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November 21, 1895 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1895-11-21

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' Ts J r ~ ~THE U. OFl M. DAILY °Grn 4' -
, +IWlStrteFootball World Sat- Grn Hue
t J 4 WlStrteurday We have left a fair Stok of MUNDY EVENIN, UV 2tH
Published Dhell(o etrey exped datain; all sorts of-
theCllege year, at 'The fotblli otliulits ooof lie (ello- o_ RT N A LES { , H
THE URIVERSITY O MICHIGAN. try will b itefillr qot v"it sottnooI8 I@LI p+THE +
'0rFets Timnebiling N.Minra t., opposite as ttoo of lthe mot inll)rtiLtit ltllo whitcirkcan ho cosed oit as &D p I O ®
pot oatlie. (oyr d o 'oo.loiiy- follows: C .
EDITORS. valiaie 110010tlid attt I llttolt. MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, J 50N -
t. A Le 1o , 5.Idrrtgintto.e ton ]n111a(1 1(11' iltti3yOOllt- 6 0 tL D A
G. .r.i, t CG., Asoixtat"1019I t wYokiiarid l.titit tttGODJ WRITING TABLET, B --0-______
JC. It. C ' s v i.t ranrt. latMch nad ln0et ai RAE LIEN TALET, - - 15CPRCES BC C 5 AC CQ
L.c Wva3atwf ,,. tnlnv,,Manaero. Cell togeiliir t 1iltlit. te cotinBEST CRAE LIED TABLET, - 3505,50 5 . 1
As U lisoci ateAss's tir leioittof thfo ftba~ll soi t~llo iltiWRITING PAPER BY TE QUIRE OR LB. RENTSOHLER,
L. A. ocrgl , t'fi. A. K. flre , ' ''Otttt leiO n triliy on tle ruof - erlit i ik fw i t e o ottie.
. A. I o'toa, '610i. . BN. Htim t 9& P)1. ili i':,( Iamen. Itttt' l o(. l tt e totile's
Kattherine 11(01, '07.. iRI. G,(lm(oOn('8M. aethtIonsl t l. ilwilt fotl gs g os. ANTI ARBOR. M4ICH.
13. 13. OeternYOt9. I. I. £Ility '90
It. C. Itro, '9(.1h1. Poolanuar h 10dson,)( 0Harovardo, 1wich i(0at, lli Iiyitt in:itst
F. A. Mlce,' '( If 1. E . 1. do '8
WC . ilog(((', 9'00good((formt u, it Otto, Ot5 hen .tiletigl(
The piof lthI', Jlly twill lt il shr-
ttore,.5l t ryear, nvi aly fu ada it ilmo t ve'nly btltict d ( nt ~til o rs(I
___________ illit adscre. Positively Limited to December 24th.
'Iliere -will be a iei ll ill t10iolloil (7 t l ui iligthe11' tilt (g571(10'.it111il- N 'ragi swilthere hee another Spe d iaOfer mae on h i geatSto r deD thinary
Endllrylopmia of th' Worl Co rleg'ltlc.5Vo*foly 100-etlto10advanrc' 1'hlI l('n(. (iberc
Aitter 1car 'fult onstiit '(001, 101'o(ho"1deideto10c00ui1(o e r Sled :ri 0--Pl0i~ 11.(((1(0 l
lnt oiftth l istor l~~y (f ill' tI'tli, I uivtyil or (1a1 111'h~lt hli'Otl t sn i' mp11100 and1(1only01(000 I(e n'i0ofd e'rtiIg (1,0 10i1i1It i l occreoeafc isloric. e.'01
T inoiexei't t1.maetone01(1b3} flt ofooasothe vary (0(01(price 11ioi l uetel lerl 11'toga(1(11. n111t0_('.11
to s '15'1ai ~tCceslt ill C I-11 pas foraper, rinlteigonl fing. ti-rhetremienouso' un050ofl eal~otedwi et o ac vc11(.'l . ist(l(
Ilotott11oril, ,7cd rco lilo1 ll ht1 it onms l 001 c vo1o10011. tecoilhie lotied tsht15toiOlth C 01. t o ., andet m1a1(7othe cities,
fob la o210 ei1(11 (f e(tIl lts1C. 1(1 11- f(1e'h '('-01(1 11'Icprfee e to alothle ditioarie ad ecyopiedis. It i eul to ol o eeuctin
Donlh't ifoigt Itolook lfore Dlit' Thtq htotand She1ut'11111s 0(tih(I'omelhMill- FOR A CHRISTMAS CFT NOTHIC COULD SE BETTER.,I
Yocrpsto, tahe, fintdprets, oror iltdre il eapeae othis50gret ori eod 110001W
-i'lih'(ly w li ll:;.100 Ie ((111ellii PitltrdIhty a111111 ( '^i oo l 1 1.io. I vtt latls life time 0011 alays gil-e t-oiofotio. io btomeisor11pole tloiOilma , teacher 01.
