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June 12, 1987 • Page Image 56

… Students' Network trip to the Soviet Union with help from the Pitt Foundation. - For information and appli- cations, contact the respective Hillel Foundations at the University of Michigan, 663- 3336…

… by B'nai B'rith Hillel, AIPAC and the Council of Jewish Federations. Jewish law stu- dents at Michigan univer- sities may be eligible to par- ticipate in the B'nai B'rith Hillel National Jewish Law…

… open to Jewish students who have completed at least one semes- ter of study at a Michigan college or university and who will be returning to their campus at the completion of the leadership program…

… fund a major Michigan college campus leadership development pro- gram. The scholarship program, which will provide funding for participation in a wide range of leadership develop- ment activities, is…

… taught by Shlomo Sperka, who is the director of the Michigan Employment Relations Commission of the Michigan Department of Labor. Stuart Goldstein To Direct JVS Stuart Goldstein was elected president of

… and social work students, as well as a new B'nai B'rith Hillel leadership program for selected students who' wish to study at Israeli universities. 626-1999 MONT MEMOIRS Finally, a travel agency that…

…; Michigan State Univer- sity, (517) 332-1916; or Wayne State University, 577-3459; or Nathan D. Rubenstein, 569-5655. Jewish Law Course Offered A course in Jewish Law will be offered at Wayne State…

… students from other law schools and to auditors from the general public. Interested parties should call the regis- trar of the law school at Wayne State University, 577-3978. The course in Jewish Law will be…

…MOD TECH FURNITURE, INC. T-- r un manufacturer of custom furniture ON CAMPUS • LAMINATES • WOODS • CONTEMPORARY • TRADITIONAL 553-2246 Air Conditioned & Heated SCHECHTER'S KOSHER HOTEL 1…


June 12, 2008 • Page Image 58

…) 482-0456; audrey@emuhil- . • University of Michigan:1429 Hill Street, Ann Arbor; www.umhillel. org . (734) 769-0500; umhillel@ . • Michigan State University: Join a Hillel

…, ages 18-30: • Wayne State University: 667 Grosberg Center, Detroit; www. . Hillel of Metro Detroit hotline: (313) 577-8888. . 360 Charles, East Lansing; www…

… musical show with the Banjoes of Michigan 1 p.m. Wednesday, June 18, in Adler Hall at Congregation Shaarey Zedek, 27375 Bell Road in Southfield. Refreshments will be served. Call to arrange a ride: (248…

… advance. Shabbat housing can be requested. RSVP by June 25 to Mitch: (313) 577-3459 or hillelpd@ . Participate in campus Hillel pro- grams, offering a variety of activi- ties for young adults…

June 12, 2014 • Page Image 17

… educator at Michigan State University Hillel in East Lansing. It's been a year of activity for Horwitz. Just last fall, he decided he'd like to settle in Detroit and raise a family here. It's where his…

… parents reside and where his original love of learning started as a young child at Hillel Day School in Farmington Hills. Horwitz, 30, is the son of IN Publisher/ Executive Editor Arthur Horwitz and his…

… Campus Alliance of Michigan (HCAM), which comprises just under a dozen schools around the state. One day a week I'll be in East Lansing, and another day a week I'll be at one of the satellite campuses. My…

…Get a jump start on the upcoming school year with our fast-paced summer pro • rams... • et ahead of the class! One-to-One Instruction • Grades K through 12 Programs: Math, Reading, Writing, Study…

… Skills, Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II Rabbi Dan Horwitz returns to Detroit to work at Shir Tikvah and MSU Hillel. THE TUTORING CENTER Adam Finkel Special to the Jewish News T his month, Rabbi Dan…

… wife, Gina. Most recently, Horwitz was rabbi and director of immersive learning at Moishe House, a global network of 64 communal houses in 13 countries, including one in Royal Oak. Moishe House is a…

… past 18 months included San Francisco, Israel, Poland and China. On those trips, he provided educa- tional guidance to young Jewish adults and served as a rabbi to community-led groups. In the midst of

… his move into a new house, he spoke about this new chapter in his life. Why did you decide to move back to Detroit? Detroit is home! I've lived in a number of other cities, including Boston, Washington…

… incredible spiritual leader, and I can't wait to have the opportu- nity to learn from him. What will be your role at MSU's Hillel? I'll be serving as the senior Jewish educa- tor for MSU Hillel and the Hillel

June 12, 1981 • Page Image 43

… campus Hillel organizations — the University of Cincinnati, Princeton University and Ohio State University — with the 1981 William Haber Award for outstand- ing programs and activities during the past…

… is named for Dr. William Haber, former dean of eco- nomics at the University of Michigan. 00 DO _Do *It 1.‘k MICKEY FREEMAN Honored at the event will be Milton M. Weinstein, long-time leader in…

… SOUND: (1090), a program of inter- p.m. Sunday in the home of 6:15 a.m. Sunday, WMJC- est to the Jewish commu- Mr. and Mrs. Rod Broder, FM (95) and 8 a.m. Sunday, nity, moderated by Hy 28696 Apple Blossom…

