-'PRACTICE COURTS TRZY for Clevetand to addrcss tlse Natiooal
SE J UE; ALL RINDS OF CASES lBox Itanufacturers' Association.
"N ~~I ~ u t The Mlichigan forestry departnment is'
W IN D w l bjec tothat question, your E-on- tow one of the largest, oumbieriog over
or p"our huondred. 'The equipument is 'exten-
_ ~~~Cnkljn's ef il
OR Tu i isthat the embryo attorneys but is tackiog io a testing laboratory. ThuntCin een
~PIISIN' in \lseihigan's famou's law deparninl ate; Purdue. Caiftirnia. unit WYashinig- Stldnd FouttadarPen
HQ C A E learn the practical tide of their profes- ton possess lalsoratories at'which'the
t W A br ow. Words like the ahcove can he heard strength andl efficiency of native tim-ADETSDITHS PCEO
BOT~~~FLES ~any afternoon in the practice court room tiers are tested'. A similar station lhasADETSD NTHSS CEO
ithe law building. been utllately running atOregon ti- TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS IS
ANYD Itrief statements of facts constituting r ersity, andi it is plannedt to establish Sl nAnAbrb
KR ubber Goods case are gnise out "to' the various a ne one in Color ado. Sodi nnAbrb
groups of seniors. These facts are-acted Mlr. Kellogg i.s intecesting himseIf in
-AT- ns the presence of the necessary improvedt methodls of the, manufacture GEO. WAHR'S TWO BOOK STORES
itnisses tay the tataintiff and thne de- of paper front sootl-putp. 'The shortage ..AND"'
QUL ARRY'S fedaint in tr coining suit. The sheriff of spruce. front whirls niosc paper is SHEEHAN & COMPANY
ofthe practice court then serves the miatte, rendsers necessary the use of other
japer s msade' out by the plaintiff's "atlor- wsoods. tt is 'plannied to stake possible
Icy and the case is on. ' the utilization of wcaste woods, andl the
Perhsaps; the story of the case involves econosmzation ot tissmbe for othser psur-
M oney~ Loa ned the sale of a piano to some student who poses.
thoesn't know a flat from a sharp. Never-
on 'Watches, Diamonds. Law Looks. tireless the carefully exansines the table JUNIOR AND SEItOR GIRLS
.h-ieadare o PA IA AEWtches and Jewelry repaired. 1 uiy it. Dot hold ! 1)i1 lhe agree to hbiy J S o c f S rn
Bargains in Watches & Diamonds it as thse salesnman clainms? Both parties Ttse chamipioniship basketball game tbe-
Ome atfeadese Ii E Liert St are obdurate, anid so the case is carried tsveeii the juniior anst seinior girls will
Abe irArbor. insto cosirt. bse playedi Frittay afternsoosi at 4:30
Hlours: 8 to 11:30 a. m~. i tn 4:30 and 7 ts Or tperhsaps some innsocent studeint is tclock. 'tickets cats tie tpurchsasedl todalsy
9 p. Mn.frmTtoran;;t ,adFia
,-kLL BU~iiias5 CONIDaiENIAL acuseds of mianslsauglhter wh-Iile lie is sup- 'lusitIs2sstis iitPiay
-' ' e w C. WATTS posest to be~ intoxicated. The state sails sottd later thsasi flits.
__________________________ lists isito court to asswer te charge or romin t o 12. No isnvitationts wvill tar The new Spring Scarf as a special introduc-
suffer this pensalty. Oswing to thur fact that tis wvill bhueu
- Thur cosurt comsposedl of Itoghe C. Sums 1 st gamue of tlue season, thur basketbuall tory of the spring, we are offering a special
e etasuil andut Souter 1.1 i. s sittusug readly coesrusse Isis uecidets tsut aits girts ie- purchase of beautiful new Spring French four-
s f tr easels thur younug attorneys at esvery lonmging ts thur gis its athletic assonest
'O pin1 Flue puarties tire mu court ands thme trn'ta hOate asna~i tutuuu t ions as in-hand, in new correct shapes with open ends
,try us swosrns. lec weistns so piuy for and in all the handsome spring coloring.11oaltr e8gds ilun "oorblngothscincas:
liIWA ILO OS -' ftie yost patid your class dimes? riusti . sit-sst us s ieuus. The new Spring Shirts make their first bow
'Io yost knoss ste facts of' tus ease, 'Thur A\nns A\cbos Alumnisu hehl-their and they are beauties. The new spring styles
* & MALIIAX u reltis t e fi tilictom 'pihcjur thin Iusru i meinstts casiai tqme sigh; in Hlats and Cap are h ere for your inspection.
