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August 08, 1911 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1911-08-08

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Vol It.
Reeves Tells of Old and New
a Attempts At Governing
+New roles of law, and muodificaions of
old rules, which base beets made because
of the conquest of the air by man, were
1. discutssed briefly by Prof. J. S. Reees
'- yesterday afternoon in iis lecture onl
"The Jaw of the Air."
An 0old legal maxim, gives by Black-
stone, who ascribes it to Lordi Coli, that
a nan wshos owns laond owns at least as
far bseneaths tbe surface as t the criter
of tthe earth, antd as far ab~ove as the
attnostphere extends, has bfen consider-
eel, untlil recently, the stpeaker secared,
fo he asicqnate so covse all catots whichs
csold possibly aisr. But rettent estitri-
- ents antd invetitsi isv iso siaffetsed
the navigabiltity if thet tr as t caite
this rste tos lie modifised. Th tF 1renchi
rusle stow trsc sribets that ontie siwnis "only
so far astiso netessary for ottcupancyi"
antd the Gemnsit dictssms delrers that
stie canntis hi bit thet naviigationi sit
te ir abovet iis premnises, if soils tais
gatiout does not itrfere sitll his en-
josymnit oif lt lan situ lsouws
Itn the fisctast ahicht aross toses lth
qjuestion of . 1ia nait in, sits 181,
the russet said It-it pssagin a alloo
steer anosithers prisety dsoes slt coin-
stituite a irespsis. This dsin hw
erc, accotrdingstoli tce lecturer, Was a
mcre dcetum, sait is inlit bes sirctlty
folilowedt its subsiseet cases. A Ness
Yorkt courlt teclired it 12 that uu a-
looists is isaslt stit stlt for ast sasi-
age is eaus' byi hi-isis hlots tdropiping sit
anosthier's tprsitsety, lut also fist damau ige
cauised tbe tirestpass sit ts theisurious.
As it mitsitsr of pubtlit sntiernisitionasli
laiw, hitter e ls thr ltistrits ias to tile
qtuestioss of juisictio h avlier teless -
posed, taitt Prsof. Reeves. Tue first f
these assssses tha t lth it is stit a islt
(if the teenietry sf a stast but is free;
ands therefore no sttate issanc xecise jurs-
liclios sitse it, enset is so far as is
niecessary' tbits ffprsev tin Tue
seconds thser ioncetivs shat the sir
stove a naiostss teritorliki ie ele ,tetir
frinigisig its coatmstis he utuere the
jureisdtictio si tshabtis stte. 'he thirs, sr
"oile'" tiltsy pripssthast a stt's
jisdsitions eten otnlyus fr a crins
height.t This~ Iast thitory is basesd upon
tir sutpposedi analngy- between the air and
the sea, it testsg lisa aell estssblisted asi
arule of insternationail ia thust si sia-
tos n'ies jrsiisn extnds three smies
into the sea5 froit the i~tlihe, Fut-
loswisg this theoiy, a Ftrencehsmsan list
su"'gestedi s nan feet s lth lisssittoer
whichthe iii sit oulttd tie lret lslt sises.
This -there Pess1 Reevs dielaredi toi th
tunstoundst. it listtls sth qusesions of
whsether the t ono feet -tshoul tsr meas-
steed fros the se-s let-el sr froits Pites
Peak; an si san aisip aere tis
stuil while its use -r' abtvc the zosle dsi-
tosser, its prsetet lthee id thiue siea-
cc, atosult sitac sir wefafrii of peptle
sunseer it itsn tinsy slits list noi anlogsi ill
ste ease ofi a vessel t ciest ousidie isf tir
three mtilt limist. 'Wihilt it is tse legsal
duto f tnt suit itnIsis si itoil 1crelis the
righst of yof ar it ts "slots.
tlookl, sait listn. sli siiasr slut' cinuld

telt lie impoissedi ontt~ it n sssiaiiit sit
the sit lie ietttlyeeatin a -astsig sires-
tt is list secissd if these thseories, sasid
Proif. Rteves, wiset is eosiisg io tsr
recoignsintd ns lebess stiu1ii evens its ase-
cetsancetpreseisis say disiffessult qustionss.
That nirshsips casuist be tonssidered as
(Continued on page 2.) k


'Nit. 17.

