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October 25, 1908 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1908-10-25

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I ,ELODRAMA AN D xuriell il i OilllintitionsIxiii' lxxixc ii-'
fuiSlly c csu prl o ucti o of h i(iom
NEW VAIUDEVILLE Bodtrtsuiu ly hc oe
- - Novembei ir 3.Cenator 1_,a Folcite is

Good Attractions Billed for The
Whitney and Majestic Theatres
This Week.
Ni Ii ]I II AT lii111 il111 ii
The lxx iili l ta ii xi lcupen iat ithe
Nlixx 'tic xxxiiilxxx xx i;is anotherxilxi'ar-
ras o vam~vile talnt ihatvouxxild h
cred xii a -lme ix' xitheaxteri. 1 cxxi
ac illihe a 'rpri'e'xiilx'xlii. "Though
Ofllldv w l l b l iililii'inll x 'i'i 111110-
lix heexe lliihe just a trace'of the
sexo iirxx o l ld v ie iitothe
ixx'xixx . Vo n Mi til andxxiiNlilarixxiare
Il-h cas lg ix tlie iart i ist ixx> have
r 1C i mo <lxxi11xlix This team i ll lii
xl i t a cane-acti ii p lylet eniledx. "i
'llixioiA xx lxi li
Shi 11'' lix ilhonors wiiihlthemi iilil he
kxo~ la\iii +,ni and hiirxxxiilxxix. bNiN
Milo lis a I Clever 1omedlxiilnnei. Asidei

pirisesi' lfthe pla}l.
iW ARl) ANDi) xiil-AiWED
Miaxixame Ceniiirch, xvhis lx ingli herei
Tliixiiix.i is'gardeid'lasionicof tiii'geat-i
esti of Iixxiaxn aritit. Iler exiii iiiixixxiwasi
recivd lItaly lxxr iiie iiist'iartix aul
Sile reminsixasi ihe lxclas ftheix greatii
group ofxinxgers xwxhihisilx lianxi
schiiooi liasproduiicedx.
'xx notxasvyetxbvii annoiunixedi.It ilxiii -
'eudevxlhxixexver, xxxigx fromxiieaichi xf tlxx
Idfeetgrexatxcholxsi. ixhe Germa
classxicali perlii1iiiodo luiillfuiiihxlax
numberiof xelctixin. Itis alsio expecteid
lxsiionxbyeli iiie xigxii1i lxv xicxxii-
pistlxiIsalx re\ixiixii cxxxii-cli. xcxx

fr m te l l) i n the a it, iix xSe-0l'iii..x'xx LEvCUREv.
play thel part ofxaii iil e Nir ma- 11. lxxivixiuixi x ectiuxei recxx ita i te
xx'ain as'a'iii W." hereis xaclexver ilci iitiher iiiimp ra txmuxicxal eventi xxf tli
iiinii l xxp ic llvix xxivxx1ix'i th pl ay-xi weekx.cx isiislxexspccixli ntierexting lxe
il of heSlxx x lN ii xx and11111 i calix avi l s. ix causix t ilviitrextiox l ianix soxnig lthe
Lxxx l d Chapii.lii l xxxtwi tyial dayxii fter lixs greatiest exponxientxxsi ee
xxxd iii lix'actors whoi xxioffe lxi a i')r ii m"Abor.i The rccixalisixtheiseconxdii
lnt, of c Clevr xrcp trtcc'randisixgingini n"-i illi the Nseriex, xxiut ie ist e it t itcaxtxoi
hesxxx raroasat:fudini the sonli e v xeoe nt.iie Tih''l Italian i cxxiii-
a xubex fV ex -;: x leaing fetur ii th xixxitor xi uhxandp i. Commitieninig w lih
the GratWlxcecrxs tie earliestxxxiiigx, Mr. I lxxi xxxii i
The xmoingl' xx xp xicu wil be ewcii' xii raxee the iiusiicali growth'iitoi tiii presentIi
lxxxixixxxhouses lthat xprev ild all lasxi xe'titivxe prohrami chosen i romiteis
lxxxix. 'lxi liit \"cn x lxx x anxiiiSatiurd'aiiyx schooii. Muixs ixarlin xxxidi ilix liHunt:
nliiliii' xarepol arii Wxil ili e lixx xii xiiesx xil ixsit \i'. Holand' inii thei recital.
c iln.Itis xpiectedl thati Verdi'six C lii'ii
xxx xxixoo,'xoV IM, xxAT i llx xix' xx, . quaxri'ettxe xxilbei' lde d i n theiii pxvi-
The d lxihflxx musxicaxi l mxeloxi'xamal, grin.ii
'0i 111 ubic e l )rTl iil iv lxix-o
thing;in a w thctrica loffe ing lith-
out muh xiallil' lx'lxin thexxis-ii
beeniixiiaili xx sucessIs "vil xx.
M llil i thexitle roll l i\-il ;ralx
nom:ii l ixx xxv i
Nix xxxiii xxxlix I 'xlc i' xandxtile ixi xieixuxi
itx n'itillxilvi "'xi 3x

