March 21, 1922

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March 21, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 124) • Page Image 1

…-w I'uq phan Iai - DAT I a ) ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 21, 1922 l U ERY Costuming Adds To Junior Play Junior Girls' play will hold its third dress rehearsal tonight at the Whitney theater with costumes and properties complete. From the finish shown on the part of the characters in Friday and Saturday night rehearsals, it; would seem that' costumes make the character. Prof. John R. Brumm, director, has stated that the plot...…

March 21, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 124) • Page Image 2

…UNIVERSITY during. the University Publications. ED PRESS titi dt" the use fir to it or not otherwise ublished theruil. W,>dohigas. as beomab ,ynald Street. s, if signed, the signa- s an evidence of I atb, he Daily at the discre- Daily office. Unsigned .lomanuscript will Ce sentitmenits expressed ITOR...........BRZWST$R P. CAMPB$IL. .......................Joseph A. Bernstein . ................Z. P. Iovejoy, Jr. itor .............. ........ ......…

March 21, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 124) • Page Image 3

…Timely To,,pics # - tinguishedhy a 'three-cior cover bearing.. a full page frozitispiece .mes Qliver Curwood, .the March .of the Chimes will appear on ampus tomorrow. The cover is wdrk of Clayton Seagers, '23, the drawing of Mr. Curwood, is one of the judges in tie short contest, now being held by es, is by James Montgomery1 Flagg. Lite not so timely but of constant inter- -est, are those entitled, "A Plea for Cosmopolitanism," by Edward B...…

March 21, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 124) • Page Image 4

…is : '* ~~_ . r .. :, +,. = GRID APRIL 18 football practice will com- uesday, April 18. This-~-an- ent was male by Coach Yost Ifternoon. The practice ses- L, in all probability, be in f Yost assisted by Archie d Tad Wieman. Other men added to the coaching staff, ated. gh there are but 91 men on ity mailing list at the pres- who receive notices of the meetings, it is thought that .1 be nearly 100 men out for tices. Coach Yost qmphasiz- ...…

March 21, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 124) • Page Image 5

…NU IN LEAD ATHLETIC CUP g their men for s of the liveliest e baseball circle st years the race ainly between two vhereas this sea- point to a more the diamond tal. Big Ten camps. k Strong last year, retains around which to 'ful nine. Coach1 his Illini squad fning in less than Indians' pitching is season with its urlers, Jackson, . In addition to Lundgren also class twirlers re- earling squad in Dougherty, star catcher on the 1921 nine, will ...…

March 21, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 124) • Page Image 6

…average strenuousness of a student's well" should not be content until fre- life. The inevitable result in each quent and thorough examinations ease is a life of more or less failure, have revealed whether his condition uselessness, and economic burden to is a result of .getting on the wrong others. track or is due to some organic de- The student who regards himself as feet. The latter then should be treat- permanently "not strong" or "not ed ...…

March 21, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 124) • Page Image 7

…Dress , rehearsals, for, the, Junior rW..fuplay .Wilr. be~jheld 'at' 7 o'clock night, anid-tomorrow .iight" at the hitney 'thater4, EverybnL- in the Ly must be there at this time. A Le will be imiposed jfor being ten mlutes late. All members of the -Junior Gir d. ay .are requested to report - at 4 : 4b )lock Thursday at the. Chinese Gar- n1s. All girls who have signed up for nior Girls' play scores are requested call for them between 10 and 12...…

March 21, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 124) • Page Image 8

…I L L ETIN (11:80 a. x. Saturdays.) , MARCH 21, 1922 Number 124 a.r: .ew..... .a.,r Directors and Superintendents: tention is called to the action taken by the Board of Regents, , authorizing a ghange of method which the Deans had previ- ved, of making all promotions to the ranks of Assistant Profes- te Professor, and full Profesor. In accordance with this action )motion is in the future to be made without an actual commu- he Board of Re...…

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