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May 02, 1986 • Page Image 62

…., Southfield,-MI 48076 (313) 557-7650 He build thiarc Association for RetardeclCitizens are confronted with their pursuit I do not like being called a dati religious" with this kind of con- a religious Jew

… rather relate the Moreover, I shudder when a Jew "more" or the "less" to the man- fellowmen? feels that he must sheepishly con- There is one more reason why I ner in which a Jew conducts his fess to me…

… term already achieved it. political parties are organized for of the Covenant — the responsibil- power, and power inevitably cor- ity of Jews for each other. rupts. How I wish that I could elimin- No…

… provided no exception. and virtually all Jews are practic- piety. My late revered father dis- ing Jews — some more so, and I have no solution to the pro- some less — but once a person couraged the use of two…

May 02, 1986 • Page Image 12

Jews to carefully monitor the media and respond to false accusations. She spoke on Monday at Cong. Beth Shalom in Oak Park and at the Hillel Foundation at the Uni- versity of Michigan on this new "Blood…

Jews?" In 1984 at a UN seminar, Dawalibi, a dele- gate from Saudi Arabia, read into the record the statement: "If a Jew doesn't drink the blood of a non-Jew every year he will be damned for eternity…

…-Itto that "We Jews are Zionists and if not then we are half a Jew. The accusation of us as a chosen people is not due to being better than others, but we have more commandments to carry out. We have 613 com…

…- mandments to the non-Jew's seven commandments." Others in the audience pointed out that the resolution was passed at the height of the OPEC power. They felt that since OPEC was crumbling there would be less…

May 02, 1986 • Page Image 18

… OF SERVICE ESTABLISHED 1920 SOUTHFIELD 24777 Telegraph WAYNE 32060 Michigan 353-2500 ,LINCOLN PARK 3060.Ft. St. 721.3700 388-0600 • CREATIVE JEWELRY Specializing In Unique And Original Designs…

… important." And, adds Sharir, Coming to Is- rael is especially important for Jews. In fact, Sharir said, he plans to use the present situation not only to give an added push to tourism but to put "special…

… stress on the significance of Jewish visits." Noting that fewer than 20 per- cent of American Jews have been to Israel, Sharir said, "I'm baffled that so few Jews have come. Last year, more West Germans…

… than American Jews came to Israel. If I lived in the United States and the miracle of Israel happened in my time, after 2,000 years, I'd like to see it. "The problem is to bring people here. Once they…

…-s-sr.3:.aneravrs:i future of our people. You can't be a complete Jew if you don't see Jerusalem. This "is the only place you can go to drink fully of the pride of Judaism. If you're a Jew, Israel speaks…

… to you like no other place can." Which is why, Sharir said, it's especially important that young Jews', Come to Israel. The American Zionist Youth Foundation, which coordinates all American youth…

Jews. A delegation of ministers will soon be going to Israel and there will be increased advertising in Christian media. The irony of all this, said Shoshani, is that all the effort and attention will…

May 02, 1986 • Page Image 73

… that fear. How may such knowledge help my children? How may this knowledge contribute to the moral repair of man, Jew and non-Jew? For the Jew who feels the mandate to recount the Holocaust years to his…

… child, the record of non-Jewish self-sacrifices is of utmost importan& The acts of these "hasidai umot ha-olam," these righteous non-Jews, lend another di- mension to the revelations of atrocity. The…

… of barbarism is not the whole story of the Holocaust. The child and his parents must come to know the names and faces of these valiant non-Jews. Both the child and his parents are susceptible to the…

…- panied by the wine which maketh the heart of man to rejoice. For the non-Jew, knowl- edge of the conduct and behavior of his contem- poraries who rescued is equally vital. He who may be deaf to the sound…

… 24901 Northwestern Hwy. Southfield •I Law Offices STEPHEN R. BERNSTEIN 30301 Northwestern Highway Suite 300 Farmington Hills, Michigan 48018 • EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE ATTORNEY Member Michigan