… Ln., WNIC-AM (1310). Rabbi Shenkman. Farmington Hills. At 9 * * * Yitschak Kagan is the mod- p.m., the group will show erator. YIDDISH IS HEIMISH: the film of Broder's "roast." * * 6:30 p.m. Monday…

…, WCAR For information, call the RELIGION IN THE (1090), an all-Yiddish pro- Broders, 553-0139; Paula NEWS: 9:05 a.m. Sunday, gram of music, news, inter- Zalesin, 642-0392; or Sha- CKWW (580), Rabbi Jona…

… RELIGIOUS SCOPE: Monday, WCAR (1090), 25 in the home of Mr. and 10:20 a.m. Sunday, Channel news and features from Is- Mrs. Chuck Gordon, 23231 9, Rabbi Jonathan V. Plaut rael plus community an- Radclift, Oak…

… Park. Guests will moderate a program of nouncements, with Henri are welcome. For details, * * Bizaoui, Bella Greenbaum Jewish interest. * * * and Fay Knoll. * * * JEWISH COMMU- NITY COUNCIL: 11:30 IF NOT…

… NOW: 12:40 p.m. Mickey Freeman, racon- a.m. Sunday, Channel 2, as Thursday, WDET-FM teur and television person- part of "Sunday in Detroit," (101.9), Carol Coden, Na- ality, will be guest artist at Ken…

… Sidlow will be host to tional Council of Jewish the Oakland Century Lodge Rabbi Efry Spectre of Adat Women Chairman for the tribute dinner on behalf of Shalom Synagogue, and to "Meals on Wheels" program…

… Israel Bonds, slated for 7 Suzanne Nussbaum and of the Jewish Family Serv- p.m. June 23 at Adat Joseph Starkman, two con- ice, will be the guest. Shalom Synagogue. gregants who shared their * * * Bar…

June 12, 1970 • Page Image 22

… Judaism Survive the College Ex- perience?•• "No," Rabbi Gerald A. Goldman, • director of Hillel Foundation at the University of Michigan, told them, "Not as the old religion. The young have served their…

… creative chairman; Ronald Kopita of the joys," he said. University of Michigan at Flint; Rabbi Goldman continued by describing the new programs at Hillel that attempt to fulfill' spiritual and creative…

…,, Council, with the cooperation of with dignity and with respect. But the University of Michigan. spon- more than all, they have endowed sored a conference on "Jewish them with the greatest gift from a Youth…

…- gust W. Mueller of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Subcommittee Looks Into Youth Center Carl Rittman reported at the last board of governors meeting Through the United Jewish of the Flint…

… Central Michigan University and has been appointed director of recreational therapy at the Mount Pleasant State Home and Train- ing School for Retarded. I Bar Mitzva chance to come to their own con…

… to many Jewish or- sance man," Dr. Arthur P. Mendel, ganizations. professor of history at the Uni- versity of Michigan. Ann Arbor. said. The keynote speaker warned that he would be "stepping on toes…

… and of Michigan Flint Graduate Cen- two parents, held a panel discus- ter supervised the workshops, and sion with many questions from Dr. Jack Stanzler, chairman of the the floor on aspects of Dr. Men…

June 12, 1964 • Page Image 18

… for Multiple- Handicapped Blind Children." Freeling, himself blind, is a graduate of the Universities of Rochester and Michigan. A psycho- logist at the Penrickton Nursery for Visually Handicapped…

… Paul Engler will be observed. ISAAC AGREE DOWNTOWN SYNAGOGUE: Services 5:15 p.m. today and 8 a.m. Saturday. Max H. Goldsmith, president of Hillel Day School, has announced that Saturday will be observed…

… as Hillel Day School Sabbath. The following rabbis and con- gregations of the greater metro- politan Detroit area will partici- pate: Morris Adler, Shaarey Ze- dek; Milton Arm, Ahavas Achim; Noah Gamze…

…. Refreshments will be served. The community is invited. * * * At an exhibition baseball game between the fourth and fifth grades of the Hillel Day School, Don Wert, third baseman for the Detroit Tigers, spoke…

… synagogue presi- resume of experience to Rabbi dent, s a i d' the Harold S. White, 1429 Hill board of trustees Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. granted the sab- batical in recog- nition of Rabbi Adler's 25 years…

Hillel School Sabbath SYNAGOGUE SERVICES Set; Kindergarteners to Receive Diplomas CONG. SHAAREY SHOMAYIM: Services 7:50 p.m. today and 9 aan Saturday. Rabbi Goldman will speak on "A Destructive…

… Opposi- tion." The Bar Mitzvah of David Wiener will be observed. TEMPLE ISRAEL: Services 8:30 p.m. today. Rabbi Syme will speak on "The Teaching of Contempt: Christian Roots of Anti-Semitism." The Bar…

