75th Anniversary Souvenir Edition K
h Michigan Daily
The old boys tell some pretty good class in the University.
TOW ~ ones. Seated comfortably on the 'Un- All year Judge Alfred Otis, Atchisoni,
ARBOR ~ ~~~~Ian porch, the students of the earlier Kan., and Rev. Blelvilie ,Porter,. Nor- O F R D T B Y I i A I
days spin yarns that put the ujnder- ristowvn, Pa., had been corresponding,
grad to blush. And that's where 3. If, i eager anticipat1on of another reun-
NO FFRT AD T REIS I- . * * - , , , , * Flagg, '72, of Chicago, comnes in srong. ion af the famous clasp of '52. Plans
VANIO OF THUSAND OF "OD * "umph," and hie chuckles as he were laid, and preparations were un- * * * * * * * * * 4 * PU0(1ESSiAN VF CA[PU8 RG
GRADa;. AI aNClyIN TeAIN glances over hris 1912 mnodel clothes, der way. Then Porter, alarmed at the * .* AT N AND.UINVUE
BEAR AUMNI ''he Mihigan aily ofers *"Ilhad five dollars to~ my name when fact that several of his recent letters * AJAIA MATER ~WELCO)ES * VTLLEPROMNC R E
* the clored SuvenW Aniver- *I signifned my intention of earning a to Otis had1 been unaunswered, wrote to * PRODIGrAL SONS. *~ TURES 91? TIE DAY
any emient n ad omn ae wary Isue durin Comie no * sheepskin. BIut I 'was steward of a the local alumni association for Infor- --,*.
N'umbir'w . This is he- ret oarding club," and again be chuckled mnation regarding~ Jis old classmate. * ,"I want the alumni to know * Seni0r Rtecepton i the Qymniu
Visiors.sua. 'The second will appear On * rem iiscently, "and-er nmy knowledge The reply came bJck that Judge Por- * that we welcome themt back to * ~Will Wfldup ay's
* Wednesday mornig and th~e * of the suirrounding orchards and tur- ter had died on May 6. * their old Alma Mater" said Dr. *. en.
Thequant itte cty estingaog *trd . on burday morning. * key roosts stood me in good stead. We So a vacant chair in the "Class of '52 * Angell, yesterday., We are doing * -~
y a ur s e didn't have a Joe's to rave about, in Hteadquarters"betokens the sad break.. * everything we can," he contin- * The thlrd 'day of th6 Seet-it
e blloy hll, a th blleinsmod *stret r t News star*ls, book * hose days, but it was Hank's place. ing up of the reunion, but as the dying * lied, "to make them feel at' * Annivrsary Celeration promie
egtl te m A n Ar or, was besi ged sto esa d drug store. * then. . Hla nk used to run a onfectpo- wish of Porter's comrade of former honme." * v re r g a . T e c a s d y a e
an rtn ofvetran yeteray.No ry store, cafe, dance haland board- years bade him attend thie Anniver..- Presldent IH. B. Huteliins saidI *
Adfort s madet__re__ttheta__,ing houise--all in the samne building. sary C3elebration, the c9ming of the * that a chance to speak t9 an uin- * CIses Pf~ th8 Iftrar and eniern
ddeedthe nvades wee heatilywel-That was some place--but, er- where ~oldeet graduate is eagerly awaited. * 'dergraduate in Memorkal lha1 * departments will be hedthismg
Ome evryher. Te ecod dy f CassDa 4ateia 5ut e i# Ealy is that man Joe located?" "It Was the HIottest Rush, SfrS' * yesterday, was out of the prdi- * ing at 1(). Those of the l*terardea-
Qoinenceent eek aw jneary 'a Clas presidents ar requested to John Richiards, of Flint, ia the oldest ' Put they all disagree on one point, * Jnary. He expressed his appreci- * ment~ w1l be held i h ~d tn
tlrosandold"gras" etu-n t thehav a 4ssdy materlal In tbe Michgan grad on the around at pres- all lay claim to "the hottest rush, sir, * ation at being able tpo welcoma * xcept incase of~ rain whenth ls
