11I s 1tIIIIDA N' D)AILY ___
G. H. Wild ComIpaIIy I M ___ ___rARHE F
Buosocesaa oigr-Joiix F. \Veiie.
T he Largest Stoack is
the City
Exclusive Styles in
For Gentlemueu's Wear
E''rviyhiin. required for Suit's,
O~vercoats, IFancy Vestings, snd
froose~rings, and of high class
tiriei d speiai Mys,~ f
Full Dress Suits a
G. H. Wild Comipally
311 South State Street
Gym Suits
Running Shoes
Foot Ball Outfits
asl all kissds of Afhletic andl
Sporting Godiss
Tennis Golf
Sweaters and Swetaer
1,leganf new here, spre'ial low
Students' Bookstore
Sheehan & Co.
A. G. Spalding & Bros.
Thi' Largs'si Maoiisfai'iire' in thei
Wocrd ofiiffic'ial Athiesspie0s
Foot Batl~ Baskei Bail. Ice Skates.
Hockey. Gol. Gymnasiumt
-piaidinihs iiandsoasriy Ilstratedi
C1aaitigiir of all sports c'ontains niiii-
wec .r
Now XYorki Chicago Detrofi
Newrs........ .....Lee A Whitie
Athlics. ci...P . .. Eldridge
Exchange.......Rohert Moouiisier~
-Msfc ............f uollis S. fisitci
f_)rsos........Rymionid 'Visschser
Women's lsfior.... Louise Van Voorhis
('fisiion s' Bouchrs eos'' ~ nsard fC. Reidi
Micliael B. Mel fghs Fred E. Gooding'
fl)ossld L. Kinney Dana E. Jonecs
Walter K. Towers Loafis Kraft
Paul Greer Sanmuel if. Morris
Ef. G.C.\Villiamis Paul Lecidy
fowelil J. Carr ID. ,linlsiiy
tori H. Adaiii Harold P. Gould
Address: MICHIGNso DAILY, Press Bldg..
Maynard Street.
Manager's Hours: I-x p. in., 7-8 p. Mn.
daily, except Sunday. Both phones
Agains use failiar' buzz of thlepoi-
a lii'ee is hii iii i nii' our cii'eaiis. \oi
wiill 1bis decidedi iwhoiishllsfapeithe
tiisds ifiduiing lie iiextifouriears
buheiicl ofimin th le Career oif te
v ll Cassis tilsoi tiffio'iiie'liiis when
thir le'ade'rs ufortueiyear wil e
to ibe lite acivue int erest sl.lo\'-inii t lese:
caselectioins. 'fissappealstoiitus is
aili badomeni. \\'isen wsuit toi ii lie iicii
that Our Cflass electionus aruseis lo si e-
cial attioiniis.ouir clauss life. as such,. is
in :1csa stef of sneglfcti and siiddusling
fa irf ropfiiiii of iiur ciillege: life is
ai live intecrest.
last year thliee psusiseoer lie clt
liiia Sors t of i'istle ta11555 i alldi
.plitical refor'swve" he'ois
lot o f tills ifoitiii rotten ifs0ticfes'' in
geerlan a slast iole-.thsin s hc
liute aste adoion byssSome oiiiiiithle
classes if si plan itoliihioldhiu fillelc
tin il ci iu's'yi noauti cketl ba sis: h
rice forechsofflice was to ble asprt
aiiii dlsiistinc lenes.iiiid absolutielyisth-
out onnetionwit isa ofillyii he
office'.mAliiciiiis oiiiieiticknesis eri
toi ise iiririiged'ilhabhi ei lls, i lie ie
wasalle'xcells'it iiireii sit iaris it iis
mant tiiiimite siiiie iiof tie soecillsed
''oeisf f' at'urssiois ii poliiii s
idlewh livts's' eriu miinycisfiited
i'Siiifisigiis ini lie fallclasselcioniiis ini
preiioiis yeristire iinow fildsNiiti regris-
itfo fuselsum recasollint sere st is bingislosft
ini these affairs. 'se caiiniii 5aii one"
sa htit is the liss ioifirhe icketcami
fpaigiithitiai is cauusedftif ltsunup inin-i
teest.Thsis min>siniply he ian excep-
thwa yea. vtlwecanot liiitink that (ill ifSTA'TE (GOES
alaaagnciecliopeiiliyi lie uhffi)O'sVN 'l'()1lDEFEAT'l
tim tcke ibs iiiwiilid at cletroiise
tphisiclss iierest whiicswe beiese iCninsued firons P'ge 1.1
is s i mrly oiiiiii. Ifi 55 suppose' iiiake's 55yardnsdiiilDouglas 5.Aer
,iass 1is shly fdilsidled1 in twoiseoiiiore slice ipunt s aci Schulz gcfs ilarriiigtn
scionscs iover ii e lciin easedf iis siaies, sn Ohii's 45'-yaid liiii. ;ifbsoni u npitis
the obectio to t iiviiiin r tsloutii.iiiOhio's 45-yariflhue. Douglas
cce ioi f inteiriiiil hiiii fseliiig aiiiig maiikesliino ai. Allcrdice fpinsstinJoncs
clqesaeno ose rius as iia}- elic- wheisfiiicikedifaiisithroiwn fack bfiR am
tue. srn ikis uwill aiwas os e n yo icle sii-r inhe.Timeonisflii
ineeti ls. If ice messmbers of ai 'u r Gibison fiiiusnt s Vsiiiinif mud
ln;;h 'so ntrstin hi r li le cins , Ohioss etss sill iisno55syard fine. REns
cet is issothei class accii ies iifw ii ' d Sehl re venti ussgaiii Anso ndissi
sas ot{t c issesl ii ilyefault. lius i l i <mii ch ig a n's 4, soudlihue.
