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September 17, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 31

…Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur 2020 Main Entrée: *Each Platter serves 10-12 People Price Sliced Turkey Breast $12.99 lb. Rotisserie Turkey, Sliced and Garnished (or in Broth) Rotisserie Herb Chicken Platter (4 cut up chickens) $49.99 ea. Boneless Breast Baked in Apricot Dressing with pieces of California Apricot Poached or Baked Salmon Platter $99.99 ea. Smothered Onion Brisket $18.99 lb. Side Dishes: Chopped Live...…

September 17, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 32

…32 | SEPTEMBER 17 • 2020 S ome events appear to spread the coro- navirus more efficiently than others. Blowing the shofar — without ade- quate precautions — may be one of them. Drs. Adam Schwalje and Henry T. Hoffman, both professional otolaryngolo- gists at the University of Iowa and amateur bassoon players, said that playing a musical instrument, even a shofar, could propel virus-laden droplets into the air. Schwalje told the Times ...…

September 17, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 33

… SEPTEMBER 17 • 2020 | 33 Young Israel of Oak Park, the Modern Orthodox congreg- tion has a team of some seven men ready to walk around the neighborhood and sound the shofar for those who cannot get to synagogue. HOSPITAL ROUNDS For patients in the hospital, Rabbi Aharon Amzalak, staff chaplain at Beaumont Hospital, notes that “to com- ply with HIPAA [Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act] require- ments which protect...…

September 17, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 34

…Let There Be Food CHERYL WEISS CONTRIBUTING WRITER I nstead of going to shul for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, many of us are attending virtual services on Zoom. The traditional din- ners with extended family and friends will also be different. Chef Cari Herskovitz Rosenbloom, executive caterer for B’ nai Moshe and owner of Chef Cari Kosher Catering, Wok In Cari Out and Chef Cari’ s Street Eats, is seeing a change this year in R...…

September 17, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 36

…36 | SEPTEMBER 17 • 2020 A t the beginning of 2020, most people hadn’ t even heard of Zoom, the video conferencing application. By early April, we were all using Zoom for work meetings, the kids’ school, funerals and shivahs, Passover seders, Shabbat services and to connect with family members during the COVID-19 pandemic. As a rabbi, I have officiated more than a dozen b’ nai mitzvah services and two baby namings using Z...…

September 17, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 37

…1-800-LOW-RATE 17170 W. 12 Mile Rd. - Southfield, MI 48076 Capital Mortgage Funding is Powered by Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation. NMLS#2289 L’SHANAH TOVA! The entire team at Capital Mortgage Funding wishes everyone a healthy and Happy New Year. …

September 17, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 38

…38 | SEPTEMBER 17 • 2020 T he 2020 High Holidays, like much else in the world right now, are going to be com- pletely different than they’ ve ever been before. Jews all around the world are pre- paring to celebrate either virtually or socially distanced when in person. Jewish platforms such as OneTable ( and its offshoot HereFor (herefor. com) are catering to these changing needs perfectly. OneTable is a national no...…

September 17, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 39

… SEPTEMBER 17 • 2020 | 39 Rabbinic Innovation, Hadar, JewBelong and the Institute for Jewish Spirituality. COVID PRECAUTIONS Lauren Hoffman, who’ s been an ambassador of Jewish communal orga- nizations such as Moishe House in the past, has been a OneTable host for just over a year now. Hoffman says the platform is recommending dinner hosts and guests follow necessary precautions. “They’ re trying to encourage their hosts to tak...…

September 17, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 40

…40 | SEPTEMBER 17 • 2020 Michigan Gyms Reopen, But JCC Pumps the Brakes Other health centers opened their doors Sept. 9 following Whitmer’ s orders. DANNY SCHWARTZ STAFF WRITER Jews in the D A fter six months of Michigan’ s gyms, fitness centers and pools being closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, an executive order from Gov. Gretchen Whitmer allowed them to reopen Sept. 9 with a plethora of new guidelines and precautions. Some...…

