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October 03, 1978 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1978-10-03

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oll named player of the week

CHICAGO-Defensive back Mike,
olly of Michigan has been named Big
'en Defensive Player of the Week by
he Associated Press for leading the
ourth-ranked Wolverines to . their
and shutout of the season in a 52-0
ictoryover Duke.
JOLLY, A 6-3, 178-pound, junior from
elvindale, Mich., intercepted two
sses, one of which led directly to a
core, brok up a pass, had two tackles
nd returned three punts for 19 yards.
Jolly was among those singled out by
o Schembechler for~outstanding play
when the Michigan coach feared the
Wolverines might let down following an
emotional victory over Notre Dame.
linksters swing
All fired up under head cbfth Tom
imon, the Michigan men's golf team
-aptured a first place finish in the
layboy Invitational held this
veekend in Wisconsin.
The Wolverines four man, 36-hdle

total was 595, seven strokes better than
second place finisher MSU. Michigan's
Rod Pafford was the medalist of the 12
team field, firing rounds of 74-71 for a
145 total.
Maddalema achieved Mid-All-
American honors by virture of their 149
and 151 totals, respectively.
Simon, who also coaches the women's
golf team, was named head coach last
week. He replaced former head coach
Bill Newcombe; who was forced to
resign earlier in the year.
Speaking of the women's team, they
also competed this weekend, finishing
ninth in a 17 team field in the Purdue
Invitational in Indiana. The Ohio State
women were the winners, competing in
their first tournament of the fall season.
Freshperson Linda Drillock paced
the women linksters for the third,
straight tournament, posting scores of
83-85 for a 168 total.

Mentor maimed
CINCINNATI-Bill "Tiger" Johnson,
who failed to win after inheriting a
playoff contender built by Paul Brown,
was fired as head coach of the Cincin-
nati Bengals yesterday after an 0-5
season start and was succeeded by
former Rice University Coach Homer
Rice came to the National Football
League team this year as quarterback
coach from Rice University, where he
was head coach and athletic director. .
"Bill met with us this morning and we
mutually agreed that something had to
be done," Paul Brown, ยข general
manager, said in a prepared statement
"HE IS A FINE, proud man and he
put the welfare of the club first and
agreed that a chaige could help our
"Homer Rice fits into the picture with
fine coaching and administrative
background and is well-known in Cin-

"He is taking over immediately and
his first meeting with the players will
be at 1 p.m. Wednesday.
"There will be no disruption in the
working staff. All the other coaches will
continue in their usual duties and will
be directed by Homer," the Brown
statement said.
"WE WILL REVIEW our picture at
the end of the season but I have a lot of
ponfidence ih Homer," the statement
The announcement came a day after
the Bengals dropped a 28-12 decision to
the previously winless San Francisco
The Bengals have lost six straight
games over two seasons.
Johnson was named coach when
Brown retired in 1975. His record was
10-4 in 1976 and 8-6 last season.
Rice coached at the University of
Cincinnati in 1967 and 1968. He then
went to North Carolina where he was
also named athletic director.

The Michigan Doily-Tuesday, October 3, 1978-Page 9
This Week in Sports
With Boston out of the way, baseball is left with the same four teams
that contested last year's divisional playoffs slugging it out for 1978 honors.
Kansas City and the Yankees begin their best three out of five divisonal
playoff tonight at Royals Stadium. Meanwhile, Philadelphia and Los
Angeles take another day off before beginning their series tomorrow. The
NL playoffs, which begin in Philly, do not have a travel day on Thursday as
the Royals and Yanks do. If you haven't guessed by now, this is to insure that
prime time has a game every night this week.
Once the playoffs have been decided the World Series will begin at the
home of the National League team.
Michigan hosts the Wildcats of Arizona in the last full week of inter-
sectional Big Ten games. The conference didn't fare so well last weekend,
with only Ohio State, Illinois and Wisconsin joining the Wolverines on the
winning side of the ledger. In 20 games against non-league opponents, the
Big Ten is dead even with ten wins against ten losses.
This week Illinois is. at Missouri, Notre Dame at Michigan State, Min-
nesota hosts Oregon State, Iowa entertains Utah, Northwestern at home
against Arizona State, Wake Forest invades Purdue and Woody Hayes
welcomes Southern Methodist.
Other games of interest'(of varying kinds) include:
Washington at Alabama N.C. State at Maryland
Baylor at Houston Kentucky at Penn State
Iowa State at Nebraska Stanford at UCLA
Oklahoma at Texas DAILY LIBELS at Conclave
Best match of the week... Houston at Oakland. Worst matchup .. .
Washington at Detroit. Traditional matchup of the week ... (tie) Chicago at
Green Bay and San Francisco at Los Angeles. Animal matchup. . . Colts at
The playoffs have gotten underway, with the highlight game of the week
Thursday afternoon when the DAILY LIBELS defend their Class B Cham-
pionship against the Midshipmen.Game time is 5 p.m. at Fuller Field No. 5.
tickets are still on sale but are going fast. Be there.