…) 851-8888 3000 TOWN. CENTER, SUITE 45 SOUTHFIELD,' MICHIGAN 48075. (313) 352-9696 EXPANSION SALE NOW IN PROGRESS nioving to larger quarters at the Atrium. EXCEPTIONAL Works Available NATKIN…

May 02, 1986 • Page Image 5

… learned that they were among those who collaborated with the Germans in World War II. At the cemetery, a friend of the family remarked that it was time for a dialogue between Poles and Polish Jews. He…

… admitted that be- fore the war Polish anti-Semites wanted the Jews out of Poland, and now there are no Jews and no Poland. The oldest son, Zachary, tries to keep in touch with the Jewish community. When…

…-Wide Delivery To understand why there is "agitation in our state to return the death penalty . ." consider the horrible crimes that have oc- 772-4350 curred in Michigan in our time. A few years ago, a teen…

May 02, 1980 • Page Image 5

… participated in a program of the Cleveland Hebrew Association for the Deaf which provides interpreters for deaf Jews so that they can taka part in worship services. Anti-Semite Image Upset Lindy NEW YORK…

… speeches in which he often cited the Jews as one of the groups pressing the country towards war. In the book, Mrs. Lindbergh refutes the charges against her hus- band: "He was accused of being anti…

… happens to the Jews but what happens to the people who Jew-bait. How it de- grades a man or a nation. War is clean, but this other is disease." The diaries disclose that she was deeply disturbed about his…

… stop him from making Just in time for Summer. Now you can enjoy the most luxurious health/social club in Michigan at a great pace . *FULL MEMBERSHIP ONLY FOR ALL INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIPS Hurry. Join…

May 02, 1986 • Page Image 76


… number of non-Jew- ish heroes involved in such rescue behavior during the Nazi period warrant such study and celebration? No one knows or will ever know the extent of rescue activity of this nature unless…

… the search is made. Altruism, courage, moral heroism are, by definition, rare. For the sake of 36 righteous, the world is sustained; for the sake of 30 righteous non- Jews, the Talmud declares, the…

…- man police. Ask my: children who Koophuis and Kraler were, what happened to them, how they manage to live today. It is as if it never was: It is as if Jews are only betrayed, only hated. It is as g…

… there are only conspiracies fa do evil against Jews, but no conspiracies to do good, to save Jewi. What they are ' left with is the never-ending curse 'of anti-semitism and the conviction that what was…

… perversion. It is the sin of omission which de- moralizes our children, iso- lates them from the non-Jew- ish world, paralyzes their energies to find non-Jewish allies in the struggle against anti-Semitism and…

… 180 Christian families who were being persecuted by RightiSt groups because of their generosity to Jews during the evil time of Hit- ler. The Polish beggar, Karol Kicinski, bidding good-bye to two Jews

… Gentiles a few tit' us have launched a Foundd ' tion • to Sustain the Right. eons Gentiles to identify and • help support these moral help . " • acts have been, verified.Ne pall on the Jew- ish community for…

May 02, 1986 • Page Image 4

… Unappreciated Heroes Editorial and Sales offices at 20300 Civic Center Dr., Suite 240, Southfield, Michigan 48076-4138 Telephone (313) 354-6060 POBLISI IER: Charles A. Buerger OFFICE STAFF: 'EDITOR EMERITUS…

… Cheshure Cathy Ciccone Curtis Deloye Ralph Orme ©1988 by The Detroit Jewish News (US PS 275-520) Second Class postage paid at Southfield, Michigan and additional mailing offices. Subscriptions: 1 year - $21…

… memory of those heroic people still lingers on in Yad Vashem. There, along winding pathways, many trees have been planted in honor of gentiles who risked their lives to save Jews during World War II. A…

… symposium, 12. speakers were invited to take a seat at the speakers' table, but not one Righteous Gentile was among them. Speaker after speaker blamed the Christian people for mistreatment of Jews inside and…