September 17, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 41

… SEPTEMBER 17 • 2020 | 41 Apply toYU TODAY! Ilana K. ’18 PhD Candidate, Biomedical Sciences Albert Einstein College of Medicine BUILDING TOMORROW, TODA Y A Yeshiva University degree prepares the next generation of leaders at every level to transform lives and better the world. Did you know that 80% of all undergrads receive tuition assistance? At YU, we are happy to help. Just call 833-YU-HELPS. …

September 17, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 42

…Nessel Compares Trump to Hitler DANNY SCHWARTZ STAFF WRITER Jews in the D A t Michigan’ s virtual Democratic Nominating Convention Aug. 29, the state’ s Attorney General, Dana Nessel, compared President Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. “Hitler, by all accounts, could read and write … and he also was brave enough to serve in his nation’ s military, ” Nessel joked in her speech, as reported by Gongwer Michigan. The Michigan Democr...…

September 17, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 43

… SEPTEMBER 17 • 2020 | 43 Dementia Friendly Kol Nidre/Yom Kippur Service Invites you to join in its 4th Annual Award-Winning The Dorothy and Peter Brown Jewish Community Adult Day Program This special service will include familiar prayers and melodies led by Cantor Pamela Schiffer within a 45-minute timeframe created for families and their loved ones living with Dementia. Open to the Community – No charge Registration by September 14 p...…

September 17, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 44

…44 | SEPTEMBER 17 • 2020 D uring the week of Sept. 7, in recognition of the ever-evolving relationship between America’ s Black and Jewish communities and in opposition to racism and antisemi- tism, the National Urban League and American Jewish Committee (AJC) part- nered to mark Black-Jewish Unity Week. The organizations observed the week with a series of events aimed at “fostering a deeper cultural and histor- ical understanding an...…

September 17, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 46

…46 | SEPTEMBER 17 • 2020 A New Year… A Healthy Year Lynn Breuer, LMSW A New Year…a year of peace…a year of health…a year of hope. We hear these words in prayer during the holidays. But this year, the holidays will look a little enough, but not being able to check on one’s elderly parents is stressful beyond all else. the isolation due to COVID can contribute to a decline, as well. a friend, neighbor, or if need be, a professional to...…

September 17, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 47

… SEPTEMBER 17 • 2020 | 47 TOTOUSA.COM | 800-350-TOTO Things you use every day. Created for a new way of living. NX1 Toilet NEW SHOWROOM DETROIT 150 Parsons Street Detroit, MI 48201 313-831-7770 WALLED LAKE 1977 E. West Maple Road Walled Lake, MI 48390 248-669-7474 100 YEARS 1920 - 2020 Come Visit Detroit’s Award-Winning Decorative Plumbing Showroom Ce l e b r a t i n g O u r 10 0 - Ye a r An n i ve ...…

September 17, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 48

…48 | SEPTEMBER 17 • 2020 | faces&places Jews in the D JARC’s Shabbat in the Lot With all-day storms mov- ing through Metro Detroit on Friday, Aug. 28, JARC’ s staff made the quick change from a parking lot picnic to a drive-by service, putting up a tent and preparing for a rain- filled drive-through for its “Shabbat in the Lot.” The event served nearly 150 residents from 26 JARC homes in the rear parking lot of the Jewish Federati...…

September 17, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 49

… SEPTEMBER 17 • 2020 | 49 BIRMINGHAM 111 E l m S t , Bi r mi n gh am Al l Season sBi r mi n gh 248.845.2162 ROCHESTER HILLS 175 Nawakwa Rd, Roch est er Hi l l s Al l Season sRoch est er Hi l l 248.825.4055 WEST BLOOMFIELD 5600 Dr ake Rd, West Bl oomfiel d Al l Season sWest Bl oomfiel 248.237.6948 INNOVATIVE. ENGAGING. ENLIVENING. TOTALLY CAPTIVATING. Eve n i n t h e ne w normal, Al...…

September 17, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 50

…| faces&places Jews in the D Friendship Circle’ s communi- ty of supporters and friends were “ Apart But Close In Heart’ ” Sept. 6 for the annual Walk4Friendship. Because of COVID-19, the annual sea of purple seen winding through West Bloomfield gave way to smaller waves of walkers donning Friendship Circle’ s signature tees, as individual teams walked through Metro Detroit’ s neighborhoods and parks, on the routes of their choo...…

