December 11, 1977

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December 11, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

…YEAR IN See Editorial Page V' L LitW i aug High- 20* See Today, Page 3 Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 78 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, December 11, 1977 Ten Cents 12 Pages Plus Supplement Residency* The $9,000 guessing game By ELIZABETH SLOWIK A MICHIGAN EDUCATION, according to the Office of further education in the state; and acceptance of an offer for longer afford to send two children to out-of-state colleges. Financial Aid's 1977 figures, will cost...…

December 11, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 78) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-Sunday, December 11, 1977-The Michigan Daily Texas Rep. Barbara Jordan says she won't run next year HOUSTON (AP) - Texas Con- gresswoman Barbara Jordan, whose Loft-spoken oratory highlighted the 1976 Democratic National Conven- tion and the impeachment hearings of former President Richard Nixon, said yesterday she will not seek re-election. She declined to elaborate on her plans for the future. She dismissed rumors of poor health or th...…

December 11, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 78) • Page Image 3

… ' YM SE NDS HORN CALL'WDAILY The Michigan Daily-Sunday, December 11, 1977-Page 3 A day of dissent for nation's farmers I Protesting Califano degree The selection of Joseph Califano, secretary of Health, Education and Welfare as the commencement speaker might suit the fancies of those who wanted a prestigious speaker at the December 18 exer- cises. But others, including the Ann Arbor Chapter of the National Organization for Women, protest t...…

December 11, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 78) • Page Image 4

… Taking stock of 1977: Hope, sorrow, & R2D2 It's art - UAC Photo . UAC brought us Robert Altman who brought us "Three Women," George Lucas brought us "Star Wars" which brought us The Force, but most people still aren't sure who on earth brought us Daedalus. Nonetheless, like an old warrior, the twisting sculpture stands guard outside the art museum, immune to the raves and ridicule its form has inspired. Altman would probably like i...…

December 11, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 78) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily-Sunday, December 11, 1977-Page 5 Questions of rights . . . 6IMME AlOit}R WE IME AltiE WNTE! 6IrNOTE I WWE GIMME EtT *R A 6l IC ORAA IA ,E, K4/1' 5$ KO7Z29 hr/kr Does a voter have the right to a secret ballot even when not voting legally? Look to Ann Arbor and the Michigan Supreme Court for the answer, for that remarkable question cropped up here when it was discovered that Al Wheeler's single-vote win in April's mayo...…

December 11, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 78) • Page Image 6

… Page 6--Sunday, December 11, 1977-The Michigan Daily Hammer, Shadowfax hit EMU ;' By KEITH TOSOL T THE JAN HAMMER GROUP, along with guest artists Shadowfax, performed an evening of ex- cellent music inspired by various popular jazz forms Friday night at Eastern's Pease Auditorium. Shadowfax, a group out of Chicago (not to be con- fused with the Detroit group), began the show with tfiriP guitar-emphasized jazz rock fusion. Guitarist Greg S...…

December 11, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 78) • Page Image 7

…Ele Ensemble entertains The Michigan Daily-Sunday, December 11, 1977-Page 7 Menander drops in at RC Aud By ANNE SHARP S HAKESPEARE and Moliere, as well as Latin dramatists Plautus and Terence, copied the comic style of a Greek named Menander. For centuries Menander's works were lost to modern Samla (The Samian Woman) by Menander Residential College Aud. Moschion.................... Anne Groton Demeas.................... Peter Bing Chrysis......…

December 11, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 78) • Page Image 8

…Page 8-Sunday, December 11, 1977-The Michigan Daily CALICO CAT, 9 months old, lost in vicinity of Packard and Arch Sts. on or about Dec. 1. Answers Occasionally (though not usually) to "Harriet." Please call 662-7799, or stop by at 806 Packard. dA1211 'EOUND-Black, white, and brown beagle, male, on Washtenaw between Hill and South U. 668-9064. dA1211 Scott Allan. Rood. If you lost something, please call Two bedroom unurnsnea apartment. $z2. ...…