… Mitzvahs of Jack Martin Kahrnoff and Gary Cummis will be observed. Services 11 a.m. Saturday. The Bar Mitzvahs of Ronald Lee Finegood and Andrew Mark Wohlman will be obsreved. YOUNG ISRAEL OF GREENFIELD…

… Mitzvah of Nancy R. Barbas will be observed. CONG. BNAI JACOB: Services 7:50 p.m. today and 9 a.m. Saturday. Rabbi Isaac will speak on "Unto their assembly let my glory not be united." BIRMINGHAM TEMPLE…

…: Installation service 8 p.m. Sunday at High Meadow School. Rabbi Wine will speak on "The Religion of Birm- ingham Temple." CONG. BETH TEFILO EMANUEL TIKVAH: Services 7:40 p.m. today and 8:30 a.m. Saturday. Rabbi…

June 12, 1953 • Page Image 11

… loyalty of Rabbi Abba Hillel Sil- Council and Rabbi Silver had Rabbi Leon- Fram of Temple ver. • signed one of the early petitions Israel will be installed as press- "Congressmen hunting for on behalf of

… Julius and Ethel dent of the Michigan Council of Communists in the clergy have Rosenberg." Pearson pointed gone so far as to investigate out that "actually, both, minis- the loyalty of two of the three…

… Silver are Bishop Henry Knox She,: - said that his stand on the Ros- rill, Episcopalian, and Rabbi enberg case is well known and Abba Hillel Silver, of Cleveland, was published in the press. He both…

of the Hillel Found- ation, held open house to - ac- quaint its non-Jewish neighbors with the new building. _ Participating o r g a n i zations were the Beth Israel Sisterhood and the Ann Arbor…

… were delivered by Osias Zwerdling, president of the Center, Rabbi Herschel Lyman, of the Hillel Foundation and Rabbi Julius Weinberg-. There were musical selections by Lily Lampe of Ann Arbor at the…

… joy and pride of their parents 'and, friends: With Torah and 'Zion's greetings Council of - Orthodox Rabbis- of Detroit FARBAND CAMP CHELSEA, MICHIGAN DR. N. DRACHLER, Director `Honor Thy Father…

…- mas. Graduates will attend many different - colleges. Going East. are Robert Berg, to Harvard University; Bruce Relyea, to Cornell; James Edelson, to Car- negie Institute of Technology; and Ronald…

… Goldman, to Pratt Institute. Gloria Jaffe and Fe- licia Rosenthal will go to Uni- versity of Wisconsin and Al Iwrey will venture to the Deep South and University of .Miami. To my many friends and read- ers…

… chapters of Hadassah and Bnai Brith, Prof. William Haber was mas- ter of ceremonies. Dr. DeWitt C. Baldwin, student religious ad- visor at the University of Mich- igan, 'delivered the invocation. Addresses…

…' . Tales Out of School "The Youth of a Nation are the Trustees of Posterity."--Disraeli. By By Ronald Barbara Goldman Levin Central' Muth-i-ord . High • High - Seniors will get into…

June 12, 2008 • Page Image 26

… through the University of Michigan Hillel last May, my sense of Jewish identity has changed and I have begun to solidify what being Jewish means to me. It was a 10-day trip to Israel, during which a bus of

…. How I stuck with religious school and was confirmed. How I had even made the ultimate sacrifice of skipping Michigan football games to go to services on the High Holidays. Since my Birthright trip…

… admired the work of Jewish federations and foundations around the world. In the year to come, I will also be serving as one of six national Hillel ambassadors, helping to fundraise so other students can…

… to see just how great of an impact the Birthright experience will have on young adult Jews in the years to come. ❑ Steven Weinberg, 21, of Ann Arbor is a senior economics major at the University of

… that bus was touched and made some type of a connection with Israel. For some, it was the Western Wall and celebrating Shabbat in Jerusalem; for others, watching the sunrise at Masada. Some loved…

… through such a tragic part of our history. The museum is designed so the exhibits covery reformed my motivation are actually built under- for working with Darfur advocacy ground into the Mount of and…

… fundraising groups and has Remembrance. You must inspired me to become even more walk up a slight incline as committed. you make your way through I am now a co-chair of a new the exhibit, each one remem- Darfur…

… relief initiative, Will bering a different part of Work For Food, and I am more the Holocaust. After such assured than ever that the work Steven Weinberg I am doing is the right thing, the a moving…

… experience, I so Community View Jewish thing, to do. perfectly remember exiting the museum out onto a can- Before my Birthright orien- tilever platform suspended tation meeting at Hillel, I had over trees and…

… wild flowers looking out actually never stepped foot in the building. onto Jerusalem. Our bus leader made one But the trip motivated me get involved simple comment that will stay with me with Hillel over…

June 12, 1992 • Page Image 71

… Southfield, Michigan holesale • Residential LIGHTING BY MAIL ORDER 353-2007 Best of Luck!! Love, Joan and Lysie Ariana Gallery Presents... RII N A-- Art for the Garden Judith Dresher Gallery CLAYMOOR…