-- eeful investigto, Cdetaot. tio reto ke booedi-'s al te fetueoacom oplte Oictionary and
Communication. tw ild1111tl lt'uew. thoogh~noylopedia. Th newanociieeiyup-o( hbeime
Totle hi'dillor of le Dilily:, SECRET PRACTICE. E nli cco p J die D ictionar'y
Wih ol' tr. ill dtt ito l 01 Satdal~O~y t it o oliell il redet ofth1511 eeeeth Ie to of c. pTie , ic motlbpents01 1$.00 ec,
- V~" arsity M ~Clo eI Gown Coohe ltosor-vcO 011111 (,he 01(1 .( ispec PiGt111.'ti-ilo I-ht 11i. t.111 s111.011111i. Calil'i 11(0.
be ilheii" I Oe'-r 00e1(11 10 h it0l. IS Thio g e tstof l 1l i oionsnOS ad 1 hiooeeoto lioo v11(editied b h wo5rld1 t-re one d s orta
Yesterday. Dr RieS'S Huter, AIM, FGS Prof sIHuxley, Moris, Herrtag, Estoclet. Willams, etc.,
110 Il'hsiill sreLit 1(1'(ll 1'(lo r t i (f 1- -1100lidhy0ine1d111s raila a (10iltltohoin oforget'
- forDon't forge
ithe11110(0 Il Olte l (11.11ill't1od11ilt I t o' itoit' riatice. i n(01 (11 sp ciamof
wou~hl 1 l(fld ot o obi l llI0111 tnluless ~itt (110';ouns0w'l etedii00010l erybl'( odylly o nly un t il
ihe illolt :ol 111ldoills lilt r 11111te ~10 (11(1'1 ln oi i I Christmas Eve,
0) I heprcewill
101yt 11 / - t wichtim
tCinh dli 1101' w (10( h 111ve ((to C ld 111e t R~31(tI0('11-1 0' lnow itow lh tit't'0 - n'.oP Ri_. I' I 5010 III e I -,$428ad $70cedr
day ,; e nver ; ef'r'e pllei aw cdiy Inest todinly y - - Iset, and abso-
To dolh1lb has (' 01 t b ill] 0 llu"m, go o sp rits o 11 (1-I, fte1 pc ceAi(e'RE011 K t t ioiopt ylte y no deia-
h~t il'l'~lt(g' (1( tl'trn o~I 11(1l hrhei tti 111 (1 0111' O' - ~ II Mtij I I- tion from these
suf.thecolegebt5>we eresur a it- . fort. htsale nlinv':hook
would(1ii-110o(f 1(1 1111 (11(11 h n diio alot-ll'hei1bealIl (IO ic h e t(1if ll h1.(1s 11yet 11 had;Iog p~-stri es, andl can
fa. Tto fh itter reil ontad.iill(! iil 00 th i s e r.Th('1 Rese' vetitti i eitl0 ts ill- k l1)e-" only hma e t int
- -,-- Tooltoitoo;etv;leooe e TOIJI' TSP " JIOYTI'NAIstreresead a
feaurof lltthetrt10(oly card in(tllt. 1(11 Iwell trdyi'll testlllc Obr$5,0 ejielt irueTi anfcn e-Edator.
to 'holtertro an r istictflhtet' II Stosfa('t pies igoalsstwyiofthebe lit lsno-.y oer eorIted fromeh teceas or
th01)e Te lt aeiAnSE o'lLL llll.htulny (01Oilltiel-olo, (1010anldl.00onio our athose
T Iabove s xrttgh hots e it 111of aoolotoyF . lr,0 lP7T0l 1) OlT 70lNtl 1. l olgat eS
Yorsre 'etf ll li oeI te111 o ioiiti hioo Ito tgieis(aIom 000-pl ic(t0tioyof he gi h l anguage. Evi' Ihery word iexhaiedtret. nt
______________t scntspeprh Lihrary1Bel, sot Cat ho r ,l int hled from 0110 plt, icarecl eaer type
Webter Society. datnig at (Gragrs Aette(10. Offic, 011 (10(01 10ut110p0000, a01111 itoltlodA0-lbtou l 0111ne pr to10stoade pecily fo it ok.
