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January 12, 1945 - Image 14

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1945-01-12

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Page Fourteen


Weekly Review of the News of the World

(Compiled From Cables of Independent Jewish Press Service)

See Also Page 3
A survey into _Palestine's economic potenti-
alities with a view toward -investments of
" American capital, has been launched here on
behalf of the American Palestine Institute of
New York by Robert Nathan and his aides
• Oscar Gass and Daniel Creamer who will stay
here for this purpose, until the middle of
Demands for maximum Jewish immigration
and - large scale settlement in Palestine were
voiced by the second annual conference of the
Aliyah Chadashah (New Immigrants) Party,
held at Ramath Hashavirn, village of German
Jewish emigres, and attended by 130 dele-
gates from forty branches of the party. Des-
cribing the Aliyah Chadashah as "a Construct-
ive opposition, Dr. Felix Rosenblueth, its
president, stressed that it demanded "a life of
freedom for the Jewish people in Palestine"
and voiced the party's "loyalty to Dr. Chaim
A proposal to establish, at the Hebrew Uni-
versity, a chair on the History of the Labor
Movement in memory of the -late Berl Kat-,
zenelson, Labor leader, editor and theoritician
was approved by the Executive Council of the
John O'Donnell, New York Daily News
columnist who was "awarded" the "Iron Cross"
by President Roosevelt, is accused of distorting
letters from U. S. soldiers on the Western
front which appeared in the Congressional rec-
ord. The charges are leveled by Elizabeth
Donahue of PM's Press Bureau in Washington.
Rep. Emanuel Celler (D.N.Y.) will head the
membership drive of the American Red Mogen
Dovid (Jewish Palestine's equivelant of the
Red Cross) for Palestine. The drive aims to
secure 25,000. additional contributina members.
Reorganization . of the Jewish b Agency for
Palestine, so that it be comprised of stateless
Jews and Palestinians, in conformity with the
definition of "Hebrew nationality" advocated
by Peter H. Bergson's Hebrew Committee of
National Liberation, was demanded by the New
Zionist (Revisionist) 'Organization, meeting in
emergency conference in New York. The con-
ference called upon the .Government of the
United States to dispatch a commission to in-
vestigate conditions in Palestine.
American Jews who own property in
Jerusalem have been urged to have their claims
recorded in the new .record book established
since terrorists destroyed the original land rec-
. ords, Dr. R. Gafni, former attorney of the Chief
Rabbinate of Tel Aviv, announced in New
- Dr. Chaim Weizmann, president of the
Jewish Agency for Palestine, in a cable from
Jerusalem expressed his gratification. to Dr.
James G. Heller, national chairman of the
United Palestine Appeal, for the fund-ratS-
ing achievement of the United Palestine Appeal
in 1944.
The sum of 419,292.63 for Jewish National
Fund land redemption work in Palestine, has
been raised by Habonim, Labor Zionist Youth
Organization, during the year ending Oct. 1.
The • 982 European refugees at the War
Refugee Board's temporary shelter at Fort