… Berke through July 3. A graduate of Wayne State University, Allen Berke also is a recipient of the Visual Ar- tists' Fellowship from the Na- tional Endowment for the Arts. In this exhibit Mr. Berke's most…

…, architectural render- ings, decorative and func- tional objects, photographs, prints, ceramics — all of • which relate to house and home through July 17. • From steel and glass chairs to boxes and mirrors crafted…

… in a variety of materials to paintings and photographs that interpret domestic life (both benign and painful), this exhibition draws on the work of artists from Chicago, Detroit and New York. The show…

… reveals the importance of the home as an enduring subject for many artists. A special feature of the Home Show will be a col- laborative work titled Table for One by ceramist Paul Kotula and painter Dennis…

… parking is available in the Center for Creative Studies parking lots. Local Artist At Xochipilli Xochipilli Gallery, 568 N. Woodward Ave., Birmingham, will exhibit the paintings of Detroit artist Allen…

…, shimmering effect to boldly colored areas. The paintings tell the story of the common man. Specific in- cidents aren't of as much con- cern to him as general impressions. Xochipilli Gallery is open Tuesday…

…-Saturday 11 a.m.-5 p.m. or by appointment. SOME LIKE IT ON SUNDAY TOO Congratulations SUNDAY GALLERY HOURS THROUGH 16 AUGUST 12-5 JORDON STEINWAY On Becoming A D A Hillel Day School's 8th Grade Class…

… President! INCORPORATED 470 NORTH WOODWARD AVENUE • BIRMINGHAM, MICHIGAN 48009-5372 313.642.4 7 95 • Love, Mom & Dad MONDAY - SATURDAY 10-6 ARTS & CRAFTS SHOW MICKEY ERMAN June 18, 19, 20…


June 12, 2014 • Page Image 34

… and college Hillels, important and well-meaning investments in facilities, scholarships and programming would be underutilized if not wasted. You DESERVE A BETTER QUALITY OF LIFE June 12 • 2014…

…. Local members of the Michigan Funeral Directors Association are leading an alliance of volunteers to engage in the humanitarian mis- sion of designating bodies not claimed over 90 days, then burying them…

…oints of view >> Send letters to: Publisher's Notebook Editorial Making The Case For Jewish Detroit: Help To Morgue: The Jewish Way 1 9117 alk about coming together…

… for a cause, one that unites the If Not Now, Whei: local Jewish and secular communities to help Metro Detroit resolve an unlikely, but urgent concern: burying unclaimed As Michigan puts out the…

… welcome mat for immigration, we need our own version of a "Jewish welcome mat" to attract "immigrants" from New York, Chicago and other high-cost areas. A side from financial woes plaguing the Jewish…

… Community Center of Metropolitan Detroit, it's been a very good 2014 for the Detroit Jewish com- munity. So far, the William Davidson Foundation, the William and Audrey Farber Philanthropic Endowment Fund and…

… the Mandell and Madeleine Berman Foundation have revealed plans to invest more than $35 million in gifts or grants for Hillel Day School, Temple Israel, Akiva Hebrew Day School, Hebrew Free Loan and…

… Congregation Shaarey Zedek. At their core, these gifts are designed not only to help make Jewish preschool, Jewish day school and college educa- tions more affordable, but also to provide state-of

…-stimulating and widely shared assessment that Detroit is the most affordable place in America to raise a committed Jewish family. All of this has me thinking about tiny Dothan, Ala., ... again. Remember Dothan? In…

… September of 2008, I wrote about its aggressive efforts to recruit young Jewish families to this "regional hub of industry, healthcare and education" that enjoys a "low cost of liv- ing, vibrant economy and…

June 12, 1992 • Page Image 17

…, Alissa Nack, Miles Stern; BBYO/Israel: Rebecca Sonkin; ZOA/Israel: iavid Simmer; March of the Living: Lindsey Liss, Karen Oliver, Lisa Zaks; American Jewish Congress: Deborah Waller; Hebrew High School…

…, Kim Rubin, Rebecca Sonkin, Jeremy Wolfe. Graduating Hillel Day school: Alyssa Berris, Yaneev Golombek, Samara Shlom, David Singer, Tara Strick- stein. Adults honored at the same event for their Jewish…

… Retail $500 SUITS NOW $295 Finest Selection of Imported SHIRTS & SILK TIES Made in Italy. 100% Wool Gabardine. Single & Double Breasted. Regular Retail $600 NOW $395 30% OFF FOR MEN 28637…

… Shalom Temple Youth officers for the :1992-1993 year at a beach bash, June 13 at the home of Lani Shelef. President, Justin Cohn; *vice presidents, Amy Mintz, Bryan Greener, Michael Bloch, Shana Victor…


…, Jeffrey Kanagur, Jen- nifer Leemis, Rebecca Liss, Charlie Stuart, Leah Weiss, _ 4achel Weiss; Camp Ramah/ Wisconsin: Jeremy Fogel; Camp Young Judaea: Alissa Waller; Hebrew University: Jeremy Liss, Stephanie…