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Fishing around ahead
for ex-Tiger Houk

Bo's predictable?...
...It's Greek to me
It was raining, Michigan was pounding Duke into the ground (swamp)
31-0 and most everyone around was bored. A school teacher, elementary no
doubt, cane up with a brilliant suggestion to pass the time. "Let's play a
game;"she shouted from three rows back.
"OK," a wet and wasted alumnus yelled back, "but what kind of
"We could try and guess the final score," an enthusiastic freshperson
suggested. No one took him seriously.
Then a professor-like individual suggested we try and figure out the line-
up on the field. With all the substitutions Bo was making there was a consen-
sus that such a game would be near impossible.
Finally an umbrella-protected lady suggested we try and predict what
play Bo would call on each down. I thought it wasa good idea and looked
forward to some tough competition. But as soon as my enthusiasm surged, it
declined at the remarks of a drunken frat man next to me.
"That won't work, you jerks," he stated. "Bo is so predictable, why wat-,
ching paint dry would involve more suspense. Give up on the contests and
watch the game."
I sat dripping wet, watching Smith off tackle, Dickey on the option,
Leonni up the middle. It wasn't predictable-at least as not as predictable as
drying paint.
So here, my Greek philosopher, is a test of Bo's predictability. Th
questions are those asked him at the Monday afternoon luncheon. Following
,are three possible answers, only one of which is correct.
You have 30 seconds to think about each question. Good luck.
QUESTION 1. Why did you kick-off to Duke to start the second half?
a)- I bet Virgil at halftimethat he couldn't hit the scoreboard in the Nor-
th endzone on the fly with a kick-off. I wanted to collect on the bet early s6 I
could send Leach out for hot dogs while the press was still around to see it.
(That kid can do anything.)
b) It was raining when we went into the lockerroom and with the con-
ditions what they were I would rather kick-off. The only way we were going
to lose was by our own mistakes so I thought we should kick. When we came
out of the lockerroom I saw that the rain had stopped and I figured I made
the wrong decision. Then again, when they said I tried to run up the score I
said 'what the hell, we gave them the ball in the second half.'
c) Leach, Huck, Davis and Clayton were playing euchere in thei
lockerroom and they weren't quite finished so I sent the defense out.
QUESTION 2. What did you think of Dickey's play?
a) Super. If Joe Falls hadn't started all of thisLeach for Heisman talk I
would probably start B.J. I can hear it now-the fans.in the south endzone
yell B and those in the north endzone yell J.
b) Well, I'm not up on my theatre. Is Dickey the guy who wrote
Camelot? Or was it One in a Million?
c) When you judge a reserve player you have to look at the situation
when he comes in. We were ahead 31-0 and he knew he couldn't blowit. He
wasp pretty loose. Overall he played pretty good. He made some bad
judgments .. but then Rick madqea bad judgment.
QUESTION 3. Did you see that water girl Duke had?
a) No
b) I'm not sure, what number was she wearing?
c) Yeah, I saw her. As a matter
of fact I turned to Dr. Jerry O'Con-
nor who was standing next to me and
said, 'That's the reason we're going RELEASE YC
to whip these guys.' FEELINGS ON'
QUESTION 4. How good is
Arizona? New Monogramed Ur
a) Terrible. It should be worse
than Duke. *The newest,,most dire
b) I don't know and I don't care. spirits!
We are all looking ahead to * Approximately 7" acrc
Michigan State. Faue ag ce
c) They are not a team you can Features a large screw
take lightly. They are a very for- case some dough-head
midable opponent. They still make a right away)
few mistakes which has kept them * Use as a urinal screen,
from blowing their opponents out. I necklace pendant! (Ca
sincerely believe Arizona is going to where you're going to
be a tough opponent for us. * Emotional satisfaction
ANSWERS: 1-b; 2-c, 3-c, 4-c. - Return this coupon with2
CORE YOURSELF: (straight scale) person in YO
4 right-Predictable"
3right or less-Terrible Pieae send me Intu

