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September 10, 1993 • Page Image 163

….m. Sept. 19 at Hillel. Israeli dancing will be taught 8-10 p.m. Sept. 19 at Hillel. There is a charge. Machon Event At MSU Hillel Machon L'Torah, with the Hillel of Michigan State University, will hold an…

… educational evening 7:30 p.m. Sept. 14 at Hillel, 402 Linden. Rabbi Jacobovitz will lead a pre-Rosh Hashanah discus- sion on "The Joy of Repen- tance vs. Counter-Productive Guilt." For information and reser…

…HANSEL-N-GRETEL CHILDREN'S SHOES U-M Hillel Weekly Events Shulchan Ivrit will meet noon Sept. 13 in the Union. — group meetings will oe held 7 p.m. Sept. 13 at Hillel. The American Movement for…

… Israel (AMI) mass meeting will be 7 p.m. Sept. 14 at Hillel. A Jewish Feminist Group mass meeting will take place 7:30 p.m. Sept. 14 at Hillel. Rosh Hashanah services will be held as follows: 7:30 p…

….m. Sept. 15 - Conservative services at the Power Center; all others at Hillel. Sept. 16 - Conservative and Orthodox services 9 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Reform at 10 a.m. Conser- vative services at the Power…

… Center; all others at Hillel. Sept. 17 - Conservative and Orthodox services at 9 a.m.; Reform at 10 a.m. Conser- vaative services at the Power Center; all others at Hillel. Sukkah building will be 10:30 a…

…- vations, call Machon, 967-0888; or Jennifer Eps- tein, 517-332-1916. MSU Hillel Plans Events Hillel will sponsor a free weekend Sept. 10-12 at the Hillel building. There will be a free Shabbat dinner Sept…

…. 10 at 7 p.m. following Reform services at 6:15 p.m. Hillel will host a dance with a car- toon theme Sept. 11: there will be a caricaturist, dancing and refreshments beginning at 9:30 p.m. Hillel will…

… sponsor a free deli dinner 6 p.m. Sept. 12. The MSU Jewish Review newspaper will hold an infor- mational meeting 7 p.m. Sept. 13 at Hillel. Hillel will serve a pre-Rosh Hashanah dinner 5:30 p.m. Sept. 15…

… PLAZA r 13281 10 MILE (COOLIDGE AND 696) OAK PARK 544-2007 A ANY 1 PAIR V OF SHOES 0 F F L Regular Priced Pair With This Ad, Exp. 9-18-93 Limit 1 Coupon Per Customer Your children will learn the…

December 10, 1993 • Page Image 100

… Cul- ture, 330 Seventh Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10001 , (212) 629- 0500. U-M Hillel Calendar Set The Jewish Feminist Group at the University of Michigan Hil- lel Foundation will sponsor a Jewish Women…

… information and location. Grad and Young Profes- sionals at the University of Michigan Hillel Foundation will Barry Braver Dr. Barry Braver will be this year's honoree at P'Tach's Bar Mitzvah Year celebration…

…'s Art Exhibit Dec. 17 at the Union. The Jewish Lesbian, Bisex- ual and Gay Collective at the University of Michigan will sponsor a Flaming Menorah party Dec. 8 at 7 p.m. Call Hil- lel, 769-0500, for…

September 10, 1993 • Page Image 35

…- tography at the new Hillel Gallery on the campus of Wayne State University. The 25-year-old graduate of Eastern Michigan University, who earned her master's in graphic design this year, is pounding the…

… pavement in search of full- time employment. In the meantime, she is glad Hillel of Metropolitan Detroit (which has changed its name from MetroDetroit Hillel) has opened its doors to people like her — young…

…A fresh look at some recent stories in the headlines. HMD Offers Art Gallery For Students RUTH LITTMANN STAFF WRITER E llen Schoenfeld of Oak Park is seizing the oppor- tunity to display her pho…

… strong ties within the Jewish community." Executive Director Miriam Starkman, along with Hillel's new programming director, Neil Gottheil, are working with young adults like Ms. Schoenfeld to revamp the…

… organization. In accordance with conclusions of a task force, which said the group needed to improve its image, they have started an art gallery at their headquar- ters, located on the sixth floor of the Student…

… Center Building at WSU. Leaders of HMD also are planning for their kick-off event, a train ride with entertainment and cash bar. The event has been sched- uled for Oct. 10. Ellen Schoenfeld RUTH LITTMANN…