… Nack; ml Aviv University: Amanda ' Sue Niskar; USY Israel pilgrimage: Wendy Betel, An- drew Rudick, Sarah Tigay; Israel Ramah Program: Leah Berenholz, Caryn Lubetsky. Project Discovery: Ben- jamin Bassin…

June 12, 2014 • Page Image 50

… as guest curator modern forms of expression. for an exhibit on view through There are, as examples, basket Sept. 14 at the University of Michigan artists who have incorporated Museum of Art. images in…

… Michelson: Phoenix, 2012: Handmade paper, archive board and ink, and wood. the work and galleries and making sug- gestions:' says Taubman, whose family has supported Hillel programs at the University of

… American Art from the Northeast and Southeast" will be on view through Sept.14 at the University of Michigan Museum of Art, 525 S. State St. Free admission with $10 donation suggested. For complete…

…- Doris Sloan Memorial Program: "UMMA tion to one in Michigan. Dialogue: Speaking of Past and Present: "Native artists have continued to exist Changing Perceptions and Practices in and thrive, and they live…

… connections to Michigan developed after her marriage to William Taubman (son of local business- man/philanthropist A. Alfred Taubman), became interested in Native art while working at Sotheby's after studying…

…#1'.. - CI " Suzanne Chessler of Arts and Design in New York, showcases more than 100 works completed by some 85 artists with lien Taubman focuses on contem- many combinations of historic and porary projects…

… their works and a ceram- "Changing Hands: Art Without ic artist who uses horsehair as part Reservation 3: Contemporary Native of abstract forms. North American Art from the Northeast The idea of "changing…

… hands" originally and Southeast" captures the diversity of referred to the idea of traditions changing approaches demonstrated by hands from one generation to indigenous artists of more another as the…

… tography, and performance have earned master's degrees and installation art. related to their media and estab- "I feel this exhibit creates lished accomplished careers. some new bases of conversa- "Changing…

… hands, for me, Ellen Taubm an tion so visitors understand means these artists are giving that Native people didn't back:' says Taubman, who will stop existing at the end of make a public presentation at…

June 12, 2008 • Page Image 47

…: Friday 8 p.m. each week. Central Michigan University Hillel, (989) 774-2635; cmuhillel@yahoo.coni. Congregation Beth El 311 Beth El Way, Traverse City 49684, (231) 946-1913. Rabbi: Albert Lewis. Rabbi…

…:45 a.m.; weekdays Shacharit at sunrise, Minchah at sunset. Chabad House-Lubavitch of Eastern Michigan 5385 Calkins Rd., Flint, (810) 230- 0770. Rabbi: Yisroel Weingarten. Services: Saturday 9:30 a…

… preparation, lifecycle cel- ebrations. Ortzafon@aoi.corn. Shalva Minyan - U of M The Shalva minyan is a traditional, pluralistic, Carlebach-style Kabbalat Shabbat with separate seating and participation by…

… women, Services: Fridays at sundown. Co-chairs: Rachel Jacobson (rijacob@umich. edu ); Adam Baruch (abaruch@ ). Check Hillel Web site for details ( ). Orthodox Agudas Yisroel…

…-Wednesday 7:30 a.m. at Hillel; Thursday, Friday 7:30 a.m. at Chabad. Weekday minyan is only during academic year; Sunday min- yan all year round. Ann Arbor Orthodox Minyan Stuart Newman. Services: Saturday 8…

….m. Chabad Jewish Center of Commerce-Walled Lake 4718 Half Penny Ct., Commerce Twp., 48382, (248) 363-3644. Rabbi: Schneor Greenberg. Shabbat services 10 a.m., Jewish studies, holiday programming. Chabad…

… Jewish Center of Novi- Northville 42142 Loganberry Ridge North, Novi, (248) 790-6075. Rabbi: Avrohom Susskind. For information on services, activities, programs, call Rabbi Susskind or e-mail rabbia…

…-0109. Rabbis: Moshe Schwab, Shmuel Irons. Services: Saturday 8:30 a.m.; weekdays 7:30 a.m., 2:30 p.m., 10 p.m. Bais Chabad of Farmington Hills 15221 W.10 Mile, Oak Park, 48237, (248) 967-0888. Rabbi: Avraham…

… Bergstein. Services: Friday sundown Carlebach-style minyan; Saturday 9:30 a.m.; Sunday 8:30 a.m.; weekdays 6:50 a.m. Bais Chabad of North Oak Park 15401 W.10 Mile, Oak Park, 48237, (248) 872-8878. Rabbi…

… minutes before candlelighting each Friday. Or Chadash of Oak Park/ Huntington Woods 23161 Gardner, Oak Park, (248) 543-0372. Rabbi Eliezer Cohen. President: Elliott Shevin. Gabbai, Charles Silow. All…