Extensive Repairs On Damn Have Been Calhoun Tokes Nearly 100 To View RUIN
Completed IMPROVING WATER Geological Phenomena FEAT URES RUIN
A'sssiltstseiesseit has s jtltress msase P I II. I i' P . ..-.. qrust' .
tihst nsavigatiss i st h s tess reoptened-ciontN es0_ tsueru rtig ttttt
turtleyarty ns hunoredll
the-12 lroier. For Isis-rlsamoithtsCiity. Council Proposes Amen-uuuansileth tolsada isge of tse trill Commencement Number Gives
thewatr hs ben o lw tat tiss siPt-its-tiy, heldu ndsuuer ther direcions
ipossibtle for a5 perondo wn seuashits- ment Enabling It to Buildi of listgeology ueitactneus, last SF'ssinc- Cuts of Fourteen Class
self, buut isl s t'e isghisl-itusrust sonday s U putt arrivinig, the ladty astembledt -
a-ills sll its islet time vigor. Conutrary is Waterworks it lteCannuson onse of tirepointstoif its- Gatherings$
rpoirts ipre'vioslyto -giteus outs intshlseor lesIoutthursisandh, andth onucstedlbtu9
coiluissurn, t i-td a - as cussed yresciay.iProf. P.1. H, Calnt artssed oits a
-Alreadythe tintesrhitsipracitlyetch-FACILITIES ALL TOO SMALL NOW hoist of tecaes.sThe irst oh hbhe vstsed'61 EI3LDS ITSSEICNENA
rut itso ususal 'Augst hesght. iHisaes-erstwas "Petrno's Cae," owhers itis osit
us-hurstthur freshsets wesuu d how th l ist vsenthat Cosuusuoshuss sPestsrstin 13 ipit-
a-ill tieraisoesdhtwouuet lit etie n aiitilly Definiste s toIisasdh si s fshctorss ecii si 5 vsasutatiles duings"tue snvnalIsatile 'lt us sssnsr ef lit hsfsys
suite hue fits r settletetlo(f tbe water t estosh ill lt nniiof IL-nec.true. It uis tthiss c tlli he ssssssssss cevotedichiedf-yItICottusseste-
The e p ir Oslitoilt ts isthed m hbens rn orstersoiss ifisauiemss"oiutsil n "Wi shutsng s'sell"ius .ocated. unst uuisiuuu nsuiss, iss i
a ientednes lieaythisbod inthetart
strcue. ikesthedoe i i cn-I cisycriticisoltotosigh. Allolnu tis us the phas' siransite tdy. I hit elrseetionus devot-
sltiu sted usfsuits. I .'s eus ansls bottomns utas prooedr to thicity t h ar idtdr5which - en t iltsotier cae tu Crsto ln Cavte uit,"ssusi iest hie otesfst
o "'aisuit hiss bel utithtittbeind hihelIosisd usutur ise s D tsarereiathises stuionedsetopneiici of7stusi ttu
oi- t ould eable he cit to prchase or whih wasdissovrudsii1897 hiletink-icssuserAmongothe gshin tsi sois uiieii
hisser besen u msspedi seteralnilus of sands uitldita wteir weirks; tis aetion i us ga useli thure usave usists of set'eral luudluuite, stoslssuu esiri
s ratvinitse l iin iss \u etu -5 o seseuusserrtt stnttitite}(i-unewsue s itasute toass ti dttossi r o u -h itu reiisitlterdi
list fasiu i tsroaoes timl t ts tus i stc' uuss uuui hs n i tstilt vteius sizes ttth e sietwalilts ssuusss u uisel uh i sts
ileen constritccd als'sit.sit'sealutist" aint iowsusitwl erctitslitke.uTheuedbhuthe sAute hushom 300 stun usl hissadut
hiosfit nthuu 5m li n uncut areuh esttsuhs iitt is tltiu suss n ofIs stn i asne andtieu c nl svsissed (iltswcrushes te is ccn-
ltesfo- a:ht S his s beebu ilurthus o sthur fur-ass is'' r siwate r ussucpe ha is 'iensso irususi hnn itesthe sot ht su i i tte reieh ht
Iii~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~rce ceilinggssss in ctehunge uruwirethitspetrigsma'ticallylitlit il s'idstsitrssds uprobabletiuuigi intet-.tais3uf stolmiforeesotwtius osu wiersfo
itcufos the i rls tof tite asrnilen hsben a' thufrnssnsta slush usbffofthur ites out edo rys ts I fN t h~ i e shmestmieer-l. o ruuuuu luus e u lr eto
use. A la g spo to f ie f r tire lsust liveo rsi x yearus" f n dsisitit e- tuii mese stsrau m fs s tr ofntac be s iu -il lsani was'f ar ably"sss re s' i lac b
drowtint hican t iv efr's h " scred ces aggrsuhvsltesisswit tle titilt irs s asusee unigtr u rgh t uscav i. Tus