… Council of Jewish Women, and Safe House, a shelter in Ann Arbor, are sponsoring the seminar. They have invited Ellen Ledley, an author and clinical social worker, to dis- cuss domestic violence in the…

… Jewish community. Sponsors of the dedication hope the seminar will serve to make the secular and Christian communities aware that Safe Place exists as an alternative, primarily for Jewish women. The…

… public has been invit- ed to the official dedication ceremony 7:30 p.m. Sept. 20 at Congregation Beth Abraham Hillel Moses, where Ms. Ledley will speak on "Creating Shelter... Breaking the Silence…

… Baptist Church began many years ago, then were revitalized this past year with the joint sponsorship of the play Crossing The Broken Bridge. When arson last month hit the small chapel of Hartford Memorial…

September 10, 1993 • Page Image 28

… Center in Southfield. Yet he and his family observe the laws of kashrut and Shabbat, and one of his several jobs is acting as clergy for the Orthodox com- munity in the University of Michigan vicinity…

… appears at ease with both secular and Orthodox Jews and spends much of his time working with oth- ers less observant than he at the Hillel student center in Ann Arbor and Midrasha Adult Hebrew Learning…

…., during the day and Loyola University at night. Upon graduation, in 1972, he enrolled in Israel's Yeshiva-Midrasha Branch of Machon Harry Fischel, Rabbi Glogower: In two worlds. where he received his ordi…

…, he applied to Brandeis University's post doctoral program in Judaic studies. Unable to find a Hillel conducive to a young, single, Orthodox leader, Rabbi Glogower opted for further- ing his education…

… Americans with Disabilities. ADA... , Barrier free construction. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION of the REMODELING INDUSTRY Regional "CONTRACTOR of the YEAR" fin QUALM' 4 -N-1 CONSTRUCTION RESIDENTIAL…

…, Southfield (Between Southfield and Evergreen) 352-1080 Monday-Saturday 9:30 a.m.-6.00 p.m. Thursday 9:30 a.m.-7:00 p.m. PARKING AND ENTRANCE IN REAR , ■••■■■ 11111,11•11MONIk any aspects of Rabbi Rod Glo…

…- gower's existence challenge the notion of Orthodox spiritual leader. His home in Ann Arbor is surrounded by fraternity and sorority houses; he doesn't wear a beard, and his clothing is quite modern. He…

… rabbi for observant students at Hillel, conducting services for the Orthodox community and teaching as an adjunct lecturer at the U-M law school, Rabbi Glogower rises before dawn on Sunday morning to hit…

… freedom, so impor- tant to this Orthodox spiri- tual leader, has kept Rabbi Glogower away from the pulpit much of his life. Following high school, he attended Hebrew Theo- logical College in Skokie, Ill…

… a pledge he had made to him- self — to work with college students. He interviewed with Hillel. As a backup Rabbi Glogower rises before dawn on Sunday to hit the antique shows and flea markets. plan…

December 10, 1993 • Page Image 29

… include JARC, Sinai Health Care Foundation, Aish HaTorah, Detroit Friends of Alyn Hospital, Michigan Jewish Sports Hall of Fame and Congregation Beth Abraham Hillel Moses. For information on Super Week '94…

… Is- rael. The cultural/politacal awareness program will feature Zvi Gitelman, prOfessor of political science at the University of Michigan, and Nabeel Abra- ham, an anthropologist at Henry Pcva…

… ,communi- ty College. Admission to the program is, fOlvin itwall be , followed by a dessert receptiok;There willbe no solicitation of gifts. The 8th annual Sinai/Hillel Art Show and Latke Party will be held…

…1 0 1993 Cook And Horwitz Head SuPer Week Calendar B arbara Cook and Arthur Horwitz will head up Super Week '94 on behalf of the Jewish Federation's 1994 Allied Jewish Campaign and Operation…

…. 23. Hundreds of volunteers will make calls Jan. 18-20, asking Detroiters to make a difference in the lives of their fel- low Jews in need here, in Israel and around the world. During Super Week '94…

… donation to the continuing Operation Exodus campaign for the rescue of Jews from the former Soviet Union and their resettlement in Israel. Mrs. Cook is vice president of Federation's Women's Division…

…, chairman of Federation's Resettlement Committee and a member of the Strategic Planning Committee. Other affili- ations include the Jewish Community Center (Book Fair), Jewish Federation Apartments, Jewish…