June 12, 1998 • Page Image 53

…: A Retrospective" 11 a.m. Sunday, June 14, at the annual luncheon of the Jewish Historical Society of Michigan at Adat Shalom Syna- gogue. Irwin Groner, senior rabbi of Congregation Shaarey Zedek, will…

… tem- pk. thecue 'replace 4 Seasons SPECIAL SPECIAL Beth Abraham Hillel Moses Buy a crib, mattress and a piece of furniture, and get Buy a twin bed, mattress and a piece of furniture, and get…


… ASSEMBLY & TREE DELIVERY MOST AkEAS Historical Society Program Set Arthur Horwitz, publisher of The Detroit Jewish News, will introduce U.S. Senator Carl Levin who will speak on "Two Decades on the Hill…

… SYNAGOGUES Marshall-Israel-Brandeis chapter of JWI will hold its installation noon Thursday, June 18, at Fari- na's Banquet Hall. For informa- tion, call (248) 350-1292. INCLUDES 2 SIDE SHELVES, LP TANK…

… & TANK PILL 4 Seasons Fireplace & Barbecue SELLS THE BEST...AND SERVICE THE REST Sharona Chapter, Na'amat/USA will hold its next meeting 8 p.m. Thurs- day, June 18, at the home of Adell Ozrovitz, 7073…

… Clements, West Bloomfield. The guest speaker will be Rabbi Stephen Weiss of Congregation Shaarey Zedek who will review The Vanishing American Jew by Alan Der- showitz. For reservations, call Na'amat, (248…

…) 661-0269. City of Hope Sophie and Harry Hoffman Chapter will host a speaker 7:30 p.m. Sunday, June 14, at Colony Park clubhouse. For information, call (248) 683- 5665. STEEL UNIT INCLUDES INCLUDES 2…

… (248) 932-3766 $100 OFF $100 OFF Beth Achim (248) 357-2910 of a 4-piece crib bedding set of a 3-piece twin bedding set Offer expires June 25. Prior sales exempted. B'nai Moshe (248) 788…


June 12, 1970 • Page Image 29

… Society will host a celebration in honor of the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Silverman, 8:30 p.m. Thursday at Cong. Beth Hillel. Larry Freedman Orchestra and Entertainment 647…

… installation lunch- eon, Mrs. Bernard W. Colton was installed in her third term as presi- dent of Michigan Region, Women's American ORT. Chairman of the executive com- mittee is Mrs. Donald Marrich; vice…

University and is a graduate of the :Detroit College of Law. The bride-elect is attending the school of education at WSU. A June 1971 wedding is planned. Mrs.Bernard Colton Re-Elected by ORT At a recent…

…-2367 TliE EASY—TO —shop NEW • ORLEANS MALL • MISS MARILYN PITT At the 1970 Israel fashion show, held at Shaarey Zedek, under the sponsorship of the Israel Bond women's division, which, with advance sales…

…, resulted in $150,000 in Israel Bond subscriptions are (from left) first row, at bottom of Mogen Dovid, Mrs. Irwin Green, who pro- nounced the invocation; Sam Cardinal, who coordinated the fashion show; and…

… Mrs. Morrie (Goldie) Adler, the fashion commentator; second row, Mrs. Max Stollman, new president of the Jewish Wel- fare Federation women's division and former Israel Bond women's division chairman…

…; Mrs. Norman Allan and Mrs. Pearl Nosan, mem- bers of the fashion show committee; Mrs. Samuel Hamburger, fash- ion show-luncheon chairman; Mrs. David Pollack, sponsor chairman; Mrs. Sidney Schwartz…

…, member of the fashion show committee; and Mrs. Morris J. Brandwine, Jewish Welfare Federation women's division campaign chairman, and member of the fashion show com- mittee. Mrs. Joseph Prentis won the…

… "Star of Israel" diamond crea- tion presented by Mr. and Mrs. Norman Allan. The display fea- tured the original creations of Israel's world-famous couturiers and designers, as well as the ready…

…-to-wear styles of IO of Israel's lead- ing firms. Mr. and Mrs. David Pitt of Park- lawn Ave., Oak Park, announce the engagement of their daughter Marilyn to Michael Kent, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Kent of

June 12, 1964 • Page Image 25

…,? Roselawn_and the late Mrs. Altm a n, and Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Bern s - tein of Syracuse, N.Y. They are both graduates of the University of Michigan. An August wedding is planned: SAMMY WOOLF For Your Fine…

…-spon- sors of the program with the De- partment of Education and culture are: Hebrew Teachers College, Bos- ton; Baltimore Hebrew College, Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation, and American Association for Jewish…

…-Defamation League of Bnai Brith, has been appointed executive director of the Minneapolis Mayor's Commission on Human Relations. Gaines, with ADL for the past six years, is former assistant director in the Michigan

… Diamonds and Jewelry "Buy With Confidence" Dr. Edgar to Head Michigan Jewish Historical Society Dr. Irving I. Edgar was elected president of the Jewish Historical Society of Michigan at the sixth annual…

