June 25, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 0) • Page Image 1
…75th Anniversary Souvenir Edition K h Michigan Daily at XXII EXTRA. AN$N ARBOR, )fICHIGAN, TUESD)AY, JUNE 25, 1q12. PIEFV ET RMY FVEERANBESEGEALL CAN TELL 'EM. DIVESSIFIED PROIIBAM IS The old boys tell some pretty good class in the University. TOW ~ ones. Seated comfortably on the 'Un- All year Judge Alfred Otis, Atchisoni, ARBOR ~ ~~~~Ian porch, the students of the earlier Kan., and Rev. Blelvilie ,Porter,. Nor- O F R D T B Y I i A I days spi...…