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January 19, 1945 • Page Image 13

…' For Show, Jan. 21 A United Nations Party will be held at the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation at the University of Michigan at 9 p. m. Saturday, Jan. 20. Among those in charge of the clans for the party…

…." the Polio Drive. Little Women of Hadassah Annual Dance Feb. 10 Hillel Foundation United Nations Party At Ann Arbor Dr. Bow Praises Beth Yehudah School Pioneer Women t Arrange Donor Event Jan. 23…

…. Louis Rose, 3258 Members are asked to bring Glendale Ave., at 1 p. Wed- Appear at Michigan new members to the luncheon. nesday, Jan. 24. Miss Zelda Ros- One of 1945's biggest stage On Thursday evening…

…, Jan. 25, enthal will continue her talks on and screen shows opened at the Pisgah Women will sponsor a "The Cities of Destiny." Michigan Theater on Friday with tea for the new Business and An interesting…

…, superintendent of Detroit Public Schools and presi- dent of Wayne University, as speaker. Dr. Bow chose as the topic of his address, "Our Schools in the Emergency," and discussed the problems confront- ing school…

…Friday, January 19, Inez M. Lowdermilk, Mrs. wife of Prof. Walter C. Low- dermilk, the author of "Pales- tine, Land of Promise; Philip MRS. INEZ M. LOWDERMILK The first meeting of the new- ly…

… formed Parent-Teachers' As- sociation of Yeshivath Beth Yeh- udah Day School was held last Tuesday in the Synagogue audi- torium of the institution on Dex- ter and Cortland, with Dr. War- ren E. Bow…

… authorities in tile war situation, and the ways and means which were found to mas- ter these tasks. In speaking of the Yeshivah Day School, Dr. Bow expressed his satisfaction that the school was conducted along…

… the lines and principles of all public schools and assured the parents of his cooperation in all school matters. He declared that parents who wish to give their children, to- gether with the general…

… secular education, and education based on the faith of their forefathers, have the right to do this. This choice of freedom of education we call "America." It is for this freedom that our sons are fighting…

January 19, 1945 • Page Image 4

…. , Jewish, Hospital for Detroit Rabbi Hillel, who was head of the School of Hillel and also president of the Great Sanhedrin, was known for his kind dispoSition and even tem- per. While Rabbi Shammai, also a…

… known for his kindness and patience, and said: "If you can teach me your whole law in the space of time that I • am able to stand on one foot, I shall adopt your religion as mine." Rabbi Hillel received…

…'s Hamisha Asar cele- bration. It shows a tree-planting procession in Assimilation or Suicide Slander! THE JEWISH NEWS Member American Association of English - Jewish Newspapers and Michigan Press…

…. Entered as second-class matter August 6, 1942, at the Post Office at Detroit, Michigan, under the Act of March 3. 1879... BOARD OF DIRECTORS MAURICE ARONSSON PHILIP SLOMOVITZ FRED M. BUTZEL - ISIDORE…

… laborious tasks of creating a guarantee that an adequate building, commensurate with homeland for Jews had their training in the community's needs, will be erected as soon as peace- European universities. But…

…Page Four THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, January 19, 1945 Talmudic Tales As the Editor Views the News - - - (Bases upon the ancient legends and philosophy found in the Talmud and folklore of the…

… Jewish people dating bark as far as 3,000 years). Beth El's Anniversary By DAVID MORANTZ THERE IS ONLY ONE LAW Temple Beth El's 95th anniversary, being observed at tonight's services of the congre…

…- gation, assume community-wide importance. The beginnings of the history of Beth El mark also the beginning of the history of the Jewish community of Detroit. The congrega- tion's progress has been…

… consistent with the progress of Detroit Jewry. Its members have played leading roles in the building of com- munity institutions and in supporting major Jewish causes. Temple Beth El has gained in stature from…

… decade to dedade in its historical develop- ment and its approach of the century mark has earned for it the appreciation of all Detroit—Jews and non-Jews alike—for a great share in the making of Detroit…