September 17, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 51

… SEPTEMBER 17 • 2020 | 51 SUPPORT INDEPENDENT, CREDIBLE JEWISH JOURNALISM Dear valued reader, Let’ s get right to it. and its Please go to and give generously in Arthur Horwitz In addition to contributing online, you may also send a contribution to: The Jewish News, 29200 Northwestern Highway #110, Southfi eld, MI 48034 …

September 17, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 52

…52 | SEPTEMBER 17 • 2020 C ommunities in Ethiopia’ s North Shewa region and in Kechene, on the outskirts of Addis Ababa, received humanitarian aid for the first time from the Israeli government to help sustain them during the coronavirus pandemic as well as a locust infestation that wiped out much-needed crops. Although some community members identify openly as Jewish, Israel does not officially recognize them as Jews. Aid recipi...…

September 17, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 53

… SEPTEMBER 17 • 2020 | 53 said. “He was impressed with the work we are doing, and he wants to be part of this. ” Moges told the JN in late August that LOZA leaders, with help from Shabtay, have also submitted letters to Morav and to the Israeli government requesting official recognition for the community as Jews. Morav said the two issues are separate. “The recognition of the communities in North Shewa and Kechene is a total- ly di...…

September 17, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 54

…54 | SEPTEMBER 17 • 2020 Billy Slobin didn’ t think there would be a high school football season this fall. So the strength and conditioning coach for the North Farmington High School football team is perfectly happy with what the truncated prep football season will look like: Each team will play six regular-season games and make the state playoffs. “I was not a proponent of a spring football season. You need to keep the clock ticki...…

September 17, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 55

… SEPTEMBER 17 • 2020 | 55 that won the Rosen Division championship. It was Adat Shalom’ s first league title since 2005, when there was only one Adat Shalom team and only one league champion. “Everyone in the league got to play softball. We were out doing something every Sunday. That’ s what was most important, ” Sandler said. The most controversial rule change was the elimination of tag plays. A player running to a base was out i...…

September 17, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 56

…56 | SEPTEMBER 17 • 2020 sports HIGHlights Temple Israel No. 5 (Greenberg Division) and Bais Chabad Torah Center (Rosen Division) needed to play four playoff games in one day Aug. 30 to make it to their divi- sion championship game, which they lost. Adat Shalom No. 1 cruised through the Rosen Division playoffs before Bais Chabad spoiled its fun, rallying late to win 14-13 and forcing another game between the teams. Adat Shalom No. 1 ...…

September 17, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 57

…Moments SEPTEMBER 17 • 2020 | 57 Feinberg 73rd S hirley and Paul Feinberg of Southfield are celebrating their 73rd wedding anniversa- ry, Shirley’ s 92nd birthday and Paul’ s 95th birthday. Celebrating on Zoom with them will be their children, Henry and Lynn Feinberg, Susie and Theo Goodwin, Barbara and Steve Kronick, Debby and Mark Rosner, and Marcy and Barnet Leland. Also celebrating will be their grandchildren, William Feinb...…

September 17, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 58

…58 | SEPTEMBER 17 • 2020 Spirit torah portion R osh Hashanah always contains the emphasis that we consider our faults, our misdeeds of the prior year and how to grow from those. Among the major themes of the Jewish High Holidays is the theme teshuvah, of repentance and trans- formation into our best selves. In 10 days’ time on Yom Kippur, we will acknowledge our mis- takes and strive to do good. On Yom Kippur, we beat our c...…

September 17, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 59

… SEPTEMBER 17 • 2020 | 59 W ith each new year, we express our hopes for the next. This year has been … challeng- ing. Gatherings are distant and limited in so many ways. Still, many have figured out ways to make it work. And so it is with the High Holidays. While we can virtually pray; we can- not virtually eat. Somehow, we have figured out how to gather more safely. And families are beginning to eat together again. Throughout Jewish h...…

September 17, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 60

…60 | SEPTEMBER 17 • 2020 flour. Place the breasts in the hot skillet (you may have to do this in batches), and brown lightly on both sides. Place all the breasts back in the skillet and pour the wine over. Bring the wine to a boil, reduce heat and cook the chicken until the wine is reduced and the sauce is slightly thickened. Add the figs and raisins, salt and pepper to taste and lemon juice. Sprinkle capers and cilantro or pars...…

