jewish student body of the York City. University of Michigan on the sub- ject of "Science, Religion and Ju…

May 12, 1922 • Page Image 11

… camp, having the varied experience which he possesses. At the University of Michigan Mr. Saul- son played baseball, football, soccer football; managed the literary de- artment hockey team, coached col…

… active management of the camp by Milton Maddin, stu- dent at the University of Michigan and for some time assistant scout- ' master of the Boy Scout troops above mentioned, together with a corps of clolege…

June 23, 1922 • Page Image 6

University of Michigan this week are Samuel Altshuler, Jeanette Kaplan, Sally Ehrlich, Marcus Gins- berg, Louis Gottlieb, Meyer Levin, Harold Lipsitz, Harry Lurie, Morris Marks, Robert Rothman, Sidney Sa…

… bands of jet and carried a bouquet ton Eder, sons of Louis Eder of Cass of velvety pansies and mignonette avenue, are among the graduates of brought from Paris. Among the out- the University of Michigan

March 24, 1922 • Page Image 8

…, was en route to Ann Arbor, where he talked be- Mrs. Louis Kahn of Lawrence ave- fore the Jewish Students' Congrega• nue, a member of the membership tion of the University of Michigan on committee of the…

… newspapermen on Thursday of the University of Michigan to con- evening last. Mr. Kahn Was highly he hoped, be reduced to £2,000,000 duct classes in sculpture. sterling following the reduction of complimented on…

March 17, 1922 • Page Image 6

…, University I of the Miss Bernice Kahn of Detroit is of Michigan, president; David War- I team recruited from members of the among the University of Michigan Liggett School alumnae. The team ner, Western…

…, Returning from a trip to New versity on Saturday, March 25. University of Michigan, secretary; York City is Mrs. Emanuel T. Berger Dr. Herbert Kullet, Syracuse Uni- Mrs. A. Lapin-Cohen and Sirs. Ab- of…

January 06, 1922 • Page Image 7

… apartments West Grand boulevard. After a fortnight's visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Seeger, Lawrence Seeger has returned to Ann Arbor, where he is a student at • the University of Michigan. hose…

… Virgina I'ark, gave several specialty dances at the Michi- gan opera, "Make It for Two," staged by the students of the University of Michigan at Orchestra Hall Saturday last. Mrs. Henry Lipshield of Onaway…

November 03, 1922 • Page Image 3

… and ability. He is a graduate of the University of Michigan and is well (:quipped to fill the office of member of the legislature. "As a young man of tine character and high ideals, he would carry into…

…. Gordon is a practising attorney with offices at 2103 First National Bank building. He is a graduate of the University of Michigan, A•13, I,L. B-17. Mr. Gordon is a member of B'nai B'rith and the Masonic…

April 21, 1922 • Page Image 8

…. Cole, Mrs. Milton Freud, University of Michigan, will be the Mrs. Franklin Cohen, Mrs. Irving Appreciating the work that is be- speaker at the annual meeting of the Oberfelder, Mrs. Theo 011esheimer, ing…

… week's stay in the University of Michigan, spent the Mrs. II. A. Berger of 2940 East holiday period with his parents, Dr. Grand boulevard. I and Mrs. Maxwell Silver of East War- . Julius Kramer of…

March 31, 1922 • Page Image 3

University of Michigan I. Z. A. CS- in ice re- lox tk. ar- fag ■ 111. Dr. the the ne. Read the Details of this Remarkable Value Below-- Not often you see a suite of this qual- ity and style for so little…

of Michigan chapter of the Intercollegiate Zionist Asso•ia- tion, who was visiting here the past oeek-end, Saturday evening addressed the Knights of Judaea, relating his experiences as a Young Judaean…

… FINSTERWALD'S M. 'al- ter- tm- ^th- dos Dr. ho- srn. 'led :Me tith Michigan Ave. at Washington Blvd. One and One-half Blocks from Broadway. lqd 11•11. by Joseph Schwartzberg, secretary of the University

February 24, 1922 • Page Image 6

…'s Lecture.: Professor Fre•hof's next lecture will take place on Friday evening, March 3, at 8:15. Men's Temple Club: On Tuesday evening, Feb. 28, Dr. Hugh Cabot of the University of Michigan will address…

… Sunday last, honoring Rabbi Edward Israel:4 of Evansville, Ill., who gave an address before the Jew- ish students of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor on Sunday evening. A meeting of the Jesters…