… memorialization of historic events and personalities of state Jewish history, the publication of the magazine, "Michigan Jewish His- tory," and the collection and de- velopment of archives of Michigan Jewish…

… psy- chology majors. They received the president's key at the university's 20th annual honors convocation. Miss Loren is the daughter of the Morris Lorens, 18095 Wisconsin, and Aronson is the son of the…

… CARDINAL CUSH- ING, Catholic archbishop of Bos- ton, and ISAIAH LEO SHARF- MAN, professor emeritus of eco- nomics at the University of Michi- gan, were among those awarded honorary degrees at commence- ment…

…. Dudley Heaton, surgeon general of the U.S. Army; Clark Kerr, president of the University of California; Dr. George Parker Berry, dean of the faculty of medicine at Har- vard Medical School; author MAURICE…

…People Make News One of the world's foremost authorities on Hebrew literature I and Islamic civilization, Dr. Joseph Yoel Rivlin of the Hebrew Univer- sity, Jerusalem, I will be a member of the…

… faculty of the 13th annual educators semin- ar to be held on the campus of Cornell Univer- sity, J u 1 y 5-26, under the auspi- cies of the De- partment of Edu- cation and Cul- ture of the Jew- i s h Agency…

June 12, 1964 • Page Image 14

MICHIGAN BEACH HOTEL SOUTH HAVEN, MICH. PHONE area Code 616 637-2506 WhereVeceilon OreBri s CoNettoeP Acres of Happiness. Moderate Rates. Heated Swimming Pool. Superb Food Air-conditioned rooms. New…

… Jewish campus leaders was called at the Hillel House at which representatives of the local Anti- Defamation League and the San Francisco and Oakland Jewish Olde Sod Yields Hebrew-Speaking Guide at the UN…

… & Children's Counsellor FINEST FOOD SERVED DIETARY LAWS OBSERVED * * * `Commander' of Nazis Laughed At by Students SAN FRANCISCO (JTA)—Jew- ish students at the University of California who had planned a…

… writ- ten questions. He had been liter- ally laughed out of making his presentation. University authori- ties had given careful considera- tion to permitting Forbes to speak at the university and decided…

… brogue is taking visitors on UN tours these days. Peggy Wiley, 23, was born in Kansas. At the University of Col- orado, through an Israeli student, she became interested in the life and culture of Israel…

…`Jewish Identity' to Be Considered by Reform Parley Progressive Exposes Home-Grown Version of Nazi Racism in the U. S. The National States Rights Party, characterized in the June issue of

… Progressive magazine as "a horn- grown version of Nazi racism," now claims—perhaps correctly— to be America's largest third party, with membership in 38 states. The NSRP publishes a national newspaper…

… growth of the Birmingham-based party, which has absorbed a number of smaller groups around the coun- try and has succeeded so far in placing its 1964 candidates for President and Vice President on the…

… ballot in Arkansas and Kent- ucky, are described in the June issue of The Progressive maga- zine, out today. The NSRP has printed as many as 50,000 copies of a single issue of The Thunderbolt, for national…

… the NSRP was in its infancy, it was able to muster 500 demonstra- tors for its cause in Los Angeles alone." By action of its national con- vention, held in March 1964 at Louisville, Kentucky, the…

June 12, 1959 • Page Image 27

… Commit- tee of Heidelberg University, was confiscated on a court order holding that the publica- tion has "attacked the honor and personal rights" of a self- styled students' fascist or- ganization. "Forum…

…. Saul Kleiman is author of "Anthol- ogy of Rashi," "Of the Past and of the Present," "The Jewess," etc. He taught at the University of Kansas City and until his recent retirement was principal of the…

June 12, 1970 • Page Image 30

… • 113na trtt • • PISGAH LODGE will install• its new officers in the main auditor- ium of the Michigan Credit Union League Building 8:30 p.m. Mon- day. The following will be install- ed: John Anstandig…

… information call augurate the series this fall, is dean of the law faculty at Tel Aviv University and the author of several works on Israeli law. Ile also has been an associate editor and columnist with "Haar…

…Huai Brith Installs Henry Edelman President of Metro Detroit Council The Metropolitan Detroit Bnai secretary, Mark Stern; assistant Brith Council, coordinating body 1 recording secretary, Dennis…

… Rice: for the 25 Bnai Brith Lodges, an- treasurer, Max Lieberman; and nounces the election of Henry ! chaplain, Herman Kasoff, junior Edelman to head the council for past president. Trustees of the…

…. Leiser, David Levine, Harry Edelman, 17401 Pennsylvania, Nathan. Harry Oberstein and Southfield, has served as president Robert Venetianer. of Maurice C. Zeiger Lodge. presi- Louis Weber, past president of

… dent of the Zeiger Bowling League and vice president of the Bnai the council, will serve as chairman Brith Council for the past three of the installation, and Harry years. Weinberger, past president…

