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August 08, 1911 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Wolverine, 1911-08-08

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The sale of
Mn' Furnishings at Mack's
Continues This Week
Throughiout the entire week pirices iii the Men's Dtept. will
erainrii the rednciion level. Mainy a worthl while savinig lies
in store for thre tar-sighted nian.
The stocks are still complete and your choice range in eve ry-
thing is practically tunlimiited,

Demonstration Schools are Widely
Approved In Michigan
~ , L C.J
si \l - i-ri -r

llNCI-Ilt-Ni NI lull- V
1)1- ClINt NI S C Ill

$1.50 Shirts $1.19
'These sitI''Cl ietts' in plaItrandl
striped patterns, coat style, withr
and withiitealiaro, ealtosterelie i
'1s(51 values at $1 .19
"Motnarch"' statids for the best
.$ i.00 shirt made. It conies iii
te sattte sy3les as the $t.50
shirts, sale price 79c
5e stiruts, cuails attached, at 57c
50te work shirts, collar attached.
at 39c
Neckwear at 39c and 196
All the newest shades aiid
styles are includeed in this
price lowerinig. The Soc val-
tes aretosv at 39c arid the
25e values, 19c
Smart Hosiery
In colors thiat live mcen whot
haven't lost their taste for
good dressinig ill admrire.
rhe qualities are the best pro-
curable at te regular prices
of Soc and 25ec. The sale prices
are 39c and 196

Jewelry 1-4 off
Cuif links, Seart Pins, Tie
Clasps, etc. -all onse-fourrth
less tantregular prices
Copers' Spr ing Needle Untier-
wea iiis-,the real thiing tori oorc
'th'le $2.09 lu~es arc cow $1.39:
tie $1.50 vatse's at $1 .19: the
$1u0 luteste79c'
Poroscknit and 13. V. D.CUnion
Sts, athletic sty~le, with knee
drawers, $1.0itlu esoa t 79c
Twto-peice tUnderwcear inclutding
B. V. H. Balhriggan and ribbhed
esrmuents-ttI valces, at 39c
25e I nitesear it 19c
Good quality
Linen Handkerchiefs
Both the ptlatiarid inittal
Hantdkerchriets--tiade oflfhne
gtrslity linen arid surch as men
The1ccdat-qility at 25e; the 25
qualsity at 1 9c; and tir e cqual-
ity at 10Oc
White aridColrired tHandker-
chiefs- the Ie values at 8c: the
5ie values at 4cm

t-lii ittc i}(, ~ la.. 'i i'
}ii ai tC <tl- IVi O \ i t
scl r.,:; ir"l 1 nIh I-i ~r ,t-ii
i P of. .l ; \ ' 1'tie}, i;' tt )it
t<lt int t o r U a l ? I 'c Gi

ad - - I

-)ii- Ii- - liii?
- t-. rtc i
ii~ it dirtilthi ta
I" i-f'e.I et I-C\\

diitions - caitl eurd( l - r igth' e
eshisi t ofala'c ort camstlti-
thinschol un er drec.comi," O th
I~uicI ite. Stih rtschO l isa C.) iV-i
hon if 0 iiiiirl ii It ts andiNOW-
Boird;. Ii 'ii.the i. - a .ii fi- more 1
u i-e sr ead, ti aii t i s i peivei that
sch ol i it i o prfor- ts fiulli-do- y

T. C. I11, l C IR )\ ,I CT1ISIS
(IN "'RP15I' II 151 Ll IISI'.\I .N

'I rip 'I'l ottl7 S
cturc° to iw
1. I'. IIircl ca i
art , 'ccx"k, i
r>t tllc plivsfcs
iic car3cl ri ul
rals, "Illd the
,f t.. 1- _... _ __ _

IcaH lii lC tile
cC ilrd h\ .s'
i WcIii l atr
in -, t ite e t Ict r

Its lra""I- t hec ' Clii r I ie"to
lCc-- rclii -.tioithe Ii lroii N', -a
.D ll it itl ti-ic lt-sae ttiiti, itto tr e /ai
stlt ,i~ pl~ite.ot Te Itieti 35 Ii
ie I-

The Kempf Miusic Studios heaunact FOR
Pilmo e, Pipe ovj.lyFo \I ('11
Voice cc aru-e er FraisL i rruanManagingtElitor
t3:'S i- i si oin St 'itatte 10"iG.) Wawren Crane, Bus ness Macacer
at the
Ulc siy I Ichig n
Complete information concerning seven departments:
Collegiate, Engineering, Medicine,
Law, Pharmacy, Homeopathy, Den=
tistry, and the Graduate School and
the Summer session.
Special- courses in Forestri-, 'Newspaper Work, I~aiidscape
Design, Higher Conrorercial Edircatiorn inclirdirig Railway
Adiiititrratiott and Insutranice, Arechitectirre, Conner vatiorn
Engineerinrg, Pedagogy (affiliated nubhAttn Arlbor Highls
School for Observation SttdN-), artA a trew course for those
preparing for thre. s ientitic admnistratiorr of deptartmrenrts
of saritatiorn and ptublic health.
For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement or
Individual Information address
Secretary University

What is the Use of
Paying Four Dollars
A week tfor board when you can
get good home cooking at
by paying four weeks in advance.
336 S. fivision Street
Phone 212-J
U. of M and
P. G. TESSMER, Proprietor
The East Unversty Pharmacy
l i t l iiss-r -ty Au-
OurPrices are ,Right
Lace, Polishes, Etc.
The University Shoe Shop
I,sErIllitiutIn it-ti
You-all who come from
the South
Dovest know ts-.*tttoistdelicios
rich crearn an taste with genuine
mnsile sy rup rpured over it and
a dash of freethrtlled ets?
You can tnd ot at
208 S. Main St.
tleegro trksiyo 5cet osr-
his sunidcts-any pltiteeleey-o
woulid tay I10 arid 1i cents and not
gel as muceh. Give him tie
chettet to shore yo. f yen dnt
tot are the Ise.

ii: '.. i7i

t -urcs - -:1ar, ssn il t m e
CCn it It a tnl ct-I o ll o ta,
t t Iet thi t t ie witt" cus illn l
CttthTCe)N INNMCVfo te ro

? i Tutoi 1;ini ti hcii rl c iIa n t lctisIs
lPisti C srsona rs.,Cot.ress.attn,
C Pr esBitit. ti'nt 429l0otti4-6.
w;oeciii litie Ttetentotpsititlioe.
ltsptls stidRaorclasicdtisisecrp.chaclter1l
-it lte ci ,i uic titx t u r . laisto.
Xcw \!.ond mil. \1 stcit~sn-e. -

compltite tcstoclk of Classic iatttPop'- Csllege tttttis suitill 1pestgit stit,-
ular CMtseitclnd i-tusical Supptlies aititheriter s-Its I. Satt Iti ttes of tll kittds.
Cn iiiii- y e-MuCtsic I lotici. S-I2. i1-r0.

Ssle'iheuot and hecomte a membrter thenrciy tof
The Urliversity of Michigan
A lrmrxi Associatioim
.SC'tttrtt cs:
C. The Alumonuis is thre largest coslege monthly itn thte country. +Q It containms the latest news
shout the University, and editorial commenrt otniportant events. C ft contnr personual items
concernrinug menmhers of yourr class every month. Q A. volume of the Alnmnus contains the history
of the Unriversity for thre year. C. It publishes a series of well chosen pictures every nmonth.
$1.50 year. $3.00 for 3 yee%,rs (special for 1911)

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