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March 21, 1922 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-03-21

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Costuming Adds
To Junior Play
Junior Girls' play will hold its third
dress rehearsal tonight at the Whitney
theater with costumes and properties
complete. From the finish shown on
the part of the characters in Friday
and Saturday night rehearsals, it;
would seem that' costumes make the
Prof. John R. Brumm, director, has
stated that the plot of this year's play
is far superior to any of those for
many years past. Elsa Olesen, chair-
man of the play, comments especially
upon the variety and originality of the
songs -and dancps.
Phil Diamond andyhis orchestra will;
play at all three performances of the'
........ .AM ... ! .a.. m







u '


ii to Be Submitted to
Colleges for Vote

Faculties of
as to

is common
of this in-


p1is t


purpose o furth
relfare league an
ople of the cou
editions that exist
minent men are
among whom.
Eliot and the pr
i university.
ners Liberties
. speakingof thel
s, said, "Crimin
I in freedom by
much -liberty wit
as possible. Tl
r.' Experiments h
s the purpose of
league-to make
of a communityE
e of their own tr
e warden ,of cou

e a Action designating the gowns and
mal caps to be worn by seniors -in their
lent last semester was taken at the meet-
tion ing of the Senate council which was
her- held yesterday afternoon. The reso-
d to lution was passed allowing seniors in
ntry their last year to wear gowns similar
t in to the bachelor's gown together with a
on cap having a tassel distinctive of the
are faculty on which they are candidates
'esi- for degrees.
Affects Ali Seniors
At the meeting of the council last"
lib-1 week, after reports from the commit-
pals tee on academic costumeS, definite cos-
al- tumes were voted for all holders of
thin degrees from the University. The reso-
hey lution adopted at the meeting yester-
lave day affects seniors in all schools' and
the colleges of the University.
the Prof. G. E. Myers, of the vocational
and department, was elected by the facul
ou- ty of the School of Education as its
rse, representative on the Senate council.
The suggestion of a committee on
ced discipline to supplement the work of
era- the Dean of Students and the Student
ome Advisory committee was voted to be
Burn placed before the faculties of the va.
rious schools and colleges to be re-
)rd- ported back to the council with the
be respective opinion of each before
ves. May 8.

Bates; Patterson, Anderson Elected on
.Board at Mlteeting Last
Senate members of the board of di-
rectors of the Michigan Union and the
Board in Control of Athletics were
named at the meeting of the Unv'r-
sity Senate which was held late last
night in room C of the Law building.
Dean Henry M. Bates; of the Law
school, Prof. G. W. Patterson, of the
engineering mechanics department,
and Prof. H. C. Anderson, of the me-
chanical engineering deartment, will
be the new Senate members .of the
Union's board of directors.
. ppoint Athletic Board
Prof. R. W. Aiglei, of the a Law
school, heads the Board in Control of
Athletics with Prof. W. R. Frayer, of
the history department, Prof. C. T.
Johnston, of the, geodesy and survey-
ing department, and Prof. A. 0. Lee, of
the modern languages department as
co-workers on the board. All of the
men with the exception of Professor
Lee are serving on this board during
this year. Professor Lee will take the
place of Prof. L. M. Gram, all of the
new members of the board taking of-
fice with the beginning of 'the next
school year.
Memorials to the late Professors
Beman, Bogle, and Van Zwaluwen-
berg were prepared and read at this
Wenley Reports
Prof. R. M. Wenley, of the philoso-
phy department, presented a report on
the University extension- lectures in
which he recommended ,:first, that
there should be an advisory commit-
tee of five to bp associated with the
directors of the University extension
service and second, that the President
should appoint a small committee from
those familiar with the Extension
movement to write a history of it at
Michigan and to investigate present
problems and demands. Both recom-
mendations were unanimously accept-
ed by the Senate.
Players Club To
Gf ive 'Shavings'"
4"Shavings," a. three-act Comedy, has
been chosen by Players club fr their
annual production, to be presented
May 4 at the Whitney theater. The
play 'is a- dramatization of Joseph C.
Lincoln's novel of the same name, re-
cently completing ,a successful run In
New York and Washington under the
direction of James Savage. The set-
ting is in a New England workshop.
The leading man, Shavings, is an ec-
centric old man who whittles toys.
The play has not yet been printed in
book form.
The local production is under the
direction of Prof. . D. T. Hollister,
of the oratory department. The cast
is as follows:
Shavings, by George Wilner, of the
oratory department; Captain Sam
Honeywell, by Harold Lipsitz, '22E;
Roscoe Halloway, by Nay Bashara,
'23L; Ruth Armstrong, by Estelle Mc-
Cozine, Grad.; Maude Honeywell, by'
Bethany Lovell, '25; Barbara Arm-
strong, by Laurella Hollis, '24;.Major
Grover, by David Glchrist, '22; Landor
Babbit, by Ralph Johnson, '23; Gabriel
Bease, by Milton Klee, '24; Charles
Philips, by Milton Landy, '23; Phiness
Babbit, by Henry Goff, '23.

