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January 04, 1912 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1912-01-04

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r JA



11 .AN'i I.1


etrde Lx.,Wantled-Second lgrowth hickory bttS
w'ill be the attraction at suitable for Automobile spokes. For
itney theater Saturday, further information cadl on or write
atinee and ni-ht, in tho W. C. Alorrey, Mgr., Timber Depart-
H4auerbach latest musical ment, H-Iaye~s Wheel Co., Jackison:
tor De Luxe." These Mlichigan1. 4a to 73
rs have given theatergo- o-''' ,-


jes. Hle visi
tiolls, especi,
the Insane ii
towni, N. IY
maotials, sL
will Ilse for"

excellent musical comedies
Twins," "Madam Sherry,"
Girl of M'Vy Dreams," and in
"Dloctor De Luxe" for AT,.
have surpassed any of their
iforts. The mnusic is of Mri.
best, and that is saying a
1. " For Every Boy Who's
ssung by the wonderful ten-
r' Wilfred Morrison, rivals
ttle Maoment" which wNasa
from coast to coast.
De luxe" is well consructed
on lilies to suit Mr. Herz, pe-
e, and that the authors have
is proved by the run of 10,
the Knickerbocker Theater,
and three months at the Co-
eater, Boston and Forrest
'hiladelphia, where Mr. H~erz
riusical frivolity received the

11O =-'1 hr Ee'rngn 1" 'A omen1's Leaguei
room, Uniiversity H-all,. before the
holidays. Reward offered. Call 78.-)
1, Address, 604 Madison. 6g-69-70
Fez' Rent-Parlor Auite; steam heat.
Electric Lights. 432 S Division St.L
63 & 6;9
Buy the story- of "The Awakened Pia- +
ineses" and other photographs of the
finale of Lyndoxa, phiotographier. 62 ti

Awakened lRameses Souvenir Scores
and Sheet Music, for sale at Schaeber- CS ns 1 .M i t 3t

ie new sh(

at opens at the Ma-
;ht is one that has
especial care and
-e of the star acts
Scombines of viau
id exclusive photo-
t Sisters and their
be the feature act
inal "Major"Doyle
tthows as a special
whirlwvind singing
Own as the Kolored
be another act that

Have you seen those nobby
blues at lilward's? T,'
State St.
Thie score anid music of [lhe
(Ithaab url e most convenient place. G
Bros. Annex, 213" So. State St.
NiIv ws Bulleti Vorrspoll14ellciI
forot Maga line section.


quirI'ed L
is theS

day afternoon,
lt to everyone
a large beau-
Adar designed.
Arbor vaude-
trained ele-

on v


the early book- Iu



at the

B3Y au-in us,

"The Flint Arrow" is the name of ,
sixteen gage wveekly periodical found-
ed by Arth~ur C. Pound, '06, the first
issue of which appeared on December
16. Pound's purp~ose is a sociologicaT.
one. lIe wishes to translate the science
of sociology into practical everyday
life. No assured circulation has as ye
been established, though 5,000 copies o'
the first two issues were distributed in
the city of Flint,
qorwi Wilson, '06, a former membe,,
of the Gargoyle staff, who is living ona
a a m n a l n ,i e vn n teditorial, staff of the new publication
Editor Pound has made his paper on
of the correspondents of the University
News Bureau.
~niversity Iee Ives Thanks for Work.,
iThe United States Geologcal seirve,
recently published an appreciation c'
the services rendered by the Uiniversit)
of MP':higan, the M-kichigan Cas associ
ation, the Ann Arbor Gas Co., and th
Detroit City Cas Co., in the recent es
perimnents carried on here for detern2
ining- what kind of coal was the mnos,
ecoinical and eflicient gas producer

has to do with the observatory. lWe
wa~nt to get every month a simple
chart of the heavens showing the prin , i a o sel to s o t a n b d
can go out and look at the stars and
know which ones he is looking at," '
So far the Nyews Bureau has 58 cor-
resp ondents in the state and about 1'
czen outside.
Statistics for the Summer Session o'
1911, and a description of the inspec.~
tion of High Schools by the Universi-
ty's representatives are the two arti-
,les to be sent out by the University
News Bureau this week,
Junior NurIirses w ill Fete SenIiors.
The junior class of nurses will enter,
ain in honor of the senior class this
vening at the Nurses H1ome. Danc-
ing will furnish the entertainment for
.he evening.
Iloieops Prepare for Big Conv ention,
At a recent meeting of the faculty
-f the homeopathic college, a commit-
* .ee of two was appointed to make ar-
'angements for the attendance of a.
Mfichigan delegation at the conventioir
)f the American Institute of HFomeopa-
.hy in Pittsburgh next June. Doctor:
.V. 13. Hinsdale and W. A. Dewey were
elected by the members. This comn-
iittee has issued invitations to th~e
alumni of the department.




[yAY ID 'Mi

nVclupcs to nmatch.
Og ralins. Sve ou'
splayv ro-m. Don'tf
'amnrI'ce-C ha'.
,in St., 2nd Floor.
Arbir, Ilchigsh.

We are closing out specials in Christmas
Finest line of Ebo-iy, Silver and White line of
Comb., Brushes, Hand Glass s and ,.Manactire
Gouds in the sta-e.
Goodyea.r Drug Company


c-come here for
'eight. dressy coaLt,
1g, we're Fabrics,

130yS--Whev% yova are golmg home foir
Xmas stop harv opd get the -kids" amd
the girls some f rie carnldy frorr
"They will aPPr-eciate so :xieth'drig that
ha~s the fla~.voir of the college towui tha%.t


Back }A,,m (1w
It takes off the ro
"grind" to find the
age of Fatima Cis
l''11 each packagle ofFatima YOU get
r-nl coup~on, 25 o f 1: hich secure~ a bar,
fdticoljegepenrtnni t12.32) -se4ectiorno

r 5i ty







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