By The Associated Press
DETROIT-Ralph Houk, now that he
has officially retired from 40 years in
the game, says he "wouldn't even con-
sider another baseball job-unless 15
years from now I'm stone broke."
He and the reporters jamming his
Tiger Stadium clubhouse office laughed
as Houk, who closed out his 16-year
major league managerial career Sun-
day, fired volleys of parting witticisms
and anecdotes.
DID HE, PERHAPS, hope for one
last chance to argue with the umpires,
throw his cap to the turf and kick the
"I wouldn't have done it because they
would have thought I was doing it to put
on a show," he said. Then, breaking in-
to a grin, he added, "I wouldn't do that
to those nice guys."
Asked if he might write a book about
his experiences, Houk, occasionally
puffing on his ever-present cigar, said:
"I never will because the only thing
that would sell would be something'like
Bouton's book ...
"THE ONLY BOOKS that sell are
ones where you have something cheap
in it and I wouldn't do that-although I
could put a lot in it."
Jim Bouton, former New York
Yankee pitcher under Houk, wrote
"Ball Four," a best seller which in-
cluded inside stories about baseball and
his teammates.
"Everybody thinks I'm retiring,"
Houk said. "I'm just retiring from
baseball. I've got a new job, maybe
tougher than ever: catching fish. And
you know my job will be tough-if
you've ever seen me play golf."
Houk, 59, said his biggest ambition
when his baseball career began in 1939
was, "to make the Joplin ball club or
the Topeka ball club" of the Yankees'
farm system.
"I THOUGHT that would be the high
point of my career," he said.
Later, he said, "I had more visions of
inal Screen In School Colors!
ct way to let out your school
through the monogram (in
doesn't get the message
wall hanging or even as a
[tion: It is wise to decide
put it before using)
2 bucks Right away! Be the first
UR can to have one.
) urinal screens a $2.00 each

being a football player ahead of being a
baseball player. I was better at foot-
ball. I had a lot of scholarship offers."
Houk was general manager of the
Yankees from 1964 until May, 1966.
baseball," he said. "It's a job I got no
kick out of. I never worked so hard in
my life .... I'm not a desk man. I never
knew how to do all that paper work. My
file system was terrible, but my
secretary did a good job."
However, "I think it made a better
manager out of me . . . I don't think
people realize the problems you have in
the front office."
Houk said he'll probably feel funny
about his retirement about the time
he'd normally prepare for the winter
league meetings, then again when he'd
normally get ready for spring training.



c Q}

and now,

4 i i i'\I

a worc



OCT. 2-16


1. Applications Taken from Oct. 2 through Oct.16,1979, for Winter Book Rush.
I. The Cellar Will take applications at later times than indicated in (1); however, subsequent
applications will be placed in hiring order by Date of Application, and they will receive
priority after those taken in (1).
111. Former Rush Employees in good standing Need Not Reapply for WINTER RUSH and will.
receive top priority over all other applicants.,
IV. All applicants hired for WINTER RUSH will be notified by phone or mail later in Nov. or Dec.
Rush employees hired to work in December should expect to work through and beyond reg-
istration. HOWEVER, all rush jobs are, unfortunately; only temporary. Starting pay is $3.11
per hour.
V. Permanent positions which may open up after Rush will be filled by employees who worked
WINTER RUSH. Post-Rush hiring is done departmentally, on the basis of the empolyee's Rush
performance and their availability for the unified hours.
VI. After APRIL 30, 1979, all unused applications will be thrown away. Therefore, applicants
must reapply for each future rush that they wish to work. ABSOLUTELY NO APPLICATIONS

*-ld_ ___- y'.fir, ..u O . c- - - - - - - - --
Specify F' Ohio State [A Michigan
Yah, Yah, I've Sent The Money With My Order.



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