msitthufsthus ls s tf his tills itess fsor
sunsalsof h al.T et fre tit shiuting ff f te wter sot ''iau S I ' u)2s us edtser
it uass e u ue ions csi t ve isr uli yas.
--'sas thPuttuhlhuCudriekusgsitosieaitshitusaTintieetsuitmusuftunufeuofehsusewusksi
CO EG1 R II.TO Y F eaonan ot onrotsth un~rsty Paa nseCae"ws neif ite T hm ti i sisssa ath si t t i' le inrs c
sifts G ' ANDssi i o l tet its tis i i hu D !Stden tIs situ stite I O t h isagr30 bltt cai r n shii uisi ri o us siterauiuls al acItite l ilh ve m t wt llt e oh r
thatsuweres in s oe Furinits cofse.ha
thum sss susPr f I1-.nt lteut w ti sieakthis Th freiits t hi'a t ie usran hse fll x- 'siatu t h ouits situosh th ave s , st the 'iei" ts se ie eoo suuuu
siero t lii s o it'c l ic in thesuet 'is i re os insssute andstill titus" s ted30 e rs. arty is uitelisthlensh e arund f l thud tuhe .uu ru ls s ile sais ltush ortits rger
celtico m uusue'phy usal lab ratory The failitiesof this'atevorksuari''r stiltsaitsnotdisis-usion'issuerrunisuu''tistsliehem huttlet tha
oni the "his ssehisi isis huyo aurlad Atslsuitoo i 'i lt acco lisgto slthesitt ement ,sh e s, i 'st C Ieach 'Shfortly 1 a 'fter. ii s n tuhe tu30' u
cil Idg . -e w l icu e i i fR s raiig s iy l, dith s isld mb r e t 1 iiiiieai ngi i ousuDe-le usti isatute o
st i scin of thitslt -tor f otur ut sil isi tu hti tues step'th i l .sinusttt9:3in n e s i l it siswha 't te nts is ft e tene s
dyelisanditdeeeingh sin1 seenerifal.InT'es "d- s stuhet a uuhes.usss hiplsuufromt heh"ureisusruoirss i
liss a-i-she iflusratd wthu ep eie in J s bu 5 slushn nttie uppelostill ive.f l) T i e huh rei ii s is uts us ith'n-'cu is uhhtiie 5o use.
itutuuuie isis hun 1 hsetotnsltnd ueu.sfehuetthat tuheeunihvenuitb
i'to d instra tte clssesu Iiofuussdye ts i Thtut le ist shut s it haur 51 it rillrousdeshut- thInC TusRYlusi" itu hsusi S ites thus sususitiskeus morSlts Isuisple hesive
ess-us ii isslsht sst s t ii i buyh tstc iaur t us he e suf I a g i ( Iih a o n e n atn r efo t h u d Ie a e t a e o
ST DNSV S T souL-R atiet oi tsl o 4zO;t tx fa sth.1C bae ll e md aedhe Aj um n t ussesund s of situm listm ntseaif
su3 'rNs-h us" Its Tis -s us u lt e uS I, uhe pla ttithunw sup li ss it. heu fawns au rdats eu t 3 4 I th e ite o s a he ei as g i us l ustcc s iion o ever y-
thus cut hat ts -u~ni li isu o I 555~n155 ctonsiers itesuine quaits ie, an'
cutIllilsr e t ul situ ub ist 'is's h usrd sithun itehthp s St o ista l t ' evs e h ctr a e a hut ucore5 3 4 0 0 i 50 ur s u lcu irt i ussi ands thireshldu etaifah
'shill sit ohur is stu dyhhmnssPr o J.St chstilt .if h n ee I f tie t is St 01 tIe,1s usack of p ac 3ic o ade th7m isof paga t '''ur ss iddsisthneusr -sutnfce.shu
littlesrunsassitsl'Muni"isits tushernmehe.ltsesta'lif ther'thirtyudayiuduringuwhiuh
tre-ti wicld.sThe hiselstininoiersoif siudei Tshe itt iii iir containuitsfifthueenicutitihf
tnumbeiing abostie i sten t iadopts siuIah-timeit mui s efuis hed t can uts lssubeu rrutnillst mi t'st
tuu Vsiu ilits Ortagtgeudt.ii u tt ssudsuiiifttuferenu tiet ase ~ hts islud ifng sofe. uusfuthe
hutor ms e houtsit suit i sitedsheul I ht t r i s iilht h o nis I th tub a osi t hlseu ii ht I Oi stni h hsauUs sss
thur clat hssueas nig t. Thecl s~siw s I ust tetus ir be sipr ssend t t s e isovr-I nning - r 3s46s Lus t helusMemosd1ialesuln g uu ings i tsusi thur
fruits ues stuof rth lp is her uusul hun suit' ef eo i u id naVBe terJu ~ts , 1i 0n an slogl g01 tlu eO ho 1 1tri lm e
situi lawsiLwe ci it hued sims-y V1I
cotinit ing rles Ofthu esu i t hecu ui. sIs int ustn Iefsose stuh u iie $ ni tui suts lt tmusm ,'it ti
iluuus ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h tutppossilsutnlstsyIt isusstafuseusnIofutehunfosrminig 0 00



