October 25, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 24) • Page Image 1
…The Michigan Daily N ov IX. OHIO STATE GOES DOWN TO DEFEAT tBuckeyes Clearly Outplayed- Splendid "Teamwork of Varsity 1 Eclipses Individual Playing. (5x iiito t'he M1ician D taily) (ohiltiitO ()Oc)t 4 In an 1- el m ii g"'lve'td-t- li igaii 1 t\l.L'.t y h oe f to to n 1 d ofl ihin rooters ase on tcle (01or fearitfIdefetAlledice' haicretftom fild(1ftilt thiree inti- of pay, ut eactl thrten uln- i- ter'ib(ohn(Ohio's tullack roke a,, o negt-irie ...…