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November 14, 1978 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1978-11-14

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the Michigan Daily-Tuesday, November 14, 1978-Page 3
FTC asks tighter
used car sales rules

Phone book photo
is a golden oldie
If you were looking forward to}
getting one of the new student
directories, keep a sharp eye out
for a cover straight out of the
golden 60's. The cover is more.
green than gold, with a photo
taken near Stockwell dorm in
August, 1964. Crew-cuts over
checked shirts, flips over
dresses, the whole bit. Maurice
Rinkle, who works with Student
Services and Student
Publications, said he and thenr
Chairman of the Board for
Student Publications, weren't
going for nostalgia in the cover.
"I don't think we though of it as
an old shot," Rinkle said, "w
just thought of it as an interesting
shot." It says 1978-79 in the
corner, and we hope all thew
names inside are current.


Counts ticket date off-base
Tickets for the Dec. 5 Count Basie Concert at Hill Auditorium will
go on sale Nov. 15. Tickets did not go on sale Nov. 5 as a recent Eclipse
Jazz ad said. Appearing with the Count will be Joe Williams.
Take Ten
On November 14, 1968, the now-defunct Student Government
Couheil (SGC) voted to send a letter to the LSA Curriculum Committee
demanding that the Literary College faculty abolish the college's
language and distribution requirements. SGC members supported a
motion stating that students should have control over the academic
lives and that compulsion is the "least effective" method for
education. Also that day AFSCME, the campus' largest union, ratified
a contract with the University for a total package in excess of $2

government report, saying the sale of
"lemons" by used car dealers in a
major consumer abuse, called
yesterday for a requirement that
prospective buyers be told what's likely
to fall apart first.
The Federal Trade Commission
(FTC) staff, in a 564-page report
concluding five years of investigation
and hearings, said sales of defective
used cars affect "the basic safety or
utility of the most expensive item
consumers will ever buy."
THE STAFF proposed that vehicles
on used car lots be required to carry a
notice revealing any defects. The
proposal will have to be adopted by the
five-member commission before it
becomes law. After that, legal
challenges by the industry are likely.
Industry groups, which opposed the
requirement at the hearings, attacked
the report. They said the requirement
would be inflationary, harmful to their
industry and of dubious legality.
The proposed requirement would
make used car dealers put the notices
on windows of the 10.5 million vehicles
sold annually. The notices would say
Daily Offkcial Bulletin
Tuesdav. Novenmber 1 1,117
Daily Calendar
Academic Women's Caucus: Phyliss Ocker.
Director, Women's Athletic. *,Women's Athletics"
:3050 Frieze. noon.
Physics/Astronomy: V. Weisskopf. M IT-G -M.
"Frontiers and Limits of Science," Aud. Residential
College, 4 p.m.
Guild House: Alan Wald. Marx at Michigan.'".
802 Monroe. 8p.m.
Hughes Aircraft Company will award more than
100 Fellowships for graduate study in Engineering,
Computer Science,, Applied Mathemnties, and
Physics. Fellowships average rom $16,000 to $24,000
per yr. A brochure and reply cards are available at
The Experiment in International Living offers
over 100 group leadership positions in thirty-one
countries each year. You are eligible if you: are over
21 years of age, U.S. citizen, speak a foreign
language (required for 85 per cent of the positions?,
and are interested in experiential education. Ad-
ditional information and applications are available
at the International Center.
Haircutting By Experts
Maple Village-761-27J3
E. Liberty-668-9329
E. University-662-0354

"OK", or "Not OK" for such major
systems on the car as brakes, steering,
engine and transmission. Any item
marked "Not OK" would be
accompanied by a cost estimate for
FTC staff attorney Bernard Phillips,
who helped draw up the report, said
that under the regulation, dealers "can
sell the worrjt lemon they can find. They
just have to disclose that."
The regulation would not apply car
sales by individuals, which, the FTC
staff said, produce fewer unhappy
customers than those by dealers.
Slightly over half of the used car sales
are between individuals.
The Great Barrier Reef in' Australia
extends for 1,200 miles with an average
height of 500 feet off the sea floor.
Volume ~I XXXIX. No..)!)
Tuesday,. NOVemiher . 1,19x
is edited and managed by students at the University
of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class
postage is paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109^
Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morning
during the Uiest year at 420 Maynard St reel.
Ann Arbor. Michigan 48109. Subscription rates: $12
September through April t2 semesters): $13 by mail,
outsidle Ann Arbor.
Summer session published Tuesday through
Saturday morning. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann
Arbor: $7.00 by mail outside Ann Arbor.

_____ COUPON __
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World Hunger Conference - 3 Million and One, Aud. II, SPH;
noon; 3001 Vaughn Bldg., 7:00 p.m.
World Hunger Conference - Bottle Babies, 3001 Vaughn Bldg., 4
Cinema Guild - Wild Angels, 7 p.m., 10 p.m.; Teenage Doll, 8:40
p.m., Old Arch. Aud.
Ann Arbor Film Co-op - Equinox Flower, 7 p.m.; Fire Fighter,
9:30 p.m., Aud. A, Angell.
Alternative Action - Deliverance, 7 & 9 p.m., Aud. 3,MLB.
Major Events - Jimmy Cliff, 8 p.m., Hill Aud.
Musical Society - Barbara Strzelecka, harpsichordist, 8:30 p.m.,
Rackham Aud.

