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September 17, 2020 - Image 76

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2020-09-17

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76 | SEPTEMBER 17 • 2020

continued from page 75

58, of Commerce
Township, died
Sept. 4, 2020.
He is survived
by his wife, Tami Tarockoff;
children, Rebecca “Becca”
Tarockoff, Ryan Tarockoff,
Katelin and Jacob Holloway,
Christopher and Amanda
St. Aubin, and Brittany St.
Aubin; grandchildren, Mason
St. Aubin and Rose St. Aubin;
parents, Norman George
and Ferah “Fay” Tarockoff;
siblings, Michael and Sheree
Tarockoff, Allen and Shelley
Tarockoff, Ronnie Tarockoff,
and Dennis and Margie
Tarockoff; brothers-in-law
and sisters-in-law, Philip

“Bob” and Katherine Diaz,
Mark Diaz and Yolanda
Banks; father-in-law, Felipe
Mr. Tarockoff was the son-
in-law of the late Linda Diaz.
Contributions may be
made to a charity of one’
choice. Arrangements by Ira
Kaufman Chapel.

91, of West
Bloomfield, died
Sept. 6, 2020.
She is survived
by her son and daughter-
in-law, Gary and Beth
Weingarden; daughter, Marcy
Weber; loving grandchildren,
Brittany Weber, Colton

(Corey) Weingarden, GiGi
(Matt) Coburn, Michael
Weingarden and Rachel
Weingarden; devoted
sister, Donna Goren; adoring
cousins, Marla Zack and
Steve Goren; great-cousins
Danny (Michele) Zack, Blake
Zack, Josh Zack and Sam
Zack; many other loving
family members and friends.
Mrs. Weingarden was the
beloved wife of the late Earl
Weingarden; mother of the
late Howard Weingarden;
mother-in-law of the late
Sandy Weber; daughter of
the late Hyman and the late
Eva Reider; sister-in-law of
the late Irwin Goren; aunt of
the late Steven Zack.
Interment took place at

Clover Hill Park Cemetery in
Birmingham. Contributions
may be made to ALS of
Michigan. Arrangements by
Dorfman Chapel.

of blessed memory


The processing fee for obituaries
is: $125 for up to 100 words;
$1 per word thereafter. A photo
counts as 15 words. There is no
charge for a Holocaust survivor
The JN reserves the right
to edit wording to conform to
its style considerations. For
information, have your funeral
director call the JN or you
may call Sy Manello, editorial
assistant, at (248) 351-5147
or email him at smanello@

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