November 21, 1895

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November 21, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 46) • Page Image 1

…~ijc I. o ~ Wil p VOL. VI. N\o. 46. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THUB SDAY, NOVEMBER '21, 1895. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. R."- M = ='-1fII- 19- M IrtT, l1 C LA SS APPIN IT MENiTS.' CHEAP HOTEL RATE. NE #* Manager Baird Has Secured It a O E GUITAR ,,,COMMITTEES ANNOUNCED FOR Chicago. IV, GRADUATION CLASS. 0011 Is eiioiigh for one person to _____ifefooig ve it'lvdii,'i S play on at one tine. One I4 I List or the Members-Class Decides atari3no eog, hsecago...…

November 21, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 46) • Page Image 2

… ' Ts J r ~ ~THE U. OFl M. DAILY °Grn 4' - , +IWlStrteFootball World Sat- Grn Hue t J 4 WlStrteurday We have left a fair Stok of MUNDY EVENIN, UV 2tH Published Dhell(o etrey exped datain; all sorts of- theCllege year, at 'The fotblli otliulits ooof lie (ello- o_ RT N A LES { , H THE URIVERSITY O MICHIGAN. try will b itefillr qot v"it sottnooI8 I@LI p+THE + '0rFets Timnebiling N.Minra t., opposite as ttoo of lthe mot inll)rtiLtit ltllo whitcirk...…

November 21, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 46) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. IGHIGAN GENTEIA Time Tale (evied Mayl9,194 MKail'adE.-350 Mal51 ---1 --- 34 N. Y. Special-_- 500 N. Y. Spcial -..7T30 Eastern E--0 12 N. S. Limited... 92 A. . PacicEx-----1 57 Atlantic Ex... 74?. . O.N.Expre-s -5 40 Weten Es.-.-.-2 Q0 G R.Express ---105 Ch. 1Nt Es-0 2 O W i uoojd 1.I. AVES, GP.dT.Ag.,hcsgo.At,An Abse WaORTH4 M1ldosGil Sf FAILWAY r122 p ,10:oa.. All traindily ecept. Sndy Tiainorn betwenAn Abor a.Toldo only....…

November 21, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 46) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. Tlie Very LateSt Noble's Star Clothing House,,.fiai. Novelty in Goods., N ck. SITS MADE TO YOUR ORDER IN THE N c w a CITY OF ANN ARBOR, For the next 2 weeks for Some of the newest things in Four-in-Hands, '$19.00 AND $23. 00. Puffs, Strings and Bows. Some of 'Oure J05. W . Kjo jlau, baucl's" Best. The Practical Tailor, S BE 0 u R 'WI N0DOW. ~ to~ R. Washiagton It., fUp statrst -Try Our "Red Star " Oil. 5E plyNosmk. o feniv...…

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