… memoiies to the "professionals" and the shrinking population of Holocaust Survivors? Alvin Kushner of the Community Council worries that only 150 persons from a state with more than 70,000 Jews; will attend…

… for the mistreatment of Jews .. . but not one word was mentioned about the Righteous Gentiles. area. Among them is a Polish couple, Ignacy and Helena Chorazyczewski from Hamtramck; a Dutch woman, Bloem…

…. Peter Hruzka wrote a hardcover book about his war experience. He once said, "I want nothing for saving Jews, but after putting out so much heart and effort and money, I hoped that my book would receive a…

May 02, 1986 • Page Image 30

… devotions he aims to keep encouraging as he meets with fellow Jews speaking Yid- dish and French' and now having begun to master English. , Lupus Meeting Michigan Lupus Foundation will sponsor a free…

… not yet speak the language. He became a pantimimist, working with Mar- cel Marceau, and gradually at- tained a knowledge of French. Halter describes the 700,000 French Jews, half Ashkenazi, half…

… Sephardi, as a folk working together. "We are dedicated to Israel. We help Russian Jewry," he said. "When we demonstrate for either or both, we gather in the hun- dreds of thousands, non-Jews as well as Jews

May 02, 1986 • Page Image 75

…. Gittelsohn, now Rabbi Emeri- tus of his Boston congregation, told delegates at a session set aside for Reform Zionists that the Law of Return, which auto- matically makes Jews citizens when they immigrate to…

… Israel, is being "flagrantly violated day by day" by much of Orthodoxy in Israel. "Twice a year, virtually without exception, a bill is in- troduced in the Knesset to rede- fine who is a Jew. They have…

….4 million Reform, Liberal and Progressive Jews. Its 23rd International convention was held in Toronto, marking the first time it has convened outside Israel or Europe. Over 250 delegates from 20 countries…

….5516 CITRIN • weddings • barlbat mitzvahs • sweet 16 • household inventory • insurance video 353-1424 In Michigan and of course, Jewelry! Tel Aviv (JTA) — 'Thousands of nationalist Israelis jammed Hebron…

… Rights Movement (CRM) was banned from holding Anti-Gush counterdemonstrations which they said were intended to pro- ve that Jews and Arabs can co- exist peacefully. VIDEO PHOTOGRAPHY Mon.-Sat. 10…

May 02, 1980 • Page Image 8

… devastating decrease in the number of letters re- quested from Israel by Rus- sian Jews. This is seen in the fact that the once- teeming stream of Russian-Jewish immig- rants from Odessa has slowed to the…

… Dulzin and Gaynor Jacob- son, executive vice president of HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society), which arranges refugee status for Soviet Jews who wish to immigrate to the U.S. Jacobson (no relation to…

… Charlotte Jacobson) noted in his letter that under the new U.S. law, If a Russian Jew leaves Russia and does get to Israel, but after a brief period of residence de- cides to leave Israel, he might be…

Jew who leaves the Soviet Union with a visa to Israel is not a refugee, • • ••••.••••••••.••••• Out Of .... • • We Take The Wo St:r. y…

… luxurious health/social club in Michigan at a great price. ' *FULL MEMBERSHIP ONLY $100.00` OFF! FOR ALL INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIPS Hurry. Join now. this offer expires soon. HAMILTON PLACE...IT'S JUST NICE…

May 02, 1980 • Page Image 22

… TRUCKS 1979's still available from stock \.\ c,,k_ NEW CAR ,00 PROFES`)\° BROKER 'C'C I1ASES (Up to 23% discount on new cars.) 968-2360 25900 Greenfield Rood, Suite 139 • Oak Pork, Michigan 48237…

…" and "For them the Red Sea has not yet parted." For the first time a group representing the Jews of Ethiopia (Falashas) marched and waved banneri urging that their brethren be re- scued from Ethiopia so…