Ontario here are quickly learning English,
Joseph A: Berger, executive director of the
Co-ordinating Committee of the National Pri-
vate Welfare Agencies dealing with the Os-
wego refugees, reports. Of the group that ar-
rived last August, many speak Yiddish, about
two-thirds of them know German, and a large
number speak . either Croat or Serb dialects,
and Romanian and Polish. When they arrived,
only five per cent had any knowledge of the
English language.
Dr: Michael Traub, representative of the
Executive of the Jewish Agency and of the
head office of the Keren Hayesod . (Palestine
Foundation Fund), arrived in New York after
eight months in South America, where he con-
ducted Keren Hayesod campaigns, with assur-
ances of support of the establishment of a Jeoss.
ish Commonwealth in Palestine from high Gov-
ernment officials in Chile, Peru and Uraguay.
In Uraguay Dr. Traub was received by Dr.
Amezaga, President of the , Republic, and by
the Uraguayan Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Dr. Serato; who sent him a letter promising
on -behalf of his Government to recognize and
Support the creation of a Jewish state in Pal-
estine. Rabbi Samuel M. Cohen, for 28 years
executive director Of the United Synagogue, re-
signed his post on Dec. 31. In 1923, Rabbi
Cohen launched the firgt religious radio prO-
gram and presented the first biblical play
ever to be produced on the radio.
Bulgarian journalists meeting in confer-
ence in Sofia voted to launch an immediate
campaign in the press and through mass meet-
ings to expose the fallacy of anti-Semitism and
counteract the effects of German anti-Semitic
propaganda. The conference proposed that the
government take action, "after the Soviet pat-
tern," to outlaw racist propaganda.
A group of Jewish engineers, "somewhere
in the Urals," has been described by high war
officials as the "Soviet's secret weapon" against
the Germans. The group, working at the Ex-
perimental Research Institute for Metal Cut-
ting Lathes, under the leadership of Vladimir
Dikushin, Corresponding Member of the Aca-
demy of Sciences,- has turned out lathes that
"are strong, exceptionally accurate and so high-
ly efficient as to operate almost without human
guidance and fulfilling the most complicated
production operations." One of the leading de-
signers of the group is Ariech Volchok, and one
of the main laboratories is headed by Ivan
Burstein, holder of the Stalin Prize.
Former Bulgarian Premier Ivan Bagrianoff,
25 ex-cabinet ministers and 10 former royal
advisors were accused in Sofia by People's
Prosecutor Georghi Petroff, of crimes against
the Bulgarian people including their declara-
tion of war on the Allies, abolition of people's
rights and enactment of anti-Jewish . laws at
the opening sessions of the people's tribunals
to judge former government officials who col-
laborated with the Nazis.
A new list of German atrocities at three
death camps, Yanov, Sitadel and Lisenitz, in
Lwow Province, Eastern Poland, where 700,-
000 war prisoners and . civilians, including
Americans, Englishmen and "many Jews" were
killed between 1941 and 1943, has been dis-
closed by a Soviet extraordinary commission
investigating war crimes.

The Day of Delight

Publication Society's Book
On Sabbath a Unique Work

The Jewish Publication So-
ciety of America has to its
credit the . production of some of
the outstanding Jewish `literary
creations. It was the popularizer
of Israel Zangwill. It published
Graetz's "History of the Jews' .
and Ginzberg's "Legends of the
JewS." It made possible the
printing of truly great novels
and essays.
This record is enhanced by the
latest product — the appearance

Primrose to Hold
10th Donor Affair

Mrs. Alexander W. Sanders
will be the principal speaker of
the 10th annual donor luncheon
of the Primrose Benevolent Club,
next Tuesday, at 12:30 p. m. at
the Book Cadillac Hotel.
Mrs. Sanders is Wayne County
director of the Women's War 'Fi-
nance Committee, a member of
the executive committee of the
Jewish Community Council and
is on the executive committee of
the. Zionist Council.
The program will feature a
fashion revue sponsored . by the
J. L. Hudson Co. and Gloria
Vasu, soprano, accompanied by
Zelda Eisenberg. •
Mrs. Morris Greenberg is gen ; •
eral chairman of the event and
Mrs. Joseph Rodman is 'pledge ,
Members :served at the USO at
the Michigan . Central:- Depot on
New YearrS Day.

this week of Abraham E. Mill-
gram's "Sabbath—The Day of
Humor, Facts and Art
It is a magnificent and most
unique book. Containing- the his-
torical background of the Jew-
ish day of rest—perhaps the
greatest contribution made by
Israel to mankind — this - book
has many, sections which are in-
formative and entertaining.
Humor and fact, music and
art,' are reproduced in this book.
The effects of the Sabbath on
civilization are ably evaluated
by Mr. Millgrarn, who deals with
the importance of the Sabbath
as delineated in the Bible and
the Talmud and who gives a
complete picture of the day of
rest as it is outlined in folklore..
Section on Music
There are stories on the Sab-
bath which will delight young
and old, and the sub-title of the
book, "The Day of Delight," bas-
ed on a quotation from Isaiah
(58.13) is fully justified by the
The section on Jewish music
was prepared by Prof. A. W.
Binder. This portion of the book
adds to the value of the volume
not merely as an informative
collection, but also as a text-
book for young and old and as
a guide for Oneg Shabbat pro-
The chapter on Jewish art was
written by Dr. Rachel Wischnit-
zer-Bernstein, well known art
The Author
The author, who is the direc-

for of the Bnai Brith Hillel
Foundation at the University of
Minnesota, is also the author of
"44n Anthology of Mediaeval
Jewish Literature" which is
widely used by schools and
adult classes.
Millgram's "Sabbath" is avail-
able as one of the membership
books of the Jewish Publication
Society of America, at $5 a year
for three books or $10 a year for
six books. Further information
can be gotten by writing Mau-
rice Jacobs, executive vice-
president of the society, 320
Lewis Tower Bldg., Philadelphia
2, Pa.