xare: I "hie Next' luiliiixlxi Thxe Cxily
Registrtxion," ''iinix Painsxxfor ite
Coixiglx Y ear," "xxilte Peuxtiy-'ixeiigatt
Gxamie,"" 'Studilexs li Religioin,"anid
-From r thi le Sanxctxiim.''Fliiliiaccouinixare
giveni of the'imeetings xif lie ixoardl of
regenin iiJuntie, Juily antd Sepiemrier,
aautl m xeimoriaxl of the regenix on the
deaxt ol Peter NWhiteie puihied. The
regularxdepxrtmetsx"Athletics," "Aluin-'
i" "Nextsxfroix the Claxsexsi" NMar-
rixagex'- "Nevrology," atix "Obituaries,'
are cnctxiieedl as usua'i.
'lTerecenit xppionteexsxxfthe different,
depaxxrtmxentsx were gixveni aireceptixon by'
theunivuieriy facultiexsin the pxarlorx
of Baxrhouir gym'siumxxi W\edniexday
exeing. Its puirpxose iasxto inaixki'the
newvmebex'rxsxacquaintted xx li eichxoter
andxl iithx the oilier inxstrxuctorx. For tisi
purtpose theittenof thesecrxal deipaxiv-
ment, lheadedxx by their idexans, ivere
groupxtedxin d ifferenxitixirtxsiii the roomsxi.
'Thecreceixinlinheconstixxedi ofPrexident
Atigell xaindiRegeinix lexal. Sxiwyer, Le-'
landiandHill, andiihiri rxxes. Refrexih-
mexticerei'serv'edi dulrinig.the ev exning.
'lhe xx'xier anisxx'lxaborixovixrx' ofi ihe
uivxerxsityxixasxalivarereiing reputatxiionx.
Nexarly cx ex clayisapl xexsxiixx'ater are
receiv edi fromii xillxpartsxoi the coraltryx.
''hese sxaiiiplix'xare anaxlyzedi lxxv the
chemviiicxalxanii bxcteielxcontientis. Somxe
cliis wheretyph xioidi anxdlotheirldieaxes
watxlv xsupply for ianaxlyxixs as cften. as
evvxlixayI lie analysix is cairriedi on
in thic hygixenelabhorxiiory in the mteilx
biingiiii undeiiir thev'imxanxgemetie of ciJoe'
barred lfroiiialingix viiigirlxsi inte soir-'
txoiiiyxousxes ofithe I'niveityxlof xNc-
e rak. hecuxi' of xsucii airemaxrk-
aleivstatev ofiaffirisi'x hatlx thee'ave
beenixspec ial meei itigx of liii'.N'. C. I.

lOrganic xize ftihe -Nsxocixate'Playierx,"
{I ixLiixc
(l)wing to ill leessexxofi tie opieinig
adeiseet whliixxx xlxiiihlxxii tox le xet iup
xfii the lxir lxxi tim , xte October'i itumtiler
ofi the if x cgn lumuswilno b1111iffteire lii xiod'. iDx'ii xxi
wxi i xxi\ xixex xondy mrninxg.
liilxxiii lxitlreix xl Clxaie'. xiilxxoii
Osbrn ofx xx SaiCulti Six'. MNioe, xxihox wasi
aintedliiixiiemxii ofithexu'iversx'itxil to
xsucvcilithellie IPetexvWhite, xxxii of
Chilxxixx \Nllxiee lle it, liii'neix' Necve-
nexi- enineing' campixxiandxxiiofithe xlix
'ath lec ied foriixxxi, xiii ompete' thei
ccx crs"regiveninter c'estinigxisk'tchiexsof
Repe'nt'ii (li lxxiiaxiiioxxiSeceta'xix' iith.
Axstory'onitieliewxia tlicieildxifoxi
womeniwrtt'nibyiForencexBler, 'cl
is x ifiaxxxre artierv'.einig three paxgex.
All uelsxi xcxiixxex'ixi iitilte inxiw'enxx
gnrigcamp are xpv 'Nilainedxiniiili.
R'duxvi xxitoimtevrvic ,x xi xa xiidevange,
binxg xuicon icxlnxxiihnueustixxxIxi opxics
ol gra'duatellv'ndxxindeirig'aduxxii lifelil lii
fraex iti''iiv xx x xxxies a a xiv rityii tit ioixi
see to heliv' x l thlii'gre'xtest editoial'
attention iiithis on N.:ix iiierxstinx
ioffers ax'xiisolutinutofxiiat isxlie
cosiue xi oneix x of xxx' th le gvexatest i'etorsxi
thec frateiies--thei'imethodioflciuingii
xxxix'brothers'v. xThexitiort ilxontinsaxi
ouln.-falognzto hc aelbiixlxx toegulxate iiihe'recruting of
xciv lvxxrte rnxiymebeixirs xxiCorinell.
Othier 1toisxxhandledi lxxthe editor