… York Conference on Soviet Jewry (GNYCSJ), has traditionally brought large turnouts of Jews and non-Jews, with men, women and young people from New England to Mary- land marching with their synagogues…

… most luxurious health/social club in Michigan at a great price. • *FULL MEMBERSHIP ONLY •, .11"- Alr I I $10.00* Oni ! FOR ALL INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIPS I • Hurry. Join now. this offer expires soon…

May 02, 1986 • Page Image 23

… Cutting Co. "The Diamond Cutters" AND MY FRIENDS 3000 Town Center, Southfield, Michigan •• ■ ••••• 355-2300 ..nee In Michigan Call Toll Free 1-800-346-1900 George Pierrot Pierrot and his close…

… toil Should share Isaac's lands — `'Let him live in the sands!" (Underneath which lay oceans of oil.) Genesis 21:8-21 grehinvi "We Jews have always prided ourselves on our family life. Even the…

May 02, 1980 • Page Image 16

… Speaker: Rabbi Berel Wein, Dear) of Yeshiva Shaarey Torah of Monsey, New York Jewish Community Center, W. Bloomfield, Michigan For reservations and information call 559 5005 - General Chairman Co…

… Detroit Jewish Community Many Jews overlook the fact that the Vaad, in addition to overseeing Kashruth and other functions, performs mediation services for the Jewish Corn- munity. From the time of Moses…

… of Orthodox Rabbis makes it possible for Russian Jews arriving in our community to be introduced to Kashrut and other Mitzvot. Special arrangements are made in setting up a Kosher kitchen and a…

May 02, 1986 • Page Image 13

… — Southeast corner Northwestern Behind Gabe's Fruits In The Mayfair Shops ciation of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists. They have given top priority to educating Jews and the general population to what is being…

… .._ _First Federal of Michigan First of America Manufacturers Michigan National of Detroit National Bank of Detroit Standard Federal 5.90 6.25 6.35 6.10 6.05 6.00 5.90 6.00 6.10 HIGH YIELD Thermal ore…

…, Warren•Marler Rd and Jelleisom SI Clair Slimes • Schaeler just north of Michigan Ave, Dearborn % luol,, of HOME MEDICAL SUPPLY V/S4 Lilt, t i%i. Amami Yield 26336 Twelve Mile Rd. (At Northwestern…

May 02, 1986 • Page Image 57

… Towers, 25900 Greenfield, Oak Park. Guest speaker will be Moira Katz. Her topic is: "Jews in South Africa." The public is wel- come. NEGBAH - SHALOM - CHAI CHAPTER, Naamat USA, will meet May 14 at noon at…

…, Naamat USA, announces John Shepherd, judge of the Michigan Court of Appeals, will speak at its next meeting on Tuesday at noon in the Naamat USA meeting room in the Kristen Towers, 25900 Greenfield, Suite…

… Lancaster, Farmington Hills. Dr. Reuben Merritt will speak on "The Black Jewish Community of Metropolitan Detroit." For in- formation, call Diane Gerber, 553-2114. Women's Health Expo Planned The Michigan

… Expo, 51-6210 or 851 5755. f ANC) KE RD 724 OFICOV-1AR WEST BLOOMFIELD, MICHIGAN 48033 [313] B55-8433 - _ - - eyvi.r.:4eq..•41-4.;.s. …

May 02, 1986 • Page Image 38

…, specifically his own. Every human being can enrich us with his knowledge if we make him our teacher. "Get yourself a teacher" em- phasized the importance of the study of Torah for every Jew. There are still so…

… many Jews in our day who are brilliant in their own specialties, in science, lavf, medicine, and other fields, but who possess only an infantile understanding of their own tradi- tion. They judge Judaism…

…, you will find yourself be- coming a more accepting, open and loving human' being in all of your relationships with other people. - Scollosis Meeting The Scoliosis Attsomation of Michigan will hold its…

