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July 10, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-07-10

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apan Socialists.
Gai n Election
Left Wing Advance May Block
Constitutional Revision Plans
TOKYO (RP)-Japanese Socialists early this morning won enough
seats in the upper house of Parliament to block government plans
for rearmament and revision of the U.S. occupation-era constitution.
With near-final results from Sunday's balloting pouring in, the
Socialists and their supporters had taken 51 of the 127 seats up for
election in the 250-seat chamber.
Together with the 33 they already hold-not to be voted on
again for three more years-they had more than the one-third need-
ed to block Premier Ichiro Hatoyama's Conservative coalition.
By late yesterday, leaders of Hatoyama's Liberal-Democratic

Heart Attack
Takes Life
Of Preuss
Prof. Lawrence Preuss of the
University's political science de-
partment was found dead early
Saturday morning in his suite at
the Michigan Union.
His death was ' ascribed to a
heart attack suffered during his
sleep. Prof. Preuss 'was 51 years
Long recognized as an outstand-
ing authority in international law
and international organization
Prof. Preuss had been an extrem-
ely active member of many con-
ferences and committees on the in-
ternational scene.
He received a Ph.D. from the
University in 1932, and had been
a professor since 1946. He ha
also been a Research Associate
in international law at Harvar
University from 1929 to 1940.
Farsighted Critic
Prof. Preuss was well known a
an outspoken and far-sighte
critic of world politics. He is on
record as having predicted in 1935
that the Hitler war machine would
over-run the Balkan states, an
he strenously urged the American
government to take a more active
part in world leadership.
As an ardent champion of an
impartial international tribunal
he favored U.S. entrance into th
World Court in 1935, and in 1946
strongly supported the U.N. Court
In November, 1946 he charged
the U.N. Security Council to "ge
rid of the feeling which inserted
the veto power, if we are to ge
rid of the veto itself," but h
added that "the United Nation
remains the best hope for peace.
Career Highlights
Following are the highlights o
Prof. Preuss' long and distinguish
ed career of service and scholar
ship in international affairs:
From 1942 to 1945 he acted a
an officer and technical advise
' in the State Department.
He went to London in 1943-4
as the Deputy U.S. Representativ
to the U.N. War Crimes Commis
sion, and was assistant secretary
at the Dumbarton Oaks Conver
sations in 1944.
In 1945 he attended the San
Francisco Conference on Interna
tional Organization as a technica
expert for the U.S. delegation. H
was the author of Article 2 (7
of the U.N. Charter,

-party already were talking of de-
"'I personally think we got
licked. We'll have to accept it as
sharp criticism of the Conserva-
tives," declared Nobusuke Kishi,
secretary general of Hatoyama's
Liberal-Democratic party. His goall
had been 200 seats in the 250-
seat house.
Possible New Split
The latest tabulation of candi-
dates elected and leading unde-
cided races for 127 House of Coun-
t cilor seats being filled at this elec-
tion indicated a possible new Con-
servative-Socialist split of 168 to
81, with 1 militant religious lead-
s er apparently elected. The old
split was 171 to 73, with 6 vacan-
- cies.
. Socialist and Communist candi-
dates bitterly fought Hatoyama's
- proposals to rewrite the American-
- sponsored constitution, scrapping
- the provisions banning military
forces and increasing the power
e of the Emperor.
iSteel Strike,
s ParlySet
n PITTSBURGH (IP-The federal
5 government prepared yesterday
d to draw union and management
d back into contract negotiations in
n an effort to end the 9-day-old
e steel strike that is spreading un-
employment across the nation.
In addition to 650,000 striking
e steelworkers upwards of 50,000
6 employes in steel-related Indus-
tries have been furloughed. About
. 30,000 coal miners in steel-owned
t operations will be idled when va-
d cations end at midnight.
t Clyde Mills, assistant director
e of the Federal Mediation Service,
s said a decision on the date and
" place for the new round of nego-
siations will be announced short-
f ly. Neither the union nor the com-
- panies had any immediate com-
- ment.
There were some indications
s here that the new series of nego-
r tiations would be in Pittsburgh.
Union officials have expressed op-
4 position to moving the talks away
e from Pittsburgh again.
- The prestrike bargaining ses-
y sions that ended in a deadlock
- were held in New York, described
as "neutral ground."
n Mills said mediation was decid-
- ed on after separate meetings with
a both sides convinced the govern-
e ment it would have to take the
) initiative in scheduling further
peace talks.