September 17, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 62

…Arts&Life culture 62 | SEPTEMBER 17 • 2020 I n pandemic terms, summer has been a significant time for the Detroit Cultural Center, where the community again can find inspiration and solace from in-person experiences with various forms of creative expression. Doors began opening once more — although not all the way — by institutions adhering to restrictions imposed to protect the health of employees and guests. Doner, the Southfi...…

September 17, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 63

… SEPTEMBER 17 • 2020 | 63 ANDY, ELENA, AND THE ENTI RE STAFF OF BI G TOMMY' S PARTHENON, wishes Health & Happiness for the New Year. Thank you for all your support over the past 2 5 years! RESTAURANT - COMEDY - BANQUETS 248.61 5.2 102 | BI G TOMMY’S PARTHENON, COMEDY CLUB & BANQUET CENTER 4 0 3 8 0 G R A N D R I V E R A V E N U E , N O V I Onl i ne orderi ng f or pi ck up or l ocal del i v...…

September 17, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 64

…64 | SEPTEMBER 17 • 2020 Arts&Life celebrity jews THE EMMYS AND MORE The Emmys, for excellence in TV, will be “virtually” presented on Sunday, Sept. 20, at 8 p.m. (ABC). My coverage is condensed this year to make room for regular TV premieres. My sense is that these “times” make us more interested in new stuff than an awards show without a red-carpet parade. Nominee ages are omitted for the Emmys. If a series creator (below) ha...…

September 17, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 65

… SEPTEMBER 17 • 2020 | 65 HIGH HOLIDAYS This year, the Shul in West Bloomfield will offer many differ- ent opportunities to celebrate the Jewish holidays, meeting social distancing guidelines and Judaic laws. Pre-holiday event for Rosh Hashanah will happen the day before as a drive-thru for all your holiday needs: challah, apples, honey, honey cake, holiday guide, grape juice, kiddush cup; the use of the prayer book activities and ...…

September 17, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 66

…R eady to venture out? An outdoor destination near Oakland County has revived the carefree nature of a late summer evening. Even wearing masks, visitors should feel refreshed after enjoying some diversion in downtown Northville. In June, the city’ s Downtown Development Authority unveiled a reopening plan that “includ- ed closing down two streets to vehicular traffic: East Main, between Center and Hutton, and North Center, between...…

September 17, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 67

… SEPTEMBER 17 • 2020 | 67 Spotlight Michigan Jewish History Journal Wins State History Award the exchange community bulletin board | professional services For information regarding advertising please call 248-351-5116 or 248-234-9057 or email Deadline for ad insertion is 10am on Friday prior to publication. “Let us love your pet while you are away” Pet resort • Daycare Training • Grooming Web Cameras 248-...…

September 17, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 68

…68 | SEPTEMBER 17  2020 HEALTHCARE A1A CAREGIVER/COMPANION. Experienced, excellent references. 248-991-4944 Facility/ in home care CNA cert. Grooming, feeding, meds, blood sugar & vitals. Selena 248.747.1083 Caregiver with over 20 yrs exp. Reliable and compassionate. Available FT/PT in WB area. Patti (313) 544-8237. Mature compassionate caregiver / companion with 10+ yrs exp. serving chronically ill patients. Seeking private...…

September 17, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 69

…Soul of blessed memory continued on page 70 SEPTEMBER 17 • 2020 | 69 ROBERT A. BERLOW , 73, passed away peacefully, surrounded by his devoted family, on Sept. 7, 2020, after a formidable battle with Parkinson’ s disease. Bob led his life with kindness and positivity. He was an accomplished attorney by profession and served on multiple boards for several philanthropic organizations. What gave him the most pleasure and pride, o...…

September 17, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 70

…70 | SEPTEMBER 17 • 2020 the crossword puzzles. Also an athlete, Cecelia played tennis and enjoyed running, walking and shopping. She was kind and everyone she met loved her; she managed to touch each of their lives in a positive way; this made her one of the best moms. Funny, philanthropic and brilliant, she was kind and a friend to all. Mrs. Feldman is survived by her children, Dr. Steven and Karen Feldman of Osprey, Fla., Joa...…

