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June 08, 1911 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1911-06-08

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Vol. XX X RBOR Xit-itl . CI Nt N, TI f l'E [. I \ , JIIK .i~

Vol, XXi:

No. 178.


Minneapolis Journal Wants
See Michigan Back in
The Fold


i"videncetat hiichiyais iss ined Ifromi
the WestirnConiferencead adii((ly m((nv
(I ~ tiust)accumuliiate. The fail-
ure- ifthe annuaol Conference chanin-n
lhip tract: ilect it(her to de(leiop a 11(-
Iv clas-contest (w dr-itt aicardisiac-
knit tid-bd I~ythle binneapoiiilistpvesstot
says: "Thie C mii erence games o(f Sat
urdav i-i tt acoetecathli la
Mimst and imIi ost nifithe 111cale-csndti
tlicst a f 11heiwest. it has been a
tc<Snfrfo tm n nt tle ,ni lie lovs it
worknI ith l tyadalessttcr
()f thei-ntet-ilthen In sand nte-
Mlichigant lticonfttittiir lffrtsilmsti
cniv i it- :cast, and wtile iclnt -west
oitW i~n strivei withutlttle X'O1-
LI-1V btiit ii CAbPbIN XX 11,
Th lcintif aioneitali catin for l
ietvtear is lscedutled itotakevlceti
nnwhen the varsi itisquadnmets toi
Iaeth l lapctureteakn Itial
lopolale that the ":M's"nwll e wr-
vii itth tilt sae timie. The tratca11i
mtnt bet he idniaofed( Fray
adteecinit ninet atiti ttall
adthe ivardiinofl li traik "M's"iwill
ticueatth(isi tine icc aiig tttiannuce-
(((it:. (Itu1tIIN i-i itt-nfi T i ,tNSIn
irSie tiluthin addiesie-v thl-i-
ontercandtII istorlealoityat iv l c it"
lalit enminof t.itlloivItuividdrestitile
almio htct ed:rdhmI e'eptioll. Thle ave-illntls expieted tio
the ciminniat etagciii Oe. bWilliami
hioffit, 'ofi1it.Induuui bui i Ovcc tNi )dof
home of thebidte in .~10tci. XI eel
N.Fmd iof) L,,ill(111act is bnstml.
leltctiimn ofti-xt year's (fficers o f liii
voicenitsJitte iuniversity iroint sig-t
v ici-ptreidett T. M. Riobie, -itcretryvv
atti F. W. i iilitreasuretr.
ait tin(t-n at tv nvatORtt eiii,.otmnit.
Atfidtfoti- iaintibihi li teiig tel-c
scoeigaiit te lbsertva(toryhansitt-ittri-
vidiedi f-tvIbyIR.1'. Laont gif, (if fhi-
ecago. Pay-mtetstatreimadt o thei-bser-
atory ofifitnlso-sleetid

-itbfOOf)iNGTIJN fIOiS bbEI.
clainm to fime-restsin theii fac t tt it i
the seatOof tliiiversittfIdaa
wtent wct- helii-iither-va.i n li cogv t io
of tint-voteros iii i Daly tdntthieitof
fiilpbia in of lte uiers iN s
ninneilftrtht itt-tmonngt-itt atbig
lated rein eintit-i- l i tt ln in orderv
toh btle ti ct.v brg unhhi wr
butt seciri-edtitih irteeaeItrisinut
ins or a futitiv-liaring. I i sail
thttefwtivie- lmencvwas it liv nti-
First (ame Promises to Be Hard
Fourgams hve lit- uibten i n-
ito-nfoctAl-tvre1hifootbal mn
tiv theo fipe late ill efl. d son
Whi.ao. Co I-inle 1 Lnlitov N
varscty-itarhhastibeen iteotnilledito oah
Olivet a Oliv it toe. il
1lmidhut IiauiAnui livoii No-. u.
M.itA.n vC.tviill-Fresnh atsr.ol N
iTNe fpenfeliteS wilt w(iletbSP sme
lihda ihigiain it hst ortI aigCime-i
hI vouniter-ni l.va N Tn
reod ho e tha t i(ithLothai-tlhoi
)WgIitt- ae toingiiittitt(in il al
th iii- cttlt-i II Altl- t It itou it pr(bviii
tt- lnbutint culdibearrtngedi tno otherI
fayfand inid it ttitit tillthot I ik -on
friii meniglitltu c tet-tineuit ndedinto
Frp i etodihutnetitall.I i
e-vge.tea- fiintI mv oeo