December 22, 1922 • Page Image 7

… For ,ervice—see CLEANERS s. "MICHIGAN'S FOREMOST" in. •by 7152 WOODWARD - CORNER CUSTER PHONE EMPIRE 3364 * 01.1 31` Plain or trimmed with Miss Dorothy Kamin, student at the University of Michigan

November 17, 1922 • Page Image 10

… home Mrs. Jacob C. King of 2044 Hazel - Mrs. Adolph Jacoby, Melrose 2643..M. after Dec. 1 at 342 Elmhurst avenue. Dr. Marion L. Burton, president of wood. the University of Michigan, will be The next…

November 03, 1922 • Page Image 5

…. He has al- ways been friendly to the Jewish peo- ple, and helped many of the race in Eastern High School and University of Michigan. He removed the social barriers against Jews in several in- stances…

October 27, 1922 • Page Image 9

… recent graduate of the Training School for Nurses of the University of Michigan. fillielhocks NATURAL RACCOON COAT, 40 inches long IN MEMORIAM Mr. and Mrs. Leo Michelson and family, formerly of 234…

October 06, 1922 • Page Image 7

… Thursday last. members, in appreciation of her un- Harry L. Lurie, Jackiel Goldman tiring efforts for the organisation. and Meyer Levin of Detroit were CONGREGATION AHAVATH among the University of Michigan

September 29, 1922 • Page Image 7

… engineering college of the University of Michigan. The Statler Hotel Ball Room OCTOBER SECOND and THIRD Engag ent ruts Gowns for all occasions, all individual creations, as well as their world famous…

September 29, 1922 • Page Image 8

… several of the important in- returns to resume his studies at the land cities, eventually reaching New ing and enroll as members. University of Michigan. York last May for a three-week en- WANTED…

December 15, 1922 • Page Image 1

… numbers the value of all imports, without re- (Turn to Page Five) will also be included in the program. gard as to whether it is • raw, half- Professor Robert $1. Wenley of the University of Michigan will…

… Here. tent." l'rofessor Wenley is foremost among America's psychologists and TELL OF WORK DONE IN philosophers. He has been head of PALESTINE LAST YEAR the department of philosophy at the University of

Michigan since 1896 and is the author of a number of Plans Laid for 1923 Campaign; philosophical works of distinction. In addition to the talk by Profes. Volunteer Workers to sor Wenley, there will be other…

December 15, 1922 • Page Image 5

… Philomathic Debating Club. North Woodward J. W. E. W. 0. from three colleges in Detroit and meeting of the society, held on Mon- Milton Alexander, vice-president 0 the University of Michigan. Dr. and The North…

December 15, 1922 • Page Image 8

…, lamps, Phond errand,. Stove, All new, clean stock FIXLF.R FURNITURE CO. MM Russell Ave. Miss Sally Ehrlich, a recent gradu- ate of the University of Michigan, who is interested in social service work in…

December 15, 1922 • Page Image 9

… handkerchief shower was given by University of Michigan. Dr. W enley the dub rooms into a store for keep- Prices $1, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 Mrs. J. Ilarrison, 8050 Third avenue. is in every sense of the word a man…

December 15, 1922 • Page Image 10

…. Marwil, student at the rected not particularly against n ou Zion . University of Michigan, is spending but the vacation period with his parents, ti iTa kag eraiie t i he t n T s hhi:, Mr. and Mrs. Robert…

September 08, 1922 • Page Image 3

…- trict, is well known in local Jewish circles. Mr. Hubar is a graduate of the University of Michigan and a prac- tieing attorney. In issuing his plat- form he said: "I promise, if elected, conscien…

June 30, 1922 • Page Image 6

… Chicago. graduated from the University of Michigan law school, is visiting his Miss Ethel Botkin of Washington, parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Saulson of D. C., was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. East Hancock avenue…

June 23, 1922 • Page Image 3

… Young Judaea conven- , panies, with the great operatic stars University of Michigan; since early tion to be held in Long Branch, N. and the same high standard of en- manhood associated with the auto…

June 23, 1922 • Page Image 7

… Mr. = from the Nurses' Training School of and Mrs Slran left on a western trio, = the University of Michigan. at the conclusion of which they will a. take up their residence in Detroit. Mr and Mrs…

June 09, 1922 • Page Image 10

… will be Miss Rena Zeiger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Zeiger. Bernard and Paul Zeiger, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Zeiger, will graduate this June from the University of Michigan and the Highland Park High…

June 02, 1922 • Page Image 7

…- June4. Reception for friends at 7 dent at the University of Michigan, spent a few days at the home of p. m. No cards. Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Saulson. Mrs. S. Leavitt and daughter, Miss Ruth, of Montreal…

