July 10, 1956

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July 10, 1956 (vol. 68, iss. 10) • Page Image 1

…0 SHIFT OF AIR BASE (See Page 2) I SiAr 4:3att]Y m ,..... C., r J. Latest Deadline in the State CLOUDY, COL PAIT1, ABER' t ", 'nt T .vVW... . Nog . 2 o:% ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY 10, 1956 VVURL *lt"a i 1 I IIII w Iq Mllllll l l apan Socialists. Gai n Election Left Wing Advance May Block Constitutional Revision Plans TOKYO (RP)-Japanese Socialists early this morning won enough seats in the upper house of Parliament to ...…

July 10, 1956 (vol. 68, iss. 10) • Page Image 2

…Elif trliigatt Datly Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "Poor Little K dy 'When Opinona Are Free, Trutb Will Prevail' 'U I Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily expre ss the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY. ...…

July 10, 1956 (vol. 68, iss. 10) • Page Image 3

…Ti1F.SDAY. JULY 10. 1956 IttlCH16AIN DAIL V SAGE THRM :#: { a Cl.V; ss rua.x.a. a.vr a va v =m-- TOURS NEAR EAST: 'Tower-climber' Gives Facts on Bells By MARY ANN THOMAS "I suspect that I've climbed as many towers as any other living person," Prof. Percival Price, Uni- versity carillonneur, remarked of his trips to Europe and the Near East in search of church bells. Traveling for seven months in 1953-54 on a Rackham Grant, Prof. Price t...…

July 10, 1956 (vol. 68, iss. 10) • Page Image 4

…'1 rr . 1AY l ;tV n Sec LGE FOUR~ ,ItIJE M i6FA y IwzL1t 1ua.J4APL eJULY l.i, 19b8 _. __ " cene from the Pi by Dick Cramer Annual Rivalry Resumed IWASHI MORE FUEL WILL be added today to the fire of inter-league rivalry'Billy Pier In the annual All Star Game to be played at Washington. will Since the game's inception in 1933, supporters of each league have|ii star looked to the Dream Contest to prove their contentions that their league...…

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