October 03, 1978

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October 03, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

…REGISTER TO VOTE See Editorial Page LIE0 IEI ailt FORTE High-70T Low--50 See Today for details i o. LIX No. 23 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, October 3, 1978 Ten. Cents Ten Pages plus Suppleme as le sehool By KEVIN ROSE BOROUGH A carbon monoxide leak at Ann Arbor ommunity High School late yesterday orning forced the evacuation of the uilding and sent 86 students and staff embers to local hospitals. Three students were admitted to Mott...…

October 03, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 23) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-Tuesday, October 3, 1978-The Michigan Daily Presidents Club donates to 'U' The Ecumenical Campus Center presents the 1978 Distinguished FacvultySerie with LECTURES by Drrff$ane Sand lo-Friday, October 6 Dean of the Law Sch~ool, U-MN Racial Preferences In Higher Education: Ethics and Law" Dr.$ D d l-Friday, Octover 13. Director of the African Studies Center, Michigan State University "Ethics And Foreign Policy: The U.S. and Africa" Dr. ...…

October 03, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 23) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, October 3, 1978-Page 3 IrycU SEE t&,S KPk) CALZ5 UJt BARRAGE FIER CEST IN RECENT MEMOR Y: 4 Syriaii BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - Under the cover of one of the fiercest artillery and rocket attacks in recent memory here, Syrian troops yesterday rescued 50 fellow soldiers who had been trapped for two days by Christian militiamen. Meanwhile, President Elias Sarkis promised to try to make another at- tempt at ending the...…

October 03, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 23) • Page Image 4

…Page 4-Tuesday, October 3, 1978-The Michigan Daily be 3ibian maiIu Eighty-Nine Years of Editorial Freedom Vol. LIX, No. 23 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan In order to vote you must A moral responsibility to cut ties with South Africa By Joel Samoff register - the time is now F STUDENTS ever needed a reason to register and vote, we've sure got it now. As we all learned in seventh grade soci...…

October 03, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 23) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, October 3, 1978-Page 5 Carlos Santana needs a new. back- up By WENDY GOODMAN and MIKE TAYLOR Some people are easily pleased. Standing ovations, squeals of joy, and the thrill of encore after encore. All are earmarks of a successful concert. By these standards, Sunday night's San- tana concert at Hill Auditorium was a triumph. "Why don't we all stand up and dan- ce!" urged lead singer Greg Walker as the band slic...…

October 03, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 23) • Page Image 6

…,Page 6-Tuesday, October 3, 1978-The Michigan Daily UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES LOST-IRISH SETTER, Male, 2 years old, Ryan. Please call 994-5287. Reward. 17A1006 REWARD Jf my Kerr Dental Motor and handpiece are found about 8" long w/black and white ident. tape name engraved on it call 761-6616 anytime or 668-8240 after 7 p.m. 06A103 LOST: Last week, Seiko watch, brown face with date, on campus. Reward, 769-3994. 20A106 -LOST-One light blue...…

October 03, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 23) • Page Image 7

…Griffin's record, 'retiring act' haunt him during close campaign The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, October 3, 1978-Page 7 Tisch Headlee debate (Continued from Page 1) mind and decide to seek a third term in the Senate, but during the interim he proceeded to act like a retiring Senator - he missed 216 out of 635 roll call votes for that year. Ironically, when Griffin announced that he had reconsidered his retirement, Democrat Carl Levin used the oc...…

October 03, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 23) • Page Image 8

…Page 8-tuesday, October 3, 1978-The Mkchigan Daily N.Y. WINS A.L. EAST CLASSIC, 5-4: Dent, Jackso By The Associated Press BOSTON-Bucky Dent rallied the New York Yankees with a three-run homer in the seventh inning and Reggie Jackson applied the finishing touch with a home run in the eighth as the 1977. World Series champions hung on for a 5- 4 victory over the Boston Red Sox and won the American League East title in 4 playoff yesterday. The...…

October 03, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 23) • Page Image 9

…l SPORTS OF THE DAILY oll named player of the week CHICAGO-Defensive back Mike, olly of Michigan has been named Big 'en Defensive Player of the Week by he Associated Press for leading the ourth-ranked Wolverines to . their and shutout of the season in a 52-0 ictoryover Duke. JOLLY, A 6-3, 178-pound, junior from elvindale, Mich., intercepted two sses, one of which led directly to a core, brok up a pass, had two tackles nd returned three punts...…

October 03, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 23) • Page Image 10

…Page 10-Tuesday, October 3, 1978-The Michigan Daily Combined compli'." (Continued from Page 1) Several SACUA members raised fears that the joint process might result in a list of compromise candidates with none of the first choices of any of the committees included. Others were con- cerned with the proportion of represen- tation on the joint committee and with the possibility of one group "vetoing" the choice of another. While Arnson stressed...…

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