eat f thilaama mter.hand jof W. B. Shaw In Memorial halI ent. H e is from the class of '57, andl that wvas ever fought upon the cam- *80 many graduates back for * will adjourn to Sarah Cswl Agl
The erliet trinasyestrdayn xr.- a soo as posdbe ftr t e ose o n~o one Is prouder to cheer for the 9ni- pus." One of the oldI guard boasts of *Commencement. * hail. U~nder s imin cicmtne h
ngweelae sifith irtcoes.th xecse n rdrtoisuepu-verslty than the linguist of 81 years. twenty broken arms, due <to the exer- * * englneeriug program, hcledjUedt b
he nvsio Nntnne uti- alae ivtion in the comm~encement wnmber' He -r eounts many tales of th early tions of his classmates. Another * * * * * * ** *4 * *given i hegineering our i
ou atngltaditi xetd hto heAuns appenings, all tinged with a remark- fings down the gauntlet with the chal-. held in the west physics ietuw o
annuch larger crwd will~commenchable youthfulness pf expression. ' lenge that they barred him in 4order Th efl eialcas Wl r
te steam nto nn Abor his mrn- WhenI wa a -medial stdent" togivehis pponets afairchate itts clasas ieorno , a&l rtr a p
ind. n comng upfrom he deot , aid Dr. Henry Boss, '87, of Holland, Even the good Bishop Burch, '75, tells a Ka 9DT r. W. F.Beky otefclyl
piost etthe a~uniSatte one prlim - "e used t hold or classrushes In of the massacre of '74, in which theth mhhetrfthuneriyh-
PADli ie t te calrflste tethe building itself. One time after a contestants fought until aides from llE&gf pital at 10h o'clock.
office~ of he Alunni AsociatonRYnhearty battle had been waged about other classes rushed to the affray, to .Y P rui S I'wttuPaad
lyemril al.Hee he wr redt~t U the ears of one hotly enraged contest- bring sound clothing for the battlers. n 'u The varous cam~pii soitewl
qusedt rgstrafe wfh hyant, we were chagrined to discover Scenes of rushes have shifted from . 1I ~I I Conie together In the af enon n
e gIIAtikKs R te vrEusthat the bedraggled figure was that of the stairways of the buIldings and the b I f L U RI unite for the first time in tha formaL~k
enso h ekoiclbain Prbfessqr SewelI. And our postof- classrooms, to medic green, the law . tIOn of a variegated proespn e
Many prominent men and ___m__ lice riot rivalled th~e Star theater mnci- building front, and after the street hr fteifrn oite il s
wer amngethoe wo rtured o OD GAD WEJE TRAEDT dent of some years ago. Oh we were rushes, to Ferry field. Nor were the RE(GENTS AU(EPT PRO1?. G. L- seiable pnthdagn wlbten
in/Aba ysteray. he Aumni~s- ARIEY PEFORMNCE N wld oes al riht."rushes either confined to any definite CLARX'S RESIGĀ±{ATION AND AI)1 th~e library and the egneigac
a catonan MihianUnon egs- W CHW9LVI NETS WERE ON '52's Pathetic Tale. period, or ruled by limnitatIons and re-- T'W EW MEN TO FAVULTY OF' at i:5
tes ho ntie ro fly al f HOTE)D 0F A 11-4 SCR.- Rendered doubly sad In sharp relief stretiopns. Everyrthing but sledge han- * .FUT~iT The universlty adwl'la h
-h tts n ay ftenmsaeagainst the gayety of Celebratien mers or bobo knives were fair. And 01 Upr~I eece steSt ocess th . birectd o l bhlndtm wl
6f mre hanstae-wde nte.A pe- he eveth1 and Eighth Inninigs Be week is the touching tale of the last at that, the days-of-yore grads are a Od"a-o tisSe a he Ne owint . m th e lr of Mqhiamu snw
ponernc o lw nduleicl lunt ga te Og ndth Vsior re'ninon of the class of '$2, the oldest healthy looking body, aren't they.? w oe an.Teseirhnrr oite
Vlai %e __________________'______________________________ the egneig ieay n a
-ra o. epar tat will march nex nrd.