Y"It ietr 'thnt cli ohe tleittsrls'i, lcsooolt'otr'otclio of Woreterotano bt ( 1(010tths
_______ ~~rtlitlloO 01(11 oldetiy Si :Maytard st ot.s fI~idl ,211 aeo the 1.1'stietero eact bt S 11 l0,0 0 10rdsiai',1l01 01 s3to Slodod ootis
_____________________________ but___ i__ lttle o'er '0000lw ord lii OhIit ,1 e s t v. 1( o110100 lie oy cotittobhot22 ,0 0'oword .anddselt fo
Tin'e W eboter soety I11.10 arra.g1d0101so t i (0 (110. lo 1(1,is of vrouseloa 51Is10r0011foe $101to 01111 Tbogoot iNCCLOI' DI DI-
7,, 15 55,5wY, contini101101,:.711p01000. 11003,1000 ilutrtieonstound it ourothand 0some oms, hs ver
tRho 01c5 feltoopitigirim l ltII FriayLo'wney's Chocolates. 20',00-iords,3,00l cciOlp 01coeot, atd Ith100ccept-edathoity of the Egsh nutSacge.-
evntig Relldinllo- St.it.rkertoo Is- H tMNie Opinions-Thousandfs More Equally Good.
otLunchies. Teel' tycop.:odie Dictioartestorerhedf101u0e ic Iisote geatest t1me-svcrctmogcllmy books
soy, D. IE. hilliet tlC Ora ti , Wb. N J .the publli o o05(11011e1gilmll ei~et stisf11c1ion.1 of1efeee cTt re s11 0 111otewokof man' tis
---Afte anehausotie iriti n of0.allth'iitze an'l('0deastht ern or apmom olotoo
fiLnTt5il t poe', E,1.I'. iBla ly;, d'atell , 1o ltloOOsi ', 100(0 10.10 cctelodini Oefe O~ l oay wiht.le . X.WTjiles, 1.0. ,0 lb cg, a.
eiOlhl~ 111 111 0 lb 11111 T tIE , 8S. State CiSJt. othe.A a511 t l00cl id~ i00,cry, lo001411ob 11itll1r0pec1s0a0wots1that 011ey tt dotcd ome
of eir-0111011 co, afl~ . 1. Sweteit hti ' erhthoo usatn~tiid.s o iiiprl~ o(01 l. 00011(1(100 I'll'h'lyolplll Dictioayottens teditioar
W' .Oe~II lg.i.0'.51k oi GREATCUT IN CHICAGO PAPERS 1i1101110.--Elasu PtLaeh(f.Oot rt0 (.o00! ci t 1 ill(0lliit .Ntotokttll.
0.01111 10ngD W .Tl' n ~ld)~ S.er~erf a'rm Ifusa profect tretry oeknoledegean
11have0 00'otter-, 00oe id l le Ced t ury001011 ((1010 r~cr-'sof n eoycoptdiaosell ma
C). S. I'arntey; illpt'tlllitl1i, t ' it~0l Col and pgo't poleSe. o Ii (111(10 zI .011111(1iioinnll . 01 1 oooric tcoaoy. 001111 fie moeeet -he. (eree
tin .s.io nlo-t-' i."Ofa} ~amr.nflool Potto ron, D., NeGlasgo,Noa Scoti.
dent's0ot lion;tIt erti's Oriport. ' .. a----..-5,-- . rhea-o s'i fr t o 0' elloB13 cmt , s, Anrlofcoensa~t~o-a booc to every it-
.." 'ed1VJ1LG /X. Abric, t1-01 c 1 ort'1001Katnll dnt-oe O(lier Crne,.D., LL.D., Bosto.
NOTICE. 'erley-"s1 -i f l c i t eferc It- Etnsive hn infomtiounimsspechal icec-
NOSS. tiversity News Stond.tb-IOO('t~ra3 l'tot'5c e(flcl. ay. Pli Leger,', Oildcpha.
There oil Ito a meeting oftefre1h-4SFWillam t. Boo-, g..uar i cI 0n3l'pl'20fntIS 50 mo0ne0rfunrded if returned witin ten day.
man011la1s00at1 :70 i. ti11h1rsdayWHoag 50TC T Hq 1QEfoTWRKi.Scud 0blyepooffc orde.0 pessrde, or
jot. 21, in fhe1311 liOti pathio oupll- /rD'1T . j cb 01 . oI ill' o<f-ha 10(11 rcs ihin wett Iver moth theefteensdl$2,.inthe
ti~~'.If you wnt good reialhe life isurantce al l f as r, r o(Idt1"purchaer~. Ayoeihigo payes otheh
cc Fred 'T ticamler offi c No. I~ , Ate^ESTP r oll(c(1 eay(' 1,-((1(cit I.r1cent01(10. se1114.0.(1 This loac it pcaticlltyhe
Single reecmatnd board to ho hadt at - Fourth ave. E1yWa.4"rt t o . -i t 01-1-u11 hifpryha.'ton 10 eas ems.IWe fee to ouy comrcial
t______________or__ay____m__________iladelhi.t Adress, (ihetfo tics Sppee)
N. 17 S. Sate St. Only three doors Pamphlet f So speenmen pages free on receipt of 6 cts to pay postage.
from campus. Hot and lighi fur- I.ANRTFFFRCi . Eohie Z, rs + Ug ( 236 So. Eighth St.,
nushed. HAmrimERvm , 20 Fton iccst ~Scate PuI JAi ing C® PILAELPIA,PA


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