February 12, 1938

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February 12, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 180) • Page Image 1

…R CESSION HITS J-HOP Saturday, Febr ry 1$8 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Vol. XLVIII Price: 10 Cents Our Own xclusive Graph Of What Was Wappened And Probably Will 'Wappen t tA~r bsy W944r fUJN Dr OF J-Hoe ASKS CAMPU'5 Lov- / t5 (~$ -r,2Ask 10IV FlINA STAF ILL&,} t46M r ^. qccK ArL O AcX HOME CCt r T :r N6S Fji,5g LA45F FXA S' AILL i&H T CAA f , O/ LEFT Q La '' a n a a u ' Y 4 ?' 1 y -.. C.iRL'5 ROOMh -07 04 A N f 8i p J- 679 C 5T5$ ...…

February 12, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 180) • Page Image 2

…Page Two T HE M IC H IG AN D AI1LY Saturday Februarv 12 19; Py, .ya, Flowers For All Occasions CORSAGES - - CUT FLOWERS - - PLANTS University Flower Shop Opposite Michigan Theatre - Phone 9055 SWING IT* O O IN THE BEAUTIFUL BOOK CASINO FOR A GREAT WEEK-END MEET THE GANG IN DETROIT'S SMARTEST SPOT $1.00 Minimum Weekdays - - - $1.50 Cover Charge Saturday BOOK-CADILLAC HOTEL W. O. SEELBACH, Mgr. W. J. CHITTENDEN, Jr., Res. Mgr. Directed by N...…

February 12, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 180) • Page Image 3

…C .ir n G k...in.. T 7 1 9:ZR TH i-: AAIC-ICANK D AII V Pn.o Tko )OTuraoy, reoruary i c, i 7 o rage i nree Fraternities Seek To Start An Artificial Boom Here Michigan's fraternities will make a sel Price and Mr. and Mrs. Marland belated effort to start an artificial B. Small, of Ann Arbor, and Phi boom today and tomorrow when they Kappa Psi, with Mr. and Mrs. Reed will proposition the butcher, the baker Bachmann of Detroit, and Mr. and an...…

February 12, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 180) • Page Image 4

…Paae Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, February 12,1938 .STOCK MARKE TSECTION --" LATEST QUOTATIONS ON THE ANN ARBOR EXCHANGE Contrasted With Last Year's Standings PREFERRED Trigon 26 18 Beta Theta Pi 19 15 Psi Upsilon 16 23 Sigma Nu............11 10 Chi Phi ..25 19 Delta Sigma Pi........18 29 Lambda Chi Alpha 15 17 Alpha Delta Phi 10 NIly NIly-Not Listed in '37 Delta Kappa Epsilon 23 22 Forestry Club 18 28 Theta Delta Chi 15 20 Kappa Delta Rh...…

February 12, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 180) • Page Image 5

…Saturday, February 12, 1938 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Killian, Reid Hold Sway The Watt Street I ,Wolves Get Fat In Ticker Tape Deluge OnTheseLanbs /T (Continued from Page 4) 1e1 h cloth and rose quartz accessories were Isabel Bruyere, '39A; Betty Lou strategically placed about her gown. Flynn, '40; Dorothy White, '38; Myrtle Elsie Jane Burkett, '39, attended Remillard. Detroit; Betty K. Stadel- J- H p G ests with Lawrence Lackey, co-cha...…

February 12, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 180) • Page Image 6

…Paqe Six T HE M IC H IG AN D AIlLY Saturday, Februarv 1298 PaoSxTH IHGA ALStrn ,ermr 2 Dalen, Stockholm, Sweden; Cecily Forrest, '40A. Phi Delta Theta 21 Ruth Barber, '39; Lauretta Allia- son; Mary Merrill, Appleton, Wis.; (Continued from Page 5) Zivia Seltzer, '39Ed; Harriet Levy, Nellie Newland, Detroit; Helen Jean Dean, '39; Jane Ellen McConley, Chi- troit; Ida Warren, Ann Arbor; Jewel '40; Ruth Brownstein, '37; Laya Fau- cago; Betty Ma...…

February 12, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 180) • Page Image 7

…CSaturday Fearv r1 2. 1938 THE M I CHI GAAN D AiILY PaaSeven THP tACH(Z I' yI II.P.y°Sve The Story Of The 1907 Depression And How It Was Solved ......... By Waldemar Liptmannn Times Were Pretty Bad Then, Too; Ask The Man Who Owed Some There was no Joy in America. Even see women. Automatically clasping Faith and Hope had fled to Europe. her to his bosom, he spoke first: "My Charity, not very resourceful, began name is Joe Zilch." Then he ...…

February 12, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 180) • Page Image 8

…Page Eight T HE MIlC H IG AN D A ILY Sntujrdan Febiirua 171; EyTyH MADl The Demand Is Plenty Arrival of ______ HighBuyers (Continued from Page 6) '40; Arline Wolf, River Forest, Ill.; I Hulbert, Detroit; Janet Powers, Oak Farmer, Chicago, Ill.; Mary Becker, By PHIL BUCHEN '41; '41; Phyllis Bauer, '38; Ruth Hat- Hazel Shay, Western Springs, Ill.; Pa- Park, Ill.: Virginia Voorhees '39. Altoona, Pa.; Betty Whitney, '38; (Arriving buyers may ...…