Amn h ler~ linnU lred in ,Seenten athletes representIng the Prof. Karl E. Guthe, present head of They .wil jbe fllowed by te Shix
th9iyae:Sv . Th rber, '57, ift'2 G LS S A TD C R E C MP S the physics department in the absence Tringle and Griflins. The rstr
ewYr Ctfrmrptr fA r-Uirsy fPeinsytlvania wanderced of Dean J. 0. Reed of the literary de- niske the~Ir apiiearance next ,d 'e
canchrgh i Pais 'Jh ibbord, exase frmFer fil dimn J El.EE111 NIIVEI ESII" FOR flf IwEAihI part--ent, was apjoiuted first dean of folow the Cordta Fratres otpl-
87 hcgradn;o h aeiysedyatronvcosover the the1grad. teIchoo5 at. h. ' regula tan Crub. The turbaned Tr n i
cnecry o ha.Bn,'95 L, home dfenders after as..varied a va--h r~esho a .. .-.. harem, the lithe .IInu, th tag
Kanss CtyMo. intsimnt ak r rety shw as has been staged- here- The honor of presenting the first To the old grad cqming back for the June metIng of the Regents last ig- coatumed Ueleatian, and othegay
W Ahl:Mle 5 ~nd N, ,. e& abouts durlng a varied season. The real novel feature of Cplebration Week first time In many years, the campus Prof. Gutha's appoIntment wJ41 take garbed denizens fom mn ln
s. f CutyLiei Aeia"f W;core keeper decided that the score .fell to the senior girls' when a delega- pensa rdfertapaace effect October 1. -'will parade.
J.Sano, , Detrit :eIto of was'11 tO 4. tion from that class appeared last pentafrdieet perne Provision was made for an pecu-. Whuep the organisation of theard
"DetoitLegl Nws; Ana~ '. COvpeU, As before mentioned the entertamn- night in the presentation of "Alcestis,,, with its many decorations than it does tive council to be composed of seven bas been cpmpleted they wlil- rc
'81 Fichurg Maa. ConeI u. Dqn- mnt was varied.. Doings of all varie- the Greek tragedy of Euripides. Set ordinarlly. For he 'past few days members of the faculty of the univer- down the dlagonal~wl oNrhU
ovan, 72; Nw Orlens, .ited tswere provided for the delctation, in the full glare of two powerfiul sjot a large force of workmen have bee sity, Including President H. B. 1Hutch- VersIty <and~ State tetThywl
State cons rlio enneer J. H. amuseinent, and entertainmnent of vis- ltghts ficoding the facade of Memori- engaged in transforming it into forty ins, but as yet Dean Guthe is the only then go south~ on State toa nies
Flag '4 E Chcaos ontactnge4n- itors of all, tastes and ages. For six al hall, the grsattired in the quaint acres of festive beauty . other member selected. . ty; east on 8. U'nivslty' to E nvr
giee; ude hrnbnSaget *$4 innin'gs ther: was about as fine a va- and antique girb o~ a finme Immortal, . 'The resignation of Prof. G. L. ClarZ, s ty; North on east Universt .th
a; Wchih Ian. Jondhatly, 74, x ty of baseball as has ever been pre- gave a treat impre sive and unique. A long row of arches and poles, top- of the law department, was accepted, walk between Watprman gm
CininntiOhi, rilr4dta* spea- sented on1 th kclt. That was the Aided by the setting of Imposing ped with various colored pennants, and two new iiembere were added to and the medleal builin;: hndw
ist;Prof la . Adms,'87,Pjl Alto, 's' Ubime. The 'ridiculous followed and Greek coiumnns In the backrou1nd be- leads up to 'University hall. Above the the law facultyr. They are, Mr. John this walk dtreetly noth rt hr
al, Leand Banfor UversIty; Dr. are was much running about and fre- neath a clear sky, thie play' enjoyed an entrance to this building, In the midst 14 Waite, a practicIng attqrney In the ichigan 'Union vadvle e-
D. P. a'yhew.' 9l M Coo o $prngs uent sacensipin notabIe among whicb unusual advantage. The qnlooker was of n.Iaze and blue' bunting is a blue Toledo, who was made a professor of formnange wIll. be. gie
Coosrea ae wf,'& t was the ascent of one Earry Corbin, tran1sported to the real Athens of many ,law, and Mr. Willard T. Barbour, '05- 'ay Features ~ain %on Shw
tany-aset of Nsscusta pitcer. Also the ~hidden ball trlck centuies past. ' electric. sign "Salvete"-W~elcome- '08 L, of Ypisilauti, who was mad4 as- The Union vanudevifle perfone