… Community Council, Adat Shalom Synagogue, National Council of Jewish Women, Fil-Inqv School and Jewish- Theological Seminary. Mr. Horwitz chairs the Ben Teitel Israel Incentive Savings Plan for student travel…

… to Is- rael, is on the board of the Neighborhood Project and a member of the United Jewish Appeal Young Leadership Cabinet and Jewish Experiences For Families advisory committee. Oth- er affiliations…

… or to volunteer, call Leonard Milstone at Federa- tion, 642-4260. Jacob Is Named Archives Chairman J oel E. Jacob has been appointed chairman of the Jewish Corn- munity Archives, co-sponsored by the…

September 10, 1993 • Page Image 76

… Arrangements for the appearance of Mr. Zonjic have been made though J.T. Productions, Inc., Franklin, Michigan CALL 559-8235 FOR MORE INFORMATION Advertising in The Jewish News Gets Results Place Your Ad…

… Selichot The Adult Education Corn- mittee of Congregation Beth Abraham Hillel Moses will present a Selichot gathering 9:30 p.m. Sept. 11 at the synagogue. The event, led by Rabbi Aaron Bergman, will feature…

… organization oif cantors in the world; Cantor Lubin is the assembly's vice president. Cantor Stein is a graudate of Duquesne University and the Cantors Institute of the Jewish Theological Seminary. He served…

… Jewish College Cantorial School. He also is a graduate of the London College of Music, the College Conser- vatory of Music of the Univer- sity of Cincinnati and Depaul University. Cantor Lubin is the…

…Congregation Shaarey Zedek cordially invites you to attend a SELICHOT SERVICE SATURDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 11TH p receded by an evening of entertainment and refreshments at 10:15 P.M. in Adler…

… Hall featuring IRINA LEKHTMAN, mezzo soprano ZINA ASTRAKHAN, pianist GENNADY ZUT, balalaika player TAT YANA ZUT, pianist in a program of Russian, Hebrew, Yiddish and light operatic selections FREE…

… accompanied by the Synagogue Choir, under the direction of EUGENE ZWEIG. Leonard and Bobbi Borman, Chairmen TICKETS AT THE DOOR The Temple Israel Selichot scholar in residence for Sept. 10-12 will be Dr…

…. Sherry Blumberg. She will speak at services Sept. 10, 11 and will conduct a teachers' seminar Sept. 12. Dr. Blumberg is assistant professor of Jewish education on the rabbinic faculty of Hebrew Union…

… College- Jewish Institute of Religion in New York City. With a background in Jewish educa- tion spanning a quarter- century, Dr. Blumberg is a published author. Her major areas of research are in Jewish…

… and Professor Ruth L. Goldberg Memorial Fund and is part of Temple Isarel's year-long series of adult education opportunities. Guest Rabbi At Adat Shalom Adat Shalom Synagogue will host Rabbi Victor L…

December 10, 1993 • Page Image 16

… Mitchel Cohen identifies himself more as an expert on issues young Jews explore. However, the two came to- gether in presence, and some theory, Dec. 1 at Hillel Day School. Dr. Hacker is a University of

Michigan professor and author of What Every Teenager Really Wants To Know About Sex. Rabbi Cohen is the director of Camp Ramah in Canada. The two spoke to parents and teach- ers of children in grades 5…

… the spice. cared for. Ms. Weiner said such game-players, mostly women, give away a part of themselves to be accepted by husbands, boyfriends, mothers and chil- dren. HomeHealth Exchange 1-800-70-NURSE…

…. "But we're taught by cul- ture that it is terrible to be stressed out. Ifs seen as a character weakness. It's the trap of stress." Ms. Weiner ended by offering the women a bit of advice: "Life is hard…

… enough without you coming down on yourself. Know what you are doing. Know you have options. You do have choices." Women spent the remainder of the evening using the JPM facilities. 0 OLD ORCHARD MALL…

…-8 about talking about sex and love as part of the Jay and Dorothy Rosenthal Teacher Ed- ucation Institute held twice each year. "We have a big problem here," Rabbi Cohen said. "Tra- ditional Jewish law…

… (Jewish law) was written when individuals married young. Sociology, he said, can have an effect on Ha- lachah. However, the laws of Halachah remain and can be viewed in a contemporary soci- ety. At Camp…

… like, "Sexuality plays such a key role. So if Judaism is important, Jewish values must play a role in decision making"; "Ethical decision making involves con- sistency. The heat of the mo- ment cannot…

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