May 10, 1921

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May 10, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 152) • Page Image 1

…PE TEM.I iDAi Vr4ie 4ian atl D~AY AND 0 QE 152 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 10, 1921. PRICE GERMAN PARTIESf 'NO' ON INDEMNITY MAJORITY FAVORABLE TOWARD ACCEPTING ALLIED ULTI- MATUM NEW COALITION BODY' EXPECTED WITHIN DAY Body Probably Will be Submissive to Demands of the Supreme Council Berlin, May 9.--The majority Soc- ialists and clericals in party confer- ence today voted in favor of accept- ing the ultimatium of the Allies, whi...…

May 10, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 152) • Page Image 2

…THE CHIGAN DAISY kir4iglan Dtt NEWSP4 ER OFTHI UNIVERSITY - S# orning exce in Control< onday during the Univer- dent Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS kssociated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for on of~ all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise this paper and the local news published therein. d at the postoflice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second er. iption by carrier or mail, $3.50. : Ann Arbor Press buil...…

May 10, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 152) • Page Image 3

…HE MICHIGAr - -~ mmli r -' , . a ... . . .. p " _ ", .. . . " . . . ., . . . 1 . .. .. . - , ,0, ,. .. .. ., ' . . -.:. . . -. . .. ." .. .,. 6 ., .. .. ,. ,. ., ., ,.. ..-.. .. , . ,, '- . _ ., ..._ . " . , " . - "-k 1. ^ " " M1 - ]H 6AN IN TIE OR FIRS PLC Games of Week-End Show No Upsets;' Wisconsin Must Be Reckoned as Contender JAPANESE NINE TO OPPOSE BIG TEN TEAMS THIS WEEK Big Ten Standing W LPet. Illinois ..................…

May 10, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 152) • Page Image 4

…M UIGAN * -.-T7---.-.- D OPTOMETRIST ability & Satisfaction Main Street . MICIIIGAN Sleep Anyplace 2ut Lat atRex 's THE CLUBsLUNCH 712 ARBOR STREET Near State and Packard I.. a Packae before the war a ackae during the war 1913 .LIT CLUSS WILL HOLD 3-OY REUNION1 Tbe literary class of 1918 will re- unite again this year for three days in Ann Arbor during the graduation period, according to Ruth Burdsal Bas- sett, '13, chairman of the cl...…

May 10, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 152) • Page Image 5

…THE MR DAILY Foc/ Kept Jiusy Opening His Hail' Paris, May 9.-Marshal Foch says' that one of his great regrets is that he has not time enough to properly digest the big mail he receives. Like most men in his conspicuous position, he gets daily a batch of correspond- ence that keeps his aides busy sifting the trivial and eccentric from the im-' portant and interesting. Friends and enemies alike write him profusely and their letters run the who...…

May 10, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 152) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ,......, ...w..W . '- . I RT ,ST G AR RICIK DETROIT 4VICENTE BLASCO IBAN EZ H OR SEMEN OF T.NE APOCALYPSE Daily advertising will spell prosper- ity for yu. -Adv. - 0 tertising and sell1 articles.-Adv. 'AWS LUNCHI WhWere they all go i SPAN iSHCOEYWItl SF. PR OCED THURSDA La Sociedad Hispanica will produce "Zaragueta," a comedy by Vital Aza, Thursday evening, May 12, in Patten- gill auditorium. This play will be the...…

May 10, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 152) • Page Image 7

… TODAY - Screen Majestic- Lionel Barrymore in "Jim the Penman." Christie comedy, Topics, and a travel film. Arcade--Mr. and Mrs. Carter De- Haven in "The Girl in the Taxi." "The Skipper's Scheme" a. Toonerville Trolley comedy, and Kinograms. Wuerth - Agnes Ayres in "The Furnace." Orpheum- "It's a Great Life," from the story by Mary Rob- erts Rinehart. tions will cause delay in making ar- rangements with the proper employ- ers. The placement...…

May 10, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 152) • Page Image 8

… I "r-I AVII%-.z ,a a a~~ *%- '4 MA.' aLz.l ..... FICIAL BULLETIN , TUESDAY, MAY 10, 1921., Number 152. ie Deans:, Ass announced last week, there will be no conference of the Deans on nesday, May 11. M. L. BURTON, President. LU1 Freshmen and Sophomores: Lu accordance with the custom in past years I wish officially to announce all freshmen and sophomores of the University will be excused from C classes from 3 p .m., on Friday, May 13, t...…

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