December 11, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 78) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily-Sunday, December 11, 1977-Page 9 PBB investigators still seek answers GRAND RAPIDS (UPI)-Nearly five years ago, workers at a southern Michigan feed mill unwittingly dum- ped a little-known chemical called PBB into a mixer of cattle feed and touched off the worst agricultural the state's history. Now federal authorities- have begun to look into the tangled web of events surrounding the PBB poisoning of Michigan...…

December 11, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 78) • Page Image 10

… Page 10-Sunday, December 11, 1977-The Michigan Daily MEN WIN 100-90; WOMEN FALL TO CMU JV Cagers clobber Owens Tech By BRIAN MARTIN Although experiencing some kinks in their execution, Michigan's Varsity Re- serve basketball team poured 100 points through the hoop yesterday as they de- feated Owens Technical College of Toledo, 100-90.. "We made a lot of first-game mis- takes since our players weren't real used to playing with each other, bu...…

December 11, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 78) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily-Sunday, December 11, 1977-Page 11 Strong second half comeback crucial as, . . 'listless' roundballers squash Dayton, 71-61 By HENRY ENGELHARDT In Michigan's pre-season practices coach Johnny Orr told his players they had to force themselves a little bit, that nobody was going to give anything to them. After yesterday's first half against Dayton the message may have sunk in. THE WOLVERINES reached new heights in lethargy...…

December 11, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 78) • Page Image 12

…Po~ge 12--Sunday, December 11, 1977-The Michigan Daily i t L k' A ,f R * ; R y r ; i , I THE. ICHIGA DAILY'S I I I 60~ FIRST PRIZE Dinner for two ot Win Schuler's SUBMITTED BY: Daniel Browning _ I I .a =I A r Ex I 1 1 I r~~ I II tI. I IRON IT ON YOUR' T-SHIRT REFORE YOU HEAD TO PASADENA! FLAUNT YOUR LOYALTY*! HOW TO IRON ON YOUR ROSE BOWL T-SHIRT DESIGN.0 1. For BEST results, use permanent press mate- rials of 50% cotton-50% pol...…

December 11, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 78) • Page Image 13

… Page 8--Sunday, December 11, 1977-The Michigan Daily lowell food (Continued from Page 3) presentation of self. Although Lowell gives us a portrait that is vivid, it is at times contradictory, perhaps be- cause of its transparency. In the year of Lowell's birth, Yeats told us; that poetry emerges from the quarrel within ourselves, while rhetoric comes from the quarrel with others. "A poem," says Lowell, "needs to include a man's contradict...…

December 11, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 78) • Page Image 14

… Page 2-Sunday, December 11, 1977-The Michigan Daily RAMRLINGS/ lois josimovich IO70D/sandi cooper I T MAY HAVE been inherited from my mother - she was voted "most peppery" member of her high school class. Or it may have been that my older sister always beat me at Chinese -checkers as a child. Whatever the reason, my personal- ity has always been - let's face it - bitchy. I was never a sweet little girl. I pushed the Wheatena down the sink...…

December 11, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 78) • Page Image 15

… The Michigan Daily-Sunday, Dec Page 6-Sunday, December 11, 1977--The Michigan Daily uraniu-m (Continued from Page 5) Leaching is good because it is what causes uranium deposits in the first place, according to many geologists. A major reason the U.P. has become the target of uranium exploration is that its western end contains a combination of sandstones and phosphates which are favorable to concentrated "leached" uranium deposits. But lea...…

December 11, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 78) • Page Image 16

…MEN==" .. i ...._.___.__. .. W, s - ,:. f e C !3- G K Q *0 A 3 0r 0 J~ J NO S^ ay _T a7 i r . .. t-_....,-. _ f . .._._ C O R1 ,' Q b ... ... o 0 o ID 0 00 m N ar~ C/) ..,l cD IDI-po M**0~n '11 cn E3 CL . 2) E : c cI* CA w E (D0 '< P OC O S-. O0" = O CD . O e DO ti Q . 0 0-0 p h n Uq t O O Cl n ** ~ ~- O O t_/ p n CDO u . CS C C 0 MO p, it to (D Cj) M 0 ...:. .. {. .. .. t{ _. ..F-. i .. 3n _ s__ " I "Y- ~1 r ,f~ I CL 5 O -r ...…

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