Spirted lecton wth afeu poss mi oi s\ isis sue yird toii n, mii sm ortisicks
ied eilIwuse lievis is faIsr beter or a "iossouiit(iffoboiiiisson "iiefigassi' 25.
i-s ta da lectIion.ysd ineiAhu e isrice piinis itoOhio's 35-
A si ii ussr bvethtut hle ii liimseanii yari inhe. IGisons rerniisetii \ichigain's
refor iinio ibiis temis c ketisci s 30 s iii line. tilesrlice punts isdSchsisi
cils' si cismi scrficce 'ciii tii ;us' s taksun M i hi ga 55nffoi ie.issisi'
garstnDysl opg1cr~ieeiiae h c'cie'iig feturesi'auiiiiiii t kischuln ich\ia'litis 20-
ofl suci ch a cnsi le.5. Ill some 5'classs s)iaid line .\fMichsigsass fosrceds tic kick.
tikts hve b snfrmess c ret'c'slys and Firs s clef'sisis35. O(ioi's fiorward s s 5
the iii on tieslsateis aieis s c itsllagr ee- faills. (Ihio'ss saiff isishicr 35-yrd s'f linie.
meat sto work foros nte ric' tssis-.hoss'hisO(ios 55l i ccts st r indissssjmss Mfichigan's
n till ithe opein \. I- atwsi usssfor- 3 r s i ne.ss (ic e s putsisois hiois
ii y heobt fhiisng aicani-i isi '-yardi ilinse. Sculzf blos runner.
date elete fr isis eispeciciaqaiied li 'iss
in ahtic i for hs epar iulr 'hlie upsii
siser ofii ilusencs'e s ishwarted jut a (I.S . U.iMichigans.
much in ne case is ini thin other. At ii iliii . . . . . ... . . . . IIb
ians-cratisswiec sisil to W ehs ahe sifl . .T ... ..... Cses'
ise qualisisy sor ilstandardoflthlieisi nsut 'siflisisi isis G Bnhoo
fr te va o us oics s anshi ghli ler \\esiel.. . . .. .. . . .. . Schsslz
isanctheiforfer opensy slliedi s T C l ii h r.. K R.G..' ... . f'iiisi
pr esen" di nds e ae ;iri tht cass Po ell......RT ..C u pce
eletio s h ve isen robedi f c h oiis~ fus rye .... K..F... .....Rasnney'
th i vely i i nter c est ithat shoui iild b sc ira_ r i ssiiiso ... . Q.B. 's.s.sissiiiiisi
eii c of th s i lem. Wsells..... if... L. ssDou 'ls-Gre'e'ne
Play s sitnd playls i's'S to he5 iitabooedii
at , '(isisissn aitc h esil t c i iIs compiile'te's.
