March 17, 1986

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March 17, 1986 (vol. 96, iss. 112) • Page Image 1

…cl be Ait tan Ninety-six years of editorial/freedom Vol. XCVI - No. 112 c opyright 1986, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, March 17, 1986 Speaker discusses 'God after Holocaust' By MELISSA BIRKS Steven Katz, keynote speaker at the Seventh Annual Conference on the Holocaust, encouraged his audience yesterday to examine all theories con- cerning God's existence after the Holocaust, and then let the issue rest in silence. "Th...…

March 17, 1986 (vol. 96, iss. 112) • Page Image 2

…,. T , , . . , Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, March 17, 1986 Fair promotes alternative jobs By KURT SERBUS "Finding a career is not easy for everyone. Those who want to work with a socially responsible attitude towards peace, justice, and equality for all can get especially frustrated. " So read the brochure for the 7th an- nual Alternative Career Fair, which took place Friday and Saturday at East Quad. The fair was organized to help ...…

March 17, 1986 (vol. 96, iss. 112) • Page Image 3

…University hosts welfare conference The Michigan Daily - Monday, March 17, 1986 -Page 3 Greeks give performance for charity By JOSEPH PIGOTT The American welfare system, ough. plagued by inefficiency, inhumanity, and lack of incentive, still represents the only viable option for feeding poor people in a capitalist society, a group of social welfare ex- perts agreed last weekend. 'There are no successful alter- native models operating, not in...…

March 17, 1986 (vol. 96, iss. 112) • Page Image 4

…I OPINION Page 4 Monday, March 17, 1986 The Michigan Daily E Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Wasserman Vol. XCVI, No. 112 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board Wire service politics FELLOW NAEICANS- Ow~ ?oLt(Y of FU4DIM& IRE CD1WN IN M1CAkAloo I t U' IS 1TKESAWAENs OUR ?OLICY 0f RELP t4& vPI.wL4'.rCL IN % VI4 4 N ICARAGUA'S human rig...…

March 17, 1986 (vol. 96, iss. 112) • Page Image 5

…ARTS The Michigan Daily Monday, March 17, 1986 Page 5 JonI By Nancy Driso " didn't realize what a I would be," said Jon year old veteran actor Molly Ringwald's sidek in Pink. Cryer, a New York ba says that the characte "part of the script and has been approached by who tell him there is suc their high school. Speaking from the P fice building overlookin actor said he is enjoying popularity. Cryer is q and has the same se] humor as th...…

March 17, 1986 (vol. 96, iss. 112) • Page Image 6

…Page 6- The Michigan Daily -Monday, March 17, 1986 I CILA JiIll I [I A14 1134-1- 7fu PERSONAL HELP WANTED / v-ir t/\ Vw GET MUGGED - and enjoy it! Get your group logos silkscreened on coffee mugs. Word Silkscreening, 663-6031. cFtc FOR SALE FOR RENT FOR RENT MOTOBECANE MOUNTAIN BIKE - 1985, mint condition, 2 months old, $175 or best. 665-5997. 35B0321 APPLE IE COMPUTER and MONITOR, 2 Disk Drives, Epson RX80, Hayes Smartmod...…

March 17, 1986 (vol. 96, iss. 112) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily - Monday, March 17, 1986 - Page 7 Hornback to read Yeats Hughes' latest film disappoints By Joseph Kraus n the turning pages and isolation of images that takes place in most English classes, it is easy to forget that poetry is meant to be read aloud. Aware of that frequent oversight and in celebration of St. Patrick's Day, English Prof. Bert Hornback will be reading selections form William Butler Yeats' poetry this evenin...…

March 17, 1986 (vol. 96, iss. 112) • Page Image 8

…4 Baseball vs. Grand Valley March 24, 1:00 p.m. Fisher Stadium SPORTS Monday, March 17, 1986 Spring football practice Indoor football building Tuesday Closed to public The Michigan Daily Poge 8 RECHSTEINER SIXTH IN NCAA'S Trost is By PETE STEINERT It is easy to get lost in the shuffle when Iowa puts on a record-breaking performance like they did last weekend at the NCAA wrestling championships in Iowa City, but Michigan's senior Kirk T...…

March 17, 1986 (vol. 96, iss. 112) • Page Image 9

…... . . . _ _ . . . . The Michigan Daily - Monday, March 17, 1986 - Page 9 IsU (Continued from Page eliminates 'M' 9 1) wosome--ball handling and outside shooting-let Iowa State get ahead for good. A 19-18 lead with 9:07 remaining would be Michigan's last of the season. Two and a half minutes later a Robert Henderson rebound bucket tied the game at 21, but Iowa State went on a 9-2 run over the following two and a half minutes. The Cyclon...…

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