January 19, 1945 • Page Image 7

… Nations Party will be held at the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation of the University of Michigan, Saturday, at 9 p. m. In charge of the • plans for the party are Barbara Levin of Chic- ago, Ind., Muriel…

…Friday, January 19, 1945 f H E JEWISH NEWS Page Seven New Palestine Reforestation Plan Hillel to Present Infants Service Group to Stage Revealed on Hamisha Asar b'Shevat United Nations !Show Time…

… Kleinwaks of Hillside, N. J.; Goodwin Gins- burg of Traverse City, Mich.; BettY Korash of Detroit; Sonya Heller of Chicago; Zena Etkin of Detroit. Several French songs will be sung by Josephine Reischer…

…, Viennese-born, and Russian songs will be rendered by Irene Gsovsky of New York City. There a'so will be Palestinian dances and songs, Chinese and English songs, • and dances from Latin America. ' Foreign…

… students - at the Uni- versity. will be special guests of the Foundation. Chaperons are Dr. and Mrs. Reuben Kahn and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bothman of Ann Arbor. The Foundation is preparing for the third visit…

of Albert Co- hen of the Bnai Brith Vocational Guidance Service, on Sunday. He will hold a day-long series of interviews on vocational prob- lems. Education League Captains Appointed For Fund Luncheon…

… F 1 G FICUS CAR IG.Pt EUCALYPTUg LUCALYPFU3 MILUSA L£N2 FINE Mtn }wawa:41417*NA MUM mum ours AuRiumvx • A new and extensive Palestine reforestation plan which envi- sions the planting of

… millions of trees 'has been made known on the occasion of .Hamisha Asar b'Shevat, known in Jewish tradition as Trees' New Year, and will be observed in Jewish communities " throughout the nation on Monday…

…, Jan. 29. The plan, which was conveyed by the Forestry Department of the Keren Kayemeth in Jerusalem to the Jewish National Fund ' in the U. S., calls for the planting of a variety of trees (like those…

… depicted above) in areas totaling 42,000 dunams in the hill country and 7,000 dunams in the plains. The program calls for the creation 'of new forests which ultimately will comprise 14,700,000 trees to be…

January 26, 1945 • Page Image 15

…. 23, address by Rabbi Sperka at con- cluding Friday night gathering. Beth El Men's Club To Hear Dr. Slosson Prof. Preston Slosson, head of the history department of the University of Michigan, will ad…

… League, Vocational Service Bu- reau, Hillel Foundations, A. Z. A., Bnai Brith Girls, Bnai Brith Young Men and Bnai Brith Young Women. A total of 26,630 men, women and youths of the organizations are…

… Tonight Prof. James H. Sheldon of New York, chairman. of Non- Sectarian Anti-Nazi League, for- mer professor of government at Boston University, will speak on the subject "Can Germany Turn Military Defeat…

… the 27th year and has an enrollment- of more than 500 students. Its departments include afternoon classes for boys attending the public schools and Wayne University; Beth Jacob School for Girls; the Day…

… Impressive Program at Temple; Council of Churches Extends Felicitations Congregation NW Synagogue To Reveal Plans at Public Meeting Detroit's Jewish and non-Jewish leaders joined in feli- citating Temple…

… Beth El last Friday evening, at special ser- Monday Evening vices marking the congregation's 95th birthday. Alexander Moss, president of Beth El's history coincides with the beginning of the his- tory of

… in the oomraunity, recalled, pointing to the early story of Temple Beth El and its phenomenal growth which now distinguishes the con- gregation as one of the largest and most influential In the land…

… an early victory and for speedy and safe return of the men and women in service. ,Mr. Lewis' Address Pledges or continued service to the community, -to Israel and to America were made in an inter…

…- esting address by Leonard T. Lewis, president of Temple Beth EL Dr. Leo M. Franklin conducted the services. The non-Jewish community's greetings were brought by Dr. Edgar de Witt Jones, president of the…

… Detroit Council of Church- es. Dr. Jones paid tribute to the rabbis of Beth El and related his experiences in the Jewish com- munity and ,told of his own and his church's elation that they are neighbors of