Chilly wrath, amused tolerance, and
bitter vituperation are the lot of the
"Man Who Has Never Been Kissed,"
whose discussion of "snuggle-pup-
ping" as prevalent on the 'lichigan
campusappeared in The Daily Satur-
day. Communications in volume
quantity appeared yesterday in the
morning's mail, and from the general
trend of the argument the supporter
of old-time morals seems to have
adopted the unpopular point of view.
Defend Ideals
Advocates' of the eremitical stand-
point seem to be strangely lacking.
University men who have been kiss-
ed, University women about whom no
sweeping statements can be made, in-
Amendment Would Abolish Electoral
College and Prevent Re-
(By Associated Press)
- Washington, March 20.-A constitu-
tional amendment providing for the
election of the president and vice-
president for a six-year term is pro-
posed in a bill introduced today by
Representative Wood, Republican, of
The electoral college system would
be abolished and the candidate receiv-
ing the largest aggregate vote should
be president with the candidate re-
ceiving" the next highest number au-
tomatically becoming vice-president.
The president would be ineligible for
The first election would be on the
first Tuesday of October, 1925, the
candidate elected to assume office in
a month. The bill also proposes four
year terms for representatives, the
senatorial term to remain at six years..
Dean John UR. Effinger, of the liter-
ary college,f has been out of the city
for the greater part of the past week,
spending part of the time in Chicago
and the latter few days of the week
in Philadelphia and New York, where
he delivered several speeches. Dean
Effinger left Tuesday evening late for
Chicago, where he attended a meeting
of the North Central Association of
Colleges and Secondary Schools.
After the meeting In Chicago Dean
Effinger went direct to Philadelphia,
where he spoke before a meeting of
the Michigan alumni..
- - ,
Plans have been completed for the
annual Freshman Frolic. The date
has been definitely set for Friday,
May 12, and the dance will be held at
the Union. Two orchestras have been
engaged and will furnish continuous
music. This dance is only open to,
freshman engineers and lit.
All those jdesiring tjekets -should
send their applications as soon asa pos-
sible to DeWitt E. Taylor, 607 South
State street.
, Mrs. M. M. Root's Father Dies
J. A. Maes, father of Mrs. M. M. Root,
proprietor of the University Music
House, died Saturday, March 18. The
funeral will be at 2 o'clock Wednes-
day, at New Boston, Mich.

Wrath And Amusement Characterize
Replies To Denunciation Of Petting]

dignant individuals who proclaim' no
sex, and even a dormitory whos~mem-
bers rise boldly in defense of league
house ideals, all impugn the motives
and refute the arguments of The
Daily's contributor,
The most general conclusion of the
irate defenders of modern morals is
that his lack of experience In the gen-
ter emotions is due in large part to
inherent disabilities. "Girls usually
look right past his kind," says one. "He
must think quite a lot of himself and
it's no wonder he's never been
Another declares that he has un-
doubt-edly lost his sense of rhythm
and in self defense must declare the
rest of the world to be out of step.
One writer declares himself willing to
wager all his pocket money and rags
that "this man whd says he is going
back to the square dance days will
not have any followers."
But the criticisms presented reach
a more fundamental issue than any
of these. "We cannot admit," says a
"Male -Student," "that the researches
of the one who has never been kissed
are i nany sense complete. The nun -
ber of girls at Michigan who see no
objective value to 'petting,' who. have
retained in the fullest degree a sense
for the morility of our parents, and
who are 'nice girls' in the clearest
meaning of the term is at least as
great as at any time in the past."
Shows No Immorality .
"And I fail to see,'" says another,
'how acting openly in these matters
is a sign of immorality. On the con-
trary, it seems to me to be merely
an expression of a characteristic of
the younger generation to look upon
such situations in -a matter of fac't
way." - ,
A- senior closes his remarks by say
ing, "The consistency of human stand-
ards is ah great as it ever was and
our moral fiber as fine. Frankness can
never harm men and womel who see
in college the real value to after life
of honest and sincere morality."
Instrumental And
Vocal Numbers On
F aculty Proram
f '
(By Edgar H. A les)
Distinguished by the appearance 9f
two singers new to Ann Arbor audi-
ences, and the performance of num-
bers not often heard, the Twilight
concert given by the School of Music
faculty Sunday afternoon in Hill audi-
torium was of unusual interest.
Odra 0. Patton, '15, S. of M., chose
for his opening number Mozart's ex-
quisite air, "I mio tesoro," giving it a
decidedly pleasing rendition. Mr. Pat-
ton's voice is. a lyric tenor of limited
volume, but of velvety smoothness and
unusual sympathetic appeal.
The technical difficulties of the Moz-
art number he obviated, to some ex-
tent, by transferring to the piano the
florid middle portion which is usually
sung. This selection, together with
Delibes' "Myrto," Speakes' "Serenade,"
and Hageman's "Happiness" were en-
thusiastically received by the audi-
Nora Wetmore, the other new sing-
er, was a distinct disappointment.
Perhaps she was only temporarily in
poor condition, but whatever the
cause, her offering of three Russian
songs served only to emphasize vocal
limitations which, from the first, were
painfully evident.
Two comparatively little known
Chopin numbers, the .first valse, .Op.
69, and the Polonaise, Op. "24, were
excellently interp rete'd- by Miss Nell
Stockwell whose musicg.l gtfts are
quite familiar. The valse 'has been
somewhat eclipsed by the popularity
of the one in C Sharp minor, but its,
soft and ingratiating melancholy is
characteristic of the composer in his
most petic mo- d:
Likewise, the Polonaise has suffer-
ed in comparison'to the so-called Mili-
tary and Herioc polonaises. It' is,
nevertheless, a splendid exhibition of