May 19, 1922 • Page Image 12

…. Rabinowitz, president of the University of Michigan Meno- rah Society, said he hoped the debate will serve as a sort of come-back for graduates to renew acquaintances on the campus. Much interest is being…

May 12, 1922 • Page Image 8

… fund. stay in Grand Rapids is Sirs. Louis Goldberg of Mt. Vernon avenue. iblb,MWAVOMMV IMOCVMV ‘ 4 1.WiVOA. Leo I. Franklin, student at the Richard Marx of Pittsburgh, son 1 University of Michigan, spent…

April 28, 1922 • Page Image 6

… Oppen- Michigan. Mr. Stocker received his B. S. de- heim of Hotel Statler. Mrs. Oppen. he m attended the marriage of her gree from the University of Michigan nephew, Earl Spiesberger of Jackson, in 1919…

April 28, 1922 • Page Image 7

… to and from the University, of Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. L. Goldberg of 443 The out-of-town guests were Mr. encourage further effort. The same East Kirby avenue announce the Bar Chaluzim who were reported…

April 07, 1922 • Page Image 6

…, are in I Krolik and Sally Lambert attended Chicago, where they will spend ■ in the ballroom of the Michigan Union at Prom the University of Michigan. month visiting with Mrs. Krolik'' the Soph Friday…

March 24, 1922 • Page Image 3

…. Eder, Benjamin Eder, Bur- ton Eder, a senior dental student at the University of Michigan, and Jo- seph Eder, senior medical student here, and two daughters, Mrs. Joseph Kane and Mrs. J. Eder. ROY A…

March 24, 1922 • Page Image 5

… many local char- itable organizations. Surviving her are her husband, Louis; four sons, Dr. S. J. Eder, Benjamin Eder, Bur- ton Eder, a senior dental student at the University of Michigan, and Jo- seph…

March 24, 1922 • Page Image 9

… outcast, but Miss Lillian Scher, student at the termined to become a factor in the home for the Jewish soul and spirit. University of Michigan, spent a few life of the organization. The fol- --Menahem…

March 03, 1922 • Page Image 6

… founding of the I'hi chapter at has gone to Nashville, Tenn., where I New York Stock Exchange $7.00 the University of Michigan. Among she will visit with relatives and All White Porcelain Kitchen Tables…

March 03, 1922 • Page Image 8

University of Michigan ! vote lessons in Hebrew. Miss Schmidt which took place in Chicago on Sun- will be the speaker at the Friday day, Feb. 12. Mr. and Mrs. Taub speaks a fluent English and is there- fore…

February 24, 1922 • Page Image 7

… Rabinowitz of nue. Frederick street, was elected presi- dent of the Menorah Society of the Albert Eliel of 121 Euclid avenue University of Michigan at a meeting spent several days in Chicago the held Sunday…

February 17, 1922 • Page Image 6

…'urdy of Royal Oak has returned from Chicago, where she was called by the serious illness and death of her mother, Mrs. Her- man Freund. Miss Sally Ehrlich, student at the University of Michigan, spent a…

February 17, 1922 • Page Image 8

…' SMOKER More than 100 college students from the several Detroit colleges and the University of Michigan attended the Father and Son smoker given by the Detroit Intercollegiate Club at the Shaarey 7,edek on…

February 10, 1922 • Page Image 6

… effects more than ever for this new season, and as a result we have some of the Among the University of Michigan alumnae actively interested in the campaign to build and endow a Michi- gan League is Mrs…

January 20, 1922 • Page Image 11

… and died. was well in a position to enforce the gree that it was during 1929 and University of Michigan will address Sam kept the Shivah. Ile sincerely observance of the Sabbath, in busi- 1321. a joint…

January 06, 1922 • Page Image 6

… Zedek announce a card party on Tuesday, Jan. 31, at the Federation clubhouse, the proceeds of which will go toward the Passover fund for Jew- ish students at the University of Michigan. David Zemon of…

September 15, 1922 • Page Image 2

… grad- had absolutely nothing, could have world. On these ships there also were piping hot and sweetened with ser- The situation is an anomolous one. At uate of the University of Michigan, I had nothing…

June 30, 1922 • Page Image 4

… took the gold piece home, set it people or race with blanket adjectives, praising or blaming. , At the University of Michigan, as letter of the first name, the second woman who o filled his ideals. Yet…

June 16, 1922 • Page Image 6

…. Beginning at the University of Michigan, where ing that it was his duty to inaugurate ing of the League of Nations. every educational means that will de- General Offices and Publication Building 850 High…

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