January 05, 1945 • Page Image 12

… Commis- of France. Prentiss M. Brown, former Sen- held at the Bnai Brith Hillel Jewish fare Organization will be held sion, and a musical program will One of these scout troops dis- ator from Michigan and…

… the Hon- Foundation at the University of . given by Miss Wyn Garden Jan. 8, at 1 p. m. at be Michigan at 6 p. in. Sunday, Monday, tinguished itself by successfully ()rabic Patrick H. O'Brien, Pro- the…

… proceeds for package, of food to Poland. Jewish Center, Jan. 13, S:30 Refreshments Will Be Served p. m. ; Hillel Foundation u“-i, per, Lecture Sunday at U. of M. ' BE SW OF QUALITY CLEANING CLEANED…

…. Irving son, Chief of the Scouts, whose 927 David Stott Bldg., and Ben- Sonya Heller of Chicago, stu- mendations up, in connection with old Raimi of the University group, daring was officially acknowl…

…Friday. January DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronkle Pa Ton Story of French Jews Under Nazi Occupation Told Max Osnos' Son • The March To Celebrate His Bar Mitzvah Jan. 12 Of Death…

… 1945 Dr. Glazer to Review Yankee from Olympus Dr. B. Benedict Glazer, rabbi of Temple Beth El, will review "Yankee from Olympus" before By MARTIN SILVER David Osnos, son of Mr. and members of the Men…

…'s Club of By NATHAN ZIPR1N lebrate will ce Press reports reaching from Temple Beth El at 8 :30 p. in. As a s result of their sufferings 350,000 Jews in France, 125,000 Mrs. Max Osnos, w . Jan. 10. . during…

… the German occupation, of whom were native. While his Bar Mitzvah at the Sabbath Switzerland this week disigse "Yankee from Olympus" is the all the Jews of France are now 50,000 Jews succeeded in emi…

…- Eve services of Temple Israel Hung much discussed biography of the united in a common endeavor grating, the number of Jews in Friday night, Jan. 12, at 8 :30, that thousands of th in an to improve their…

… lot, according France were increased by the in the Lecture Hall of the De Jews perished last month epic "march of death" of 100,- late great U.S. Supreme Court to Leon Meiss, head of the arrival of Jews…

January 12, 1945 • Page Image 14

… direc- for of the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation at the University of Minnesota, is also the author of "44n Anthology of Mediaeval Jewish Literature" which is widely used by schools and adult classes…

… Greenberg is gen ; • eral chairman of the event and Mrs. Joseph Rodman is 'pledge , chairman. Members :served at the USO at the Michigan . Central:- Depot on New YearrS Day. this week of Abraham E. Mill…

…Page Fourteen THE JEWISH NEWS Weekly Review of the News of the World (Compiled From Cables of Independent Jewish Press Service) See Also Page 3 PALESTINE A survey into _Palestine's economic…

… potenti- alities with a view toward -investments of " American capital, has been launched here on behalf of the American Palestine Institute of New York by Robert Nathan and his aides • Oscar Gass and…

… Daniel Creamer who will stay here for this purpose, until the middle of March. Demands for maximum Jewish immigration and - large scale settlement in Palestine were voiced by the second annual conference…

of the Aliyah Chadashah (New Immigrants) Party, held at Ramath Hashavirn, village of German Jewish emigres, and attended by 130 dele- gates from forty branches of the party. Des- cribing the Aliyah…

… Chadashah as "a Construct- ive opposition, Dr. Felix Rosenblueth, its president, stressed that it demanded "a life of freedom for the Jewish people in Palestine" and voiced the party's "loyalty to Dr. Chaim…

… Weizmaim." A proposal to establish, at the Hebrew Uni- versity, a chair on the History of the Labor Movement in memory of the -late Berl Kat-, zenelson, Labor leader, editor and theoritician was approved by…

… the Executive Council of the Histadruth. AMERICA John O'Donnell, New York Daily News columnist who was "awarded" the "Iron Cross" by President Roosevelt, is accused of distorting letters from U. S…

…. soldiers on the Western front which appeared in the Congressional rec- ord. The charges are leveled by Elizabeth Donahue of PM's Press Bureau in Washington. Rep. Emanuel Celler (D.N.Y.) will head the…