the virile side of Chopin's complex
The "Danse Sacree et Danse Pro-
fane" of Debussey, played by Albert
Lockwood with an accompaniment of
violins, 'cellos, violas and bass, was
not received as warmly as its merit de-

here announr
a boys' preps
,N. ., his ho
as the Aub
school, acc
pounced, will
boys themsel
his opinion t






ears of age
d the older
s ordinarily
es will be
be entirely
bility bei
the head

nt of the school will
a the shoulders of the
original group will
the establishment of
Sunday Morning
your responsibility to
state institutions, you
and of Cain, because
rother's keeper," was
Mr. Osborne's speech
iorning on "Churches
the Unitarian church.
g upon the purpose of
sborne said it was "to
er as a destructive
constructive force,
n to . realize his re-
:he community, to so-
dea of the prison sys-
based on the idea bf
.saysto the prisoner,
'll pnish you,' is all
ve yet to find a noted
reformation resulting
1. This system makes
e criminal. I have not
a of making a man a
Hal; I ,want to make

Consider Offcial Guide
The report of Prof. James W. Glover,
of the mathematics department, on
furloughs and leaves of absence was
accepted by the Senate council and re-
ferred to the Regents.
Appointment of a new University
official was suggested at the meeting.
The official would be a sort of guide
for the purpose of showing visit'ors
over the University. No definite action
as to the appointment of such an of-
ficial was taken. However, the dis-
cussion was held over until the next
?Ian Shapes Own{
Destiny - Tigert
"I do not believe that a 'man ever
succeeds because of outside circum-
stances," said, John J. Tigert, United
States commissioner of education,
when speaking on ".The Elements of
Greatness" at the Wesleyan Guild lec-
ture Sunday night in the Methodist
Mr. Tigert stated that all of us have
two creators, God and that creation
which comes through our own efforts.
He said that althoughthe constitution
stated that all men were created equal:
this did not apply to all of their as-
pects any more than it means all men
looked just alike. The difference be-
tween men is a matter of. education.
This education, although it has made
our civilization possible, is not with-
out its dangers. He showed a num-
ber of examples of this danger and
stated that to him Napoleon and Cae-,
sar were two of the greatest failures
in 'the world's history. Along with
education must go a consecration of
will. The -fact that so many people
get their criterion distorted causes
them to lose sight of the fact that one
of the greatest elements of greatness
is unselfishness'.

