August 08, 1911

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August 08, 1911 (vol. 2, iss. 17) • Page Image 1

…THE WOLVERINE Vol It. TRACES GROWTH OF AERIAL REGULATION Reeves Tells of Old and New a Attempts At Governing Aeronautics THREE SCHEMES NOW PROPOSED +New roles of law, and muodificaions of old rules, which base beets made because of the conquest of the air by man, were 1. discutssed briefly by Prof. J. S. Reees '- yesterday afternoon in iis lecture onl "The Jaw of the Air." An 0old legal maxim, gives by Black- stone, who ascribes it to Lordi...…

August 08, 1911 (vol. 2, iss. 17) • Page Image 2

…1' [ -- I1 - -Y0 1,V B N 1 Northwestern Mutual LIFE INS. CO. MILWVAUKEE Let Us Have a lalk WithYOU FRED'K( M. STEINBAUER Distr'ict Aent Iarnoed it l di ng~i~iti - Detroit WM. S. McCORMICK 1210 Waslitenaw Ave. Call 373- BEST Iz, to-"oat BANCKLOFT lee1<tttdCold oldDrilts 722 Mn-o St roee PHOTOGRAPHER 5)ticisl thoograpsher to Mihlsino Athlsetcs frto er55y s'- Studio: 319 E. Huron St. Phone 96-L Student's Supply Store lot ,yor Ntess Rook, IFonta...…

August 08, 1911 (vol. 2, iss. 17) • Page Image 3

…THE \ NVOIVERIIN1F The sale of Mn' Furnishings at Mack's Continues This Week Throughiout the entire week pirices iii the Men's Dtept. will erainrii the rednciion level. Mainy a worthl while savinig lies in store for thre tar-sighted nian. The stocks are still complete and your choice range in eve ry- thing is practically tunlimiited, FINVDLAY'S IDEAS POPULAR Demonstration Schools are Widely Approved In Michigan ~ , L C.J si \l - i-ri -r llN...…

August 08, 1911 (vol. 2, iss. 17) • Page Image 4

…THE 44OULVERINE Ube ALLENwEL" I Arnn Arbor's Lares do and Finest hotel: . M. M. NOWLIN, Propr. W. C. NOWLIN, Mngr. Tea toni. on the Secnd 1Floor LAW Brief Cases Outlines of Books, ete. NEW, Cheaper thian Secondsl l~rsd Edwards Brothers 324 S. Staste. Over Seell in Bev nAND rIAKE ALL KINDS Let- us mfake you a Sketch-and give you a price on anything ill the Sign line; Weissigner Sign Co. Phone 910-L Make ouzr Store Your -Shopping Headcqta...…

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