Feature stories, written by students1
taking courses in journalism at the
University, are now being sent to
various newspapers in the country
for consideration. The stories, which
are written as regular assignments in
the course, can be sent by the authors
to any' newspaper which might be
considered advisable.
. This plan has been formerly carried
out in the courses in journalism here
with success, students being able to
dispose of a number of their articles.
The stories which are now being sent
out are the result of the first assign-
ment for this semester. The student
chooses his own subject, prepares an
outline, writes the article which is
returned with criticism, and re-
writes the story, all under the direc--
tion of the department. When this
is done the student has the right to
send the story in its final form to the
paper which he thinks might be in the
market for such a story.
Several stories have been written
telling of the Union, and its function
on the campus, a few have described
the life of the student, and some have
shown the growth of institutions on
the campus.
Nearly 440,000 own a Corona type-,
writer. Price $50.00. Easy terms if
desired. 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickel's Ar-j
The students at the University of
Utah elected in a straw ballot last
Friday, Dean William Leary of .the
law school as the new president of
that university to succeed John A.
Widtsoe, who recently resigned. Dean
Leary received 70 votes out of the 287j
cast. Dean Merrill of the engineer-
ing school ranked second in the elec-
tion with 65 votes. Many objected to
the election because they believed
that the students would be most likely
not the requirements for a u
Sauer Leaves to Do Researe
Professor Carl 0. Sauer,
geology department, is going
istee this week end to spend
vacation in research work
United States Department of
hien a liberal
enrollment of
ad organize a
r ยง
.. "+.,..:- iw... Z=* .ww-.w...w......,.v w.w. .. -
nt was made in con-
,ction of several col-
the number of 'stu-
of the ideal liberal
ne having a faculty
it body of not more
President Murlin.
ers exceed these the
> large, and it would
e it into units. Sep-
*ht to be established,
culties and deans
.tly of each other.
nt, which savors
.glish university
pinion never be-
t this country,
. few American
ling toward the
aot apply to the
or business ad-
have different
liberal arts col-
d great increases
t is practically
irlin's opinion.
college officials
ring class in the
resident Murlin.
enrollment will
but the normal
. probably be a
i an increase in
11 over the coun-
s of young
neral pros-
fficiency of
ie war has
'eciation of
s of the
--an- ivefitmnt in go+d appearance
re Prices
ince Albert Tins..$1.45
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