Friday, January 12, 191S

Milans, Efraim Malinsky
Inscribed in Golden Book

Poale Zion Branch 3 this week
announced that its members had
inserted two inscriptions in the
Golden Book of the Jewish
National Fund—one in honor of
the 12th wedding anniversary of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Milan and
one in honor of the Bar Mitzvah
of Efrain). Ronald Malinsky, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Malin-
sky, prominent members of the
Poale Zion and Farband.
The Malinsky Bar Mitzvah was
attended by 300 at the Bnai
Moshe who also honored Efraim
on his recovery from serious
illness. Efraim is continuing his
studies at the Farband Shule.
His brother, Harold, was toast-
master at the banquet.
The Malinskys contributed
$1,800 in honor of the Bar Mitz-
vah to be diVided equally
between the Jewish National
Fund, Child Rescue Fund and

Mt. Sinai Members
Drive Army Trucks
To Aid War Effort

Jule J. Levy, acting president
of Congregation Mt. Sinai, Port
Huron, was instrumental in or-
ganizing an impromptti commit-
tee for delivering army trucks
from the Port Huron area to an
east coast port. More than 100
Port Huron residents answered
the call. Among Mt. Sinai mem-
bers driving trucks east will be,
besides Mr. Levy, Eugene Bergs-
man and Edward L. Goldman.
At a recent meeting of the Mt.
Sinai Congregation it was de-
cided to hold • the annual ban-
quet On Feb; 13. Mrs. Morris M.
Singer heads the committee.
Mt. Sinai Religious School has
invited the Sarnia Youth Group
for a social on Jan. 21. Miss
Ellen Goldman, of the faculty,
is in charge. • Dr. Selig S. Auer-
bach is principal of the school.

Sabbath League Hears
Rabbi Groner of Annual
Luncheon Wednesday

Mlawer Auxiliary
Announces Officers

The following officers were
elected by Ladies' Auxiliary of
Mlawer Umgegend Verein: Mrs.
Abe Shanbom, president; M r s .
Israel Burnstein and Mrs. Joe
Kasmer, vice-presiderits; Mrs. J.
Klayman, secretary; Mrs. Eli
Jacobson, treasurer; Mrs. I. Le-
vinthal, chairman of Mary Mellin
Flower Fund; Mrs. Louis Seman-
sky and Mrs. J. Rosenblatt, tele-
phone squad chairmen.


The seventh annual donor
event will be held at the Whit-
tier, Feb. 7. For reservations
call Mrs. Kasmer, chairman, TO.
8-0534, or Mrs. Burnstein, co-
chairman, TR. 2-4053.

Mrs. Rosenberg's Memory
Honored by Many Tributes

The annual paid-up member-
ship luncheon of the Women's
League for' Sabbath Observance
will be addressed at 12:30 p. m.
next Wednesday, at the Bnai
Moshe, Dexter and Lawrence, by
Rabbi Benjamin Groner of Con-
gregation Shaar Hashomayim of
Windsor, on the topic "Sources
of Strength in Adversity."
Miss Drora Selesny will sing a
'group of songs, accompanied by
Miss Katherine Ziff.
The boys' club sponsored by
the Sabbath Observance League
meets Saturday afternoons at the
Bnai David, Elmhurst .and 14th.

Jewish Agency Department
-Established in New York

NEW YORK—A special de-.
partment, headed by Joseph
Gurion, has been set up by the
Jewish Agency for Palestine to
deal with the problem of re-
habilitating_ and resettling demo-
bilized Jewish soldiers in the
postwar - period, it was disclosed
here by Dr. Bernard Joseph,
The tributes represent the ex- Legal Adviser of the Jewish
pressions of outstanding' men and Agency for Palestine, who is
women in all walks of life, in- now visiting this country.
cluding persons prominent in dip-
lomatic circles in Detroit, Chi-
cage, New York, Washington.
The letters inchide a warm mes-
sage from U. S. Senator and .Mrs.
Painting, Paperhanging and
Homer Ferguson who knew Mrs.
Decorating -- Free Estimates
Rosenberg and who honor her
TR. 2-5264
for her ."gentleness and kindli-
ness" and - for her public services.

Scores of tributes to the late
Mrs. Louis James . Rosenberg,
whose funeral took place Dec.
15, ..continue to come to Mr. Ros-
enberg in the nature of resoru-
tions from organizations, letters
end messages.




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