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July 10, 1956 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1956-07-10

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Elif trliigatt Datly
Sixty-Sixth Year

"Poor Little K dy

'When Opinona Are Free,
Trutb Will Prevail'



Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily expre ss the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Shift of Air Base Site
Appallng Waste of Money

AND THE TAXPAYERS wonder where their
money goes.
The assanine action of the House of Repre-
sentatives yesterday in voting to change the
site of construction of an air base from Kal-
kaska to Manistee, Michigan, is offered as a
partial explanation.
The vote to make this move, following sim-
ilar action by the Senate, came as a direct
result of the pork barrel politicking on the
part of Representative Ruth Thompson of Man-
istee, over the objections of Representative
Victor A. Knox of Kalkaska. Both are Re-
TIHE SAD facts are that Congress voted the
shift over the protests of t Air Wn-re, who
under previous authorization had begun con-
struction at Kalkaska. Air Force officials had
stated before Congressional investigating com-
mittees that a switch will cost millions more in
dollars and delay the building of the base
more than a year.
Congress, for purely political reasons, nev-
ertheless, has decided to spend the taxpayers'

dollars to satisfy the political ambitions of one
supposed representative of the people.
Representative Thompson undoubtedly be-
lieves this morning that she has served well
the people of Manistee and its environs whom
she represents. No doubt they will return ,her
to Congress next fall out of gratitude for look-
ing out for their welfare.,
B UT WHAT abut the welfare and interests,
both financial and military, of the rest of
the citizens of these United States who pay
taxes to the national government and expect
to have it spent wisely for their defense and
other worthwhile projects. What do they think
about this waste of their money and the delay
of efforts taken in behalf of their defense?
This apparent provincialism and lack of re-
gard for the national interest on the part of
Representative Thompson and the 342 of her
fellow Congressmen who voted with her on
making this move is indicative of a lack of con-
cept as to what composes good government and
is most reprehensible.
And the taxpayers wonder where their mon-
ey goes.

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T'o Tiger
All But Make It
IF YOU go to see "Toy Tiger" at the Michigan, walk out about three
minutes before the end of the show and you will go away happy.
This is another one of those movies where Hollywood almost made it.
Tim Hovey. with all the tricks of an accomplished juvenile scene stealer.
keeps things moving at a happy pace right up to the end. Then Tim and
everyone else, including the writers, ran out of steam and another po-
tentially fine film distintergrates into a mass of sticky Hollywood type
Jeff Chandler and Laraine Day are the highest paid members of the
cast which supports young master Hovey in his antics. One gets the im.





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Chrna's Bid for Leadership

AS THE MILITARY pressures of the Cold
War have decreased, the battle has shifted
to ; another front, the minds of men. The
United States is losing this battle, especially
in the Far East.
With three recent moves, the Chinese Com-
munists have consolidated the position that
they gained in the eyes of the rest of Asia
'through forcing a stalemate with the United
Nations in the Korean War.
The first of these moves, the relaxation of
the restrictions on public discussion inside
China itself will make a great propaganda
weapon for the Communists. At the same time
that the United States is refusing to -send works
of certain artists abroad, on the grounds that
they might be "controversial." The Chinese
have taken up the banner of freedom of ex-
pression, for propaganda purposes, at least.
To the other nations of the Orient, this move
looks sincere. Moreover, many of the men in
the nations of South East Asia who have been
trained in the fields of literature and the arts
are unemployed at the present time. To them,
China's re-emphasis of the arts and literature
offers hope that they can be incorporated into
some sort of similar system in their nations.
HE RELUCTANCE of the so called intel-
lectual in the free nations of South East
Asia to join actively with the Communist
party has in the past been based in part on
the fear that he would be even worse off under
Communism than he is now under the present
system. By making "free" discussion possible
in China, the Communists have inferred that
the same is possible in any other nation under
In another recent move, the Communists
have attempted to force the Chinese students
who are now overseas to come home. They
have used the carrot and stick approach, the
stick of threats to their parents ill concealed
behind the carrot of promised 'forgiveness and
freedom if the students will return.
If they can get even a part of the students to