un1hitesui suitdlute amis hmeiunt auth
hue suitystitusthinruof tumult
uriuus ofithei hut iisii itttdde th e-
lis rr m u l c reidet''s I' 'c I. u tcisu seu
iiII t i alileu rtc"' tre's u-cheer-
ehi byiIlasetsPlist Jussonii iisns'i if
i. nie s i f hicago.i he 5 esu iuiis ii
thin itais ciai t~iluittof itlhutarious
departiius, a'ftr whichusits ea5te-
tiln t os's te itv:tc~f thinse--
Th-elitist I su the amus al'' I s is ui meset-
hn-,itchudtests'" srt-hits isfut-.ci'genernal
seretarys, Irealusurer,' auiuttur su e-s
oraci ommussuitie tes uhithss' nexlfe-a
signs.i-k is mitiouseI suits bt lt$,;ooo
if thS7,00oosettns tos llhi' raisedl fusethe'
meumousrialutal shin soDi.TsaFpins
Ate. 'W''ilfresds P 'huwmin ihis rbort
saistuncusesthat1thereare usnum' sier 3-
sueshliiu''m'sadiuate 'sitaitfusserustem
sits tt here i-its , ees 5'f ur
$100 usi'uanneal-ti1sum shisnps ltou tthAum-
Ill asso iastius's sit I if sue l il
thi nrldwmsit thrst ndhssThluss bie-us the
Hdutchuis, lts ihssits-to ewaumit ass(o-
ciastiosshisebn fh edil this o-shec
tuhn unss"sixme ouiehue state.Aler
Shuts also ruporsid lbaitheli icue of
(Contined on Pace3.

Classiaof '61t tWficfh Hell ,Seiti-Cetlnnsl in fiutic

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