DARLING & MALiss, es ar e swn-s, examninesh antI cross= school. Plaits terre disceussedufo isean-
*~~~~~~~~~~ ,:r425,.mhtea,- eamums. So thin case goes rit till tse esal sca euurs mesumm udse
ui st r eies its v-erdict antI thme judg- March 53. Imuportatnt constituisonal
_______________________________ snt us thur court is pronounmcesl Thenr amesndments seece audotedt tendinsg to
u- reigtf is lifteud fromu thin hearts of thi nmicreate thin membnereshipt anid popularity r
C~ljp nQ attornseys isit their' ease' is "off' of thin oranatiossassg Amiss Arbor
y 'Jits is thin hardest siork of the snimor sliest its thin Ustisersuty. News officrs
year,, u yet it is thin mtost practical of the weirk elected as follows: Pmresident, A. 1 "' ~
Sitfl usn lisle cousrse. Cacti semoester two "part JAihsuti; sics-prrsidnt Ralph Chubb; R ule, Cvon linf & le e
us"u hsvnto try a complehte case. Also seceaY, G. E. 'se~iackeii assistant
RIALLER'S JEWEIRY STORE, 210 S& Main'St. the av tieso sfsessu thee spare after- scretry , Occets 'I't k " tiesnsres,
- suttinoos secvtug as juryamen or itnmesses.. Rlpst Baruker.
w elle~~ hisst it is just such strut stork as 'this. 7 con frdfii otetesr
ci rx ~ ~~~~ it' is suidh, siuch miakes Yticlig'ai's law- Otansss s isnsutI hsIeusm t~ A I'
schol knwn'withfavr inthe proes-of thus athletic assoctsions sumeorge Wsh- isMA K si
itt -sui utit' stus fa ortim hurusroes- ingtonunssiversity- cuantempltieus iscosti
That es a wiseth utis we asr rin" ~ tis-iu futCahuhie
uich o stuti r~e ef is cutter - - - -. ____S l of C r e s a d f iv g
oiurestore. itdtsesus tatrer tubs-thurS l o a e s n i
yueumetotuuypisi ataiups ui;, \:''!ON:L IOiIESTER - Voostec lcks tnly.$toous tutuwsit.
y igs a it .uge err oriuum tutu.su SItEAKS 'I 'CLU'B tine cosmptletison: of u hlh uiltm fluid.t AT LEiSS THAN MILL P~RICESi
telephoar sne u senin totu yo r "t ' just
l ~- -- S. IR Klfehtsg, trhash of thu r pro tn- g\ihi.esh nit lks lu Not again this year will you finsd prices soi rancs'h mu } eti; Ifs'or
East Unilversity Pharmoacy fulHousos ftu'uaismlfrsr-1se. Comes its smnt hisaus this hits asnw
5~t hiiso S.f theurat Aatsraesuc.t}
H4 - y Bi1W OYS, Pharmacist bhie-su. stisoke beforn at nmeefing of the tla-nut out thein o. Mtilists tilts mas y'
1 icesiry clut last ntightl. Mr, Kellogg- hbe-address-ed. stasmtpes amid miletsd at thus M4ACK Q" Co.
__________________________ has teems sdelisering a series of lectures countter. 8 -st
V. oa. M. tar thin 'past is-ek buefore studuents in thur -------
p5 Q ucou -' an ~ Deem Iors try departmenst smit seas thin gutest, FOI'ND I-fa sir sof ,IQlusjs sitsn "Southl onA ii Watces, Dusts us asit' mry, amnd ass
beste wek an naIsum ishs c at ok thn ester y asit hitulUueyAhe' ~ ~ ~ - IIl~I L IIL3 sftyc Houss sotit:o rus , sIud mtu a
g ryhs at-sa n*fio{ "s lo i. se I' Csek -tLntine stok nesrriha atser the t04 F bt Avne oy pSlit cor house si-~5u. i
Lawgs ho in thea Cit L\ .anisuig.' 'Tommoros hue si-st1 3?pis st-n.t uesns.tsseyts Two daises soutkh itFy Y. M. C. A. W. J. LOVRIP4
J a. TROJANO)WSCI. Prop. detitvem a finalu lettcture ndlih'then reate glosves, out satn Ib' Alle-n, Mittsn St. 5-so
You can always hoy shirts, hut yost nan not altways find desirable patterns. Shirt
fabarics are brought out in seasons the sante as many other goods-Spring and Fall. -
- ---.Sigusni ;tbs big whte shoe, W AGNER CA CO State Street
THE R~Wae's LaundryEL C RCT
326 N. Fifth Ave.
Mic ig n ndegrdute New Phone 45t Beth Phone d57-L Supplied to College Men a1nd
_____________Wormern for All P~roe!!
Class.. Satusrday. 10 A. M. ,and WAHE WLI T&PO RC.
7:"0 r. M1. 200 Easllt WashluitolM Street
Contains 4,200 students' names followed by the 4s by Assembly A o'clock.
phoune number, where they can be reached. Now - --
on sale at the Co.Op and Students" Supply Store. IVI KING 1.00° KEEPy SubOrpton NOTDu
Chinese ChopSuy Restaurant By careying a espy of tbe SIICIIIAS al usrptosIo u
Chuinese F'ancy Dishes, Ainerican 'L neberof HANDBOOK ic your pcete. Space for min-m-__
Y E C ' x O P S 'ali kinds Everytbing 5 at- class tor oranda, cailundar, speciai events, Stemversity
ladis ad getleeu. Calendar in this 150 page book. Oiven away Subsciptions takes hSe maiul, cecek, dat or
HAVhYOnAsOP an Jaaunu ess S -L:t ostudents at hs Univesiy Y. M. C.A. Mc- mosey ore.
.ST SDIO-.R iNTS IL - 39 liast Huron Street