return, they have gained a great advantage in
the war for the minds of men.
In their third move, the alphabetation of the
Chinese script, they have shown to the other
nations of the Far East a willingness to go
along with the idea of a wide educated popular
base for government. It is true that by chang-
ing the present system to an alphabetic one,
it will become possible for more people to learn
to read. However, they will be able to read only
THUS CHINA has added another weapon to
her growing armory of tools against the
west. She can now point to a military organiza-
tion which fought the United\ Nations to a
standstill. She can point to factories, which
although they cannot compare with those in
the United States, still compare very favorably
with those which now exist in the rest of Asia.
While pointing to these factories, she can
tell of an economic system which made it
possible to build them without ready funds.
Perhaps most important of all, China has
made a bold attempt to regain her traditional
cultural leadership in the Far East.
How can the United States answer this
threat? It is obvious that we haven't been
doing enough in the past to woo the nations
of the earth to our way of thinking. If we
firmly believe that it is the right way to live,
we should tell the rest of the world.
IT IS now only a few days after the Fourth
of July, the 180th celebration of our owa
revolution. Perhaps our failure lies in the fact
that we have been revolutionaries so long
that we are no longer conscious of the fact.
We must regain consciousness of our own revo-
lutionary character and present it to the rest
of the peoples of the world.
It has become a case to "put up or shut up."
We either have enough faith in our way of
life to broadcast it to the whole world or we
might as well quit now and save the communists
the trouble and the atomic bombs.

Manner of Firing Revealed

THE MANNER in which the
Eisenhower Administration fires
its officials at the drop of the hat
when an official stubs his toes was
revealed in the Senate Civil Service
Committee probe of the Farmers
Home Administration.
On March 21 this column report-
ed certain facts about Carl 0.
Hansen, Montano Director of the
Farmers Home Administration -
How he did private wool-buying
on the side, how he was a part
owner of TV station KOOK, how
he used the government money to
make private phone calls and write
private correspondence.
The sworn Senate testimony
which follows tells what happened
a few hours after publication of
this colmun:
H. W. Brawley, of the Sen-
ate Committee, asked: On March
21, 1956, a newspaper columnist
published charges of misconduct
against Carl 0. Hansen, former
RHA Director in Montano. Within
a very few hours after that col-
umn was published Mr. Hansen's
resignation was announced. Did
'you in any way force or re-
quest that resignation?
* * * ,
R. B. McLEAISH, head of FHA:
I requested it, yes, sir.
Brawley: On what basis did you
request it?
McLeaish: Mr. Chairman, I
should consult counsel. The inves-
tigation of Mr. Hansen is not com-
plete. There are certain aspects to
it I think which would prevent
me from testifying in answering
that question. In other words,
there may be some additional lit-
igation or procedure in court that
might be affected.
Browley: Do you mean that the
first you knew of Mr. Hansen's
misconduct was the story you saw
in the newspapers?

McLeaish: We had had some
rumors before that, not about mis-
conduct. Very frankly, I don't
know yet, of my own knowledge,
of any misconduct.
Brawley: Why did you request
his resignation?
McLeaish: I think I have an-
swered that question before, by
saying that it is a question I
can't answer.
* . *
sas: Do I understand, then ,Mr.
McLeaish, that this case is still
being taken under consideration
and study by the department or
your agency?
McLeaish: Could I let my coun-
sel speak for me on that?
Brawley: Unless the question
pertains to some security mat-
ter, I don't see how you can fail
to answer the question before this
Senator Laird of West Virginia:
Mr. McLeaish has testified that
he discharged Mr. Hansen, and
I think it is proper for himto
tell the committee why he dis-
charged him.
MLeaish: In a general way we
thought the (Montano) program
was being neglected some.
Brawley: Do you mean the FHA
program in Montana?
McLeaish: Yes.
Brawley: Is that the reason you
requested Mr. Hansen's resigna-
McLeaish: There has been a
preliminary investigation report
filed which does show some evi-
dence of misconduct, prior to the
Drew Pearson article,
Brawley: Prior to the Drew
Pearson article?
McLeaish: Prior to the Drew
Pearson article. I think it came
in that day or the day before.

