February 27, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 108) • Page Image 1
…The Michigan Daily VbL. XVIII. AN N ARDOR, MICHMGAN, TITURSDA"Y, FEBRUARY 27, 1908. NO. xo&. MANY..WILLLOnIr..J1 PRELIMINARY IEET Meet Saturday Night Will Line Up Material-Chicago May Yet ~Vote for Seven Gamnes About sevenvtyfixe aspirnts for track i i s haxe aled signified their i- c s of ente ig the preiinxary i- udo w5eek to e -hetxt to:\Watermxan tsnisimnoSaturiay ecoxng, Feb. 29. To aittl apeara nces ttis imet shotlt poxve a thuge s...…