January 26, 1945 • Page Image 20

… the appearance of Miss Maryan Fleisher, pianist. Proceeds from the concert will go to Percy Jones Hospital, Levi Memorial Hospital, Hillel Foun- dation and various other Bnai Brith philanthropies…

… Thursday $250,000 FOR HEBRAISTS DEARBORN OFFICE 22010 Michigan Avenue near Monroe When you're busy, it's grand to be able to prepare a The final rally tea, which com- pleted the series of five fund…

… following: B. Z. Goldberg, associate ed_ itor of the Jewish Day ; Dr. M Ilersl m man, rabbi of Congre- gation Shaarey Zedek ; Rabbi Moses Fischer of Congregation Bnai Moshe, and S. Lipsiiitz, Michigan

…Peg. SIxissn Beth Yehudah Has 500 Pupils, Faculty of 20 Founded by • the late Rabbi Yehudah Leib Levin, the Yeshi- vah is now in the 27th year of its existence and has an enroll- ment of more than…

… 500 students. Its departments include after- noon classes for boys attending public schools; the Beth Jacob School for Girls; the Day School, combining a program of public education along with the Yeshi…

…- vah curriculum ; and the Hebrew Kindergarten for children of pre- school age. In addition to classes held in the main building, which is al- ready too small to house the school, groups meet at 12219…

…-owned buses transport students from and to their homes daily. The teaching staff of Yeshi- vath Beth Yehudah includes 14 men and six women. The budget for the current year is $85,000, about 30 per cent of which…

… will be covered by tuition fees. The Ladies of Yesh- ivath Beth Yehudah help finance the Beth Jacob School and Kin- dergarten and part of the build- ing maintenance. Synagogue and or g a n i z a tional…

… contributions, membership dues, donations and bequests constitute the bulk of the income. New classes for the kindergar- ten and the first four years of the public school program at Yeshivath Beth Yehudah are now…

… in formation. This department, opened last September, benefits from regular inspection of the Detroit Board of Education and Board of Health, and is recog- nized by all public schools in the city. A…

January 12, 1945 • Page Image 4

… know whether Union. There may have been some criticism Rabbi Stephen S. Wise or Rabbi Abba of the government in Russia, but we Hillel Silver exceeded their authority; or have not heard about it. During…

… laws, White Papers and edicts among the nations of the world." issue of universal peacetime mili- Heists. The Russian notion of democracy Two months later, the Senate, though qualifying its interna- See…

… Woodward Ave., Detroit 26, Mich., Tel. CAdilla c 1040 SUBSCRIPTION: $3.00 PER YEAR SINGLE COPIES. 10c; FOREIGN, $5.00 PER YEAR at the Post office at Detroit, Mich., under the Act of March 3, 1879 Entered…

… as Second•class matter March 3, 1916, JACOB MARGOLIS, Editor JACOB H. SCHAKNE, Pres.-Gen. Mgr. CHARLES TAUB, Advertising Mgr. ' Detroit 26, Michigan - - FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1945 (TEBETH 27, 5705…

…) Who Is Democratic? As was expected, the Soviet .gover ► - et+fifiWe of Merit f rom Doc GoEBBELS Poikm Aacietny Vol. 47, No. 2 Britain. The difference of definition of democracy underlies the…

… sharp divergence of opinion on Poland, an as we see it, the same question will likely arise in those countries that are now, or may be. under Russian control when the European conflict ends. It is well to…

… understand the Rus- sian point of view if we expect to win them over to our way of thinking. De- nunciation and ridicule will not help us solve the problems posed by the differ- ing concepts of democracy held…

… by the Russians and us. tl ment recognized the Lublin Provisional Government as the government of Poland. Both Britain and the United States still recognize the Polish government-in-exile. We wonder…

… knew about it when the Dumbarton Oaks Conference was held, and yet it was allowed to drift and drift, until today two separate governments have the back- ing of the United States, Britain and TA Soviet…

… the whether they acted in contravention of entire period that the Soviets claimed the decisions of the Zionist Emergency that their Polish boundary was the Cur- Council in the matter of the Common…

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