Brawley: Were you investigating
Mr. Hansen at the time this col-
umn was written?
McLeaish: Yes, I was.
BRAWLEY: I think the record
ought to say why you requested
Mr. Hansen's resignation. You say
for that record that it was be-
cause the program was not oper-
ating as you thought it should in
McLeaish: Very frankly, we had
a meeting of Mr. Scott, Mr. Far-
rington, and myself and anoth-
er, and they reported to me that
the report looked pretty bad and
that we should remove Mr. Hen-
sen from office.
L. C. Bryan, Senate Investiga-
tor: May I ask whether you could
not form that conclusion on your
own responsibility? That you had
to be told by higher authority that
the report looked pretty bad?
McLeaish: Of course I didn't get
the report.
When did you get the report?
McLeaish: I didn't get it until
some weeks -- I mean my copy
of the report - until some weeks
after Mr. Hansen had been re-
Brawley: Did you actually re-
quest his resignation on the day
the column was written?
McLeaish: I think we did.
Brawley: Why did you pick that
particular day to request it?
McLeaish: Because that was the
day that the report was discussed.
Brawley: Was it discussed after
you saw the column or before you
saw the column?
McLeaish: It was discussed af-
ter we saw the column.
Brawley: In other words, the
column caused you to discuss the
case of Carl Hansen in Montana?
McLeaish: Yes.
(Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

pression that they conceded every
scene to their young co-star and
put forth the minimum of effort
necessary to collect their pay
* * -*
THE REST of the cast however
did a fine job. We were so im-
pressed with the fine way of pre-
senting the credits that we didn't
get around to remembering t h e
names of the supporting cast, but
the actors who played the head-
masters at the Meadows private
school deserve a compliment or
two for their fine work.
The owner of the local gift shop
also rates a kind word, although we
hope that her imitation of the
kookaburra bird doesn't become
popular. Its hilarious once but if
taken up by small boys it could
become nerve wracking.
While on the subject of the
supporting cast, the little kid who
was Tim Hovey's roommate did a
great job. Someday there will be a
great revolution in Hollywood and
ayoung hero will have a room-
mate who isn't tremendously near-
sighted and who doesn't wear
horn rimmed glasses. We hope.
ANOTHER member of the sup-
porting cast who should receive
a compliment to the asthmatic mo-
tor scooter -- the most Interesting
vehicle since Genivieve.
All in all, "Toy Tiger" provided
an entertaining way to wile away
an evening. If you believe that
people are "no damn good", don't
go near Tim Hovey or he is likely
to ruin your illusions.
Ken Johnson
Stock Market
Moves Routine
By The Associated Press
ahead routinely Monday for its
fourth straight advance.
In a trading session notable for
lack of leadership by any particu-
lar group, pivotal stocks improved
by fractions to $1.
Here and there some issues ad-
vanced $2 or $3. There was a
scattered of losers, too, particu-
uarly among rails which were on
the downside all day.
Steels once again rose moder-
ately after an uncertain start as
the market began its second week
under the shadow of the nation-
wide strike. Motors, which made a
virtually motionless start, picked
up some trading interest and
moved ahead a bit.
The market was following
through from its rise of last week
and brokers saw inflationary signs
contributing to the performance.
The government's report of an
all time high in employment Mon-
day was added to such factors as
an expectation of another round
of price and wage rises following
the steel settlement, hints that
President Eisenhower would re-
affirm his decision to run and evi-
dence of further credit easing.
Volume at 2,180,000 shares was
exactly the same as Friday.
The Associated Press average of
60 stocks rose 40 cents to $185.90
with the industrials up $1.50, the
rails down 90 cents and the utili-
ties up 20 cents,
In the American Stock Exchange
prices were mixed. Volume totaled
800,000 shares compared with 730,-
000 Friday.