Col, . CJ. Hecker of Detroit
Aids Residence Hall


BRINGS TOTAL UP TO $14,000 illi t

te P niii Cii tttti risin ni tt
bb uinnt capitals v-irot et
ity lii iiiIt iltd $I i1 ((itoo tc' o In
reic It Ihalsoniliii I ii I liltilo
Inti eestsof ciiigamu alds a See
ond Initiation
llc- ml pee e wii ((( til il
tI s l iii t , h s w ( -la c lt
the <°co d dcc, aioit i t (itd bbi
i tltu tI . lra uh\(.I X i , I. l;r
I >05 e r, ~ h and (i. (tilt ( Il \
lit bl Iv, tt 0pI I. al Ii
Of thse u-t ih rt o((I( itcri iiestt
the ()her tree ao lmlpcndi t .
I' \T SIvt, S, -t II Xii
it S. (i hut icil oft teI r-
of ' l1cii ll Iii lld a p o 1 tlt htsn
mani o it n tiiil r didtti sd 1 c (I
iII tt t e ps cll ttat ic liii it i " iii -
n toF i.C~t y it t I i. cAl

I i

NI ~ ~ viK ii It-CLASSFR .
- li. ,'2, 11 11 ' tt1, C S L A ST L E C T U R E
,, ~trl. Professor Thompson Talks to
- fill - 1(,11:~1o fcl. Laws on Professional
t)Is1, 1 t)it-t lil Il-' i~ { f'Conduct
r< c' ri I r1: -1icr11)1 SPEECH CALLS FORTH OVATION t1+1(tt
eI i til tt lit-f tbe litwndt epart-hit otf
i- lit -M:
Cllilt thehilt ofIlilitruc-tionitt pre-
ie illte lssrom frthe lat t ime
LS TO A i strdvi monngiro.T. X.liogie.
~~~~LS ~ ~ ~ ~ l he4IEiI OIA i arsithe ivitincitonatofIteig the
,11ill tn M i ll tn tiem uivtoriifty hit al-
Flat s And rvtvsin Union Clam t cdthelirtlttetuire oft Pv-f.l'ittrnp-
piontip ititatch -l,1< p vo ,t yoterdlaf and nan
cito0 h eii i ttduatotr an
fh- x(13 " 1'i;,..i, i i!t In ii litice .;(?ttti Ifinte
)111 -lo as rad he :a h e a id (-,)me
- - - 1 _:"t~l-'ittIlls tailer.
i 1:Cl r - - - li (((the llose ioft the l Iectu e
{I ,!I lc'iii it d m nsr tl f h j no
;t~11- l ( (1tt, t? . 1e (bc lw o llsse t itipl ongitedi
N' d l-t ii I r(lii 11]( enerd i s ca -
t?"c1 11' !?, ('1 ,"-11 3' i - ' i C ' i' 'l ii itl f) re tTi l iland tac-
1. i i I - - 1 o t av -s oul tkep Outttf
i_-. - - i - - 1 1 iti 'h m n di ngti
N N %, I ," fle c ire of hs -(c u "It ll , (calg
IM It"I it , i() ) ,t f iilI l 1 ) tllw r c i tiolc naford im
Ic11c It)'tnlt 1 I ) ("X - d itudt-i
t O ~ 'E 11 _1:i 11i?' cc- i , n al a tlv-p liic lipat-i it ion
1" tci (,"T11 (G11 lIl m r i w se f ti e
XI ily:ll- "' f\t - - 1 l i ((I tii llciUitil theinilt ywit
- tcsttuieies Fgs ,

(lflt I hi v It ilt 1151K'

I FORbltl R3II N G llbK

b cii Iuttd fln-i1, a~ t tUllio i1

lilt-it-ti I itt-igel] ittc Il i -it
M nitA Iti t n t-tiult rMr O PI. Nc
Itill Ii (ia tilt lit ititt ofi t he 1 mvi
[:ln beow th I ttl i (.(it


lot ist hiat noInth 1v 1th t 'I tith
aseryi it yea asii itt- btt toidnwithi l
tht idai iwl alshctisse ii l fr ni tolsol h lt-

e cr I- I llttrr Klt It /i(lo rfPrr -l i its tht fittet i itbhcicfIlel(Ifi

Zkhe 1911 MICHIGAa
Now on Sale at The Book Stores

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