dge.Ton HGyat, '838 L, 14n- was reiscovared and Worked ~with The ply'ing of Alcestis, by Mary standing out where all may realize the sistant professor of law. Mr. Waite is will commece at 3:3 and prmsst
ste; fof.R. . More '37, HapIl,- much frequency but without any mer- Bonnii, approached the professional spirit of hospitality extended tq the a son of Judge RIch9ard Waie 44 Tole- be filled w4t many .Itretn e-
tonN. T, Clgat Uniersty c upo th unisophisticated who slum- as did the A4dmetos of Josephine Davis. 'many visitors. The donle is outlined dp, and a relative of Chief Justce M. tures and4 unupual a ttrclos
bar. in the Huron valley. About the It was difficult for themi as for the w~hhnrd f1 ihsR. Waite of the U. S. S~upreme Cpurt. 'Boxy" Bol will raeaeiu
CARLR$. SARDIEDYESNEDA werdest performnance of a wierd af- others to get their lines over the audi- win.unre3(fidescet 'iht Mr. Darbour won the Rhode Scholar- attempt to dlo Justie to h oo
tarnaon was that of one S huyler who epnce on account of no restriction of which make a fine appearance when ship at Oxford ini 19(08. Which has b en conferred pnhma
4omrDiyBsns aae~e rew pay toe arbitrate the difficulties space but that fault was inevitable viewed from a distance.' The towers Mr. P. 5. lovejoy'of Olympia, Washr officIal "barker"' fo* the A
camb toIllnss f Yer. ut earned it> by exciting nuirti) among under the difficult clrcumstances. The of the library are also wreath~ed w th ington, wa& made assistant professor 'The universiy ban4 wIl pla
dil . ; da; 10 bsies an- plorw and spectators alike. ' Herales of ILois.Gibbon was well done lights. of forestry, overture at the beginning of thepr
agerof Tie ichian Dilyfor he Wo verlaes Get Awa.y Ahe4d as well as the part. of the H~andmnadd Ropes on 'which are hung many dif- . The old "Cpt-Hole" back of the 4en- formance andl "Bill" WVilson 141 ofe
yea 19921, ded feserdy mrnig A the ou t the home warriors act- of Louise Tuthil. Many had parts in ferent fiaga and pennants have bental building was selected 'as the site a lIttle ,entertainmet with Iis ot
at ishoe n idinayels s fsut edas thoul'h they intended to win and which >nc great opportunity was given stretched from the flag pole in front for the new power plant, organ, and afterward gI>ve a 1*4l ki
olinillessof ealfa yar newhow to do $t. Mitchell threat- to play, but to them an~d to the mem- of the library In different directions tation m~usic.
fte rcevin hs achlo'sde- ened 4n ~the opener when he singled bers of the chorus a praise for the uni- and~'make this one of the beauty spots Unlversity Views on Exhibtion.~ . The Corda Fratres Compoi
h gee dai spnt yer t Harvard and4 stole but there 'were two down and led effect of the whole scene is forth.. pf the camipus. A collection consisting~ of pietures club will put on the >next at alda
La cho nd nene t eem uso a passed and4 Lavans fan- eoming. However the work has not been con- and other material illustrating the ihis- Oriental Melange.. Prmnnd
a stdiesherelastOcto er, 'n e ne.Apas tq Btlcnore followed by Especial gratitude is due to Profes.. lined to untverslty class circles alone, tory of the university since its, foun- a student from 1nd19., wjll >ah9wsm
a ae fii 'a clean' sin~gle by Pontius went for sor A. A. Stanley whose earnest sym.. Maniy of the merchants have dIsplayed datton is on exhibition in the east hall realinagic 4us as iteists in th h 'm
The uneal wll e dfo h aight In tire SeCond because Black- pathy and whose contribution fof the the maize and blue colors In hpnor of of the general library. The collection of the oc nit. Knta andK&ia
homein ndinaplis omorowaftr-wore chs a spot abou~t ten feet south Jlyrics of the play written by hIrnell the Celebration, and have enlivened Wtl1 be open to lnspectipn during Coin- of Japan, will give a deonsttinn
( on4e >on page 4.) made the play a possibility. jthe appearance of the businless section. mencemant Week. N(eoninued on page .
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Take the University home with you''