February 12, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 180) • Page Image 9

…Snturdav Februanr 121 3 T HE M IC H IG AN D A ILY Page irne WAnother Colossal Triumph Why People o To i-P-iop For Our Poll Editor - - - Here's Inside Dope Straight FromSpiegel In a confidential poll conducted among J-Hop guests by the Daily's confidential poll department (headed by J. Spiegel, well-known confidence man), it was discovered that the ma- jority of those attending the brawl do so for other reasons than those generally given. ...…

February 12, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 180) • Page Image 10

…Page Ten TI.JC AA II- LJr A Ki r, A ii v ST H ELM I C IiG AN DAIL Y Saturday February 12, 1938 The Staff Of The J-Hop Extra Managing Editor JOSEPH S. MATTES Associate Editor TUURE TENANDER Associate Editor WILLIAM C. SPALLER Associate Editor ROBERT WEEKS J-HOP ISSUE EDITORS JOSEPH S. MATTES EARL R. GILMAN ASSISTANTS: Helen Douglas, Robert I. Fitz- henry, Joseph Gies, Walker R. A. Graham, Roy Heath, Saul KleIman, Morton Linder, Robert Mitch...…

February 12, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 180) • Page Image 11

…Saturday, Februarv 12 98 T HE M IC H IG AN D A ILY DP,^C- r, u "rv 1% 1932 THF M1, L I v I A 14 L- , L-Y rage Eleven 1 200 Patrons Watch Market Governor Murphy, his sister, Mrs. and Mrs. C. T. Olmsted, Dean and Thompson. William B. Teahan, and Mr. Teahan Mrs. W. B. Rea, Dean and Mrs. H. C. Prof. Louis G. Vander Velde, headed the list of more than 200 pa- Sadler, Dean M. E. Cooley, Mrs. B. F. Prof. and Mrs. W. A. Abbot, Prof. and trons a...…

February 12, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 180) • Page Image 12

…Page Twelve THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, February 12, 1938 PaeTeleTE IHGA ALYStrdy e, ur ,2 93 F. 1 i.- WE ARE OPEN ALL NIGHT For Your Service and Rrefreshment Remember Us After the J-HOP. WAYN E COFFEE SHOP 201 East Liberty aZie Iootie, The nd Once Hale Carnegie's Sweetheart, From Wahoo, Neb. She Became AStepping Stone BE A SUCCESS AT THE PARTY disadvantages I had. I was going to, By HALE CARNEGIE the Hop with a girl named Mazie (...…

February 12, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 180) • Page Image 13

…Saturday, February 12, 1938 T HE M IC H IG AN D A ILY Page Thirteen Saturday, February 1 2, 1 938 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Paae Thirteen Undr TUhe CWith Lord Beaconsfield Under TheClockW(Benjamin Disraeli) A Sad Story Of Johnny G. And The Ho IT WAS A SAD STORY that came tC us-even unto the very day of th J-Hop indeed. For it is the tale oa the youngest member of the Boys ir the Back Room, our gentle friend Johnny Greenbehindtheears. For weeks t...…

February 12, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 180) • Page Image 14

…Page Fourteen T HE M IC H IG AN D A ILY Saturday, February 12, 1938 For a real Barbeque Sandwich The Gingham Inn Five Miles East of Ann Arbor on Washtenaw ' c for S1. Valentine's Day d a Git of Gardenia SValentie's Day entonct for hr....Mary D.IdI's5trll Ir's du CGardenia a l11hfulperfue issonattrcive red haari'sItaped box a ti $250 C")~ See our Cosmetician about C)' this Exceptional Value!L" -& < 4 y SWEETS for the sweetest one. Give her ...…

February 12, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 180) • Page Image 15

…Saturday. Februarv 12 98 T HE M IC H IG AN D A ILY Page Fifteen ,tr a A Survey Of Exploitation HOSIERY We have the Shades, the Weight and H ere Is FoundAbout The Bunny Hop peratnesudchindecencies.d twhe Prices are Moderate _ harne dalllit"d(theaendmakei How The BandsIn a journalistic jam session fo- not be tolerated at any dance." sound modern!)(tdance.namAnd thentmakesRtT mented in 1912, the Daily beat out The campaign bore fruit-not ...…

February 12, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 180) • Page Image 16

…Page Sixteen T HE M IC H IG AN D A ILY Snti drn Far bnr 17 19QIR I SixteenT F1Zuray, rury 14,1730 Past Stock Flurries........ By Pookie 5 wasn't punting, passing, and praying, he turned movie actor. Again a little G eor e T e sHarry was always panting) that man almost stole the show, as Pedro Fletcher Henderson and Ted Weems came through in fine fashion. had been selected to disturb the pic- was kind of a tough job to pick O f o B dture-t...…

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