Republican Leaders Canvass Ti
Situation at White
(By Assocated Press)
Washington March 20.-Senat
bate on the four power Pacific ti
touched its high water mark of
terness today ii an exchange resui
from suggestions of a secret Bri
Anerican understanding for fu
Aroused by recurring reference
such an international understan
after its existence had been dirn
denied, Senator Lodge 'of Masa
setts, Republican leader and a i
ber of the "American arms delega
took the floor and in a, voice shake
emotion declared he could. no o-
be patient under an attack w
seemed to question his patriotism
-impugn his honor.
BReply Dramatic
' Replying in a fashion scarcely
dramatic, Senator Robinson, I
ocrat, Arkansas, an opponent of
treaty, told the senate he rema
convinced that both of the sen
representatives on thedelegation ,
"amazingly ignorant" of some of
things done at the conference .
The exchange between Se
Lodge and Robinson which as paa
a long debate sown broadcast
charges of "slander," "untruth,"
"probaganda," took' place shortly
er the Republican leaders and 0
prominent figures in his party or
ization had canvassed the whole t
situation at the White House
President Harding. besides Mr. Lt
those who were present included
P. Adams, of the Republican nati
committee, Senator'McCormick o
linois, chairman of the party's s
torial campign committee, and S
to Curtis of Kaansas, Republican-
of the Senate.
Reiterates "No Alliance"
The presence of so many
chiefs in the conference led to the
pression that they discussed wit
President the possible Injecton o
arms conference treaties into the
ing congressional campaign, but i
of the senators who attended said
erwards that the primary purpose
to give Mr. Harding the latest inf
ation as to the line up on the
power treaty ratification vote t<
taken Friday. :
With Articles 0
Gene1Gra l t81r1
Appealing to the general can
the March Michigan Technic
published has again strengthenei
claim to the title' of the best engl
ipg college magazine in the cou
Technic prdsents a timely and a
tic cover illustrating the silhbuet
several dreadnaughts. In keeping
the finished quality of the covex
several .,articles Jpclu'ding :"
Freighters of the Great Lake"
Prof. A. F. Lindblad .of he marini
gineering department, and "A Ph
Proven Practibility" by Arthu
Stock, Jr., '23, the latter taking
prQkpOsed plan to make it possibl
eve body, who so desires to
Charles Evans Hughes' address tI
senior class at this, year's Commi
men exercises.
Theodore A. Leisen member o
American Society of Civil Engii
presents an expostin of Detroit's
fitration plant. The treatment oi
theme is interesing and of as a
appeal as many Scienific 4me
features. Mr. Willard Beahan,
assistant engineer of the New
Central railroad, indicates in his'
"Common Labor I Have Met" the
that the engineer will meet in hi
reer many other problems, a
which, one of the most importa
the handling of men.'

Prof. F. N. Menefee of the eng!
ing mechanics department, advise
young engineer of the future ti
a thorough foundation in funda
tals and then to break his prol
up and "use one part at a time."
The outstanding attraction of
regular departments is the Cc
Notes section, which takes up
marily the initial propaganda ft

Petrified Skeleton Of Prehistoric
Reptile On Exhibition In Museum

ver, that
I believe

Exhibition in the Natural Science
museum of the petrified skeleton of a
hitherto unknown order of animal life
gives the University the distinction of
possessing the only existing specimen
of this family. The skeleton was dis-
covered in Texas some eight years ago
by Prof. Ermine C. Case of the paleon-
tology department, and its . final
mounting comes as the result of much
labor. ,
While exploring in Texas, Professor
Case first came across a portion of the
petrified remains in Tryassic rocks..
This he removed to the museum here..
Three years ago he returned to the
same spot, where further investigation
revealed the presence of the skele-
ton. The University then sent an ex-
pedition to Texas which excavated the
hole and secured tje rest of the skele-
Prnfer C(a1e ha s. "an +ithe ay" .-

alligator or crocodile, it is ancestral to
them, the best estimate of the probable
time of its existence being 15,000,000
years ago.
The skull, the backbone, the ribs
and nearly all of the dorsal armor
were found. The skeleton has an
enormous pair . of shoulder spines
about 18 inches long which curve back
aver the ohdv Tn life_ the aniat l ws .

; .

"Once a

The March issue of Whimsies .is be-
ing held up because of the illness of;
the printers. It is expected, however,
that it will come out soon. Because
of the more than transient character
of Whimsies, the conies will be placed

probably about 15 feet long, and hadJ
somewhat the same habits as the alli- UNDERWOUOD,'23I,, IS PUT ON
The importanc'e of this discovery lies PUBLICATION CONTROL BOARD
in the fact that it adds to the Univer-
sity's already famous paleontological Tomas i. Underwood, '23L, was re-
collection the only known specimen of cently appointed to membership on
an absolutely new order or sub-order the Board in Control of Student Pub-,
of i'eptilian life. This is the first lications by the President. According
time that anywhere nearly so complete to Dr. Frank E. Robbins, assistant to
a part of the dorsal armor has been the President, the appointment has
secured. After nearly a year spernt in elicited considerable favorable com-
cleaning it, this unusually interesting ment from various sources on the
specimen is now mounted and on ex- 'campus, and is apparently a popular

tl..: Jt24# i

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