Tcioardiof regftciedesdasyssvoctedi
down l Pro 'iiiiiicciis rrlsc tos be i'al-
lowe' d to pre sent plas'cnctedis''i ithi
thel~tgis dpatmntini lie'auitor-li
iu oiteIww' s biing-iiii Thisprb
tiitit. ss lc iurots ini tiecs' iin ta
fTs isccciea dta ii cfc hel tic c i isssisisscisill
sea abot thusad prs ',cad 55111
bsed aintily isisi c es it isi t is'y ofitie
cuoo lonsg andinarrow. Theisen'. ment
ag i ts ch U e's lfd' tics 11;111i tilsic 1 -Cc
sicine Wieight ini tics. 51551'5n.
tics Harvardiic'5c515 ciii 'cudhalland ious.''
saicid rc'ssincntS tudentscicssiesltda.''hI
Ii irs cccii tere s' Is iinsg till 'cud a
ticas'r n the ibiling, .hiseres's tll s'olleige
pla 's'ar 'pr sse. It ss's'sis to m
of oei gh iss ilsIni iii' cccii tics' scll.''
FOR1 0121' is'sl'ssis' sosite', usl1
lig te adci iisti'c l.ccccod lcs'.iccs. 43
1F. (ili. I 505515 pstirs's'
Ssssitis''P''smier's' pei te'r'sii's' r rentu'ilori
'sic' f302 1;..1 .h''silsgc tlS . , 23-'5
Gbo......F.1'. ......IsD'vissn
15li . .. ... . 1-1 .........f ls's i'
Sisumcary' ':To uciows s Alleriie,'
Gis '. oasifrothsssfiefl-Allerd'ice'.
GistlsIfcus pitiees'nt-fAficrdics'. uar-
rissusiciu. Referee-FHoasgilan ine
oi). tUmpire-re"nnsuls (lcissuss I.
Fedjsudge-' Istis'Iiu(P usrdfue). Ia
lilies iiltiii- Eelincus(ilcrtsuususifs). mimeii
if iscuines-;mnts
WANT L11) A'I' ON'CE-One Isis'lsusres
'ssweaer' ccsciss'to .utovrtihe' dicuslKovalt.
200tls t. L iberty s'Si. 2-2j
ftflf t IENT-Sinugle roomis oo
isgt, ellftfurnsishedi.434 \May'nasrdi.3-
'sRITEKRS-We uwill sell ross a type-
usriter, rnt youlla0typfewriser, or di'
our 15 seurisisug-four ross. Jollifule I'
Zewaduski, 350 S. State St. end-tf
Gentilceen':'shen you seed a pair
if slippers tost uudy ini, you will find
thematlusruield". shoe store.Vie hose
flue kind thatfsat usivibecausse flue's ii-.
$1.75 io $4.00. cod-24
'(isesris sreen-riooms house on Kinugs-
ice' sireet, comupletely furnsfhed, flu he't
ofi consdsition. Bach Agenscy, 125o N. 4th
"Air. if
Uspito-dateirshirts, colars andsutiei.ss
'tile icy'Alien, 2sfainsireet. 22-5
Mlichigan u sic ansI late operatic oms-
sic at Rootc's Music Ifouse. iu-thts-sn i
Anything you need, frostsa
$5.00 Football to a pair of
Shin Guards or Shoulder
Pads. Otur stock is comupete
and every article gttarasnteed.
Ask to see our now styles of
Sweaters assd Jersey Vests.
University Bookstore
719 North aUniversity Avenue
Photo Supplies
Amateur Developing,
Printing, Enlarging.
Banners and Pennants at lower
prices than elsewhere.
oportino Oooa'0
Testing Eyes
Our systesmis built on advanced
optical methouds, sur work i
backed by 10 yeass experienc.
We Tet Eyes We&in Lenes
We Fit W iases Prices Right
ARNOLD'S Jewelry Store
Up-ter-datec s hi rtsim.s, ollas'andmltic's os' Fanlt s i tsimus andl es erci''ests oil
wat le en M \iciainmstreet'. a22°5 'sale by Allen, :Mainstreet. 22-5
"Gymnasium SupplieCs
Sasnitary Cottosn Shirts ----- ------------------- 50~C
Rtunsnissg Pants---- - --- ------ ------ ------ ------- ----50C
Jock Sfraps-------------------- ---- --~--- ---- -250
Jock Straps elastic sides-- -- --- ---- -- ---- c0
Jock Straps all elastic---- -- --- - -- -- ---75C
Canvas Sse 5 and $1.00
Leather Shoes --------- $1.00, $2.00 and $2.50
Every article guaratiteed by
'THIS 55 THt L.Atin
coat is absolu
inal and the
constrtscting i
tected hy p2
showns in the
tioss, it is twc
one---the first
street coat-I'
as an Auto-D
storm coat.
'0" Over'
itely orig-
process of
iis pro'
satout, a.'
coats in
as a dressv
bie second
)riving or
Phone 596
121WashInton F. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack, Profs