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June 08, 1911 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1911-06-08

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it l liii\ I C f:-I ii IIL:'
n tini n . tthell l d soit t i ill t.
strIiuiwnii undai ,Itti n- i ti clast
Ii tpt is a ma iii tfi s 'a r
not no i lng t elec-aiii llt ii i
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d s ofoiiaity.V
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hearti cx iii e ) ay mg m ntl)
poi ly :1i1i 1 ini d, i o, nit1 itt l;
re p e'r} (lt 'l iit m cl tsli t
',ca ofipal nti t 1hdlcs ~h
Stan~n a} , "Hos gir, twuM ares t1thN
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ilitli, tIN Spicy, Nilbtlt tiNNltN. -. It
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li It lriiioi(h Ill itV tihael il
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%virl; from its pr()pcl' piacc aillall ; thu
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Ppml rc)llcliti()Ils, thcse Ilct llpill him, all(i
Me a A m 11'lle:l C'1"i't'l-Ming has 17wl
plsscd thrt)llgll, he rt Ilins wily that
W, iCh is Valllah!W.
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Lu Ct;mAr\" the Ct),ii<l ;hm of lltlClcira--
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itieM o the-Chrch ~n~saFisl
rescrKit asa rc ~ tilt-


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;Ior and hay 1wide ]I( r
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ft e * iv r llni s a V t liltiOfti le 1l
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iii:;to te rues ,t bythe cild of teilt
Th ret oetill pe v imi ilawthaVti
thatpublc as wellas p ia tinterestsV
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11111iN ia" -I 1bls a l il

It L'tlili'.°z: to
frC' 4ll:cal t ('
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glit <il til.tt Mr. i : \It)r;
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us may twr, aps 1 ver in,

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f', rrls ,. ., t' tt,,, tr:.


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to ul v i' (tvery 'n''ir lit' n W i h
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\\ rit ir itl t i l s t tit ho V'ok i ltVhVrm.
lilt iC Ict ilt' 11(11' V tt l2Ii'O lll~ se
to hae atitdhmhe d llis V Ii
lril' tan ll ' ' V it ith su te l> Iiis
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