September 17, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 71

… SEPTEMBER 17 • 2020 | 71 J eanette Katzman, 99, a smart, funny, stubborn and deeply compassionate woman, died peacefully in her home Sept. 6, 2020. Born March 1, 1921, to Rose and Jack Soifer, she was the youngest of two children (predeceased by her brother, Yale Soifer). Jeanette grew up in Detroit, where she put herself through Wayne State University and later, in mid-life, went back to Wayne and completed her M.S.W. Her ...…

September 17, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 72

…72 | SEPTEMBER 17 • 2020 Weberman; grandchildren, Rachel, Nathan (Nicole) and Leah, Daniel (Carly), Max and Alex; great-grandchildren, Eliana, Isabel and Lilah. She was the beloved wife of the late Edward Kahn. Interment took place at Adat Shalom Memorial Park Cemetery in Livonia. Contributions may be made to the Rabbi’ s Discretionary Fund at Adat Shalom Synagogue. Arrangements by Dorfman Chapel. ELLIN S. ARDEN LAWSON, 93, of...…

September 17, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 73

… SEPTEMBER 17 • 2020 | 73 continued on page 74 on the temple’ s Archives Committee. She also served for eight years on the temple’ s board of trustees and as vice president of its sisterhood. She will always be remembered for her sense of humor, energy and continued generosity. Interment was at Beth El Memorial Park. Contributions may be made to Temple Beth El, Ellin and Harold Lawson Youth Institute, 7400 Telegraph Road, Bloom...…

September 17, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 74

…74 | SEPTEMBER 17 • 2020 obtaining her master’ s in nursing. Bernice was a voracious reader and loved sharing her book club with all her best friends. She was a fabulous chef and gardener and was incredible at crossword puzzles. She was always the life of the party, and she was loved by so many. She will be especially missed by her wonderful companion, Honey. Mrs. Lustig was the dear mother of Marni Lustig and Dov (Allison) Lusti...…

September 17, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 75

… SEPTEMBER 17 • 2020 | 75 continued on page 76 Schwalb, Dr. Chad Schwalb, Cameron Schwalb; nieces, Chloe Schwalb, Tarah (Chris) Kessel, Lyndsi (Sarah) White; great-nephew, Liam; many other loving family members and a world of devoted friends. Mr. Schwalb was the beloved son of the late Roland “Pete” Schwalb. Interment took place at Adat Shalom Memorial Park Cemetery in Livonia. Contributions may be made to the National Kidney ...…

September 17, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 76

…76 | SEPTEMBER 17 • 2020 continued from page 75 STACEY WARD TAROCKOFF, 58, of Commerce Township, died Sept. 4, 2020. He is survived by his wife, Tami Tarockoff; children, Rebecca “Becca” Tarockoff, Ryan Tarockoff, Katelin and Jacob Holloway, Christopher and Amanda St. Aubin, and Brittany St. Aubin; grandchildren, Mason St. Aubin and Rose St. Aubin; parents, Norman George and Ferah “Fay” Tarockoff; siblings, Michael and Shere...…

September 17, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 77

… SEPTEMBER 17 • 2020 | 77 the best of everything Raskin M any folks were sad- dened by the news that University of Michigan football might ulti- mately be can- celed this year … and people like Kathy Morley of Pepino’ s Restaurant in Sylvan Lake will not be giving out those goodies she has for friends, relatives, etc., (ribs, chicken, cole slaw, bean salad, garlic bread) from the tailgate of hers and hubby Mark’ s auto … along...…

September 17, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 78

…Looking Back From the William Davidson Digital Archive of Jewish Detroit History accessible at L’ Shanah Tovah Through the Years I read an article with a good line that summed up Rosh Hashanah in 2020/5781 — “The Shofar will be heard in new ways. ” Indeed, the High Holiday season this year will be during a still-to-be-conquered COVID-19 pandemic. There will be new ways of celebrating, including Zoom services ...…

September 17, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 79

…We wish our Jewish community a sweet, happy & healthy New Year! 275 S. Old Woodward | Birmingham | 48009 L'Shana Tova! 248.425.6000 248.807.2232 - Jeff & Matt Barker …

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