i eport of Committee Will Show
'Balance on Hand Nearly One
Hundred Dollars.
Every ohstacle to a subtatiia dra-'
matic hind xemsx oxrconesintieirthe
tirexetation of 'The Servant ii the
Houste." Memberx of the faculty are
givintg their untined xsupport to the neix
entuerprise, and this, coneced with the
stimuilating praise of such eminent iriticex
as F. P. Morse and Janiex00D. Bennet,
tax vone xuchtxio further the preliui
'tary xwork.
-ihe financia report of the mxmange
maenti of the rexetnt prodxuteionu i now
requly to presenttu o itheu' no-th leic
audlior, atnd the residuue of the fuid
whenxitaddxed to tie cntribxutionsx'areadyi
matuxo lxthexdrintaice xfudxilxxiimiake'a
lumputunixsifi caiout sev'entx-fivxedolxlarsv.
WhNilie the xamounxitt int xatpresenti xxiv
ticularly large, it will miae xxi excelenti
wx'oring nuteleus iby'meaxlixof xxhicheiti
adxixanuxe the mtovemntx.
Mr. Miller in whoe geteroity the
presenxtationt of Kentned'x dramia i due,
haix seiii xordx of ongratuationuto the
uieriy for is interest ini the dramua,
aidxconiudering the interest howxn by
sox conspiuous a figure i the sixage
wxorldl, Michuiganiuhaxlitle reasonix lo
thinkabher relationsixviwitthiioutsixde
dramua at ani end.
Ai. handxomae itemourialis 'xto lxib ein
by' the "Serxvant" comittuxiiee lxi the greatl
'Tluebharth ofcoxtrol ofi no-atltielc
organtizatioxnxaxnt yet had aixopp-'
tuiy iii meet to xvcte utxnuthe etalulis-'
uxext of a oard of trutee, but Prof.
Godidard, ctairmuain of the boair, lind
Dr,. Govr, the secretary, spoe i xxxvi
fxavoxralxe terms ofithe proedxx plais
lxxxitlhere isnoiiidolutofiiithe ixoar's
uxltimuae xupport xoi the lprjeet.
Mr. Moxre, who xhals een until re
cently thu.vdramxatici critici ofithe NNas-
ingtonixPosxt, xiiipas trough AnnixAr-
bor iithxinx a exwdaxs, xand iisixhpie
thalt hi' will oxsexnt to xaddrexxs iian xih-
encce uponxxxthe possxiliites ofia dratrluici
venisancuue i the untierxix. Mr. NMovse
unitethe firsinotble criiixiixu oxl'iii
Serulaxtiite ixite,' antdl lix remuavk-
ableiv prophlecy xofthe xsupour thalt woudx
cone toitiifrom the puxlpit devxteits i
rvxluitintaryduaitiies, lhas lbeiinumorve
'xci xoR "xF'. xUI'axU ci x."
"The Society' of Funkxer" is ti'unamte
ofi anxiorgxaizationx at the Ohi N\exiexxuxi
unxiersiy. Otly' personsx xxho havxue
fxailed inxthueir xwor re eligihle lxoi
mtembterxhip. "MNisery' loxvxex cuixiuaux
mtighthe sugge'ted asixlixsimotto.i
'Fle xvariy asehall teamuiofxithe Unii
veriy of \Vashingtonulisxxv payingx
ax xriesi of gamexit Japan. This isi
couidered the lonxgext, most itetretinig,
antd umost instructiv'e asebal trip ever
takein hy a univerit nine.


LuixN -ITN.xx.
At thue Majestic Monduay Night.

Choral Union ad ay etia
SEMBRICH - October 27
BRONSTEIN - November 17 May res va
HAMLIN.. - December* 11 Five Concerts-Four Days, May
GABRILOWITSCH January 15 12-15, with Thomas Orchestra of
FLONALEY - Fbruay 2360 players, Choral Union of 300
FLONALES -Febrary23, voices, and~1eading artists.
Tickets for the entire course, including the May-Festival, $3.00. Buy your tickets now and hear the first five concerts
for nothing as the price for admission to 'the Festival 'alone is als4-6300

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