April 07, 1921

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April 07, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 132) • Page Image 1

…L 0.1 r II p woi&r "-i I AIV40 4i+ ASSOCIA 4,AU ANP R aiI4;Y AND NIG SERVII 132. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1921. PRICE prnon EI FOUR I AHTEND . MEETING V, GAINES, WATERBURY, EATON TO REPRESENT MICHIGAN EPRESENTATIVE R ATHLETIC BOARD ose of Meeting is to Discuss fairs of Undergraduate Gov- ernment Af-. Michigan is to be represented by four men at the intercollegiate con- ference on undergraduate government, to ...…

April 07, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 132) • Page Image 2

…I of Student Publications. ASSOCIATED PRESS :clusivelyentitled to the use for es credited to it or not otherwise cal news published therein. Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second ruard Street. words, if signed, the sig- int, but as an evidence of lished in The Daily at the mailed to The Daily office. no consideration. No man- :r incloses postage. :ndorse the sentiments ex- b e reccrved after 8 o'clock .TOR ............GEORGE O. BROPHY JR. .Chesser...…

April 07, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 132) • Page Image 3

…::' " : 1':-d ... o . -p _ r.- ,a LIAin . CHANPI6S FIELD LINEUP been issued places, and as soon as picked. to the men sure of their others will be given out the lineup is definitely NO LET-UP FOR TRICK MEN REMAINING HERE Uteritz Moved to Second and Hoffman Installed at Third In Wednes- day's Drill CONTEST FOR OUTFIELD AND THIRD SACK BERTHS KEEN Coach Pratt's last minute shift in his lineup before the southern trip re- sulted in in...…

April 07, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 132) • Page Image 4

…rbor STELLAR EVOLUTION Ij BEINGSTUDIED HERE curves or grades, and green showing moving or traffic danger only to be used at road intersections. Increase your business by advertis- ing in The Michigan Daily.-Adv. J. L. CHAPMAP JEWELER AND OPTOMETR The Store of $eliabJIty & Satisfi 113 South Main Street ANN rARBOR, - - \fCII s ivia inley's Twenty-Eighth rid Last Festival CIA BORI . Soprano (Metropolitan Opera Company) PONSELLE Soprano ...…

April 07, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 132) • Page Image 5

…Feature stories, written by students1 taking courses in journalism at the University, are now being sent to various newspapers in the country for consideration. The stories, which are written as regular assignments in the course, can be sent by the authors to any' newspaper which might be considered advisable. . This plan has been formerly carried fm out in the courses in journalism here with success, students being able to dispose of a numbe...…

April 07, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 132) • Page Image 6

… ~11 niLe - VARIED ARTICLES TO FILL BOX FOR MOUNTAIN SCHOOL 'I V . l . A. miss etary of the Pure Food Preserves, 15 oz. Jar, t certificates regular 50c size, now 35c, or 3 for national or- $1.00. Schultz Bros.-Adv. ;man Kodaks- Films. mateur Finishing Enlargements Flashlights and Outside Groups 9~V~i5~wj .. .. 7.- w . .. .. ,.. s. .. .. .. . .. ., p tlF i. i 1MY TTMBIEINSURANCE Ve Write Automobile Insurance In Stock Companies Only sates ...…

April 07, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 132) • Page Image 7

…inf s story, niversal corn- 'ews. nnedy in "The Fatty Ar- 'i House," and ITo Continue Xelos nstltrtet~ Encouraging answers to the ques-' tionnaires given out to the members ofthe Religious Education' institute seem to point to a similar institute'. next year. On most of the marked blanks which were handed in the. ans- wers were favorable to the revival of the project next year, substantially in the same form which existed this year. A large n...…

April 07, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 132) • Page Image 8

…I i Lewis Uses Good Slides In Lecture I'1 I BULLETIN PRESENTATIONS BY PLAYERS sional m1ann2er. I1ors themselves, CHUB P RBO SUICCESSFUL The three playsa were directed and rather trying c produced under the direction of s'tu- ly was it hard (Continued from Page One) dent members of the Players club, when the scener this humorous' part in truly profes- Too much canot be said for the act- climax of the fi r II lull THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1921....…

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