June 08, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 178) • Page Image 1
…Vol. XX X RBOR Xit-itl . CI Nt N, TI f l'E [. I \ , JIIK .i~ Vol, XXi: No. 178. VARSITY IS MISSED IN THE CONFERENCE Minneapolis Journal Wants See Michigan Back in The Fold to CALLS RECEN'T'lMEET A FROST i"videncetat hiichiyais iss ined Ifromi the WestirnConiferencead adii((ly m((nv (I ~ tiust)accumuliiate. The fail- ure- ifthe annuaol Conference chanin-n lhip tract: ilect it(her to de(leiop a 11(- Iv clas-contest (w dr-itt aicardisiac-...…