Next, Please
The Nagas are a tribe of head.-
hunters who live in the hilly
forests of northeast India. The
Manchester Guardian said re-
cently that: "Chopping off heads
is to the Naga what cricket is the
Yorkshireman-the event to be
awaited throughout the week and
sorrowed over when it does not
come off," For months the Nagas
of Assam have been demanding in-
dependence of the government of
India and have pressed the de-
mand by resorting to their fav-
orite pastime. The head of one
district official was sent back to
the provincial capital of Shillong
with a note saying: "Please next
time send a more polite man."
Last week India decided to send
a division of troops to crush the
Naga rebellion unless the Nagas
lay down their arms.
-The New York Times
C' """' t

The Daily Official Bulletin I san
official publication of the Universty
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent In
TYPEWRITTEN from the Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication.
TUESDAY, JULY 10, 1956
General Notices
Delta Kappa Gamma Summer Ses-
sion Tea. All visiting members of Delta
Kappa Gamma are invited to be guests
of Michigan Beta Chapter at tea Sat.,
July 14 from 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. at 41 E.
Ridgeway. Call Mrs. Judy Lisat, NOr-
mandy 2-9371 by Thurs., July 12 to
arrange for transportation.
Lecture "The Democratization of
Music Thirough Science and Technol-
ogy," by Delinda Roggensack, School of
Music, Cornell College, Mt. Vernon,
Ia., Tues., July 10, 3:00 p.m., And. A,
Angell Hall.
Foreign Language Lecture: Prof. Zr-
nest Haden of the University of Texas
will deliver an illustrated lecture Tues.,
July 10. at 4:10 p.m. In Room 429 Mason
Hall on, "The Study of a Foreign
Language". The public is Invited.
FACULTY RECITAL: 8:30 Tues. even-
ing July 10 Rackham Lecture Hall,
by Robert Hord, Assistant Professor of
Piano. Schubert's Sonata in A minor,
Op. 143, Debussy's Brouilards, La Ter-
rasse des audiences du clair de lune,
Feux d'artifice, and Halsey Stevens'
three Preludes for Piano. After Inter-
mission Hord will play Sonata in B
minor by Liszt. Open to the general
public without charge.
Academic Notices
French Luncheons: A member of the
French staff will be at a table near
the end of the service line In the Michi-
gan League Cafeteria at noon on Mon-
days, Wednesdays. and Fridays. Any-
one wishing to join in informal con-
versation is welcome.
Le Cercle Francais: All persons inter-
ested in France and things French who
wish to join in the celebration of Bas-
tille Day, sat., evening, July 4 are
asked to leave their names and $1.00
with the secretary of Romance Lan-
guages or with Prof. O'Neill before
Thursday, July 12.
Doctoral Examination for David Rig-
ler, Psychology; thesis: "Some Determ-
inants of Therapist Behavior," Tues,
July 10, 7611 Haven Hall, at 7:00 p.m.
Chairman, E. S. Bordin.
Placement Notices
McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York,
New York, Is looking for a Sales Repre-
sentative with courses or experience in
audio-visual aids.
Universal C.I.T. Credit Corp., Detroit,
Michigan, needs an Adjustor for Train-
ing Program. Requires young man with
any college background.
U. S. Army, Corps of Engineers, De-
troit, Michigan District, announces an
opening for a Safety Engineer-0-9.
The Upjohn Company, Kalamazoo,
Mich., has an opening for a woman with
a B.S. degree ad a major In Journalism
to work on the Upjohn News staff.
American Motors Corp., Detroit, Mich.,
has a Secretarial position open in the
Advertising Department of Kelvinator
Export Division, requiring the services
of a girl with foreign language training
in Spanish and perhaps French in addi-
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.




