November 14, 1978

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November 14, 1978 (vol. 89, iss. 59) • Page Image 1

…CIVIL DEFENSE- WHY BOTHER? See editorial page 43U iE ai1 REALLY CRAPPY High-53s Low-low 30s See Today for details Vol. LXXXIX, No. 59 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, November 14, 1978 Ten Cents Twelve Pages Tenants assail landlord seeking housing project By MARSHA L. GINSBURG An Ann Arbor landlord who needs city approval to build senior citizens housing downtown was charged with negligence and poor maintenance by some of his renters l...…

November 14, 1978 (vol. 89, iss. 59) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-Tuesday, November 14, 1978-The Michigan Daily FOCUS HOPE FOUNDER DISCUSSES GOV'T AID PROGRAMS: Group feeds Detroit's starving By STEVEN SHAER When it comes to hunger and starvation in the world, chances are most people think of places such as Bangladesh and India. But Eleanor Josiatis, speaking last night as part of a four-day hunger program initiated by the campus Committee Concerned with World Hunger, said there are more than 130,00...…

November 14, 1978 (vol. 89, iss. 59) • Page Image 3

…4 'rW lr YuSEE BA VM AL A J the Michigan Daily-Tuesday, November 14, 1978-Page 3 FTC asks tighter used car sales rules Phone book photo is a golden oldie If you were looking forward to} getting one of the new student directories, keep a sharp eye out for a cover straight out of the golden 60's. The cover is more. green than gold, with a photo taken near Stockwell dorm in August, 1964. Crew-cuts over checked shirts, flips over dresses, the...…

November 14, 1978 (vol. 89, iss. 59) • Page Image 4

… Page 4-Tuesday, November 4, 1978--The Michigan Daily The American. City Seedbed of the* post-industrial era . . T1 "" T By T.D. Allman WASHINGTON - In Cleveland, a city supposedly devastated by the urban crisis, the unemployment rate falls to 6.8 per cent. In Atlanta, erstwhile workshop of the New South, it is 7 per-cent, and it is even higher in Miami. Crime declines by more than 5 per cent in one year all across the Frostbelt. In Sun...…

November 14, 1978 (vol. 89, iss. 59) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, November 14, 1978-Page 5 Apartheid opponents confer at University By MICHAEL ARKUSH Delegates of the Midwest Coalition for Liberation of Southern Africa voted ' lin their first formal meeting Sunday at' the Michigan Union to establish an Pinformation center in Chicago to "distribute newsletters throughout the region. The creation of the Chicago center is "another in a recent series of moves by dpartheid opponents t...…

November 14, 1978 (vol. 89, iss. 59) • Page Image 6

…Page 6-Tuesday, November 14, 1978-The Michigan Daily Ashkenazy delightful in dual role Jim Ringer, Mary MecCaslin prove the By MARK JOHAN SSON As the Choral Union Series approaches the halfway point, the list English Chamber Orchestra Vladimir Ashkenazy, pianit and conductor Hllm Audioriumn Variations on a theme of Frank Bridge................. Britten Concerto in F major .................... Mozart Divertimento for strings .............. B...…

November 14, 1978 (vol. 89, iss. 59) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, November 14. 1978-F Chicago rocks Crisler By TIMOTHY YAGLE The single from Chicago's new LP at Streets . sums up the jazz-rock aid's rejuvenated feeling perfectly: Nuly, this band is "Alive Again." "It's like being born again," said assist and vocalist Peter Cetera about laying with new guitarist Donny acus. Although the death of lead guitarist Terry Kath is still fresh in the minds of the eight-man band, the gro...…

November 14, 1978 (vol. 89, iss. 59) • Page Image 8

…8-Tuesday, November 14, 1978-The Michigan Daily -190' AU, LAN ;ic vis w G0. 421 )t. ° HO lim It A T I I A I bath~. Ikit: a I 'ediote Oc 961-120~ -ton i& nfn FOREST HILLS 4RMS .Y GRDN- N.Y n' R^ CALL 764-0557 srm avis Nfr s Ave. Nor RRUTl \YYPKI~iN'JI U "IrLE_$35-1V RLE SO'', I"P CPA seks Jr to assist i diversified 'ADMIN era-' ~ lac,: i, S;~:uc-, ~ cd rIO iene Ir+ florist. MLV$ tYpe 8:3-40 1iwn i -2P M P G' , 49Lex...…

November 14, 1978 (vol. 89, iss. 59) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, November 14, 1978-Page 9 Prof tells how to curb political repression By RICHARD BERKE Bertell Olman, a Marxist political theorist and associate political science professor at New York University, last night told a crowd of nearly 200 packed in Schorling Auditorium that the way to curb political repression at universities is to build on the successes radicals have achieved. Ollman, speaking as part of the ".Great A...…

November 14, 1978 (vol. 89, iss. 59) • Page Image 10

… By RICK MADDOCK W HAT'S THE FIRST thing you think of when someone mentions Purdue's football team? Mark Herrmann and his incredible passing, right? After all, he's completed 129 passes in 277 attempts which gained 1584 yards for the Boilermakers. And for those non-mathematicians that's a passing percentage of 56.8. With these kind of credentials one would figure that the sophomore rifle would be what worries Bo the most about the first roun...…

November 14, 1978 (vol. 89, iss. 59) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, November 14,1978-Page 11 FPiEUdEVJ This Week in Sports Remember that you are the reader, and that while you are now reading this sports preview there is something you should keep in mind. If while reading the preview, you happen to stumble upon something that doesnt in- terest you for some reason, don't feel forced to read it ... although you might miss one of the most significant events in the world of sports. Col...…

November 14, 1978 (vol. 89, iss. 59) • Page Image 12

…I% r I TONIGHT St. Xenia Orthodox Christian Fellowship Page 12-Tuesday, Novemiber 14, 1978-The Michigan Daily REGENT'S REPOR T TO BE HEARD TODA Y: MSA reviewing search stand nvites you all to O. First Meeting at 7:30 PM.. HI~ ~ - ues.,LoVI14 :r By MITCH CANTOR The Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) will probably make a final decision tonight on whether to par- ticipate in the University presidential selection process, according to MSA P...…

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