Four Billion
Ceiling Set
In Aid Bill
Eisenhower Asks
Fund Restoration
WASHINGTON () - Congress
put a four-billion-dollar ceiling on
foreign aid spending yesterday,
even as President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower appealed for restoration of
"a substantial part" of the money
slashed from the program.
The House and Senate passed a
compromise bill authorizing a for-
eign aid outlay 900 million dollars
under what President Eisenhower
had proposed for the fiscal year
which began July 1. ,-
Action came on voice votes In
both chambers and there was no
debate. The authorization bill now
goes to the White House.
Statement by President
Between the time the House
voted and the Senate took up the
measure, the President issued a
statement in Gettysburg, Pa., say-
ing "there can be no peace" in the
world without a strong mutual
security program, nurtured by for-
eign aid funds.
But Eisenhower's plea appeared
to be directed more at a pending
appropriations bill than at the
authorization measure.
This . appropriations legislation
-the actual foreign aid money
bill-provides for only $3,600,000,-
000, or $1,300,000,000 less than the
President requested.
Against U.S. Interest
"It is my earnest conviction that
the successive slashes that the
committees of Congress have made
in mutual security funds are not
in the best interests of the United
States of America," Eisenhower
said in his statement.
Despite the President's state-
ment, House Republican Leader
Martin (Mass) announced there
would be no concerted GOP effort
to increase the $3,600,000,000 fig-
ure recommended by the House
Appropriations Committee.
While "we believe the President
is right" in saying the bill cuts
too deeply, Martin said, the
chances are better for a restora-
tion of funds when the bill gets to
the Senate.
The theory was that a strong
record vote in the House against
increasing the appropriation would
hurt prospects of getting more
money from the Senate. Final
House action is expected Wednes-
'Fearful Risk,'
Nixon Warns
KARACHI, Pakiston (-P)-Vice
President Richard Nixon wound
up his circuit of Paciffic and Asian
nations yesterday with a warning
that a government accepting Com-
munist aid runs the risk of having
a rope tied around its neck.
The vice president's declara-
tion, voiced here before he took
off for Turkey, was a rejoinder
to Prime Minister Jawaharlal Neh-
ru of India and a defense of his
own July 4 speech in Manila in
which he described neutralist
policy toward communism as a.
"fearful risk."






Doctor Calls
Apathy Old
Age Curse
Says It Is Possible
ITo Preserve Vitality
Of Human Lives
Apathy is the major curse of
old age, Dr. Edward L. Bortz told
some 600 medical and gerontolog-
ical experts yesterday as the Uni-
versity's ninth annual Confer-
ence on Aging got underway.
In his keynote address Dr.
Bortz termed the health, happi-
ness and social usefulness of the
aged the nation's "No. 1 problem."
The doctor from the Lankenau
Hospital in Philadelphia claimed
it is now becoming possible to
preserve the vitality and strength
of human lives.



--Daily-Harding wilson
DEAN FURSTENBERG-Dean of the University's Medical School
Albert C. Furstenberg presides at dinner for ninth annual
Conference on Aging. .
Saline Theater Presents
Herbert's 'Moon is Blue'


"The Moon is Blue," second
summer production of Saline Mill
Theatre, opens a two-week run at
8:30 p.m. tonight.
The three-act comedy by F.
Hugh Herbert will be directed by
Barbara Hamel, who is also pro-
Martha Kern Buhs will play the
part of Patty O'Neill, the knowing
young woman confronted with
rather startling facts of life in
the big city. Miss Buhs recently
As Keynoter
CHICAGO --Democratic lead-
ers yesterday invited Gov. Frank
Clement of Tennessee to keynote
the party's national convention.
Chairman Paul M. Butler an-
nounced selection of Clement, 36,
immediately after he was chosen
by 13 members of the convention
arrangements committee.
Butler said Clement was , se-
lected "because of his familiarity
with the issues and his capacity
to discuss them fluently and capa-
bly, and the impression he has
made around the country."
Clement has publicly avowed
his support of Adlai Stevenson,
former Illinois governor and cur-
rent leading contender for the
presidential nomination.

performed in the Theatre's first I
production, "Blithe Spirit," as
In the role of Donald Gresham,
Al Douglass, '55, will perform.
Douglass recently played in Uni,
versity Drama Season's "The Solid
Gold Cadillac."
Ed Bordo, who was Dr. Bradman,
in "Blithe Spirit," will appear as
David Slater, Gresham's cynical
One of the Theatre's scholar-
ship apprentices and a recent
graduate of Destroit's Denby High
School, Harry Burkey, will appear
as Michael O'Neill. He has ap-
peared in high school plays and
educational TV.
Bob Maitland, designer of the
"Blithe Spirit" set, has prepared
a reproduction of the Observation
Tower of the Empire State Build-
ing for "The Moon is Blue."
The Mill Art Gallery is display-
ing the works of five area artists:
Donald Matheson, Richard Wilt,
Bill Moss, Ellen Bonar Wilt and
Dorothy Lamming
Soviet To Be Topic
The first of five Tuesday eve-
ning round table discussions whose
theme is "Soviet Union's Foreign
Policy" will be held at 8:00 p.m.
today in the West Conference Rm.
in Rackham,
Today's discussion titled "Soviet
Union and its Satellites" will be
led by Proff. William Ballis.