Graceful Yielding Profitable

Associated Press News Analyst
THE MILITARY meeting of Britain's agree-
ment to give up her air and naval bases
on Ceylon cannot be assessed until the final
terms have been worked out.
It will depend on what the Ceylonese mean to
promising to continue "certain facilities." There
is a hint, in the British announcement that
Ceylonese military forces will be built up, that
Ceylon might operate the bases and let Britain
continue to use them.
In that case, the future of Singapore would
become a more pressing concern.
There is no military meaning, of course, to
the American acceptance of Philippine sov-
erignty over bases there. Operations will con-
tinue as usual.
INDEED, the action of both great powers in
yielding gracefully to the demands of the
smaller associated nations is likely to yield
Editorial Staff
LEE MARKS, Managing Editor

an over-all profit. It should cause the neutral-
ists of Asia to sit back and reassess their fears
of continued Western colonialism.
The British are going to have to make up
their minds soon, however, aboct whaththey are
going to do about Singapore. There is a
possibility of a complete loss there, whereas
Ceylon insists she will remain a member of
the Commonwealth headed by Britain.
Almost inevitably the solution of these prob-
lems"will involve the United States.
Britain lost the use of Singapore during
World War II and thereafter Hong Kong.
Trincomalee, the naval base on Ceylon, was
gradually immobilized.
THE AMERICAN offensive which defeated
Japan was the only means by which Britain
could get back in. The demonstrated insecurity
of the bases had weakened the British political
position, Burma marched with India into inde-
pendence, and the British tenure in all South-
east Asia became insecure.
The old "empire" lifeline has not been cut
at Suez and is being whittled everywhere.
Australia and New Zealand have begun to
look more and more toward the United States
for their defense.
They have joined the United States in. a
defense arrangement of which their mother
country is not even a member.

Red Chinese Language Reform Subtle Tyranny


ALTHOUGH philologists seem
almost unanimous in their
opinion that the alphabet is the
greatest invention since the wheel,
it might not be improper to take
this opportunity on the occasion
of the first concrete evidence of
Communist Chinese intentions to-
ward a complete reformation of
the traditional system of writing,
to consider some aspects of a soon
to be obsolete system of communi-
cation, the Chinese ideograph.
It may be difficult, at first, to
conceive of a written language
that bears little or no relationship
to the spoken. But this is the case
in China before the fall of the
Chi'ing (Manchu) dynasty in 1911.
The ideograph does not have any
direct relationship to the speech
habits of the users. This aspect
of the traditional writing system
must be kept in mind during any
discussion of China's language

communication of scientific infor-
mation nor for use as a propa-
ganda media. Technical terms be-
come very cumbersome and propa-
ganda usages often lead to amus-
ing contradictions. 'America,' for
instance, requires the use of two
ideographs which might be ren-
dered 'beautiful country.'
But it is for the best of humani-
tarian reasons that the Commun-
ists, and the Nationalists before
them, have been interested in lan-
guage reform. The literacy rate in
China has always been, by Western
standards, disgracefully low. The
cause, all seem to agree, lies in the
script, which is deemed exceed-
ingly difficult to learn. Also these
ideographs, in traditional con-
texts, defy all rules of grammar,
syntax, or logic. It would seem
that this backward language of
symbols depended for efficient
communication on that most ephe-
meral of human capabilities -
i~n~nrfonii~o hiein . alf _rmlr

osophy and government of each
succeeding dynasty.
China has long been acquainted
with alphabets not unlike the one
now proposed by the Communists.
During the long history of the
language, documents have been
translated from many tongues
which used some form of an alpha-
bet but until modern times there
has never been an attempt to re-
place the ideograph with a more
'modern' system of writing.
One of the main objectives of
the Communists and liberal think-
ers in general to this form of writ-
ing is that it tended to perpetuate
a class of scholar-officials who
were privileged to rule the country
as they saw fit.
Yet if the term 'class' is to be
thought of as any rigid structure,
this may be an extreme view; for
each succeeding generation had to
become literate in order to pass
public examinations. Though

resentation of Chinese speech in
writing but the classical language
of ideographs will remain difficult
to learn and hard to understand.
It becomes, at this point, not a
question of whether the Chinese
can devise a means to read and
write an alphabetical representa-
tion of the speech, for this seems
to be possible given the resources
of modern linguistic science, but
rather what effect this will have
on future generations. The his-
tory, literature and philosophy of
over 2500 years will not be acces-
sible to those people except by
means of translation.
Because of the nature of these
documents, any translation will
depend upon an interpretation by
the person or persons doing the
work. This can be carefully con-
trolled either by careful selection
of personnel or by more overt
* . *

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