May 02, 1980 • Page Image 27

… at the "Lubavitch, City of Love." New Rabbi at Bnai Israel If you're not wearin g it, sell it. You can't enjoy jewe ry if it's sitting in your safe deposit box. Sell it for immediate cash. We pur…

… active in the resettlement in the U.S. of Russian Jews. Rabbi Blachorsky is a certified mohel. Rabbi Blachorsky con- ducts services in the tem- porary headquarters of the congregation, located at 71 1/2 N…

… Lessman, Sam Novetsky, Royal A. Op- penheim, David Pollack, Willedina 924.24 P.O. Box 124 Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 48013 We Service, Install & Repair POOLS & SPAS SELL CHEMICALS & SUPPLIES Pool…

…, Michigan - tia 4' 4 4 1; *-* 4 IF li, 4, a sll …

May 02, 1980 • Page Image 4

…, THE JEWISH NEWS (usps75 520) Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with the issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press…

…, 17515 W. Nine Mile, -Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075 Second-Class Postage Paid at Southfield, Michigan and Additional Mailing Offices. Subscription $15 a year. • PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher…

… one of the most impressively progressive tasks in providing means for constructive labors to previously op- pressed — and depressed — Jews. ORT, the abbreviation for Organization for Rehabilitation…

… the Jews of Czarist Russia in 1880 and continued to focus its energies on Eastern Europe as long as that area was the greatest center ofJewish population in the world. ORT's help was important during…

May 02, 1986 • Page Image 11

… calling the JEWISH NATIONAL FUND and plant a tree in her honor JNF 18877 W. 10 Mile Rd. Southfield, Michigan 48075 557-6644 GLASS AUTO TRIM ACCESSORIES NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS: Custom Polysteel •Steel…

… Crown Heights,, ,Chassidic t study showed iha Jews in the Croviin Heights area had lung cancer at three times the national average. The program is ,being con- ducted by the Kinggbrook Jewish Medical…

May 02, 1986 • Page Image 19

…,000 "niay, be more knowledgeable and more com- mitted as Jews than the 350,000 they replace." Speaker: Dr. Emanuel Tanay 30400 Telegraph Rd., Suite 134 Birmingham 642-5575 Daily 10:00-5:30 Thurs. 10…

…. BLINDS: custom shIsdss • OPENING WINE and CHEESE RECtP,TION Jewish Community Center of Metropolitan Detroit 6600 West Maple‘Road West Bloomfield, Michigan a WINDOW SHADE CO. 50%-70% OFF WINDOW…

May 02, 1980 • Page Image 34

…, have been selected official chili maker to represent 11 states in the North Central Regional Cookoff Contest, tomorrow in Saline, Mich. . . benefitting the Kidney F . oundation of Michigan .. With Al…

… E. Lafayette . . . featuring 60 performances by 16 South- eastern Michigan individu- als and group artists • • • with music, drama, dance and a special family series .. For more info, call the A…

… and raised as a Jew in Venice. In later years, he was baptized and became the leading playwright at the court of Emperor Josef II. Da Ponte, Mozart and Casanova had once attended a Friday night service…

May 02, 1980 • Page Image 60

…ETROIT JEW 60 Friday, May 2, 1980 17—HOUSES FOR SALE 17-A—LOTS FOR SALE 111111.0 FRANKLIN WABEEK Three bedroom brick ranch, 2 1/2 baths, central air, porch, fire- place. Huge lot. Att. garage…

… about your _family's health & security? Howard Ruff recommends N.E.S.T. dehydrated foods. Ask about our wholesale plan. MICHIGAN HEALTH & SURVIVAL CO; 641 8265 MEDICAL PERSONNEL POOL Do you plan to…

Michigan Inn. Complete contents of luxury apartment including Baker sofa, chairs & tables, Fickes Reed games table & chairs, Kittenger trestle table, John Widdicomb dining set, Edward Fields area rugs…

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