OPTOMETRISTS: Drs. W. Colvin, F. Grande,

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L. Stein, H. Garmel, R.
Rose, H. Lefton, D. Spiek,
and H. Newman

An Arbor

IYp iI a

Center for Western European Studies - Prof. Joachim Kossman,
"United States' Foreign Policy and German-American Cartels, 1929-
1941," 4 p.m., West Lecture Room, Third Floor Rackham.
World Hunger Conference - Larry Brilliant, "World Health and
Hunger," 8 p.m., Vaughn Bldg.
Office of Ethics and Religion - Michael Taussig, "Marx at
Michigan?" 8 p.m., Guild House, 802 Monroe.
Ecumenical Campus Center - "Issues Concerning Nuclear
Power: National Karen Silkwood Week," noon, 603 E. Madison.
School of Education - cross campus transfer students'
orientation and general informational meeting, "Elementary
Education,"' 2:00-4:00 p.m., Schorling Aud., 1202 SEB.
College of Engineering - meeting of-the Standing Committee, 3
p.m., Dean's Office.
Rackham Student Government - Executive Council meeting, 4-6
p.m., East Alcove Room, Rackham.
Ann Arbor Chess'Club - 7-11 p.m., Michigan League Library,'
Third floor.
Undergraduate Political Science Association - Discusses "Model
United Nations," 7:30 p.m., 2003 Angell Hall.
Ann Arbor Recreation Department - a meeting for anyone
interested in officiating games for the Men's Basketball League, 7:30
p.m., Ann Arbor Huron High School cafeteria.
St. Xenia Orthodox Student Fellowship -) first meeting with
prayers and a lecture on "Mt. Athos, the Holy Mountain," by the very
reverend Father Konon Laskovsky, 7:30 p.m., Third floor commons,
N.O.W. - monthly meeting featuring a presentation by
"Soundings", coffee at 7:30 p.m., program at 8:00 p.m., Unitarian
Church, 1917 Washtenaw.
International Center - Tuesday luncheon, speaker to be
announced, noon, Intnl. Center Recreation Room.
Pendleton Arts Ctr. - Music at mid-day, noon, Union.
Computing Center Seminar - "Introduction to and Advanced Use
of Integrated Graphics," 7:30 p.m., Computing Center Seminar
Room/North Campus.
Murder by dart
East Quad's Third Annual Killer Contest got underway less than
36 hours ago, and already several of the contestants have been
knocked off. The 166 players, who each tote around plastic darts and
dartguns, are to assassinate their respective victims, and then
assassinate their victim's victim, etc. The first quaddie to be
"wasted" was freshman Bob Zinamon, who was shot by his neighbor
across the hall, John Masterson, at 8:50 yesterday morning. Zinamon
was reportedly putting on his socks when he was gunned down. "I
never knew I would play With death at 8:30 in the morning," Zinamon
said. The freshman's murder'was followed quickly by those of Jim
Hannaford and Scott Kern, who killed each other at 9:02.
Undercover prankster
That antiquated antic, the panty raid, has taken a new twist at the
University of Illinois. Campus police are searching for a bearded man
who has been sneakil g into dorm rooms, trying to cut the underwear
off sleeninz male undergraduates. Four incidents have been reported


Where you live and where
you drive will determine the
kind of problems you could
If you drive on gravel
roads or roads with a gravel
shoulder, you can avoid nicks
and scratches by increasing
the distance between your
car and the car in front of
you. Tires, as you probably
know, can pick up small
stones and "fling" them out
at great velocity. If you're too
close to the car ahead, the
sharp stones will hit .your
grillwork and fenders very
hard. Increase the distance,
and the stones lose their.
velocity and fall back to the
ground before your car hits
In areas of the country
where the sun is very strong,
some color change may
occur over time unless you
protect your car from direct
sun. Parking in the shade is a
good idea, and using a garage
or some form of carport will
help to minimize the sun's
effect not only on the paint,
but on the interior trim, as

Damage from industrial
pollution is a problem in a
few places. You can help pro-
tect your car's finish from
these pollutants by keeping
your car in a garage.
Road salt is extremely
corrosive and can literally eat
through paint and metal. So
if you live in an area where
salt is used extensively, wash
your car frequently. Don't
forget to rinse the underside
of the car, too, where salt
tends to collect. If you take it
to a commercial car wash,
remember, if they use recy-
cled water, it may contain
We do recommend that you
wax your car regularly. Use a
wax that is also a cleaner or
use a separate cleaner to
remove accumulated dirt and
salt. The wax will serve as a
protective coating that can
help to preserve the finish._
But no matter what you
(k0 to protect your cars finish,
some nicks and scratches are
unavoidable. For the sake of
your car's appearance and-to
avoid rust problems, buy
some touch-up paint from
your GM dealer or a local
SuDilier. It comes in small

it yourself in a minute or two.
While the paint never looks
as good as when the car was
new, the touched-up spot will
look better than a nick, and
the metal will be protected
from exposure.
Our goal at GM is to
paint cars so that they look
just great and really keep
their looks. And we are try-
ing to do so in a way that is
energy-efficient, environ-
mentally sound, and not
harmful to the health of the
people who do the painting.
It's a tall order, but GM can
do it. We're doing it now.
This advertisement is part of
our continuing effort to give
customers useful information
about their cars and trucks
and the company that builds
General Motors
People building transportation
to serve people

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