January 04, 1912

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January 04, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 68) • Page Image 1

…/ I 1 g T' ANN ARBOR, MICHIGANTHURSDAY, JANUAR WOOD O AEEILSON FACULTY Colee T. {y (~ eai fic-higan's foot- Democrgtic Candidate for Prs-5 .at athletic con- idential Nomination Saied nade clean and to Come Jan, 190 ikering or leg- elieves those in 3AY MAE A DRiIESS IN M)RNiN r, ns are the ones ndard of athet- telegram from Governor Woodrow . e Wilson of New Jersey stating that he not so uchai a would be in Ann Arbor on January 19 regu...…

January 04, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 68) • Page Image 2

…N DAILY tho University every morning; except Mon-, oughout the scjhool year. . the Post Office at Anil Ar- ;higan, under Act of Con- Mfarch. 3, 1879. bNAlNC EITOR. Falter K. 'Towe~rs. SELNESS 1WINAOER Albert It. IDilley Editorsi.y fron~the present semester, Those of us whv~o are senior, remember that in this year w leave the campus and face the trials andi troubles that await without. To the senior therefore wve again wish happiness and succ...…

January 04, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 68) • Page Image 3

… USIC AAA r JA DRIA l COL ~SIMEI) ADS. 11 .AN'i I.1 Dr.' etrde Lx.,Wantled-Second lgrowth hickory bttS w'ill be the attraction at suitable for Automobile spokes. For itney theater Saturday, further information cadl on or write atinee and ni-ht, in tho W. C. Alorrey, Mgr., Timber Depart- H4auerbach latest musical ment, H-Iaye~s Wheel Co., Jackison: tor De Luxe." These Mlichigan1. 4a to 73 rs have given theatergo- o-''' ,- turnt jes. Hle...…

January 04, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 68) • Page Image 4

…;MIC~il&GAN I iLY T__ __ _ _COMEDYtCLUJB STARTS WRKGu OF LU L ma ________ ON PRO DUCTION O1 NEW PLAY (U AS y f the swell-dressed Re ersl f e asr e Fn s NO HOLIDAY REST i211 d e y R ehA rll of "tor he a gistE r fet"40nd madeby U. ~ inues. - tou to wear, le t US- Arrows of Dfiinutive Archer Pierce New Yorx's latest Earnest' work is the by-word with Man~y Cmpus Hlearts Dring members of the Comedy club who be- Yuetie Vacation. gan last night th...…

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