… Emil Feiner, guardian. Dr. Hebet Bean, outgoing president, automatically assumes the office of chaplain. Trustees are Barney Levine, Her- man Layne, Edward Bean, Steph- en Seth Gold, Harry Gellman, Joe…

… Gutterman, Sam Haber, Sam Weis- man, Michael Podlesny, Meyer Blatt, Max Sheldon and Nathan Rose. Elia Goldberg, chairman of installation arrangements, states there will be a short program in- cluding music…

… and a social hour. Rudolph Meyersohn will be master of ceremonies. Leonard Edelman will discharge the outgoing offi- cers, and Elias Goldberg will in- stall the new officers. • • • HENRY MORGENTHAU…

…- etz," Israel's leading morning newspaper, and has written on Israel for American and European periodicals. Currently his biweek- ly program, on which current is- sues are debated, is one of Israel…

June 12, 1959 • Page Image 26

…, and of Orthodox Rabbis; Dr. Max dish and English, the evening 8 Weeks — June 22-Aug. 14 Shavuot Graduation also will pay tribute to Movsas modern Israeli and liturgical Kapustin, director, Hillel Foun…

… women's divi- BR 2-0375 — GREENFIELD at 7 MILE ROAD present the introductory chant, sion and Meyer Schneide r, Dreamers' Trio Opens and Mrs. Bella Goldberg, who chairman of the Michigan dis- New Cotton…

…- Mon., Fri., 9 a.m.-12 Noon The Workmen's Circle School dation, Wayne State University; Goldoftas, principal of the Folk melodies interwoven within its will graduate 11 students from Call DI 1…

…THE DETROIT JEW ISH NEWS — Friday, June 12, 1959-26 JNF Auxiliary SZ to Graduate Beth Aaron Informs I Monteftore Provides Tamperships' of 600-Pupil Elects Officers; 96 Lower Grade Parents…

…- dents, Dr. Marvin Last, chair- man of the educational commit- tee said. Two sessions, at 9:15 and 11 a.m. Sunday, will be held in the Synagogue building to accom- modate children from kinder- garten level…

… through the tenth grade. In addition, as a requirement for graduation, pupils of the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th grades are required to attend H e b r e w Margaret Auslander, Barbara Ber- classes twice a week…

… Pupils in the 9th grade and Meisner, Judith Meyers, Denise Rosenthal, Neil Satovsky, Samuel over heceive an intensive two- Scheinfield, Alan Schwartz, Kenneth year course of preparation for Shiovitz…

…: lick. S a n f o r d H. Alper, Jacqueline Mrs. Max Stollman, outgoing president of the Ladies AUxil- iary of the Jewish National Fund will be honored at a meet- ing of all incoming and out- going…

… officers and board mein- bers at 12:30 p.m., Tuesday, in the home of Mrs. Joseph Green- baum, 19419 Robson. Succeeding Mrs. Stollman in office will be Mrs. George Ler- ner, who was offici al 1 y in- stalled…

… as EVERETT y BEHRENDT (left), president of Montefiore president in Lodge, Free Sons of Israel, presents a check for $1,250 to . ceremonies MAXWELL KATZEN, treasurer of the Fresh Air Society, to be last…

June 12, 1970 • Page Image 2

… not about the other 26—including Senator Robert Griffin of Michigan who favors U.S. sale of Phantoms to Israel. How about the 26 who also should have signed that statement by Senators High Scott and…

… sovereignty. Thus, the -Jewish Activist League on the Brandeis campus, a sub- sidiary of the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation, proposes recognition by Israel "of the Palestinian people and of the validity of the…

… they propose to put their diplomacy into action. Let's go to Brandeis University where the students' Jewish Activist League which declared that it is "firmly committed to the survival of Israel" called…

… Jewish university students and young intellectuals. "The problem Is staggering in its complexities, and it calls for a variety of possible solutions rather than a reliance on any single one," the…

…hilip Tomeh Says U.S., JIOMOYitZ Israel Collaborate mon sense, of fanaticism over logic, and of fraud over the truth?" in Occupation But much more interesting is the article in another Lebanese…

… Purely Commentary - The Multiple Lectures on Mid East Policies An interesting note on the political conundrum involving the Middle for a local newspaper by one of its very able column- East was written…

… involving the security—the very life!—of 3,000.000 people in an embattled state? That columnist wondered about the 76 (there were only 73 signa- tures at the time he wrote it—now there may be many more!) but…

… Dilemmas ... Students as Diplomats rt!- newspaper, El Adab, by the former foreign minister of Lebanon, ' Charles Malik. He wrote: "flow good it would be for us if the whole Middle East, including Israel…

…-existence with Israel, and he replied: The Arabs could not achieve self-determination without the , Jews, and the state of Israel cannot achieve self-determination without the Arabs." There was an interesting…

… experience here some years ago when Malik addressed a gathering here, spoke against Israel and pleaded the Arab cause. He was approached by a group of Israelis who were then led by Moshe ,Heyman, a native…

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