Rich Emistenee Possible
Dr. .Bortz told his audience,
gathered from all over the nation
for the three-day conference, that
the aged "have within their grasp
the possibility of enjoying a rich,
mature and colorful existence.
"The government is concerning
itself. Studies are being carried
on in practically every state. So-
ciety is moving in new directions,"
the doctor declared.
This need not mean prolonging
the period of incapacity and in-
activity of older people, Dr. Bortz
Education was called by Dr.
Bortz the key to the problem.
Education Must Prepare
"Modern education must pre-
pare citizens to create new pro-
grams of study-to find new out-
lets for mature minds., to search
for broader horizons of human ex-
Dr. Bortz suggested the imodern
community hospital as at agency
to carry on educational programs
for community health.
A two-pronged educational at-
tack was urged: education as a
life-long process, making life an
"unfolding, en enriching, a mature
experience," and education in
specific measures of body care to
preserve biological health.
Three Needs Outlined'
1) A positive energy mainten-
ance, that is, adequate nutrition.
The weariness of old age may be
the result of an anemia due to
deficient nutrition. Complete al-
teration of our national diet would
See AGING, Page 3
Pi Lambda Theta
Pi Lamda Theta, national honor
society for women in education,
will hold an invitational tea at the
home of Velma Coine, 231 Wild-
wood Ave. at 4:00 p.m. today.

--Daiy-Marding Wlisoai
KEYNOTE ADDRESS-Six hundred medical and gerontological
experts hear Dr. Edward L. Borts discuss prospects of the aged in
the keynote address.
FiXed etirement,
Fe Data, Inconsistent
Arbitrary retirement at a fixed age, whatever the reasons, has no
valid relation to data that have become increasingly available from
research and industrial experience, a workshop on criteria for retire-
ment was told yesterday.
While general intelligence and physical fitness shows a marked
decline with increasing years, "the decline is gradual and there is
wide variation in the ages at which is becomes critical," Oeneva
Mathiasen, secretary of the Na-i
tional Committee on the Aging i 3)Regarding absenteeism, acci

These were some of the conclu-
sions presented as part of the Uni-
versity's ninth annual Conference
on Aging.
They were formulated by the
Project on Criteria for the Con-
tinued Employment of Older
Workers, recently completed 'by
the National Committee on Aging.
Pertinent Findings
A few of the findings, termed
pertinent, are:
1) In practically every test
there was wide variation so that
some older people surpassed
younger individuals. "Research
studies point to the need for a
policy of retirement based on indi-
vidual capacity to perform rather
than chronological age.
2) Even where deterioration in
one aspect may be quite marked,
it may not necessarily incapacitate
the individual for the job he is
performing. The study notes,
"Since modern industrial process
seldom demands the full capaci-
ties of an individual, the remnant
of his abilities may be sufficient
for the key factors of his job.

dents and work output, the com-
mittee said it was "impressed" by
employers' reports and concludes,
"the older worker must be regard-
ed as an asset rather than a lia-
bility to industry."
No Obstacle
4) Administration of a flexible
retirement system was found by
the study to be no major obstacle,
based on reports from industrial
concerns employing a flexible sys-
Difficulties in administration
and fairness are usually claimed
as basic reasons for arbitrary re-
tirement programs.
In tests of ability to learn, the
committee reported more the ma-
terial draws on previous experience
the better older workers show up.
Verbal intelligence was reported
to decline more slowly than sen-
sory and motor abilities, and the
ability to master difficult con-
cepts "seems to increase steadily
with age, at least until 50."
The report showed that hearing
declines at a later age than vision,
marked decline coming at 65 for
the former and 50 for the latter.


Boy Scouts Come

The Daily finally got some try-
Yesterday two young lads walk-
ed into the' editorial office and
told the editor, "Sir, we're Boy-
scouts trying for our journalism
merit badge and we were wonder-
ing if we could work on your
Allan Wright, aged 11, and
Dick Dworsky, 13 years old, were
promptly signed up as headline
writers, proofreaders, reporters
and general aide de camps.
First order of business included
a complete tour of The Daily's
shop including special perform-
ances on the sterotyper and rotary
The press crew was kept busy
answering a battery of questions
that would have done a full-
fledged reporter justice.
The two Boyscouts will spend


for The Daily


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